《Sera》History and Backstory


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Worshipped by all as the mother of creation.


The name of the world she created.

The mother gave birth to all life, she filled the seas with water and land with trees.

But a task such as creating a world would be too much for 1 god to do, therefore, she had help from lesser gods.

First there was Ashavin, god of Magic and Mana. He was responsible for filling the world with mana in order for life to bloom and blossom, allowing weaker creatures to have a chance of surviving.

Then there was Alstremeria, Goddess of Nature and Life. She was responsible for ensuring that the great forests do not get destroyed and all life in there were preserved.

Finally there was Qunsara, Queen of darkness and death. She was responsible for safekeeping souls who have lost their way and making sure that there was a balance within light and dark.

Over the course of hundreds of thousands of years, many races emerged as the top of the food chain, either due to their brute strength, or great intelligence. These races manage to build civilisations and harness the power of Mana, which in turn became Magic.

New gods have emerged over the years like Ghangis, the God of War and Murasa, the God of Harvests.

The world of Sera is split into 7 continents separated by vast oceans, they are:

Wernest, home to the Herat Empire.

Rengarr, home to the Elves.

Yun, home to the Gnomes.

Ran, home to the Beastmen.

Gaul, commonly known as 'the North', home to the Tribes.

Sendar and Farya are not known to have any civilisation.

The Empire rose to power approximately 890 years ago and stayed in power since, it was named after the first emperor, Herat Regalstone. The Empire is the most advanced in Magical and Mechanical technologies, and the capital of Regal is situated at the heart of the continent.


The Elves live in the continent of Rengarr, full of forests and greenery. The Elves however, constantly fight civil wars due to historical enmity and distrust against one another. The Elves are one of the most diverse people, ranging from blood elves to dark elves, high elves to wood elves, snow elves to bone elves, which is the main reason why they fight wars; they do not understand each other. The Elves are noted for their high affinity with nature and are the best in agricultural technology.

The Gnomes live in the mountainous continent of Yun, mostly living in caves and exploiting the minerals in the mountains, the Gnomes, unlike their name, are the largest amongst the civilised races, their average height is 2.3 metres tall and most of them are either master builders or craftsmen.

The great plains of Ran is home to the Beastmen, as their name suggest: they are part man, part beast. No one really knows how the beastmen first appeared, maybe it was the Mother Sera? Maybe it’s just some fucked up people with decided to mate with animals? No one really knows. What we do know is, they are the most diverse race in Sera, having more than 100 races but are all categorised under Beastmen.

Finally there are the tribes of The North, tribes that are constantly fighting each other and there are thousands of tribes in the continent, with the most powerful one only controlling 30 tribes at once. The tribes however divided they may be, will band together when faced with external threats like foreign invasion even if they were fighting a civil war a day before, the empire has tried many times to conquer this lands but failed every single time.


Sera shat out the world and 4 other unimportant gods and there are 7 continents with people inside 5 of them. Empire’s a dick, Elves are a dick to one another, Gnomes are not dwarves, Beastmen are furry cats and the North is full of savages.

Here’s a very well-done map made by me for those who don’t have the mental capacity to process my awful and hastily put together history of the world.

Chapter 2

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