《Mare Nostrum》Chapter 1 Descendant of a deserter
City of Napule, 209 years after G.C.
I hated the homework from Titus. Well, I hated any kind of homework, but his were always longer and the least interesting ones from all the other teachers. Who cares about art and music? I didn't. It was like he had a grudge against me. It may have something to do with my own behaviour. Falling asleep was something I did quite often during his lessons. Not that I could help it. It did feel like his first time teaching a 10-year-old though. Yes, there was the problem. He was just bad at teaching children.
There was a knock on the door, and before I could react, two little girls stormed into the library. I put the book I was currently reading down. They looked just like mother with their long light brown hair and dark blue eyes. The girls looked around the library until they spotted me. When they did two smiles formed on their faces. My five-year-old sisters started running to my table and bombarded me with questions.
“Lucius do you want to play with us? Silas is resting, and mommy said we should play with you when you finish your homework. What are you trying to learn today? Can we learn it too? Can you teach us cool things?”, Ivy spoke, without taking a breather between words or sentences. She looked adorable at the attempt to suck in the biggest amount of air with only one breath after she had finished. Before I could answer any of her questions the second little angel, or little devil depending on who you ask in our household, spoke as well.
“Big brother doesn’t play with us any more. You only play learning with the teachers and daddy, but never with us. Don’t you like us? Do you not like your little sisters? Should we go to mommy and tell her Lucius doesn’t like to spend time with the family?”, asked Iris. Now both of my little twin sisters gazed at me with puppy dogs eyes. Tears at the ready should I deny to play with them.
I sighed. I have argued with most of my teachers and my parents, but I could not bring myself to say no to my little sisters.
“I just finished my homework, so I’m free to go. Iris, Ivy what do you want to do?”, I lied and asked my little sisters. Any trace of tears or pitiful expressions erased from their faces the moment I conceded to play with them. Iris started to giggle while Ivy looked at me with a big smile.
“We will play princess, prince and knight. You will be our princess and we will save you from the evil stepmother!”, Ivy said and looked directly into my eyes.
Not getting out of that one. Hopefully, nobody from the servants sees me or worse Titus sees me. I would never hear the end of it if Titus saw me in a dress. While I was deep in thought, my sisters were already dragging me to their room. One holding my left hand and the other the right.
There came no questions from me as my sisters pulled out a pink princess dress from the drawer in exactly my size. They had prepared well!
After nearly two hours of playing with my sisters and reading them a story about a dragon who fell in love with a princess, they were both asleep and cuddling their live sized plush toys on the couch. The book joined the others on the shelf as my little sisters drooled on their toys. It was time to finish my homework for today and for that this dress needs to go.
Just as I was about to change my clothes, the door opened. Serenity Vespasianus, wife of the duke of Neapoli, Jagu Vespasianus, and of course my one and only mother stood before me. Matching the light brown hair and dark blue eyes of my sisters. Mother was pulling her hair up into a bun as she stopped upon noticing me.
“Um, Lucius? Or should I call you Lucy?”, mother looked at me, she was slightly trembling and continued to finish the bun with great effort. She only didn’t laugh because my two sleeping sisters were on the couch! I frowned at mother silently. "Your father and I wanted to speak with you about something important."
She looked on in amusement as I tried to change my clothes. It was not so easy to get out of that dress without my sisters' help, but after a short but intense struggle and the amused expressions of my mother the clothes were finally changed.
Mother took my hand and pulled me out of the room. After closing the door as quietly as possible, and increasing the distance to the room, she erupted in laughter. Mother looked at me while laughing and took my other hand in hers as well. I was red like a tomato and would really like to disappear into the ground right now.
“My little Lucius what will the people think if the son of the silver-tongued duke runs around at home in a dress?”, mother continued laughing and teasing me as we made our way to fathers office.
“Mom please promise me you won’t tell dad. Even better don’t tell anybody. If the twins say it, nobody will believe them anyway, but if you...”, I didn’t elaborate on my situation. I was at mother's mercy.
