《Moonlit sky》Chapter 22 - Storage room


Everyone in the end followed behind Tenebris and Ishida, in the back room behind the bar was a staircase leading downstairs, when they went down they saw big steel doors and a keypad next to it on the wall.

"Tomm your turn." Tenebris spoke quietly, Tomm nodded his head and went to the keyboard, he tapped the keyboard couple of times but nothing happened.

"We have a problem, looks like they typed incorrect password two times and the keypad is now locked, I could try and override this system but it would take me some time." Said Tomm.

"How much time?" Tenebris asked calmly.

"Couple of hours, maybe less." Answered Tomm.

"Too much, back up let me handle it." Quietly said Tenebris. "Everyone go back a bit, i need some space."

Hearing what he said everyone went back to the staircase and watched what is Tenebris going to do. Tenebris took his sword and stood in front of the steel doors.

"Seven paths of Violence - Carnage." Whispered Tenebris before he struck the doors twice leaving big black X mark on it. Everyone watched bewildered, they knew how hard those doors were, they tried to break it earlier but they couldn't even leave a scratch on it.

Bang. Doors fell apart slamming into the ground rising the dust all around.

"Something is wrong." Said Ishida.

"What is it?" Tenebris spoke.

"I sense something in there, i can feel week pulses, but it is everywhere inside, looks like there are many monsters inside."

"Blackie, party up." Said Tenebris to Diana.

"What are we going to do?" She asked concernedly.

"Isn't it obvious, slaughtering time, hurry up and follow me, rest of you guys wait here until i'm done." Said Tenebris as he went inside the storage room, Diana ran behind him.


"You have entered second Boss lair. Princess Arachna engaged, good luck have fun."

Suddenly system notification popped up in front of them, Diana stood there stunned before she whispered.

"Did you know about this?"

"Yes, Lulu told me when we arrived in front of the doors, don't worry we won't have any problems if you just listen to me, oh and by the way, they can't hear you outside so there is no use screaming for help, only one group can engage the boss at the time so they can't even enter."

"What's your plan?"

"Quite simple, you won't have problem memorising it. First step, you will kill as much of spider soldiers as you can, practice your sword skills, but take care because i won't be here to help you. Step two, when you make a mistake and grab attention of more spiders than you can manage, start screaming and aggro as much spiders as you can, when you are done with that find me, i will be killing this boss."

"Quite an insane plan you have, sounds like you."

"You seem calm."

"I am, panic won't help me, and crying won't get me anywhere, so why bother, let's start then."

"Boss is located around 250 meters forward from this spot, oh and there are 3 spiders already incoming here, have fun blackie." Tenebris said teasingly before he vanished.

"Jerk..." Mumbled Diana as she went into her battle stance.


"You think she can handle it alone?" Said Lulu.

"If i didn't think that i wouldn't have left her to do it." Answered Tenebris as he rushed quickly through the abyss toward the boss.

"We are here, Lulu how much time do i have left?"

"5 more seconds tops, better leave abyss then re-enter it once you think of a plan."


"Will she notice me?"

"No." As Lulu said that Tenebris left the abyss and stood there in place.

"Bosses are mostly in sleep mode before they are engaged, they are awakened once a player enters certain distance away from them." Explained Lulu.

"How much distance are we talking about?"

"You can inspect her, but if you take just one more step you will wake her up."

"Good enough, how much time do i have to wait before i can enter abyss again."

"Double the time you spent in abyss."

"Good, let's check her out." Tenebris went forward and stood 30 meters away from the boss, it was big black spider with what seemed tiara on her head.


Princess Arachna

Boss (Green)


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