《Another life another chance》Chapter 3
The annual meeting of the Gods had started a little while ago.
In a grand room sat more than 1000 individuals most of them had humanoid appearances but some resembled animals.
They sat all in a half circle looking at a figure of a huge man, that looked like he was in his 30s with snow-white hair but no wrinkle on his face, that sat before them on a shining throne. To his left side stood an empty small gold throne which seemed to be surrounded by sadness, but every being in the room avoided looking at it, but when they did sadness could be seen in their eyes.
On his right side, however, were three silver thrones.
On the first throne sat a woman which seemed to be made out of light and darkness. The left side of her had blond hair and a dark eye while her right side had dark hair that seemed to swallow the light and a golden eye. Even the air around her seemed to be filled with conflict. That of course was Deli the Goddess of Life and Death.
Next to her sat a man with a beautiful face. It was well defined, with a sharp jaw and angular cheekbones. The complexion of his skin going well with his ocean-like eyes. He wore a pair of glasses that gave him a scholarly look. His body was muscular but lean, mostly well hidden under long and wide robes that flutter whenever he moved.
And on the third throne sat a ninja. Nothing could be seen except his jade green cold eyes. The tight clothes he wore gave no room for imagination of his well-trained body but most looked at him in fear, the weapons adorning his appearance giving him the air of a battle-ready maniac.
These two where Delis brothers Wiju and Muwa, and like every being in the room they awaited the opening speech of the Allfather.
"Now all of you let's start our little family dinner and I hope that all of you can act as one big happy family ok? " The Allfather spoke with a smile on his face, however, every guest could feel the pressure he emitted.
As such without waiting, everyone immediately replied with " Of course Father!!!"
Seeing such an uneventful beginning the Allfather was pleased and went on to talk about the necessary precautions.
"Ok, now the most important thing:
Deli, Wiju, and Muwa please I beg of you don't talk to each other ok?
The last time you talked about how to behead a person the quickest way without spurting too much blood on you to let the victim die instantly and to escape judgment while still bickering like little children... I do not want something like this to happen again, and by that I mean the topics you are talking about. I don't think you can change your personalities but at least restrict yourself a little, do you understand me? "
Every God present got a little green in the face when that particular past talk was mentioned.
Of course this upset Deli so she started to protest feeling as if he had just taken all the fun out of the gathering.
"But Dad!!! Please about what else should I talk about with them?"
Annoyed the Allfather looked at her, his smile cramping in the corners
"There are more than 1326 Gods here I think you will find someone to talk to without talking about killing, torture or crippling.
At least try it, ok? I know that as the oldest Gods here ..."
A sudden drop in temperature being an indicator that he had ventured into very dangerous territory her voice had dropped too. "If you dare tell them how old I am you are gonna regret this! "
The pressure in the room was suddenly so heavy that several Gods passed out from it
Not being bothered by the pressure but seeing his children in such a situation the Allfather intervened.
"Deli control yourself!!!
Look at what you have done! Frena and Belon are both unconscious ... They are in charge of the drunks at the end of the meeting ... well since you caused this now you have to do it!!!"
Feeling that he was unjust to her she protested "DAD!!! That was your fault ...."
However, her father just ignored her while trying to act as dignified as possible .. with half the room unconscious it was quite a feat.
"As I was saying as the oldest Gods here you should act as role model for the younger generation.
Even if you three were born as triplets I think you should learn after ...death glare from Deli ... *cough* a long time that shutting yourself off from your fellow family is lonely and gets you nowhere. "
The whole room was quiet as everyone stared at the triplets ...
Breaking the silence he spoke up once again
"OK now for the reason of this meeting ...
I heard that there was a problem at the soul station. Sougua a report, please."
A young man who was dressed in a black suit with translucent white skin, black hair and black eyes took a few steps forward so that he stood out from the crowd. Becoming the focal point of the assembly.
"Of course Master. A week ago at 8:30 a bomb detonated at a school at the plane 253 in the Non-force Galaxy. We recorded a total of 3210 casualties and after processing everyone we erased their memories and reincarnated them into different worlds.
We were careful as to not place two souls of the same accident in the world since meeting with these people would lead to an unpredictable influence of their souls.
But we do have a little problem ... "
He started fidgeting and looking downwards, clearly not wanting to look at any of the Gods that were present.
Getting a bad feeling and having it grow stronger by the moment the Allfather had to suppress the impulse to stand up and throttle the guy ... Don't shoot the messenger, even if it would be so easy it will only bring more trouble afterward...
