《Sera》Chapter 0: Prologue


Somewhere in the mountains surrounding Israel...

"Fucking shit, since when did rich barons respond so fast?"

A tanned woman with scars and tattoos all over her body complained.

14 men wearing turbans are surrounding a small shack with Ak-47s and laying down suppressive fire.

Unbeknownst to them however, the small shack is actually an armoured bunker which serves as a hideout for mercenaries hired by the Israeli government.

The assailants are assassins employed by a certain oil baron whom got fucked over by the tanned woman in the bunker, obviously unhappy about being fucked over, he (baron) wanted the woman in question to be 6 feet underground, thus he hired terrorist as assassins.

20 hours ago...

(Baron's POV)

I've hired Catherine 'the psychopath' for over a month now and so far she's doing a wonderful job guarding my oil fields. She's a rather tanned woman and has tattoos all over her body.

"It is to cover the scars"She said.

She look no more than 25 years old with a pretty face and a head full of long black hair which she often tied into a ponytail.

She has caught 7 of those pesky oil thieves already and dealt with them accordingly. I often see her dragging them into a small shack she constructed and coming out soaked in blood. Now I know where she got the title of 'the pychopath'.

Today she asked if she could borrow one of my Italian supercars for a ride.

It was her day off and she wanted to tour the city, hopefully, in style.

Naturally, I agreed as long as she doesn't crash it somewhere.

She did not return.

(Catherine's POV)



I'm currently driving this baby towards a cargo ship headed for eastern Europe and meeting a contact who offered $1.4 million for this car. With this I can quit getting shot at and dodging bullets. I'll be set for life! That angry oil baron will still be at my tail though.


I'll just go to some obscure tropical country and take refuge there in that case.

I headed towards the old bunker where I stored all of my shit (guns and stuff) and prepared to leave no trace of me ever being here by of course, torching everything here. I was preparing to leave when I heard shoutings outside the bunker, "Don't tell me they're farmers" I thought to myself.

I peeked out a crack on the wall and spotted several armed men heading towards me, they proceeded to open fire simultaneously when the guy in the red turban shouted.

"Fucking shit, since when did rich barons respond so fast?"

I picked up an M4 and quickly picked off a guy standing in the open with a shot center mass. I then opened fire at the person beside him and a bullet caught him in the thigh, followed by another in between his eyes .

"Alright, now that the dumb ones are dead, I've gotta worry now"

I moved to another window and looked out, sure enough, the rest of them took cover and are shooting from covered positions. However, Catherine is an expert marksman and any person in a 600m radius is within her killzone.

One person tried to pop his head out and peek but instantly got sniped, the assailants however, were unfazed by this and continued the siege.

"They're fucking trained to keep calm too?! I mean c'mon it's just an Italian supercar, why is he so worked up? That twat."

2 hours and 4 more pink mists later the besiegers finally ran out of bullets and temporarily retreated.

How do I know the only retreated temporarily you ask?

Well, because they came back 3 minutes later with a fucking technical.


A cheap-ass truck fitted with a big-ass heavy machine gun capable of tearing a man clean in half with a single bullet.


That thing must have cost more than the supercar, the gun I mean, not the cheap-ass truck.

The technical then proceeded to fire upon my location and left bullet holes the size of 4 bananas. And either due to my extreme luck or their lousy aim, the technical missed all the explosives in the bunker which allowed me to survive a bit longer. Not that I was looking forward to dying, I just knew I was gonna die.

But the explosives may fulfill one of the things in my "things to do before dying" list--- going out in a bang.

The people outside decided to move in simultaneously and breach the bunker. I armed the C4 and held the detonator in my hand, I was smiling as I sat there, I could hear them talking outside---they must be close now.

I steeled my resolve and chuckled, when the door slammed open I shouted

"Allahu Akbarrrrrrrrrrrr"

I squeezed the trigger while forcing myself not to laugh


Next chapter: A new life


Do note that I write this without a schedule and the chapters release will be erratic

Chapter 1

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