《Dungeon Master Life In Another World!》Chapter 1


“It’s small…”

The dungeon which is now under my control is a small open area of a cave. It is 25 meters in length and width. Although it may not look too small at a glance, this is supposed to be a place where adventurers fight.

“*sighs* Nothing can be done about it anyway”

In the middle of the room, a shining meter long crystal pulsated with red light to which I assume to be the so called dungeon core. it stood in the miidle of the room proudly, as if telling everyone who sees it ‘break me please’.

“I want a do over…”

As I was lamenting of my bad luck. Small letters began to appear in the air in front of me.

‘Greetings Dungeon Master

As you are well aware, you have been created by the Goddess of Dungeons, Aurelia

You now have free reign over your dungeon to do as you wish

But beware; there are rules that must be followed

Building a society of intelligent beings inside the dungeon that are not bought from the monster catalog, summoned by the Dungeon Master, or his/her monsters. Attacking dungeons that are 2 years old or below if one’s original dungeon is older than 2 years old. Completely sealing the entrance to other floors. Siding with other Gods against the almighty Goddess, Aurelia. Not participating in parties held by the almighty Goddess, Aurelia when invited. Usage of the almighty Goddess, Aurelia’s name in vain. Breaking an oath with the almighty Goddess, Aurelia’s name on the line.

Failing to follow any of these rules will result in immediate expulsion (Death)’

After reading everything, the letter vanished as if it was never there.

“She’s a girl?”

The self proclaimed God’s voice was indistinguishable if it was a man or a woman. What’s more it referred to itself as a god not a goddess. Seems like the term God in this world can be used no matter what the gender… or maybe she just had a complex about it.

“It’s not like it matters anyway… guess I’ll just open the dungeon shop”

After thinking of opening the dungeon shop, a hologram appeared with categories in them. The categories listed are monsters, landscape, items, and mystery box. It also told me that I am currently earning 5 dungeon points daily.


“Well the most basic thing to do is to buy monsters right?

‘*Unnamed Dungeon*

Dungeon Points: 100


Wild Goblin: 10

Human: 2500

Wild Orc:75

Skeleton: 35

Vampire: 10,000

Lesser Lich: 3,500

Nightmare: 35,000

Arc Gnoll: 750

Succubus: 4500

Ordinary Slime: 5


“It’s starting to really look like a game”

Although it is tempting to go buy a monster right this instant. With my better judgment I decided not to as there might be something better in the other catalogs.

“Let’s see…”

‘*Unnamed Dungeon*

Dungeon Points: 100


Increase Floor Size: 100

Add Floor: 1,000

Change Terrain: (Depends on what type)

Short Distance Transportation Tile: 50,000


‘*Unnamed Dungeon*

Dungeon Points: 100


Fireball Skill Scroll: 750

Lesser Instant Heal Potion (Impure): 750

Light Devouring Sword: 750,000,000

Axe of Gluttony: 5,000,000

World Tree Nectar (1ml): 1,000,000

Amulet of Truth: 5,000,000

Cheese Cake: 50

Rusty Short Spear: 5

Iron Pickax: 75


‘*Unnamed Dungeon*

Dungeon Points: 100


Empty Mystery Box: 1

Poor Man’s Mystery Box: 10

Beginner Mystery Box: 100

Intermediate Mystery Box: 1,000

Advance Mystery Box: 10,000


“Isn’t this too hardcore?”

Everything listed in the catalog had a whooping amount. With my current Dungeon Points I am only able to buy the most basic of any of these categories.

“*sighs* there really isn’t much of a choice”

In the end I bought 2 skeletons, pickax, and a rusted short spear. I mean I could’ve bought others especially the humans for example. But I had to feed and let them rest unlike the tireless but weaker skeletons.

The most important thing right now is to increase my safety and to increase the dungeon points earned daily. Since I currently don’t have a foolproof plan in increasing my dungeon points, isn’t the next best thing to increase my security?

“Can you guys understand me?”



Not making a sound. The two looked at me without moving.

Walking towards them, I threw the rusted short spear to the one on the right and the iron pickax to the one on the left.

“All right, you protect the dungeon core while you dig the area around the cave then throw it outside”


I said these to the two and got a nod in return before following my orders silently.

It had been a few days since I had reincarnated into a dungeon master. The dungeon which I rule is now starting to get bigger. Although the dungeon is still small, after a few weeks it should be somewhat acceptable. If the one I had bought was an actual living monster that needs rest and food then the progress then would be quite slow. Buying skeletons as workers was a great idea after all.

The soil and rocks that was originally part of the walls of the dungeon is now placed in front of the dungeon’s entrance and made it look like there was nothing on the other side. The entrance was hard to spot from the outside due to it being small while one could easily find it from the inside. I currently have no powerful trap or monster that can assure my survival so I had no choice but to do this.

In these few days I also went outside and explored the outside perimeters of the cave to get a better idea of where the dungeon is located.

“Well, at least there seems to be no powerful threats nearby”

What I’m looking at right now is a very lush forest filled with vitality. The chirping of birds and the occasional small animal that curiously peeked their heads from bushes and on top of trees to look at me is the picture perfect idea of nature’s beauty.

“How beautiful…”

I’m not sure if a dungeon master is a race or title in this world but nevertheless I may be currently a dungeon master but my ethics is still that from earth even when I no longer had the need to sleep, eat, drink, breath, or take baths.

“I guess it’s time to go back now”

I had the basic information needed so now I can be more relaxed about my and the dungeon’s safety.

Walking towards the center of the cave, a skeleton wearing no armor and only holding a rusted spear greeted me by bowing his head slightly before looking at the empty air once again while the other skeleton did not bother looking at me and instead continued hitting the walls using his pickax with practiced movements.

“I’ll just let that guy increase the first floor’s space for today. Tomorrow he should start making the dungeon’s second floor after creating another room”

At first the skeleton with the pickax did not know what to do and just continued hitting the walls using his pickax without taking out the soil and rocks because of his inherently low intellect because of being a low level undead which made me almost pull my hair out.

After a few more instructions he understood what to do and was able to do the job satisfactorily. It should be no problem if I should add a bit more as long as they are simple.

“Guess I should help”

Taking a brown sack from the corner which I bought the day after being brought into this world, I scooped out the soil and the small rocks using my free hand and put them inside the sack.

“I should have bought a shovel”

Although I did consider this thought for a moment. I denied it a second later, buying an rusted iron shovel cost 5 dungeon points. Although this might sound like a good deal, in reality it isn’t. I hadn’t bought one to make sure and instead made my assumptions on the rusted short spear I had previously bought. Just scraping the sides using my nails made the side have small nail marks which are proof of its extremely poor quality. To be honest I doubt it would be much useful in battle unless the opponent has a weak body and has no armor and weapon.

Taking the sack with me, I carried it on my body with difficulty and slowly walked towards the entrance before dumping the contents out. Using my hands I made it stick closer to the pile of soil and rocks next to it.

Looking at the big mound of dirt that did not look out of place from the rocky exterior of the cave’s entrance, I made a small smile and thought of how much progress I and my monster made these few days.

“Just a few more weeks…”

Just a few more weeks and my plan to increase my dungeon points will start.

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