“Fine, fine. I won’t tell anybody. But you can be sure that I will never forget it. That would be a fine story when you bring a wife home”, mother smirked as she looked at me. I was glaring at her in return.
We finally reached dad’s office. I don’t know what he and mother wanted from me, but it should be better than talking about the ‘dress incident’. Yes, that is what it was. An incident nothing more nothing less. A simple misunderstanding.
I opened the door. Father sat at his desk, sorting and working through documents probably related to state affairs. When the door closed he looked up to me.
“Ah, Lucius. Did you have fun playing with your sisters? Ren told me that they had searched for you”, my father, Jagu, put the document in his hand down and gestured me to sit down on the chair in front of his desk. Mother stood behind me with her hands on my shoulders.
“So Lucius, you are turning 11 in one month. I and your mother think that it is time to focus your education on more specific aspects. While it’s great to specialize in certain skills and abilities or common knowledge, it’s not what you will need as a ruler”, father paused at that point and exchanged looks with mother, “I know you’re only 10 years old, but I do have to ask you nonetheless. Do you want to become my official heir and future duke of Neapoli?”
Yes, no more music and art lessons!
Then I froze as I registered father's question. Did I want to follow in my father's footsteps or did I want something else? Would I be a good ruler? I felt the gazes of my parents on me.
Oh right, I should just answer them honestly. They are my parents. I can surely rely on them. They won’t be disappointed. Right?
“I’m not sure if I want to become the duke. Never thought about ...”, I looked down. Not daring to look my parents into their eyes. I felt nervous, no scared, what will they think about my insecurity? The people, my siblings and the teachers? Will they treat me differently when I’m not the official heir to my father's position? My thoughts became darker and I felled despair. Will dad and mom still love…
“Hey, little one. There is no reason to cry or to feel scared”, my father sat before me on his knees and pulled my face up with one of his hands to meet his gaze. Mother patted my back.
“We will love you regardless of what way you choose. So please don’t be scared. We are family after all”, mother said. She hugged me from behind and put her head on my own. I stayed still for a while and enjoyed the warmth and love of my parents. My worries disappeared, as did any dark thoughts of people treating me differently.
Stories of Julius Caesar and his campaigns were my favourite bedtime stories. But did I want to be like him? Making decisions that affect all of my people. What would I do? Reform things? Or keep doing what dad was doing? What had father done during the last years? I never really asked or listened when he spoke about it. Now I wanted to at least try it!
“I have an old acquaintance. His name is Niloticus. He is a man who has seen many things and places. Probably more than we will ever see combined. He owes me a favour, and I know his current location. I think he should be your teacher for the next 6 years or so”, father turned his gaze down on me and waited for an answer.
“He can help you to find your own path or maybe you find that the position of duke is your future. While his skills in many subjects are just average, his experience and broad knowledge about all of Octanian should really help you to answer most of your questions. So what do you think?”, mother added.
“I would like to have that person as my teacher”, I answered my parents. I felt less pressured. Now there was a person, who I could ask all the questions the library couldn’t answer. I was smiling. Not only because of my parents support, but also at the chance to meet an old acquaintance of father. Maybe I can answer father's question soon.
“Dear, if you would be so nice, wake your sisters and Silas and take them to the dining room. We are about to eat dinner”, mother told me and I nodded. After that, I collected my siblings and headed to the dining room. Ivy and Iris were telling Silas about the things they did with me. Silas, who got a piggyback ride from me, laughed at the story of his sisters and babbled back at them. I could not believe that valuable information was exchanged, but he looked happy to have his sisters attention.
The following dinner was as eventful as it always was. Ivy and Iris told father and mother how they played princess with me. Father couldn’t contain his laugh and mother just smirked and continued to feed Silas. It was a nice atmosphere, and I was happy, that I told my parents the truth. After dinner finished, mother wanted us to spend the rest of the evening and night together. Ivy convinced dad with puppy dog eyes to stay with us. He accepted after seeing the look mother gave him.