With this mantra, he calmed himself down .. to a degree
"Souga what is up? Why are you not telling me what is happening right now?"
And he saw the glance that the man shot Deli while her face was as impassive as a mask making his gut turn
... Not again !?!
"Sougua why are you looking at her and not telling me what is up? ....
Oh, don't you dare imply ... please, not ... Sougua tell me RIGHT NOW what is up!"
"I think Mistress should talk about this ... I am not so suicidal as to go against her ... I am sorry Master!"
The young man almost screamed as he turned around and ran away, no remorse whatsoever in his actions.
"Traitor..." The Allfather could hear Deli mutter.
"Deli please don't tell me you did it again? Not my favorite galaxy right? Huh, why are you looking so conflicted? Normally you would start boasting about the galaxy that you harmed ...
No this seems to be something else ... the only thing could be...." His face losing color as his mind took him to all the possible disasters his daughter could have come up with.
"It couldn't be, right?" He exclaimed in shock.
"Yes, Dad, it seems we had a soul that was too strong mixed between these souls and it proved to have a resistance to our soul cleaning.
I discovered this fact at the time she was about to be born. "
She answered with an embarrassed laugh.
"She kind of started cultivating her strength already before being born and it kind of killed her ...
I took my time talking with her and I think she has great promise of achieving power.
I let her be born and healed her up."
She presented the official version, everyone knew it was the official one, while her mind descended in chaos once again.
*Of course, I will not tell them that I experimented a bit with her body ...
Why should I spoil the fun ... But she really was funny, and cute.
Even if she was just a little soul so weak that I could have killed her with just the pressure of my pinky, her personality was hilarious.
And the way she started immersing herself in her thinking.
And then she even had the gall to tell me to shut up. But somehow that made me angry maybe I should meddle a bit with her body? Just a little bit? It’s no fun if they have it easy. …
Oh no bad Deli, bad Deli. Why are you thinking of that? She was just surprised by me and shocked by her death. I shouldn’t hold that against her right? And she liked it when I talked with her. And she listened to me. That was something that didn’t happen in the last few centuries. So I should give her a gift.
Right? Right!
But still, how could a mortal dare to talk like she was my equal.
Even if she is an old soul how dare she doesn’t fear me! Me! The Goddess of Death!
NO! Why is this happening again? I’m the Goddess of light! I am the Goddess of light?
Right remember her soul, she wasn’t judging you.
That felt good.
Right and at that time throughout our whole conversation my light was very strong.
Yes good, that's right ….
I wonder what she is doing right now ...
She should be in agony, right ?
I hope these geezers hurry up I want to watch.
She still has to pay for bringing me all of this trouble with these damn papers …
Grr, I just want to rip them to pieces … Oh no, I don’t! I will get in trouble with Dad if I do that … Och who cares … maybe I should set them on fire?
I love fire it is always so warm and unpredictable. After darkness the best element there is . Hahaha ~
... should be interesting Hihiihi ~
Muwa having the understanding of his sister that he had, only thought
"Oh, I like this already ... Has a great promise for chaos! I will give her also a blessing!" his smile hidden underneath his mouthpiece, his green eyes obtaining a bit of a shine.
Being triplets, however, Wiju had the same idea at that moment also bestowing his blessing onto the soul without the others knowledge.
Both of them synchronising in their thinking
*We were not born yesterday. And we saw that snicker! We know exactly how our old- *shiver* YOUNGER BEAUTIFUL MOST ELEGANT sister is ...
She planned something and I just hope good old Dad will do nothing to spoil her fun … The last time he interfered she got drunk and destroyed his most priced Galaxy just to get back at him ... I don't believe that she doesn't remember ... That is just not possible!*
The Allfather could already see that this would be a mess that he later had to deal with just signed
"Is there anything else you did not tell me? ... By the guilty look on your face, there is ..."
"Well, you see her soul was too strong to be reborn in a normal world so I had to reincarnate her on a very special planet on the upper plane..." Deli slowly replied.
"Oh no don't you dare tell me you sent her to that damn planet ...
I ordered you to only reincarnate weak souls without their memories there.
I was already lenient when you let two medium strong souls reincarnate there but the condition was that they should have none of their memories ... oh, there seems to be something else ... I know that look...
Just because up here we have no access to the mortal world and each of us lives in a different time frame from the mortal plane it doesn't mean that I do not recognize my daughter's guilty face when she messed up big time ...
Sooo ... tell me now and I will try not to be angry even if I am displeased since it involves that damn planet ..." He said his glare piercing through Deli and making her quite uncomfortable.
