《Dungeon Master Life In Another World!》Chapter 4


“Wait a minute. If I have this much dungeon points, doesn’t that mean I can buy the basic monster encyclopedia right?”

Opening the dungeon shop, I then bought the book without any hesitation. After light began to appear a large thick book began to materialize in midair. Realizing that it will drop to the floor if nothing catches it, I spread my hands below the book.

After it fell to my hands, I then looked for the skeletons category in the table of contents.

The writings in the book were in cursive and are easy to read. It was just like the ones used in wizardry films. When I found the skeletons category, I stopped and looked at the one below it.


Even though I am indeed curious about the ogre like goblin, I decided that I read about it after I was done upgrading the skeletons.

Skipping the pages all the way to the skeletons category, I looked at the slightly yellow musty pages and found the one I was looking for.

“Here it is. Types of skeletons”

Written in bold letters were the types of skeletons. The book only described the basic information about these monsters but as a reference this was good enough.

Race: Iron Skeleton

Info: A subspecies of the ordinary skeletons. They are practically only an evolved form of the ordinary skeleton, the only changes being their increased physical abilities and the color of the bones turning into a metallic color. They are mostly found in iron filled areas filled with corpses.

Race: Ghostly Skeleton

Info: Its appearance is like a crossbreed between a ghost and a skeleton. It can levitate for a meter at most and can’t be harmed by physical attacks. There s a downside though, their movement speed and defense against magical attacks have been drastically decreased. They can think for themselves and can speak broken languages, though their intellect is only like a child.

Race: Lesser Lich

Info: The weakest of all the liches. They are considered inferior and are treated as slaves among the special societies of liches. They are basically the same as ordinary liches apart from being weaker in all areas.

“The lesser lich seems to be the most interesting of the bunch”


I nodded my head multiple times at my conjecture.

“But they are too expensive so that is crossed out. In the end, I have to pick between a more useful ordinary skeleton and a smarter but seemingly not so useful skeleton”

After contemplating for a while on which one they should evolved into. An idea struck my brain.

“Skeleton No.1 evolve into iron skeleton and Skeleton No.2 evolve into ghostly skeleton”

I had two skeletons and it was a good chance to make an experiment so in the end I decided to upgrade both of them. But instead of evolving into the same monster, I had them evolve into different ones to see which is better.



Skeleton No.1 stayed silent as expected while Skeleton No.2 spoke in a ghostly voice. Seeing as I could now somewhat have a conversation without the risk of dying, I jumped towards him and attempted a bear hug, only to fall to the ground with a thud.

“Oh, right. Ghostly skeletons are immune to physical attacks huh”

I attempted to touch him and since he is technically a ghost. I naturally was not able to.


With a laughter that would make one’s hair stand on all end. Skeleton No.2 laughter were like music to my ears.

“Hehehe, I hope you like my gift Skeleton No.2”


Unexpectedly, Skeleton No.2 was ungrateful for the name given to him and requested for a change of name. No, I guess he is not ungrateful. If I were also like him, I would have asked for my name to be changed too.

“Fine, but only after you evolve again alright?”

With furrowed brows, this is what I came up with. After all, I didn’t expect for someone to suddenly request a change of name. I didn’t want to give a half assed name so that is what I said.


Nodding his head, he then made circles beside me, probably expressing his happiness.

“All right, and now as for Skeleton No.1”


Not moving an inch. Skeleton No.1 looked at me with his body that seems to made out of metal like material. He didn’t speak a word, making things awkward. Pointing towards the shovel on the floor, I then ordered him to begin working once again.


“Still, I have some lots of dungeon points. I guess I should spend them wisely”

Looking at the glowing earth slime, I opened his window and looked at his possible evolutions after giving back his movement speed for 130 dungeon points.

‘Dungeon Points: 1979

Race: Glowing Earth Slime


Earth Slime: 300

Intelligent Glowing Earth Slime: 500

Lava Slime: 1500

Metamorphic Slime: 5000

Jumping Slime: 750


This time I did not bother looking at the basic monster encyclopedia book and instead bought its evolutionary path without any hesitation.

“If you can understand me, can you walk around me three times?”

Looking at me for a moment, the slime slithered around me three times. With its action, it is obvious that it now, at the very least, has basic intellect. Too bad it seems it can’t speak so I was not able to start a conversation.

“Wait, if it has some form of intelligence. Maybe it can read?”

I tried giving the basic monster encyclopedia book as an example. Unexpectedly, the slime did come closer and began to flip the page and seems to be trying to understand what it is saying.

“Hahaha! It can read!”

With glee, I was not able to control my impulse and bought a book about basic elementary magic. When I opened it to look at the contents inside, I began to feel dizzy so I passed it to the slime to see what it would do.

Touching it with one of its tentacles, it then left the book it was previously reading and slithered over. I’m not sure if it was having a hard time understanding or not understanding the book at all since it then stopped moving completely and stayed in place even after a few minutes passed, not bothering to flip the page.


Appearing from behind me, Skeleton No.2 tried to attract my attention by moving around and calling my name. Seeing as this was also a chance to test his intelligence, I showed the basic monster encyclopedia book with shining eyes, waiting expectantly at what he will do next.

Just like what the book says, it only had the mind of a child since it just floated away as if avoiding it.

With a sigh, I scratched my head and thought that it would be best if I evolve my monsters as soon as possible so I will be able to increase their intelligence.

With the sound of footsteps, I turned my head to look at the source of sound. Skeleton No.1 walked towards the intelligent glowing earth slime holding a sack and not long later, dumped its contents. Walking back, he then proceeded to increase the room’s size.

“He’s fast”

His movements were noticeably quicker and stronger. If only he had Skeleton No.2’s intelligence then that would be the best. Too bad his physical abilities were the only ones that increased.

Opening the dungeon shop, I bought 48 skeletons, pickaxes, and sacks. Ordering them to do the work I had given to Skeleton No.1. Bowing their heads slightly, they obeyed without uttering a single word.

“The dungeon should be developing quickly compared to the others”

I thought about how the other dungeon masters were doing.

“I hope they are not hostile”

After reading multiple novels, following the cliché, this should be impossible. The newly created dungeon cores are probably scouting each other right now. As for what we would get if we defeated another dungeon master, I don’t know. Who knows, maybe there is no benefits from doing so. I doubt telling them this will be of any use though.

With a sigh, I looked at the now cramped second floor of the dungeon. The skeletons were busy moving about, not slowing down because of their endless stamina.

“I wonder what the goblins on the first floor are doing”

Just as I was about to open the dungeon menu to look at how they are doing, I remembered about the monster encyclopedia.

“Oh right, I should probably look for information about that goblin”

Flipping the pages all the way to the goblins category, I spotted an image that closely resemble the ogre like goblin.

“Special type of goblin?”

Flipping to the next page, I began to read with a serious look on my face.

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