We played together in the living room in front of the fireplace. Father and mother read us stories about knights and dragons. When it became late, we washed up together in the bathroom. Dad had to catch Ivy and Iris, who decided to run around naked and Silas didn’t want to leave the warm bathtub.
We had a big bed in the mansion and used it only rarely. Dad always slept late and gets up early, and mother couldn't sleep through the night without Silas waking her up. But dad decided to sleep in tomorrow and Silas would maybe sleep through this night. So we used the big bed for tonight.
Father lay on the left. Mother was positioned to his right and got hugged by dad from behind. They looked at the bundle of children in front of them. Silas was holding my arm and one of his plushies. He was drooling on my shirt, but I didn’t mind. Ivy and Iris were hugging their big plushies and each other.
“Good night, my little ones”, spoke mother. “Good night, troublemakers”, said dad with a smile.
“Good night, dad and mom”, cam the united answer from us. Well all of us except Silas. He just laughed and babbled at everybody.
As I fell asleep and enjoyed the presence of my family, I thought about the teacher dad mentioned.
The coming years would be surely interesting with a person like him. Right? I didn’t notice my smile when sleep took over.
I had to wait 2 weeks for my instructor. When he arrived at Napule, he sent a message to our estate. I should go to lake Lacus. A teacher, who I never meet, and a message, which legitimacy we can’t confirm. It smelled like a trap. Bloody Tartarus, of course, it was one. He even added that I should come alone.
Surprisingly my father said I should just go. But he only said that himself after studying the seal on the envelope for minutes. Dad, please don’t send me away just because the seal looks authentic. We don’t even know how the original one looked like anyway. Or was there a way to make seals that can’t be faked? Father didn’t see the questions on my face. Instead, he assured mother and me, that everything would be fine.
I looked in front of me. 200 meters to the bench on the shore. He wanted to meet me exactly after the sun had reached its zenith. A look into the sky told me that that was the case. Right? I crouched down and observed the shore of the lake and the bench in front. 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 20 minutes passed.
I sighed and went to sit down on the bench, enjoying the beautiful view of the lake and waiting for my late teacher. There was something in the water. I tried to categorize the silhouette in the water but failed.
The next moment Tartarus broke loose. My eyes widened and my muscles tensed as 12 twelve meters long crocodile emerged from the lake. Descending on the bench, it’s eyes locked on me. My pitiful attempt at an escape was cut short when roots entangled my ankle. It could use magic!
I closed my eyes and awaited the coming bite. I didn’t want to die like this. My demise was cut short when I heard laughter. A laugher that would be better described as a reptilian growl. My eyes opened. What greeted me was the smile of a demi-human.
He looked around 50, lacked hair on his body and complemented the lack of it with dark green scales all over his dark-skinned body. He also looked athletic for his age. I focused on his yellow reptilian eyes when he spoke.
“You are late, spawn of Jagu”, said the old man, “Punctuality and reliability are the virtues of many professions, ruler and lover included. We will have to work on those two first.”
“Wait, you are my teacher? You were late too!”, I countered in protest and dusted off my clothes. The terror from earlier disappeared as my curiosity took over.
“Making false assumptions is also a trait, which will hinder your carer as ruler and lover. I’m not late. In fact, I was early. I was right here the entire time. Niloticus is the name and you should be Lucius”, he finished his instruction and sat down to my left. The roots around my ankles pulled back into the earth.
“Any questions spawn or did my splendid entrance cut your ability to speak off?”, Niloticus anticipated questions, so I gave him what he wanted.
“Was that magic?”
“The roots, yes. The concealment in the water, yes. The transformation, no.”
“What was it then?”, I inquired with curiosity.
“A racial trait. Everybody from my home learns to transform themselves into crocodiles. Sea-folk and demi-humans can learn to transform themselves into a purely human form or pure animal form, at least most of the time. There are a few exceptions. Or some more now that I think about it”, he explained.
“How do you know my father? Why did you become my teacher?”
“A chance encounter during the wedding of the mayor of Alexandria. But the owed debt is not to him. I owe Belisarius for giving shelter to my people. Other demi-humans were rather ‘uncomfortable‘ with our presence in Aegyptus”
“Wait, Belisarius? You mean the one who left Aegyptus over 100 years ago?”
