《Another life another chance》Chapter 4


As I opened my eyes I looked right into bright blue ones.

Tears streamed out of them and fell onto my face.

I had no recollection of how and why I was in that position but somehow the feeling of being loved and protected settled into my body.

I was spellbound by these beautiful eyes that seemed to sparkle as they looked at me, but then one of the tears trailed down my cheek and into the corner of my mouth.

The sudden saltiness on my tongue was so unexpected and gave me the sensation as if my taste buds were on fire. The newness and the intensity of the taste shocked me so much that I wanted to voice my displeasure, but as I opened my mouth only a high-pitched baby wail could be heard.

Suddenly my sight blurred and moments, no maybe just a second, later I looked straight into bright blood-red reptilian eyes with slit pupils that would have been terrifying if not for the worry reflected in them and the wet sheen that made them shine in the light.

I could hear a muffled scream from behind me.

While the eyes looked over my shoulder and seemingly wanted to soothe me, my point of view changed once again as I was placed in the crook of the arm of the one holding me.

Now I finally had the opportunity to really see my surroundings.

It seemed like I was in a bedroom, given the bed that stood right in front of me with a woman laying on top of it.

At closer inspection, I could see bright blue reflection underneath her messy hair.Looking even closer, I saw that her bangs were shielding her eyes which looked at us pleadingly.

Given these facts and the surroundings, I was very sure that she was my mother.

I looked up and found myself face to face with the smiling visage of the red-eyed man that held me close to his chest. He also hat dark red hair with a black hairline that went really well with his blood red eyes.

At closer inspection, I could make out small red scales with black tips on his neck and temples, but he must also have some on his arms since I could feel the hard scaly texture of them on my back and neck where I nestled into his arms.

He was quite muscular, not the bodybuilder type but more of the lean-but-very-dense-muscled type. I could feel the power radiating from him but instead of fear, I felt happy having such a strong individual as my father who seems to really care for me.

His face was also good looking but if it weren’t for the smile he had and the teary eyes he showed I would have instantly categorized him as an arrogant and cold man.

In his narrow facial shape, he had full and symmetrical lips, with high cheekbones and a prominent lower jaw and chin. His nose was straight, narrow and the tip pointed a bit downward but the most amazing point in his face must be his midnight black eyebrows that framed his blood red eyes, which swung up at the outer tip giving him a bit of an Asian feel.


Asian feel? What’s that? Can I eat that? Is it sweet?

Slowly a small headache started and I felt like a hole opened up in my brain sucking out its content.

Was this what Deli meant with losing my memories?

And who the hell is Deli?

The sudden movement of my body tore me away from my thoughts.

I looked around, well, since I couldn’t move my neck very much which I found out at that point of time, I looked straight ahead, but it seemed like we were descending downwards and moments later I once again was in front of the beautiful woman which lay on the bed.

Seems like my father sat down to give me back to my desperate mother which almost ripped me out of his hands if not for his immense strength that only slowly laid me back on her breasts.

At closer inspection, she was also very good-looking.

Leaving aside her body which showed obvious signs of pregnancy, she had a beautiful face with delicate features that spoke of fragility but her eyes held a strength that was uncommon.

Suddenly she lifted her hand and wiped her hair out of her face behind her ear revealing a slight pointy ear that was definitely not human.

And there it goes again … What is human … or is it what is a human?

Well, whatever …

Seeing that I had no control over the changes in my mind I concentrated on the people before me and gave them my best smile while reaching out to them with my small and frail looking arms. But just this action used up all of my energy and I felt so sleepy that my eyes closed as the face of my mother came nearer.

The next thing that I was conscious of was a slight trembling beside me.

With great difficulty, I opened my eyes and found myself facing a large bosom.

Once again my surroundings trembled and I realized that the bosom belonged to the person holding me and that person was trembling.

I looked up and could see a beautiful blond haired elf looking down at me with tears in her eyes. Seeing her my mind took its sweet time but after a while the memory of that woman resurfaced. That was my mother.

I could see the realization of my waking up in her eyes and suddenly the arms around me tightened and I was pressed into her bosom.

As my sight vanished I could finally perceive slight sounds reaching my ears.

It sounded like an argument, and as time passed it became louder.

Did they get nearer or is my hearing getting stronger?

Not being able to see my surroundings made the assessment quite difficult but I tried nevertheless to understand what was going on.

“M'bale, chonde musanganize kupanda ulemu.” - ?

