《Moonlit sky》Chapter 23 - One-shotting a boss


Princess Arachna Boss (Green) 3000/3000

"So what are you going to do?" Asked Lulu.

"Isn't it obvious, kill the boss." Answered Tenebris.

"Well duhh, but how? Can you actually kill it alone?"

"If i find its lethal spot i can probably one-shot it."

"Oh, interesting, you know of lethal spots even if system didn't mention it."

"Every living being has its own lethal spots, i don't need a system to tell me that, i just need to figure out whats this boss lethal spot."

"Okay, let me give you a hint then, that crown on her head, doesn't it look suspicious to you?" Asked Lulu with a smirk.

"I have thought about it, if that spider is anatomically correct then behind that crown should be her brain, but i don't know how hard is her head or will i be able to pierce it."

"If you just attack her eyes and reach her brain that should do the trick."

"Yes i already thought of that, how dumb do you think i am, i spent most of my time assassinating people, do you really think i don't know something as simple as that?"

"I think you are very dumb, but that's not the point, the thing is that you need to approach her without her noticing and strike before she can react. Oh i have another hint for you, even though there is this system, this system will acknowledge lethal blows and calculate damage done proportionally to HP of the target, so look at it like this, let's say every person or in this case spider has 100 HP, but because of its armor system will calculate its HP amplifying it by its armor value, so if this big spider has 3000HP that means it has one hell of a thick armor."

"That crossed my mind earlier, that problem would mostly be solved by piercing that armor, in general that isn't that hard you just need sharp enough weapon and enough strength."


"Yes but luckily there is this system, so there are skills and abilities that can help you with that, there is even a passive skill named pierce, or even sharpen blade."

"Yes i thought of that already, but since i don't have any of those ill just have to do it old fashion way, stick a blade really hard in its head, now just tell me one more thing, can this boss sense me in abyss or not?"

"It can to certain extent, normally a boss can sense you about 2-3 meters away if you are walking though the abyss, but if it senses your killing intent that range can increase."

"Would it sense me placing my Dark Mark on it?"

"Is that mark physical?"


"Then it shouldn't notice unless its understanding of that law is much greater than yours."

"Excellent, lets begin then." Tenebris entered the abyss as he said that and started walking slowly towards the boss.

As he reached about 3 meters away from the boss he waved his hand and small dark crossed circle appeared on the forehead of the spider, between its eyes. Tenebris took a deep breath and closed his eyes, he stood there calmly for a second and then suddenly opened his eyes and vanished only to appear right in front of Arachna's face, with his sword in hand stabbing towards its face.


3000! Lethal!

Crisp sound of pierced flesh was heard. Tenebris instantly backed away leaving the bone sword deep inside Arachna's eye. Spider started wriggling and screeching in pain before it dropped its body on the ground as the damage numbers slowly faded into the air. Tenebris stood calmly 5 meters away from the boss as it still twitched sporadically on the ground, not long after system notification popped up.

Congratulations! You are second person to kill a boss! You have been awarded with bonus EXP and bonus loot drop.


"It seems like i underestimated you a bit, but why did you stop there for a second before you attacked it."

"I activated one of my spells, it was one of the 7 Steps of Violence, it takes a bit time to activate it because i need to chanel my shadow energy into my blade."

"I see, but i also saw you left a little bit of insurance once you struck, so you weren't confident that much in yourself were you?" Asked Lulu with a smirk on her face, even though she had childish face when she smirked she looked completely evil, totally unlike a child.

"Yes i did leave shadow spear beneath its head but that doesn't mean i wasn't sure of myself, i just didn't want to underestimate my opponent, so if it didn't die from my sword that shadow spear would definitely pierced its head and finished it off."

"I have to admit you are more cunning than i thought kid, now check the loot before that girl comes, she is already slowly approaching here."

Tenebris nodded his head and approached spiders corpse, there was a small chest located under its body so Tenebris had to invest a bit of strength to push its body to the side. He picked up the chest and opened it, there was a stack of golden coins inside along with couple of different colored orbs and what seemed to be folded black rag, he took it and inspected it.

Hood of Night. Set item.

1/6 AGI +2 STR +1

"Nice catch, that's already the second part of the set you have, you really have godly luck to compensate for your lacking brain."

"What do you mean second part, when did i get the first part of the set?"

"See, that's why i say you are stupid, remember that cloak you got from that semi-boss? You didn't even look at it you just left it there, anyway, now that you have two parts of the set you should get a set bonus, albeit small."

Suddenly there was rush of footsteps to be heard.

"Tenebris help!" A yell was heard, Tenebris took that chest and stuffed it inside his bag and ran toward the voice. Once he apeared he saw Diana surrounded by dozen of small spiders.

"Stand behind me." Said Tenebris as he took his sword and whispered quietly. "7 Paths of Violence - Annihilation." He swung his sword toward the incoming spider swarm and instantly killed of more than half of them while rest who survived were heavily wounded, big black 2 meter scratch was on the floor and black smoke was rising from it, spiders that were also cut by that strike had the same black smoke rising from their wounds.

"Interesting, looks like my abilities got upgraded, seems like i can finally use my laws of darkness with my abilities."

"Oh yes that, well yeah you aren't wrong, you did get quite a lot of notifications so i hid them, here look at them now." Spoke Lulu.

Congratulations! You have leveled up your skill 7 Paths of Violence! Congratulations! You have leveled up your skill Dark Marks! Congratulations! You have leveled up your skill Abyss Walk! Congratulations! You have leveled up your skill Close Combat! Congratulations! You have leveled up your skill Law of Darkness! You have looted 10g coins, 3 Water orbs, 3 Shadow orbs, 3 Fire orbs and an item! You gained bonus 3000 EXP for killing a boss!

"Before you lose yourself in joy i have to remind you something, you still have boss corpse to plunder so don't leave just yet."

"What? You already killed the boss?" Diana was shocked when she heard what Lulu said to Tenebris.

"Yes, nothing serious, don't make a big deal out of it." Answered Tenebris with deadpan expression.

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