《Moonlit sky》Chapter 6 - It's so cute!


Shit... There is 4 of them there, no, wait, there is 5 now one more came, are they spawning somewhere? Thought Tenebris as he watched entrance to janitors office around the corner. After a minute another skeleton came and then they started moving in group towards the school, entrance to janitors office was clear. Tenebris used this opportunity and sprinted his way into the office slamming the doors shut behind him.

"Who's there?" He heard a faint whisper.

"Umm, my name is Tenebris, are you school janitor?" He answered as he looked around trying to see where did this voice come out from.

"Oh so you are a student, but how did you get in, there should be skeletons right in front of the entrance?" Whispered slightly older man as he peeked his head behind an overturned table.

"They are gone for the moment but there should be more coming any time soon, your daughter sent me here to help you...."

"Diana?! Is she safe, where is she?" Spoke frantically janitor.

"She is safe, she is hiding inside gym, so don't worry about that." Looking around himself trying to see if there is anything usable he continued. "Grab anything that might be of some use, tools, food or anything you might find useful, we have to hurry we have a bit time before more skeletons come back."

"Yes, yes!" Answered the janitor as he hurriedly started rummaging through the room.

"Okay, i'm ready, i got everything, we can go now." Whispered janitor as a heavy backpack was hanging down his shoulder.

"There is a skeleton outside, once i open the doors you need to sprint to gym, i'll take care of this skeleton." Explained slowly Tenebris.

"You will fight it?" Asked confused janitor.

"No, i will kill it." Answered Tenebris with a cold light glinting in his eyes.

"Now, run!" Spoke Tenebris as he opened the doors, skeleton that was couple of steps away from the doors turned around and saw the running janitor. It's eyes glowed with bright green fire as he ran towards the janitor with a long bone in it's hands, but before it could reach janitor there was already a foot in front of it's face rushing madly towards it's head. With a subtle bang skeleton flew backwards couple of steps as it fell hard on the ground.


Skeleton swordsman LVL ??? HP 190/200

Tenebris saw it's information floating slightly above skeletons head before it disappeared into thin air.

"I can't see it's level, so it must be higher level than me, good, excellent, that means that it's just a pile of exp waiting to be collected!" Spoke Tenebris before he rushed over to the skeleton that was slowly rising from the ground. Before it could even rise properly a knee appeared in front of it slamming it hard into it's rib cage area. With another thud skeleton again fell on the ground, but before it could even start rising again a sword smashed into it, and after first strike there were couple of more strikes.

-14. -21! Critical strike! -15. -13. -16.

In just couple of seconds skeleton was left with half of it's HP gone, but Tenebris didn't want to stop there he just kept slashing madly at the "poor" skeleton that couldn't even move on the ground.

+400 exp! Light blue letters floated slowly above skeleton as it fell into pieces.

"400 huh? Not bad, couple of them more and i will level up again, oh look it dropped some book!" He whispered as he crouched down and picked up that book, but before he could check what it is another skeleton came from around the corner, noticing Tenebris crouching there it rushed toward him with a bone in it's hands.

"Oh another one, come, let's dance!" He spoke while a grin formed on his face.

"Would you prefer tango or waltz? Oh right you can't speak, never mind then..." He mumbled as he side stepped the skeleton and grabbed it by it's neck bone and smashed it into the ground, it was basicly the same as before, he relentlessly smashed skeleton with his sword until it died and light blue +400 exp! appeared above its head.

"They look so cuuuute, i wonder if i could tame one, i will probably need a skill for that, damn... Maybe one of those hidden professions was a necromancer..." Any other person hearing him say that would definitely throw up, these skeletons looked cute to him?

"Anyway... I'll come back later here to farm this guys some more, but i have to go back now, oh yeah there was that book that i picked up." He picked up a book that he dropped before he pounced onto a skeleton.


"Basic introduction to system? Huh it's some kind of a guide? Well it took you long enough damn it, stupid system..." What he didn't know that drop rate for that guide was unbelievably low and it dropped now probably because he had 20 points in luck stat. He took the book and read through it while slowly stroling towards the gym. Huh so that's how you become a wizard? Isn't that simple? Well it definitely wouldn't occur to my mind to sit down and meditate for hours, especialy now. Jeez it's some straight up broken system... As he thought he already reached gym entrance, when he went inside group was already gathered and waiting for him.

"Hey boxer boy, catch!" He said as he threw that guide to him.

"What's this? Introduction to system? What is this?"

"Are you dumb? Did you hit your head when that locker fell over you, it's what it says it is, it's a guide, go read it, after you finish pass it to blondey." Demian scratched his head as he went over closer to the entrance to read this book.

"Okay, did you find any food blondey?"

"It's Tanya, and yes we did, although not much, if you want food we should go to school cafeteria instead, we found only few protein bars here..." She spoke angrily as she was clearly annoyed by Tenebris being unable to remember her name.

"That might be a good idea, i'll think about it, hey blackie do you know what meditation is?" After he finished his sentence everyone turned around looking at him, wondering what he was about to say next.

"Uh, yes i do, i have read about it, but i never tried it actually, why?"

"Go find a corner and try meditating, if what says that book is correct, after meditation you should be able to do magic! Interested yet? Go now, be quick, why are you still standing there." He said to her as he shooed her away with his arms.

"Now, what was your name, i forgot already..." He spoke to janitor.

"How dumb are you if you can't even remember some names?" Said Tanya as she was clearly already pissed off by him.

"It's not that i can't, i just don't want to remember your names, who knows you might die a bit latter and i would have memorised your name for nothing then, now go be a good girl and stand guard at the entrance will you blondey?"

"My name is Tanya!" She glared at him angrily, but in the end turned around and went to guard the entrance.

"My name is Tomm, i didn't even tell you my name earlier so that's why you didn't know." Said the janitor as he smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah, that might be the case..." Mumbled Tenebris as he scratched his head.

"Did you really mean that? All that you might die soon so why bother thing?"

"Well i did, but it's an apocalypse so it's not like i was lying, anyway tell me how well do you know this school?"

"Well i have worked here for more than 20 years already, so i probably know whole school already. Why?"

"Well, what blondey said about cafeteria is right, but i don't think we will be able just to walk into cafeteria and pick food and then leave, so i want to know how many entrances are there leading to there."

"Well there should be 2 entrances, no wait, 3 if you count ventilation system."

"Where is storage room of cafeteria?"

"Uh it is below the cafeteria, but it should be locked."

"Can you unlock it?"

"Yes i think i can, but it might need some time to do it."

"How much time?"

"Well, half an hour, maybe an hour, i don't know yet."

"Never mind, it is good, i found an old heater earlier, can you check if it's still working later? I don't know if there is still power in this school, but we might find a way for it to work anyway."

"Well this school has a backup generator, but it has to be manually turned on because it is quite old."

"Oh really, could you rewire that generator so it would power only one room?"

"Yes i think i could, why, what do you have in mind?"

"Nothing, nothing yet actually, just an idea, go rest a bit, we will move later to cafeteria, bring anything that you might use."

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