《Moonlit sky》Chapter 5 - Damsel in distress? Who cares


"Well isn't this nice, those bats were practically free experience! I guess i got a minute to spare to spend my attribute points now, but how huh? Oh i got an idea, lets do this!"

Name: Tenebris Ummors Class: Assassin Level: 4 Exp: 0/3000 Titles: Pioneer. HP:80/80 MP:80/80 EP:72/80 +0.1/min STR: 14 AGI: 34 INT: 8 WIS: 11 LCK: 20 CHR: 9 Unspent attribute points: 0 Unspent skill points: 2 Skills: Law of Darkness lvl 1/10 5% Close combat lvl 2/10 32%

"But what's up with this skill point? Where do i spend that?"

Ding! Ding!

Unspent skill points are used to upgrade grades of skills. You need to have skill with maximum level to upgrade its grade! Due to being first person to cross 30 points of agility you have been granted an ability!

"Oh so that's how it is, then it's useless at the moment, but whats up with a new ability?"


Name: Tenebris Ummors Class: Assassin Level: 4 Exp: 0/3000 Titles: Pioneer. HP:80/80 MP:80/80 EP:72/80 +0.1/min STR: 14 AGI: 34 INT: 8 WIS: 11 LCK: 20 CHR: 9 Unspent attribute points: 0 Unspent skill points: 2 Skills: Law of Darkness lvl 1/10 5% Close combat lvl 2/10 32% Dexterous movement lvl 1/5 0%

"Oh, cool, but what does it do? Let's try this... Skills!"

Law of Darkness lvl 1/10 5%

Enables you to use element of darkness to your aid. "Basic close combat lvl 2/10 32%

"Grants you 6% bonus melee damage. Dexterous movement lvl 1/5 0%

Passive: +5% AGI

Active: Further boosts your movements. Cost 1 energy/sec.

"Awesome, i like this game even more now! But seriously they could've built some tutorial for this, if i haven't played games before i wouldn't even know half of this now... Ah, never mind, i should go back and check if those guys found something already..." He picked up his bundle and walked out of the room only to see that Demian and Tanya barely moved at all, and that was not all, there was another person with them. He sped up his pace and came over to check, there was another girl with them, she was sitting on the ground with her jet black hair covering half of her face, she was weeping loudly while Tanya tried to keep her quiet.


"Hey boxer boy, what's up, who is she?" Asked Tenebris clearly annoyed by girls loud weeping.

"How do hell should i know? We found her in the corner curled up and once she saw us she clung on Tanya and started weeping maniacally, and i'm not boxer boy!"

"Yeah, yeah whatever boxer boy, hey blackie who are you, will you shut up already or do you really want us all to be eaten?" As soon as he finished his sentence, that black haired girl immediately stopped weeping and looked at him terrified by what he just spoke to her.

"P-p-please, you, you have to, to help me, my da-dad is trapped and, and he can't get out!" She spoke quietly, still clearly sobbing.

"Okay, first of all who are you, who is your dad, where is he, and most importantly, why should we help you, we don't even know you?!"

Shocked by his words black haired girl started weeping loudly again.

"Jeez you really know how to handle girls don't you?" Whispered Demian while rolling his eyes.

"What, isn't it logical, why should we help him if he's not of any use? She's cute, er.. ish...But cute won't help her out now..."

"My dad is school janitor!" Spoke frantically girl as she overheard their conversation.

"Oh, okay, that might be useful, i guess..." Mumbled confused Tenebris.

"You guess? So you mean to say you clearly don't know what will and what won't be useful now?" Spoke annoyed Tanya while still trying to calm this girl down a bit.

"Well it's not like it's apocalypse every day you know?! Do you know what will be useful?" Rebuked angrily Tenebris.

"No..." Whispered in response Tanya.

"God... Anyway, where is he, if we can help we will, if we can't we won't, but at least we will try, is that good enough for you, can you shut up now before you call over every single monster in this school?"


"Ye-yes, i'll be quiet, my dad is locked inside his office next to the gym, but there are some monster in front of his doors so he can't get out, so i tried looking around, but then that explosion happened and i was so scared..."

"Okay, can you describe me what did those monsters look like and how many of them were there?"

"Yes... Well they were skeletons, but they eyes were glowing, and it was just two of them."

"Just two? Skeletons? This should be easy, in most of the games skeletons are weak, okay i'll try but i can't promise anything, so don't get your hopes high! You two keep searching for food or anything useful, pick your weapons from this bundle here, and if you see some monsters avoid them, we will regroup later here so don't roam off too far. Let's go crybaby."

"I-i'm not a crybaby..." Spoke quietly black haired girl, while she clearly started blushing. Tenebris didn't even hear her because he was already at gym entrance, taking a peek outside checking out current situation, she ran up to him and grabed his sleeve, looking out with her pale face and shining brown eyes.

"Can you let go of me? I need to use that arm you know, what's your name anyway?" Spoke annoyed Tenebris.

"I'm Diana, what is your name, are you leader of this group?"

"My name is Tenebris, and no i'm not leader, i'm just helping them survive so they can increase my own chance of survival."

"Oh, i see, Tenebris, that's an odd name..."

"What's odd about it, it's Latin for dar..." Suddenly he closed his mouth, looking outside while being high alerted, Diana noticed his alertness and grabbed his sleeve again.

"You said there were two skeletons right?"

"Yes, there were two of them... Why?"

"Because i just saw half of dozen skeletons going into the school..." Mumbled Tenebris with a frown on his face.

"What!" Yelped out in surprise Diana.

"Shush! God you really are annoying maybe i should just throw you to those skeletons as a decoy..."

"Don't! Please don't! I promise i'll keep quiet!" Begged Diana while still grabbing his arm tightly.

"Then behave, and let go of my arm already, you stay here, and i will go and check out what is happening there."

"Don't leave me." Whispered Diana.

"Can you fight?" Asked Tenebris.


"Then stay quiet and wait here, i will be back soon anyway." Spoke Tenebris as he ran out half-crouching.

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