《Moonlit sky》Chapter 21 - Accept or die


After 2 minutes several youths came back through the doors behind the bar. First came asian looking guy, he was black haired with glasses and pale skin, he was slightly higher than the blonde following him, there was also a mid sized ginger boy and brown haired boy.

"Who are you and what do you want with me." Spoke asian looking youth while he pushed back his glasses.

"Who am i isn't important, but what i want is something we should discus." Answered Tenebris as he got up.

"Then speak, i have nothing to hide from my group so we don't need privacy."

"Honesty can be deadly, but never mind thats not the thing i wanted to talk to you about, considering you came from the other room that means you probably know about cafeteria storage room, you are probably coming from there now."

As Tenebris said that cold glint flashed in asian kids eyes. "You are right, what does that concern you."

"I know that you can't enter storage room without a password, i have the password, i will trade it for the half of the remaining resources inside storage room." Calmly explained Tenebris.

"You are crazy, even if we don't know the password we will find another way to enter, and you alone want to take half of the food, over my dead body!" Yelled in anger blonde behind asian guy.

"I don't have an issue with stepping over your dead body, it would take me less than couple of seconds to kill all of you here, me leaving you the other half of the food is already generous from me, you can either accept it or die." Answered coldly Tenebris, he reached out slowly with his hand toward his sword that was strapped to his back, but he didn't move further.


"There is no need for that, you don't seem unreasonable, but half of the storage is a lot for a single person, can we discus the amount?" Asked asian looking guy.

"I never said i was alone, amount isn't negotiable, accept or forfeit your lives."

"I see, do you want to consider joining our group, you can bring your people we will share everything we have with you guys."

"But Ishida..." Spoke blonde youth but was interrupted immediately.

"Shut up, don't make more problems for us, or do you really want to kill us all." Barked out loudly in return Ishida.

"You have to put a leash on your dog, if it tries to bite me i will break its jaw." Spoke Tenebris.

"You..." Growled angrily blonde boy.

"Enough, keep quiet, you can't even scratch him so don't even bother trying." Said Ishida.

"Oh, you seem like you know how powerful i am." Tenebris seemed amused by his sentence.

"I got an ability from system, i can see an aura around people, yours is dark and suffocating while you walk on a blood red path."

"Interesting ability, certainly colorful, so do we have a deal?"

"I have no ambitions of being your enemy, although your proposal isn't something favorable for us it is still better to feed ourselves than to feed the worms, but what is your answer to my proposal?"

"I will not join you, but i will also not be your enemy, i will go and bring some of my people and then we can go to the storage room."

"Fine by me." Answered Ishida calmly. As he said that Tenebris once again faded out into the abyss and the whole group stood there dumbfounded, only Ishida stood there calmly with a smile on his face.


"Get up, negotiations are finished, we are going in now." Spoke Tenebris as he appeared in front of Tomm and Diana who were sitting in front of the entrance to the cafeteria.

"Damn it, can you stop doing that, you are gonna give me a hearth attack." Said loudly Diana.

"Follow me, and stand behind me." Spoke Tenebris without even paying attention to what she said, they got up and followed him towards the blockade. Tenebris took his sword and swung it couple of times around him while whispering quietly. "Path of Violence - Annihilation!" He swung his sword in front of him towards the blockade, it looked like time stopped for a moment and then illusion broke down, wooden blockade that was standing at the entrance exploded into splinters which fell to the ground like snowflakes, there was a 2 meter long scratch on the floor in front of them. Tomm and Diana stood dumbfounded as they watched the scene in front of them.

"Follow." Said Tenebris as he continued forward, they snapped out of it and followed quickly behind him.

"You really know how to make an entrance." Spoke Ishida with a smile, his group was standing behind him petrified in fear.

"Let's go." Tenebris said shortly as he continued towards the bar, Ishida turned around and led the way to storage room.

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