《Mare Nostrum》Prologue
The Empire of Man has fallen.
The Romans had stood unbowed and united for centuries in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea.
They would hold their eyed position for centuries to come, or so we thought.
Nobody expected them to move. Nobody could have expected them to move.
The 'ancient ones' awoke. The end of their slumber announced the decline of mankind's empire.
The north entered an eternal winter. The frost giants rose first. Horror's from children stories walked the endless ice.
Far west the Atlantic ocean devoured it's islands and threatened western coastal settlements. Great Turtles, the Aspidochelones, emerged from the deep. Horror's from Seamen's yarn roamed the Atlantic and its coast.
The eastern mountains trembled. Old curses and spirits freed themselves when the creatures of the earth resurfaced.
The south dried up. It turned into a land of fire, ash and sand. Volcanos spewed out Dragons, while the dunes covered fertile lands hungrily.
To the north-east, the great forest grew restless. Creatures normally rarely seen, now roamed the area in thousands. Nature turned hostile to its guardians.
The free non-humans were forced to flee from their home regions. Those were now plagued with nightmarish creatures and extreme climate. Few stayed behind, all of them perished.
The following Migration of Nations, headed by elves, dwarves, sea-folk and demi-humans, hit an empire divided by infighting and unobstructed corruption. The migration ignited the fire of civil war and a bloody and short conflict would see the empire split in east and west.
The East reformed itself, trying to integrate the fleeing people, while the West slowly collapsed and fractured after nearly a century of battling the migrating nations.
The events after the awakening of the ancient ones are summarised as the Great Change. The era of Roman domination had ended.
- Excerpt from 'Collapse of the Roman Empire', written by Marcus Cato, Head of the great library of Alexandria. Finished on the 6th of July 109 after G.C..
Roma, Capital of the West, 93 years after G.C.
An envoy was running through the streets of Roma.
Her steps echoed through the old jewel of the empire. The city lost its importance and a sizeable part of its population during the last century. She stopped when she saw a line of legionaries marching through. The envoy didn't recognize the legion's emblem.
They must be part of the new legion to repel the joint invasion of elves and dwarves. At this rate, the heart of the empire, my beloved Italia, will fall as well, the envoy thought. Worry about her empire and her own future showed on her face.
She shook her head and continued the journey to the palace. She had a message, an important message, a message for the emperor himself. The palace guard noticed her and prepared to intercept the toga-wearing woman.
"HOLD! In the name of the emperor state your identity and reason for visiting the palace", he shouted with fervour.
"Second envoy of the West, Camila from house Scipii. I have a message for the emperor. Bring Brutus here as fast as possible. If you want to keep your head", Camila added calmly, while showing her emblem marking her as an envoy. One guard ran away to get their captain, while the other continued to watch the perimeter.
I would be lucky if the emperor doesn't kill me for being the bearer of terrible news. His behaviour was unstable during the last meetings. I could try to convince Brutus to deliver the message. I think it may be time to put my own happiness and safety first, Camila thought as Brutus appeared from a corridor.
"Hello Brutus, it is a pleasure to see you again", said Camila with a charming smile.
"Um, hello Cami. I hope your smile means good news? If you have a message for the emperor you better come with me fast" Brutus said urgently.
Camila took a step forward and wrapping her arms around Brutus' neck. Brutus was surprised and confused.
I love you Cami, but you always avoid to take the last step. Putting your duty as an envoy before our relationship. I just want to take you away from the capital, away from danger, Brutus thought as he waited for her to say something.
Camila, failing to notice his troubled thoughts, leaned forward and whispered into his ear.
"With the emperors' current temper, I am not willing to risk my health. So I thought about your proposal. How about you tell the emperor instead. I am ready to settle down somewhere safe and peaceful", said Camila while meaningfully caressing her stomach.
"Um, um, okay? You know, never mind. You accepted no backing out. Tell our families. We will resign at the end of the month. I have a place in mind, Napule. It will be a great place for our children and...", Brutus was interrupted by a kiss from Camila, while not comprehending her hint. A moment later, which felt quite a bit longer for Brutus, she pulled back.
"Stop babbling. I will prepare and yes I am sure of my decision. Now listen to my message and relay it to the emperor without fail. We can talk later when your thoughts are a bit clearer" Camila spoke, ignoring the big smile on Brutus' face. He listened to the message and headed back into the palace.
Now everything is perfect. I just have to deliver the message without dying and then I'm a happy and married man, thought Brutus while heading to the emperor in swift steps.
