《The Archaic Elements》1. Initiation arc - Chapter 19. Undercurrents


CHAPTER 19 - Undercurrents.

"OK there is a lot to plan now that we have gained the information we needed. But before that, I need to talk to you about something even more important." Zewoulf immediately changed his tone as they entered their room.

His change in demeanor was a little surprising, but Azyl felt this was more like him, so he stopped bothering him as well and took a place on the meditation mat on the floor.

"What is more important than the initiation tomorrow?" He asked him straightly.

After spending two weeks with him, accompanying each other to all places, he had grown to trust and knew to be straightforward with him. He was also the only person he had an easy time talking to. While he had made friends with Nigel as well today, Woulf was the only student in the academy he trusted.

"While you have already set your aim on becoming proficient with elements, there is one thing that I need you to keep in mind. What happens to us once we become Elementalists? How are we going to be treated by the New Royal family and what will they make us do?" In a grave and low voice Woulf posed this question to him. It came really out of nowhere that Azyl could not respond to him.

"What do you mean? They won't make us their slaves or do anything bad to us. Right?"

At first Azyl felt that relation between the outsiders and their Nation was one of give and take, but after noticing some things and the stuff he had learnt in the past two days, he had started to feel maybe things weren't that simple. The public was of course never going to be told the truth of things that were actually happening, if something wrong was indeed happening. Hence he hesitated when Woulf suddenly asked him this.


Zewoulf noticed that Azyl seemed to have grasped some stuff, so he continued to explain everything that he had in his mind, including how he wanted Azyl to get in the yoga class, just in case the element class was restricted in some way. He also told him how he planned to instead help him out with learning about elements.

"Don't you think that we are over-thinking. All this seems a little too much no?" For the first time Zewoulf noticed that there was a hint of fear in Azyl's eyes.

At that moment he realised that he had been treating this friend of his equally, when in fact Azyl was only a child of twelve years. Woulf might be older and more matured inside, but it was wrong of him to treat Azyl the same. Maybe it was because that Azyl was never fazed by stuff around him due to his laid back attitude, Woulf had not considered this reaction when he spoke to him.

Immediately, he answered in a light tone, "Hmm yeah even I think I am being a little too much right? Haha, maybe I have been working too hard that my brain fried a few wires eh? "

Even though the way he tried to brush it off sounded a little lame, Woulf was never any better at making excuses either. But Azyl immediately eased up. Although what he had discussed with Woulf would not go away and maybe he would really have to think about it as well, he felt it too far away right now. Even though it wasn't far away as the initiation was just tomorrow, his habit of procrastinating made him think that way.

"Yeah, it would be better to focus on doing our best for the test tomorrow. Hmm now that I think, according what you have told me, I am going to be above average in regards for prana level right? So if I manage to perform well in the third test, I might even get into element class along with you?" Azyl excitedly asked him.


"Yeah that might be true. And if the task we get has anything to do with playing an instrument, you might even rank first." Woulf joked lightly.

And so they were laughing after a moment just like that.

After that they talked a little about what kind of task would it be and how they would be marked for it. Zewoulf hinted that the whole test of performing a task should be similar to an obstacle race, and they might have to overcome obstacles or something similar. So they might get marked at how fast they could complete or the way they handled their situation.

After that, Zewoulf went back to meditating while Azyl gave it a second to think, before he ended up on his bed. After knowing about the test details and the fact that his chances to get expelled were nil now, he got back into his character and decided to sleep. There wasn't much he could do now, as the elemental affinity was totally up to luck. And for the last task it would only be found tomorrow as to how he would fare.

He would wake up later to try meditating, just so that Woulf would not bother him about it. It was also already decided for Woulf to partner with Nigel, so there was nothing else for him to do now for the day. Which was why he laid down on his bed, and drifted off to sleep. At least he could say that he was resting and allowing his body to recover from the soreness from day before yesterday.


Deeper into the academy:

The Vice Principal looked at the parchment in his hand, then looked at the senior professor in front of him who has given him the sheet. The sheet contained name of three students, along with their remarks and how they had fared until now in the academy for the past two weeks.

"Sir, these three are likely candidates for being the person who had produced those flute sounds the yesterday. Two of them are kids who stand out from there batch. Even though one of them seems to be a little lacking in temperament, it is now known to us that irregulars often act strange." The professor, who was incharge of fourth year elements class respectfully told the Vice Principal.

"Keep a close eye on all three. Two of these students are already seeded and required to enter the elements class. We have to find out before tomorrows result which one of them needs has to be transferred to the yoga class. As for the other kid, even though he lack the temperament, we can observe him tomorrow more clearly. If its him, it will be easier to hide him from the Principal's eyes." The man with deep black eyes answered him. Then he waved his hand to dismiss him.

While these two were close friends, inside the academy they had to act according to their positions. It was important to keep secrecy, because if they were found out, the consequences would be terrible for their cause.

And they had only one cause - which was to make their nation independent.

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