《Dungeon Master Life In Another World!》Chapter 5


Goliath goblin, a powerful monster with the appearance of an ogre. There had been countless reports of theses monster being able to destroy villages and D rank adventurer parties’ singlehandedly. Thanks to their powerful body they are even able to destroy the walls of small towns.

Each of these goblins is born with little to no intellect. Being born as an abnormal, their parents are usually ordinary goblins. There have so far no report of them being seen as intelligent and civilized. These subspecies of the goblins’ can’t use magic.

They are categorized as a C+ rank monster.

“Hoh? He doesn’t seem so special after all”

Closing the books a relieved smile formed on my lips. Thanks to the information given in the book I now know its weaknesses.

“Evolving Skeleton No.2 into a ghostly skeleton is a good idea. In case they somehow found a way to break the door to the second floor, then I’ll use him as a distraction.”

Opening the dungeon menu, I then looked at its sleeping figure.

“Still I think it’s best if I evolve him one more time though”

Laughing wryly, a warning popped up, telling me that new intruders have entered the dungeon.

Someone who is known as a someone influential among the orcs, that is me Kruulsh, the leader of one of the smaller orc tribes.

The moment the other orcs saw my figure, they cower and immediately bowed down on the floor. Today was no exception.

All the orcs in the tribe bowed down on the ground in fear of being hacked to death if they didn’t do so. The young ones even occasionally made a quick peek at me. If this was any ordinary day then I would have personally walked forward and killed them for being disrespectful. Luckily for them, I was in a good mood.

“Listen up you filthy scoundrels! One of our scouts has found a cave filled with nasty goblins! Isn’t this a good chance for a raid!”


All of them stood up and laughed. The younger ones had shining eyes as they licked their mouths, hoping to be the first one to spill the blood.


“Well, what are we waiting for? Onwards!”

Placing my silvery shining sword in the air, everyone cheered one last time before heading out to make those weak goblins know their place.

“Tribe chief, were here”

A lanky orc, filed with scars said to me as he pointed at a cave nearby. Stopping the others by raising one of my hands, I took a step forward and looked at what will be mine.

‘If I take this cave then the others will see how wrong they were for banishing me. Once I gain more men, I will kill all of them and have fun with all their women’

Laughing at my vulgar thoughts, I ordered everyone to charge.




Shouting their battlecry, they slashed at the fear stricken goblins guarding the entrance and entered the cave fearlessly.

Seeing as nothing was going wrong, I also ran towards the cave only to be met with a disastrous scene.

“What is this!”

A single ogre slaughtered everyone in one of the deeper rooms, his massive arms squashing them instantly into mush. His might is obviously far stronger than mine. So as a genius, I used my brain and fought as a group to take down this monster.

“Grishkah! Use your spells now!”

Ordering the lone shaman in the village, the old hooded orc then began chanting his magic as he pointed his staff at the raging monster.


Hitting the ogre in the face, I made my move by moving forward quickly and leaving the others in the dust. Brandishing my sword from its sheathe, I slashed forward and used my skill.


Even in the previous tribe I was banished from. I was one of the strongest orcs, so taking down a single of ogre should hard but doable.

My slash skill showed its wonders the moment it hit the ogre’s flesh. Although the blade stopped midway, if I had attacked without the use of any skill then I would probably only be able to scratch him.

Dodging its attempted punch, I jumped back before jumping forward and pushing the sword even further.



“How do you like that!”

Seeing its pained face brought me great joy. The others now finally caught up to me and slashed with their weapons and as expected, they were only able to bring minor wounds.


With a roar, red runes began to appear from its body, making its muscles bulge.

“Be careful! It’s using the berserk skill!”

With a panicked cry, the orc shaman, Grishkah shouted. This was the first time I saw him panicked so it made me smile a bit, still though, this is bad.


If we can’t beat him alone, then all we can do is to fight together!


Taking one of the rusted sword from a nearby orc, I charged onwards and slashed at its neck, making blood spill in the air.

The others seeing me attack so fearlessly, attacked with even more vigor and caused the ogre to scream in pain.


The ogre grabbed one of the nearby orcs and threw him towards Grishkah, killing them both and turning them into paste in the wall. Seeing its fearsome prowess, the others tried to retreat, but the ogre had none of that. He grabbed another orc and threw him towards a nearby group before rampaging and killing everyone in groups by swatting them.

“Why you!”

All of my life’s work was being taken in front of me. So with the anger I’m feeling right now, I charged and punched with all of my might towards its ugly face.


The punch did nothing and only made the ogre focused its attention on me. Looking at me with its glowing red eyes, fear struck my body.

Grabbing my fist and my shoulder, it then pulled it was then pulled without any resistance.


Screaming in pain as I looked at my arm on the ogre’s mouth, I was then kicked on the wall. With blood spilling in my mouth I looked at the monster before me. It is without a doubt the strongest existence I’ve seen since I was born. With its powers, who knows? It might be able to even kill that guy.

“Hehehe, come at m-“

I was not even able to complete my sentence when a powerful kick was aimed at my head.


I didn’t know that goliath goblins were this strong. But maybe this guy was an exception.


The goliath goblin after killing the orc did not bother eating its corpse and instead just stood there blankly before all of the runes vanished from its body. Falling on the ground with a thump it then began to breathe heavily while blood gushed out from its wounds. It obviously won’t be long before its life will be taken by the grim reaper.

Seeing as I am a kind person I closed the dungeon menu and looked at my monsters. All of them were special to me, I don’t want them to have a future just like the orcs and goblins just now.

“I have to test their strength”

Ordering Skeleton No.1 and Skeleton No.2 to come forward, I looked at the slime that was still reading a book without having a care in the world before sighing.

Telling them both to follow me, I then opened the door towards the first floor and walked towards the grisly scene filled with death and despair. Stepping on the flesh and corpses of monsters, I was unexpectedly calm. I didn’t know if this was a side effect of being a dungeon master since at this moment I was apathetic. Whatever the case I am thankful for this.

Walking towards the groaning gigantic goblin, I looked at its wound filled body and frowned. Its blood was quickly leaking towards the floor and made the scene more tragic.

Looking at me with hatred filled eyes; it tried to stand up but failed miserably. Seeing its unwillingness to die before killing its foes made me praise it deep inside my heart. But I said nothing and only looked at it with heartless eyes.

“Skeleton No.1, Skeleton No.2. Show me what you can do”

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