Emperor Honorius was in a meeting with his two most important advisers. Arminius his first general and Crassus the head of administration. There was a knock on the door. A servant informed him of Brutus arrival, the head of the palace guards.
"Come in Brutus and report your issue", Honorius said sternly.
"Greetings your majesty. I bear grave news from your diplomatic mission to the east. May I report further details?", asked Brutus, visibly tensed up under the emperor's gaze.
"You may", answered Honorius, ignoring that Brutus was used as a scapegoat. That meant bad news and he could already imagine the gist of it.
"The eastern Emperor demands from us to cease all hostility with the non-humans. Furthermore, all legions are to be withdrawn to proper Italia. The control of the Mediterranean islands under our rule and all other regions, except Italia proper, should be transferred to our war enemies as war compensation. And we are to pay two million ducats, as further reparations. Finally, the Emperor of the West is to be put on trial for his war crimes. The Empire of the West will dissolve itself peacefully. The south and middle of Italia proper will join the Eastern Empire, and the north shall be governed by a council of elves, dwarves and humans.", said Brutus, now sweating a second Nile on the ground of the room.
Arminius looked frustrated at their plans for the invasion, Crassus laid down the report he was reading and massaged his forehead. Without saying a word Honorius raised his arm in Brutus' direction. The wind howled and a short, but powerful, gust headed towards the man.
The tiles around Brutus shattered and reformed as an earthen suit of armour behind his back. Then he flew. Brutus didn't die nor was he embedded into the wall. There now was a new entry from the garden to the council room. Brutus stood up from a pond, visible injured and pale from the attack. The rest of his marble tiles armour fell down into the water.
He had used all his mana to defend himself. Brutus staggered away, happy to have finished his part of the agreement and happy to quit with a good reason.
Camila would not have survived such a blow. I'm just happy to leave the capital with her for good this time, thought Brutus while limping out of the garden and towards the next office of a medico.
Gotta hand in that resignation fast, he added.
Honorius was staring daggers at Brutus retreating figure and raised his arm again. He stopped when Crassus put a hand on his shoulder and started to regain his calm.
"What now?" Honorius asked his advisers, "What am I supposed to do now?"
"Our economy will finally collapse without the assistance of the East or at least its neutrality", spoke Crassus with a grim expression. This meant the state would have to cut on all expenses. In a time of war and with the risk of the cities of Italia rebelling, not optimal.
"Our planned counter-invasion could still succeed and cut off the supply lines of the elves, and then we might be able to reassert our control over parts of Galia and even Hispania. On the other hand, our backyard would be wide open for the East and with the current mood in the south there would be little resistance for them. An invasion from the East could reach Roma in 3 weeks", said Arminius, visibly frustrated with a lack of viable options.
"So either die fighting the non-humans or try to hold out in Italia proper for a few more months or years. Both options end in utter defeat for us. We could also accept his demands, but I won't let the Empire be humiliated" Honorius said while he looked at the map of the mediterranean sea. A plan slowly forming in his head. "I will make sure that the Eastern Empire will crumble first! I will make him bleed for his treason! Future generations shall remember our fight and how we went down!"
Arminius and Crassus looked at each other. They knew the Western Empire was finished, for good this time. They looked at Honorius who was moving pieces on the map and calculated something on a paper to his left. Arminius frowned when he saw the position of the pieces, resembling legions, supplies and warships, concentrate near Roma. Crassus moved to Honorius left, focussing his attention on the fast written notes and calculations.
"You madman!", exclaimed Crassus. "Lunatic! Honorius this is madness. We may not be able to save the West, but we can take refuge elsewhere and protect our loved ones, but this…" Crassus failed to find the right words.
Arminius now also recognised the outlines of his emperor's plan. He did not start screaming like Crassus, instead a big grin plastered his face.
"Your majesty this is madness indeed. No, this is beyond madness. Count me in", spoke Arminius in an excited voice, "At least we are finally on the offensive again. The final march of the western legions will be remembered."
"Calm down Crassus. You are not going with us anyway. You will stay behind with the new recruits and the ones which loyalty is uncertain. We will abandon everything, except Roma itself. You will hold the capital until Arminius returns with the spoils of our exploit. When that happens, dissolve the empire and distribute the army and navy across the cities of Italia. That should allow them to gain their long-sought independence and enable them to push the invaders out of Italia proper. I have an idea where to store the loot and remaining state funds", Honorius explained and told them the rest of his plan.
