《The First Rabbit Dungeon》Chapter 19 - Good Luck
POV Change - Second Wade (Not MC)
"Congratulations for completing the first trial, Rabbit Dungeon." Wow! We did it!
Focusing on the dungeon sense to look at the aftermath of it all, I see the rabbits all huddling around the dungeon crystal. Most likely none of them think it is safe yet to stop protecting it.
Sending them feelings of happiness and other feelings to make it seem like everything is alright through the connections we have with them. All of them start to wander away from the crystal knowing that it is now safe to leave it.
After a bit of thinking, I start to realize that I haven't told Wade the good news.
Not that he wants me to tell him what happened, since he already knows just as well as I do. But, I don't care about that. "Hey! Wade! We got past the trial, wasn't that like amazing how we were able to scare away Max?! He doesn’t seem like the person to run away from a few little rabbits, HAHA!"
He doesn't respond, so I just assume that he is just taking a little bit longer to look over everything compared to me. "What do you think our reward is going to be?" I called out to him again after a couple of minutes went by.
"Wade, are you there?" Again he doesn't respond to me. Weird to why he isn't talking back to me. At least by now he would have talked back to me or at least made some sort of sound.
"Well it looks like there is only one last thing to do. Scream like crazy until he gets annoyed and tells me to stop screaming." I say to myself so I can give him at least some sort of warning.
"WADE!!! WADE!!! WADE!!!..." Almost hearing a echo in my loneliness.
That might just be my thoughts in the back of my mind though.
This goes on for a while, and still nothing comes out of him. Now I know something is up. I was being very annoying just now, he would have yelled at me at this point, so he must actually be gone.
Gone forever!
Then suddenly a light bulb turned on in my mind.
The reward must have been to go back to being a human again!
But since me and Wade are two different minds, plus the fact that he is the original one, he was the one who got to be a human again!
That must be the reason, and that is going to be the one that I stick with. Cause why else would Wade leave me? Not because I am a bad person right?
This would be the moment a single tear would fall from my face, if I had a face, plus eyes. And a tear duct to actually make the tear. Man, not having a body makes it so you lose a bunch of stuff needed for crying.
Getting out of my 'crying' mood after just thinking of how many things are needed to actually cry, I start to look at the big picture again. Just like how Wade did after he stopped crying after he realized he was no longer human.
Well looks like it is time to get ready for the humans that are going to be coming soon to check up on the goblin attack, dungeon and the dead kid. I think Max and Hunter called him Shorty.
He isn't that short compared to the others, so I have no idea why they call him that.
Man, I have gotten really mean without the hormones to feel guilty about it. I wonder how much that has actually effected mine and Wade's personalities.
Thinking about Wade again made me sad and the feeling of loneliness started to creep back up to me.
I know there has to be a way to fix that somehow. But what is the best way to do that?
Maybe I can do what Wade did?
POV Change - Wade (Real MC)
I don't know when I was able to see again after the world turned into complete darkness, but when I finally came to I was inside a white void area.
With there being no floor or even a down in this case, I could still tell that I was floating inside this white void.
After noticing where I was, I decided to figure out why I am here. The last thing that I remember is the girl voice telling me that I completed the first trial. Defending myself from the fifteen, or more accurately ten goblins.
Five of those goblins were trying to kill the humans above my dungeon. Much to their demise.
"So it seems that you are finally awake, Rabbit Dungeon." And there is the oh so familiar voice of the girl who introduced me to this world.
"Where are you right now?" Asking a question I really want to know right now. Since hearing her voice come from all sides of me, doesn't help me at all in terms of finding out where she is.
"That isn't something you shouldn't concern yourself with. For now just listen to your reward." Before I can ask what my reward is, she answered my question perfectly. "Your reward is answers. Some will be for questions that you want to know, and others will be to questions that you haven't even thought of yet." A small laugh could be heard after she stopped talking.
YES! That is the best reward that I got have gotten!
Keeping my cool and not shouting like crazy in front (or behind) her. I just sit back and listen to her words with a lot more calmness compared to when I first heard her words.
"Well Rabbit Dungeon." She says in her obvious mocking tone when she said my nickname. "I will first talk about myself so I can get that out of the way. I am just like you, a dungeon. The main difference is how long I have been around."
"For how long I have been alive, there is no way to truly know just how old I am. After enough years, you just stop counting." Wondering to myself just how long she has been alive. Over a couple thousand years at least. If that is truly possible.
"All I know is the last time I remember counting it was close to a million years." Never mind the thousand years then. My guess was way off, like I am not even in the same ball park for that one.
"As you have probably guessed, the world of Terra was created by me and my abilities as a dungeon crystal. And I also created you for a very specific purpose in mind." Oh, looks like I was sent here for a reason. I hope it is to stop a demon lord or something cliché like that once I get strong enough.
The fact that I am a dungeon, a maker of monsters, might make it so I am the demon lord though. So maybe not that.
I just hope that the purpose isn't super hard. If I could, I would like to have a big quest that I am able to complete without even thinking about it. Now that would be really cool.
With her seemingly reading my thoughts, she instantly denies my hopes of having a grand (yet easy) purpose for her sending me here. And the one that she gave me is WAY too hard for me. "Your purpose is to relieve my boredom."
