《Dungeon Master Life In Another World!》Chapter 3


In a small room, a youth wearing a slightly dirtied standard uniform sat in a corner. He looked around the pile of dirt in the room, ceiling and walls that were nothing but the color brown. With a sigh, he opened the dungeon menu.


As expected of goblins. They sure work tough.

I had been working with the skeletons tirelessly to create new rooms or expanding the current ones. When I took a break and passed the pickax back to Skeleton No.2. I opened the dungeon menu and noticed that even when it was 2:30am. They were still working tirelessly.

Well, it’s not like all of them are walking tirelessly.

“Social hierarchy sure is troublesome…”

The ones who were making new rooms were clearly smaller and lankier. The more robust goblins guarded them. Occasional kicks and jeering were thrown to these pitiful sleep deprived goblins, forcing them to work faster.

“I wonder what that guy is doing now”

Switching the room I was looking at. I then looked for the monstrous looking goblin.


The ogre like goblin roared and made all the goblins in the room flustered. Taking one of the nearby goblins with his mighty hands, he threw it to the wall with a loud crash.

Seeing one of them die just like that, all the goblins fled the room in a hurry and went to a room filled with fruits and carcasses. Taking everything they can get, they then ran back to their master and presented them.

“*munch* *munch*”

With a burp, the ogre like goblin then slept peacefully once again.

Seeing their master sleep peacefully, all the goblins in the room sighed in relief. Leaving the room, they silently went their own ways. Others moved on to the mating area with vulgar faces while others went to see if there was any leftover food.

“Let’s see here…”

Instead of looking at only one room at a time, I decided that it was best to look at the dungeon as a whole. Zooming out of the room, the whole first floor was then presented before me.


One of the goblin groups numbering thirteen returned with a couple of berries and small animals. Returning to where the food was stored, they then got mad and stomped on the ground repeatedly while muttering what seem to be curses.



With that as a sign, all of them kept quiet and realized the reason why the room was empty. Walking out of the room, they then set off from the dungeon with slow and tired steps once again.

Closing the dungeon menu, I rubbed my forehead.

“This world is really barbaric”

I’m not sure if this still holds true since I have yet to look at the intelligent beings of this world. But as of now, this is my opinion.

“Forget it. It’s not like I can do anything even if I want to”

This is true. Even in my world, only those who held power can order those around. The weaker ones can only obey those who are stronger than them.

I’m not a saint or anything. Even if I wanted to make this world into a better place, I’m sure there are those who will oppose it. Think about it. What would you do if you were born in a world filled with power and others try to take that power away from you? Won’t you get mad? Of course you will. That said, I’m sure there are those who will help you if that is what you work for. Though I think they are in the minority.

The current me is just a weakling. Sure I had the potential to grow strong since dungeon masters grow strong overtime. But what if I made a move with my current strength, wouldn’t I just die.

I have to lay low until I gain enough strength. Until then, I will slowly amass power. That is my plan anyway.


I’m not sure my sanity would last that long however.

“Is there anyone I can even talk to?”

I could just buy monsters that can speak and act normal like humans and elves. But if I do, it would be a waste of dungeon points. Something I would avoid doing if possible.

“It’s not like they can breathe here anyway…”

I closed off the dungeon’s second floor from the first. I made sure there was no crevice since I thought the goblins might have a good sense of smell.

I doubt there is any oxygen being produced in this floor right now. Unless they are of course being magically produced just like in some novels. I’m not sure though, I can still smell but I no longer need air to breathe.


Of course I could just buy monsters that don’t need to breathe. They are usually weaker or costlier than their counterpart so I didn’t.

“Besides, skeletons are more useful”

I looked at the two hardworking skeletons with moist eyes. I’m not sure if not talking to anyone who can talk back had made me crazy. But as of now, I truly see these two as my comrades.

“Skeleton No.1 and skeleton No.2. Come here”

Stopping in their work, the two skeletons walked towards me. The glow of the glowing earth slime showed their brown body that was previously white.

Even if there was no source of light, I could’ve seen that their body was no longer white. I could see in the darkness as long as it’s in my dungeon after all. Why did I even buy the glowing earth slime and not just an ordinary earth slime you ask? Well, isn’t that obvious? Since glowing earth slimes are easier to spot than ordinary slimes, they cost cheaper.

“Good job. I have some spare dungeon points that I want to use on you guys. All you have to say is thank you and I will upgrade your stats. Come on, don’t be shy. Say it.”



“What? You wouldn’t even say thanks to your master. Hahahaha! Then no upgrades for you!”

Laughing once again, I looked at the ceiling.

“Hahaha…haha..ha… What am I even doing?”

Covering my face with both hands, I kept quiet for a while.




No one said a word during that time. Of course since I’m the only one that can speak it all depended on me.

“What should I do?”

I looked at two of my monsters with a blank head.

“Tell me what should I do?”

No answer.

“*sigh* if only you guys could talk…”

If only they could talk…

“I would be forever grateful…”

Still, there was no answer.

“*sigh* why am I even acting like this”

Now I really think that I’ve gone mad. I’m not really the type of person that expresses their feeling to others. Even if the one I’m talking to can’t talk back and probably doesn’t understand what I’m saying. In other words, I even don’t talk to things like pillows and walls like a crazy person.

“Open Stats for Skeleton No.1 and No.2”

With a tired face I open their stats page and looked at their stats. The two of them could really be called the weakest of the weakest. All of their stats apart from their stamina were really low.

Holding back my sigh, I looked at the bottom left of Skeleton No.2’s screen called evolve. Pressing it with my hands, more information was given

‘Dungeon Points: 3,479

Race: Skeleton


Iron Skeleton: 750

Ghostly Skeleton: 750

Lesser Lich: 3,500

Winged Skeleton: 150

Poisonous Skeleton: 350

Cursed Skeleton: 5,000



This is strange. I don’t think much time has passed since I had sealed off the second floor. If I’m correct, only a few hours has passed.

“Why do I have so much dungeon points?”

I pointed this question to no one in particular. Opening the dungeon menu, I looked at the whole dungeon.

“What is this?”

The goblins began cheering as two small goblins began to fight barehanded. When the weaker looking one was hit in the throat using the stronger looking goblin’s nails, blood spurted and he fell limping on the ground. Not wasting any time, the other goblin then pounced and finished the fight by kicking the dying goblin in the throat.


After the weaker looking goblin died, the dungeon menu notified me that my dungeon points increased by 3.

“So I get more dungeon points if there are monsters dying on the dungeon?”

With that, I was convinced. The reason I was earning so much dungeon points was because the goblins killed their prey inside the dungeon. But still, deep down, I still don’t wholly believe that is the only reason.

“Just how many rooms did we made”

Opening the dungeon menu, I looked at all the room in the second floor.

“What the fuck…”

There were now 13 rooms on the second floor. It seems that staying in a place without looking at the time on the dungeon menu made my body clock disorganized.

“That doesn’t matter. I can now upgrade Skeleton No.1 and No.2”

With glee, I looked at the two silent skeletons in the room.

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