That voice roused a memory once again and I was sure that it belonged to my father.

“Ndipo kodi inu muchita kuchitira izo m'bale wamng'ono?” - ?

But that voice was new and it seemed to be hostile towards my father.


“No ine n'komwe mlongo mkulu. Ine ndikuyembekeza kuti inu basi chonde osati kulankhula zinthu zimenezi zoipa zokhudza mwana wanga wakhanda.” - Father

“Ndikaona zinyalala I icho zimenezo.” - ?

Ok … I have no idea what they are talking about …

But the constant trembling of my mother’s body made it clear that it was not very friendly as well as the sarcastic and cruel undertone in the second voice. After a while, I tuned them out once again since it was clear to me that I wouldn’t understand them anyway even if I listened to their conversation. Instead, I focused my mind on my mother.

I struggled a bit and her arms loosened a bit allowing me to wiggle my body in a position where I could see her face.

Her former bright blue eyes looked dulled and if before I would have compared them to a sapphire now they looked like the dark blue stormy sky with anger brewing in them. The wet sheen over them making them glossy in the light source from above.

Suddenly a pair of rough hands grabbed me and ripped me from my mother's embrace.

My mother's eyes widened in fear and she stretched her arms in my direction shouting something at the people in the room that was most likely something like “Give her back!”.

The desperation in her voice got to me but before I could act I was suddenly roughly thrust into the arms of a very bulky being.

Looking up I glanced into two golden eyes that looked at me in disdain.

The faces that belonged to them looked similar but also very different to each other.

Their bone structure resembled each other but one was female and one was male.

The man that held me also had bright red scales from his cheekbones downward disappearing in a very expensive looking dark red robe with golden embroidery on the hem.

The arrogance in his expression and whole demeanor indicated a high social standing and his aura without any kindness brought fear to everybody in his vicinity. The woman’s clothes could be seen as much more stunning than that of the first person, but looking closer they were of an inferior quality only affecting onlookers through the elaborate embroideries. They were mostly white with golden and blood-red embroidery all over which matched with her white scales and red hair.

Yes, the hair … that was a topic for itself. Never would I have thought that such a piece of art could be created on top of persons head. I had no idea how she could even move with such a monstrosity on her head. Such an elaborated hair-style gave her a very majestic feel and exuded an air of perfection, given that not one single hair was out of place. But the deep hatred in her eyes made shivers run down my spine.

Seeing the hostility they held against me I immediately started observing them.

They talked with each other, every once in a while glancing at me, and the man started tightening his grip on me.

The woman pointed at my hair and cheek but disdainfully looked at something at the side of my head. What I found interesting was that she never once touched me and at least once every few minutes she straightened her clothes and reached up to her hair fingering it to make sure it still sat perfectly. The man instead seemed to be very uncomfortable just standing around, he constantly changed the distribution of his weight and after a while lightly paced up and down, just one or two steps though, but still, he was in constant motion.

He also couldn’t hold his right hand still: every few minutes touching his belt and letting his eyes roam around the room.

But after a while, his grip was too tight and I let out a small cry.

Suddenly a loud noise could be heard from behind the man and he suddenly turned bringing me face to face with the man I recognized as my father who was restrained by a young man that looked similar to him with red scales, silver eyes and red hair with white tips.

He said something to my enraged father and I could see that it must have been a provocation since the pressure in the room immediately intensified. The fire that gathered in his eyes seemed to leak out and the whole room grew hotter.

It was a sight to behold.

The strangers must have also thought like that since I could observe a slightly fearful look entering their eyes.

I could even feel a slight tremble from the bulky man that held me even though my father looked weaker than him. The vision he gave right now was awe inspiring.

Just one look at him caused his opponents to quiver in fear.

I was immediately handed over to my father and the room cooled a bit.

The other three people almost immediately fled the room but not without taunting my parents once again, given their tone of voice when they uttered the comments quickening their steps as they neared the door.

But it seemed like it did not matter anymore, my father completely ignored them and just gazed at me scanning my body with his worried look.

I could feel a strange energy washing over my body and only after it vanished did my father's stare calm down and he began rocking me in his arms while slightly smiling at me.

He walked back to the bed where my mother had already propped herself up and reached her arms out to me.

As I settled once again into the warm embrace of my mother sleep overwhelmed my body and yawning I closed my eyes, the last thing I saw was my father smiling down at me leaning his forehead against my mother's, tears trailing down her cheeks while she also smiled down at me.

Well, that was an interesting first day.

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