Arminius and Crassus gave him advice and corrected his plan whenever necessary. They discussed long into the night. Their families and friends would be smuggled out of the city to the few loyal vassals remaining in Italia. The royal treasures and artworks would be sealed in a secret vault of a loyal city. Their families would keep the rest as keepsakes.
2 months later. Crassus stood atop the city walls. He looked a the ships, which were sailing down the river Tiber.
Honorius, may the gods watch over your last march into the heart of the east. May Charon guide your soul well, prayed the administrator as a tear ran down from his eye.
This is the last march of the legions, the last victory or defeat and the last western Emperor.
The newly reformed Legion Italica will guard Roma. Legion Germanica, Gallica, Hispana, Augusta and Legion Cyrenaica were sailing to Constantinople, the heart of the east, seat of Emperor Justinian and future battlefield of the last emperors.
City of Constantinople, palace of the eastern Emperor, 94 years after G.C.
Justinian was speaking with his advisers. He was also preparing for the upcoming battles against Honorius. The plan was simple. They would attack Honorius legions continually while rotating their own legions. 20 against five was not a fair fight, even if the western legions consisted of war veterans. The emperor was about to dismiss the council meeting for today, but his first envoy Claudius stormed through the door.
"My majesty, I have grave news", spoke Claudius, visible distressed about said news.
"Speak, it can't be worse than Honorius suicide march", answered the emperor.
"The non-humans have intervened in our plans. They see Honorius march as a chance to topple the empire and adopt a new government. They have restricted 16 out of our 26 legions and most of the warships. Furthermore, most of your human vassals have stayed neutral. Only the Core land around Constantinople, the Anatolic Theme and Aegyptus are still loyal to our cause" explained Claudius, looking at his emperor for commands.
Justinian was still for a few minutes. Now visible less calm. He turned to his advisors. "Any ideas to stop Honorius or do we have to abandon the capital?", asked Justinian, "And what could we do to gain the neutrality of the non-humans in this matter or the loyalty of my human vassals, which are helpfully neutral?"
One of his diplomatic advisers spoke first. "If I may be so frank your majesty. It is quite likely that Honorius has entered a temporary alliance with the non-humans and disloyal humans in our great empire.", Flavius continued his line of thought, "If we defeat Honorius without losing Constantinople, then we could reassert control over the rest of the empire. If we lose to Honorius or abandon the capital…", he did not finish his explanation.
The emperor closed his eyes and dismissed most of the advisors in the room. He looked at the remaining three.
"Any ideas? That battle will decide the fate of the east. My fate", Justinian looked like he was about to give up.
"Give me two legions. I can buy us enough time to rally six other legions in Constantinople", spoke his second general Antony.
"I should be able to defend against Honorius with six legions in the capital. Honorius is on the clock. With enough time the rest of the legions will follow if they see that Honorius can't breach the capital. Your disloyal subjects will stop interfering with our plan as soon as they realize how the situation is playing out.", spoke Lepidus, his fortification expert.
"We will proceed with your plan. The walls of Constantinople should stop Honorius assault", Justinian added, "And send a message to my first general. Tell Belisarius to stop suppressing the demi-humans and sea-folk in Aegyptus. We need him and his legions here. He will attack Honorius from behind as soon as the legions and warships in Aegyptus are here", commanded the emperor, now less pale and more confident in his chances for winning this war. At that moment another envoy stormed into the remains of the council meeting.
"My emperor, Belisarius has betrayed the empire", the envoy shouted practically into the face of his emperor. Justinian ignored the spit in his face and commanded the envoy to elaborate on his claims.
"Belisarius sold his lands in Aegyptus and handed the control of two legions over to the remaining population. Humans, demi-humans and sea-folk are now controlling Aegyptus and its legions. He used the warships to move the last two legions and civilian vessels to move 10'000 colonists. He plans to create his own country in Italia proper while the west is marching into the east", finished the envoy with a pitiful expression. The first general had betrayed his country and direct control over the most important province was lost.
Justinian looked defeated. His chances of victory were dwindling. Belisarius betrayal and the lost of Aegyptus could tip the scales. Only the gods would know which way the wind will blow.
A few weeks later in the war camp of the west. Honorius was staring at the map before him. Arminius had taken two legions to defeat the two legions, which were sent to delay them. The east had to send two more to prevent Arminius from helping with the siege. Two legions had suffered massive casualties when attacking the walls, but they did manage to breach the wall at one point. Legion Augusta secured the harbour thanks to the diversion of the other Legions. Honorius was planning the final attack. The supplies would run out first and the encirclement around them would be finished if they failed this attack as well. Both scenarios ended in the defeat of the west.
