In Serial

Children of Ohst

8 108 27
Author: Type:Male


Fifteen years had passed since the City of Ohst had been saved from the evil of the cloned wizards from the Second Moon. All is going well. Or is it?

When the children of the Royal Family, the pseudo-twins Estella Khaira and Ulius Inkhirus are sent to spend the holiday in d’Ornia, along with their friends, the last thing they expected was to be kidnaped through a wormhole and sent to another planet.

Against them stands an army an army of monsters, lead by an supreme wizard, a Nemesis.

Against such foes, they have only their skills.

Estella reads the futures; Ulius breaks, repair or controls anything technological; Frey’r is a High Berserk Norse; Vellantina is the daughter of the most dangerous assassin on the Realm and last but not least, Sirinn is a Beauhemian with unpaired scheming talent.

They will have to learn to work as a team. And in a team, friendship is not slow to appear. And maybe… more?

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