“Yes, do you know another Belisarius from Aegyptus?”
“How old are you?”
“326 circles. And I will probably live many more.”
“I thought demi-humans only lived a bit shorter than humans?”
“A special case. My clansmen are cursed. We can’t die of old age, but in turn, we can’t reproduce. Over the centuries our numbers have fallen. Many search for a way to break the curse”
“And what are you searching for?”
“I live for adventures, knowledge and women. I don’t want to die hunted or as the last of my kin. A fight against mighty foes, exploring old ruins from the old ages or in the bed of the elven queen after a round of fun. Those are the kind ways I want to leave the world with.”
“You want to die? Why would you want that? Who cursed you and why? What kind of fun do you have in bed with a queen?”
“Those who are mortal, search for immortality. Those who are immortal search for mortality. There will be a time and a place to answer your other questions, especially your last one”, Niloticus finished and gestured for me to stand up with him.
“So little Lucius, your father told me to teach you. It has been a long time since I taught somebody something. What do you wish to learn?”, he stared into my eyes. Those eyes would see through every lie I could tell him. At least that was what my gut told me.
“I want to learn about the history of our world in detail. I want to learn about magic. I want to learn to fight with weapons. I want to learn about the affairs of the state. I want to learn the skills of a general. I want to learn to protect what is dear to me. I want to be a good Duke.”
“Those are fine goals. A tad too many for a young boy, but fine nonetheless. We can start with magic and weapons. I should be able to teach you the basic of statecraft and generalship. For further improvements in those categories, a visit to Alexandria and your own military campaign might be necessary. Experience tends to be the best teacher. To protect what is dear to you is a matter of strength. Which you may attain through improvements in your prior wishes”, Niloticus started to head into the city. I followed him.
We spoke about some stories. He told me how he had fun in bed with the cousin of emperor Honorius and his brilliant escape out of the imperial palace. I told him about the time I beat my father in a board game. Less impressive than his feast, but an achievement none the less. A 10-year-old has to start somewhere.
I asked him about the seal on the letter. He said that it was nearly impossible to fake the mana signature of a mage. Niloticus stopped me from making further questions. He promised to explain the details some other time.
We separated at the mansion's door after settling time and place for our next meetings. I visited Ivy and Iris and played with them. Questions for the upcoming lessons were forming in my head, while I played with my siblings. Tomorrow would be an interesting day.
Office of the duke of Neapoli.
Jagu stared at Niloticus. Visible angry about something.
“You attacked him in your transformed form. Are you crazy? He could have been hurt by your actions! You should consider your position and the status of your student!”, Jagu was planning to reprimand Niloticus for his actions but was interrupted by the latter.
“He was never in any danger. Don’t look down on my abilities. As for my way of teaching… you used the favour of your forefather to assign me as that kid's teacher. How and what I teach him is my problem. And what he does with his newfound knowledge is our problem”, Niloticus said while smiling at Jagu.
“I’m just worried about him. I don’t want him to regret his own choices.”, Jagu sighed, anger replaced by concern. Which paths will his children choose? Who will inherit the dukedom?
“Your concerns are unnecessary. Your job as a father is to support your child. He may become the ruler of the Mediterranean Sea and restore the old borders of the empire. He may also become a plague to the world and cause suffering for many. Or just be a common ruler who won't be remembered or an artisan. We won't know until it happens”, Niloticus added and stood up to leave the room.
“I will have an eye on you. Should I find out that you teach him the wrong kind of things, then I hope that you will be ready to bear the consequences”, Jagu said quietly to the leaving Niloticus.
“Aye. I will bear the burdens of my teachings. Just like I carry all of my burdens”, Niloticus left and smiled at the open threat.
I was interested in that child’s future. My guts told me that that child would go far in our world. Or did that came from the innkeeper? Her roasted meat had tasted wonderful. Her skills in other areas were also impressive, Niloticus thought while heading back to the inn in question.
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