"The morale on the site of the defender is rather high. That means Justinian stayed behind, probably because it's still the safest place for him and for the increase in moral", Honorius spoke to the remaining generals, "All of you take the Augusta and attack from the harbour. I will lead the attack through the breach with the other legions."
"As you wish your majesty", shouted the assembled generals while they raised a fist to their chest.
"One more thing. The city will be plundered and razed, as soon as we defeat their legions. Especially the royal and noble districts. After that, you take the spoils and meet up with Arminius and retreat. Arminius and Crassus will handle the rest when you reach Roma. The ones without family or future in Italia will defend the city against the counter-attack of the empire. We will cover your retreat as long as possible", Honorius finished, excitement visible on his face. Today he would write history and topple an empire for good.
Near the Theodosian wall, headquarter of the eastern defence.
"General Lepidus, the last line of defence is broken. Our legions are in disarray, and the enemy is ransacking the city", spoke the messenger and collapsed right after the completion of his mission. Three arrows marking his back.
"With that, I have failed my country and emperor", said Lepidus, donning armour and weapons. He joined the wild melee in the city and died trying to save as many people as possible.
The western troops were spreading terror in the noble district of Constantinople. A group of soldiers were trying to open the door of a villa. Their efforts were awarded with a crossbow bolt, just as the door fell inward. One of the soldiers was hit in the temple of his head and collapsed, now dead.
"Western traitors. Come and meet your end at the hands of the great Tiberius Claudius", said the first envoy of the east, charging the soldiers with a few guards and armed servants.
"Glory and death for the West", answered the soldiers. A fierce and bloody melee followed.
The heart of the east burned in red rain.
Throne Room of the eastern empire. Justinian and around one hundred men of his Varangian Guard looked at Honorius as he entered the throne room with his own men.
"Are you proud of your achievements, Honorius? Your actions have destroyed the human empires. Your inability to sacrifice yourself for the good of the future has doomed all of us. By Hades, may your soul never find rest", accused Justinian across the room while glaring at his counterpart.
"The empire was doomed the moment the east decided to treat the non-humans as citizens and not slaves or servants. Where are the non-humans of the east right now? Did they come to defend their empire? No! They used this chance to get rid of you. You and your predecessors should never have trusted them. They have no honour or concept of morals. And now die with some dignity. For the sake of your empire", answered Honorius. He lead his men to their last charge, Justinian responded in kind.
2 weeks later on the main street of Constantinople. A contingent of elven troops was marching down the street to reach the imperial palace. Lead by a beautiful elven woman, riding on a horse matching the colour of her white hair.
A demi-human rode towards them on his four-legged and feathered mount. His fur black. The elven troops halted as the woman raised her arm. She moved forward to speak with the incoming rider. The man, a humanoid cat, also called Khajiit, slowed as well and looked at the elven woman while smirking.
"Has the queen finally decided to defend the empire? You are a bit late for the party. Myself and the grumpy dwarf have already cleansed the city of all remnants of the western bandits. We are restoring order and peace just as I speak", said the demi-human, showing with his grin that he was indeed happy to arrive before the elves.
"We were delayed. Arminius was faster and fiercer than we expected him to be. Most of his ships escaped our pursuit", answered the elven woman, visibly annoyed at her failure and the demi-human's success, "How about the officials of the Eastern Empire? What of his majesty and his family? Are they well?"
"It pains me to say, that all of the officials and members of the royal family are either dead or missing. The emperor was killed by Honorius, who in turn was killed by me. Not without biting back one last time though", answered the demi-human while pointing at his bandaged arm.
The grave tone of both parties did not match their faces at all. The demi-human's smile was reaching his eyes, while the happiness of the elven woman only showed in form of a quiet laugh.
The leaders of all major races in the East announced the victory over the western invaders. Justinian was buried a few days later and Honorius remains were shipped to Roma. The East decided to change its government to a confederacy. The Eastern Empire was now known as the Eastern Confederacy. Every race ruled their part of the country autonomous. They would meet in Constantinople for matters concerning all the races of the confederacy.
Honorius body was moved secretly to Ravenna, as soon as it reached Roma. Crassus and Arminius dissolved the Western Empire a few days later. This resulted in the founding of many city-states, which entered a temporary alliance to defend against the northern invasion. Only a few cities around Napule formed a duchy. They were led by a deserter, who fled conflict in the east. At least that was what spies reported and local stories told.
End of Prologue
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