《Sera》chapter 1: A new beginning?



As far as I could remember, I lived most of my life in an orphanage in Ukraine. They said that my parents were killed in a car accident.

I don't believe them.

They had that look in their eyes that just gave me that feeling that they were lying, most likely because my parents just wanted to get rid of a daughter they could not raise.

I remember watching a documentary about private military contractors (PMCs) and I thought that that was what I wanted to be- a mercenary.

I started doing push-ups, sit-ups and went running every day after watching it as I saw them doing it to train too. I was 8 at that time.

Sure, it was tiring but I was not going to give up this easily, the days turned into months, and the months turned into years.

13 years old.

That's the age when we have to leave the orphanage and find jobs for ourselves. Most of the children dreaded this but not me, I looked forward for this day, this day meant that I could join the local PMC.

I wasn't close to anyone in the orphanage so I had no problems saying goodbyes while the others cry and just be a pussy about it.

So I headed towards the PMC's compound which was 12 hours on foot away from the orphanage wearing a hoodie I stole from some guy and a crop tank top which I again, stole from some other guy. But a 12 hour walk is rather long ain't it?

HA! This is why I run everyday! It is to prepare for this.

As such, I, for some reason, thought it'll be a good idea to run all the way there.

4 hours and 2 towns later...


I must...be close...to the place now...right?

I struggle to breathe and am panting like a dog in heat.

I spotted a nearby cafe and sat down on a chair with a plop.


A tall and dark man whom I assume to be the owner of the cafe came my way and asked,

"Would you like some cold water? Don't worry about the money, it's on me"

He said with a smile.

He then poured some ice water into a glass and placed it on the table.

I looked at the glass wondering if the water is spiked.

Should I drink it? Someone so kind must have ulterior motives! I'm not so dumb you know!

What if he really just has a kind heart?

He'll feel hurt if I rejected it.


Ahh fuck it

I took the glass and chugged the water down


Am I dead yet?


"Thank you"

I muttered

"By the way, how long will it take to reach Donetsk from here?"

"It is about a day's walk from here."


The fuck?

I was sure it only took 12 hours from the orphanage.

I start sweating bowls and asked:

"Do you have a map of this place?"

The man then went inside his shop and took out a map, he then points at where we are on the map. Donetsk is east of the orphanage. This place is west of it instead.


Now this is just fucking embarrassing. Me having no sense of direction and walking the exact opposite of the direction I needed to go.

While I was lamenting my situation the owner suddenly spoke up and said:

"It'll be faster if you cycled there, I have an old bike at the back of my store if you want it. Just return it when you're free, so, do you want it?"

Is this man an angel? I looked at him with glittering eyes while nodding my head.

However this event will turn out to incubate my habit of borrowing things and never returning them. Such as the case with the oil baron, thus, fuck you cafe owner.

Fast forward to when I actually reach Donetsk...


A big burly man with pubes for hair shouted:

"The fuck do you want? We don't want any of your brownies or cookies or whatever the fuck you're trying to sell me, get out of here now!"

"I wanna join you guys!"

"Yeah that's what I thou- *pfft* You wanna WHAT?!"

The pubic hair man(tentative name) then stopped whatever the fuck he was doing and looked at me.

"Are you sure you understand what we do here? What are going to do with your scrawny arms and body anyway?"

I removed my hoodie to reveal a toned body and rather muscular arms; a by product of running, sit-ups and push-ups everyday.

Answering "I know you guys kill for a living"

Pubic hair man stares at me for literally 2 minutes before finally answering:

"Well if you don't mind cleaning up our shit and living off shit little pay, then welcome aboard. I can't just hire child soldiers out of the blue so you'll be doing shit jobs before you reach 16, you alright with that?"

"Fuck yeah I'm ready"

"Where did you learn to swear like that? Don't tell me that's what parents are teaching their kids these days."

"I have no fucking clue either, it just stuck to me. Oh and please don't tell me I need parent's signature or something like that to sign up cus I'm an orphan."

"Well that just makes it easier for me then, welcome aboard. My name is Bryshchovich by the way."

"Bi-co what? I'll just call you pubic hair man."


That was the day I learnt to not fuck with pubic hair man.

I then spent everyday cleaning up toilets, bunks and doing the occasional get-to-know with other members of the PMC.

It's not like I did not learn anything in my so-called 3 years internship there, I learnt survival skills here and there, learnt to fight from various people and did physical training with them occasionally.

3 years later...

Today is the day which I graduate from doing shit jobs to actually fucking some people up. Pubic hair man called me into his office.

"Fucking hell, you really stayed here and did shit jobs. Ahhhh whatever just head to the meeting room to get your first assignment. And before I forget, welcome to the silverhand you twat."

Then began my life as a mercenary, terrorising fat oil barons and skinny basic bitches alike and subsequently getting the name 'the psychopath' but that, is a story for another time.

*flashback end*

Right now I'm just wondering why the fuck is my flashback this long. Shouldn't I be a vegetable by now?

Suddenly I felt my body getting pushed out of something, like my body was being pushed out of a elastic hole.


Why the fuck is it so bright? Someone turn the lights off, hey you big silhouette over there. The fuck? Why can't I talk? And what the fuck is this membrane covering my eyes?

Heyheyheyheyheyeyy I can't breathe, something's stuck in my mouth! Heyyy~ help me big silhouette!

The big silhouette picked me up and slapped me hard at my butt.

Waaaaaaah that fucking hurts you bitch!

But as I cried out I could breathe again!


thank you big silhouette-san.

Now I'm just confused, what the fuck is going on? Why can't I speak? Are my arms still there?

I tried to look at my arms with my eyes covered by some weird liquid and realised,

The fuck happened to my beautiful arms? Why are they so fat and small? Where are my tattoos? Fucking someone answer meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~

This fucking idiot doesn't know she's been reincarnated.

Well hope you enjoyed that, sorry if it was confusing >.

Chapter 0History and Backstory

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