《Children of Ohst》16. A Bumpy Road


The vehicle was as large as a truck and had six wheels. It was armored, had two entry and exit points, at the back and on the top, and a bulletproof windshield. It was designed to transport shock troops and would have made Dora cry with envy.

The driving system was straightforward to understand, maybe because it had an automatic gear and a wheel, and about the indicators, she couldn’t care less. So Fit’s started the engine for her, and off they went, at full speed. Her driving lacked precision and would have destroyed a lesser vehicle, but this one was tough. And nevermind roads or paths. Vella hopped over brooks, went through the middle of rivers, broke trees, all at full speed. She was happy. Her friends, though, were sick.

„Stop! We need a break... to relieve ourselves!” tried Ulius an excuse, planning to take over and pretend he’s a kid who wants his part of the fun.

„We have facilities inside; no need to stop,” said Khit’s.

One push on a button and a small round hole opened in the floor, while a metal bar extended to connect to the ceiling, a handle, and Khit’s proceeded to show them the how’s.

Horror exclamations ensued. Li-Hua got a big slap on her face, Frey’r’s hand, trying to protect her from the sight. Sirinn raised and put himself in front of Estella, which worked better. Vellantina was unaware of the situation and asked:

„Did I take that curve too tight? Want me to slow down?”

„Khit’s peeing through a hole in the floor; it’s their toilet. And there is no doubt he’s a boy. Quite impressive aiming, considering the conditions, I’d say.” Sirinn narrated. „But yes, please, do slow down; you’re killing us!”

„You people are so strange!” stated Schpit’s. „You mind a simple bodily function, yet you shake hands without disinfecting them first. So gross!”


„I’ll take over the driving,” proposed Fit’s, the Mechanic. „We cannot afford going slower.”

It was much better, and they could even eat and did had a small break for relief at some point. Gradually, the terrain rose and reached the mountains. There were many mines and improvised factories all around, but the most impressive feature was the army. Warbeasts lined in rows, for miles, doing pushups in unison. Half an hour later, still doing pushups. Immense machinery with unknown purpose, transport vehicles as big as whales, and small vehicles with strange guns. A little aside, a lot of beauhemians, those chosen by Alienor to return with her. Women and children in the middle, men around, all on horses. No wasp was in sight.

The army was concentrated on a small round mountain five miles in diameter and three thousand feet high. On its top was a metallic tower, fifty and some feet tall and fifteen wide, with an observation point on top, a glass construction. It reminded them of a lighthouse.

Fit’s stopped the vehicle a hundred yards away.

„We do the rest on foot. Don't worry, the identification protocols showed they do not see us as hostiles,” said Khit’s, opening the back door. „The tunnel device is the tower. It focalizes planet alignment energy. In about five minutes, this planet and the Realm will be perfectly aligned on opposing sides of the Sun, the ideal moment for interplanetary wormholes. Once on the Realm, you take over the mind controller. Then, we discuss what to do further.”

„Looks good,” approved Estella.

„How on the Realm will this tower transport more than half a million people?” wondered Ulius.

„By moving all the mountain with everyone on it, like one big spaceship. It’s quite clever,” explained Khit’s. “It will use the principle your highness exposed yesterday, the mass transfer. It will transport here a mountain from the Realm and go there instead.”


„Can she put it over the City or something?” asked Estella with alarm

The little creature just shook his head in a vehement no, but it was Ulius who replied.

“Don’t you remember what dad said? Tunnels are safe by nature; they require the certitude that whoever goes through will arrive safely and hurts no one.”

“Didn’t you said Alienor tried to put us into a volcano?” she asked, perplexed.

“I did, but I presumed she didn’t know how things work. And my theory, now, is that her evil intention caused the tunnel to malfunction.”

„Let’s go and see if we can figure out the destination, and we better hurry, because those five minutes are almost up.” proposed Fits.

They ran up to the tower. Its door, a metal sheet one, was opened. One by one, they entered, and as soon as the last, Sirinn, went inside, there came the bright blinding light.

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