"Hahaha... well, it seems like that soul ... was reincarnated as a child of the two previous ones ... you know the medium souls you mentioned ... Hahaha..." She said while not being able to meet his eyes.
The Allfather let his forehead fall into his hand, making a magnificent facepalm and giving out a deep sigh.
" Is that all?" He asked, as an answer Deli rapidly nodded her head up and down, earning herself another deep sigh
"Well, it seems like that soul will be your personal duty for as long as it takes and I hope this time you watch it." He instructed her causing Deli's eyes to tear up.
"Oh, you know that it was your fault ... if you just would not have been so impulsive all of this could have been prevented ... and why always on that planet? "
He asked as a lone tear gathered in the corner of one of his eyes but he quickly wiped it away.
"OK, I think that is a way to handle this case ... But all responsibility lies with you ...
Now Muwa, Wiju I hope you can help in this certain matter.
If the three of you watch over this soul it should be safe, well, at least safer than just Deli supervising it. I hope so now … My dear family this conversation has gone on for too long, let's end it at that ...
The time has come to enjoy yourselves as the motto goes: First comes first served!
The refreshments are at the left side from liquors to water.
The right side is full of delicacies made personally by Mopea.
Now get me a beer and all is great ... no, make that a whiskey... straight please, I have some forgetting to do"
He ended his speech once again letting out a deep sigh.
After the Party started to get going Deli sat down in a corner sulking and wishing everyone should just fall flat on their faces.
While a broadening aura started to surround her a handsome young man started to approach her.
His curls were midnight black and his eyes were dark brown, framed by graceful brows. His skin was tanned to a warm bronze tone which was accentuated by the clean, white robe he wore. He had prominent cheekbones and a well-defined chin and nose. Muscles rippled across every part of his body. He was obviously a seasoned warrior. But he didn’t give of a cold or hard feeling most veterans had. No, his air was more playful the small lines around his mouth and eyes speaking of a man full of laughter and fun which liked to smile.
Even as he neared the Goddess of Death, who seemed to be in a bad mood, a slight smile played around his lips.
But what could be said to be the most astonishing thing would be that as the man drew closer to the dark mist it seemed like it avoided him, splitting in front of him and giving him a space of roughly 2 meters in which no darkness could be seen, even if it closed behind him, so that it seemed like he was swallowed by the mist.
Deli only acknowledged his presence when he sat next to her taking her hand into his and giving her a small smile.
"Hi Poco, I see that my mist still likes you," She said with a small smile on her lips.
"How could it not. I am so loveable, right ?"
"Hahaha ~ its good to see you."
"How are you? Is your condition working up again?"
"You know me. Sometimes it’s good sometimes it’s not so rosy but I’ll survive."
"Maybe you should talk to your fath-..."
"No! I will never talk to him about that." she answered immediately, fear evident in her eyes.
"You know what he will do ..." The fear morphing into pain, prompting Poco to squeeze her hand.
"I know," he said looking down at their entangled hands "You know that I know it too well."
"Yes, and I hope you never forget why."
"I am sorry." He said and she could see it in his eyes that he really meant it.
However, her expression cramped up as the pain in her eyes intensified
"And what use is that?"
"Please, Deli it’s already so long ago. Forgive me." He pleaded with her.
She looked at him in sorrow.
"Do you think I don’t want to? I love you so much." She admitted while a tear slipped out of the corner of her eye and traveled down her cheek.
"But every time I see you it just hurts so much." She said as she suppressed a sniffle and separated their hands.
"My love … please …"
"Do you think I am the only one whose forgiveness you need?"
"I can’t …"
"It is much more complicated than what you think. Please Deli. I can’t explain it to you but I will when I can. Just stop tearing yourself up over it, ok?"
She slapped him.
"STOP? How could I?" She asked tears streaming down her face as her heartwrenching pain was projected from her entire body "I will never forget. I hope for your own well being that you do too."
With these words, she stood up and rushed out of the room leaving behind a man who looked like he had everything he could want but who was broken inside.
The meeting went on until the next day and of course, Deli had to clean all of it up.
The Allfather was found three days later still sitting on his mighty throne, intoxicated and rambling on about something in a language long forgotten while crying like a little baby.
None of the Gods even Wiju, the God of Wisdom, could understand him.
Given the bad mood, Deli got from her cleaning duty and some other reasons that darkened her aura tremendously and the unresponsive Allfather every God feared for his life for the next few days ...
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