"Are you serious? I am to relieve your boredom? How bored can one get when you can watch an entire world unfold in your most likely massive dungeon sense." I say back to her still trying to figure out how she gets bored with so much to watch.
If her words are true. That means she made an entire world! That also means that she is in control of the entire world. Her powers must give her at least some way of relieving her boredom.
Oh wait, I guess her making me is a part of her powers.
"Trust me. When you have lived as long as I have, the normal day to day struggles of mortals are very boring. So every once in a while I make ways to have some controlled fun. You just happened to have caught my eye when I was thinking that." A questioning face would have appeared on my face if I had one. Sadly no human body still.
I wonder how she was able to look at me, if I came from Earth, while this is Terra, a completely different world. "How were you looking at me if I am from Earth? I assume that even with such great powers as yours, it would be really hard to make two different worlds. Especially ones that are so different from the other."
With a long pause before she speaks again, she eventually does. "Onto a different topic shall we?"
"No, I would rather still talk about..." As I was trying to keep the subject on Earth, she decided to cut me off.
"What I have seen so far with your dungeon building skills, you are really limiting yourself to what your rabbits can become after they evolve. I am sure that you remember what I said about how you can choose how your monsters evolve right?" Seeing as how I won't get my question answered, I just put that question in the back of my mind for right now.
"Yes, I do remember." Not really knowing what she is talking about. Isn't giving my rabbits enough mana how they evolve?
"Well it doesn't seem like it." That was mean, but I won't mention that to her. "Currently what you are doing is called a forced natural evolution. And luckily your rabbits are actually quite weak and you still have quite the different amount of paths for them to take in the future."
Oh, so I can do something else to evolve them? "Like how most of a dungeon's powers work, you just have to focus enough. Just focus on a rabbit and think about wanting to change them. A warning though, every time you change anything it will cost more of a monster's mana to evolve into the new form. How much mana that is depends on how big of a change it is."
She then takes a small break so I can get all of the information in my head. "After you are done that evolution, all your other rabbits only need to get enough mana for them to naturally evolve that way. It actually quite rare for monster's to evolve without them getting lucky, outside of dungeons that is. So using the forced evolution after you have set their evolutionary path is recommended."
Floating there in silence for the next five minutes or so, I take the time to think about what she just said. And all of the different ways I could possibly evolve my rabbits in the future.
Suddenly she talks again, making me snap back to focus. "Only a couple more things to talk about now. Pay attention alright?"
Doing a mental nod, seeing no need to talk, she continues on. "First is I will give your mana rank reward early so you can work that much faster. I don't want to give all of the people that go into your dungeon night vision, that takes too much effort on my part. Even if it really isn't. That reward is mana crystals. You will learn more about them once you get back to your dungeon."
So that was how Max was able to see so well despite there being no light in my dungeon. "And next is how the humans in the village closet to you, New Haven is the name of it, will be giving you an entire month of time alone. And in that time you should start growing your dungeon as much as you can."
"Why would they do that?" Asking a question that I am guessing she wouldn't give otherwise.
"The leader of that village is a wise man. Don't worry about it, it is a good thing, for you." She does a small pause. "And him." Then she does a faint laugh.
Without realizing it, I was suddenly back in the dungeon. A few minutes go by waiting for her to talk again, yet she doesn't. So I do the normal thing and call out to see if Wade is still around. "Hey Wade. Are you still here?"
"WADE?! IS THAT YOU?!" I hear the oh-so familiar voice scream back at me. With us having no bodies and our voices being right next to each other, it was a very loud scream to me.
"Oh right! Haha!" I hear Terra's voice call out to me with a laugh. "Your dungeon is tiny, so very tiny!" Inhale and exhale Wade, that is all you have to do. Remember that is what people did to calm down.
Don't let your anger make her angry. That is not the smartest thing to do.
For now let's just do mental screaming without having her hear it. You don't know for sure if she can read your mind or not, so let's just assume no, she can't.
Do you know how much effort I put into my dungeon?! It took a long time to make already. I don't need or want anyone, or thing, telling me that is super small. Especially you! The one in control of a freaking PLANET sized dungeon!
"Rabbit Dungeon." Stop calling me that already! "You have broken many records. Such as being the first dungeon with rabbits as the starter monster, but this has to be the best one yet. Your newest record broken is 'Terra's smallest dungeon that has completed the first trial'."
"With how long you have been alive, you should have gotten at least five floors completed. And that is with your floors being at least three times the size as it currently is." Thanks for the confidence boost. Not like I really needed one to begin with.
"Most dungeons have the first trial as something that is easily passed without them even knowing what is happening. You on the other hand, had to work very hard plus a handicap of one third of the trial being done by the humans and the half-human." Who was the half-human? And what is the other half of his race?
"For breaking another record, and for me almost forgetting to tell you to step up your game. I will give you free mana until you have reached a size and strength acceptable of how long you have been alive for compared to the average of other dungeons." Wait? Really?!
That is such a awesome reward! Way better then the mana crystals or whatever the other reward was. Plus the reward of 'answers' was just her bragging about herself. "If I didn't give you this, who knows how long I would have to stay bored. Now I won't have to wait as long."
And the true reason comes out for my 'reward'. More like a fast forward button for your sick game of 'Keep Me Entertained'.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" The screaming Wade is back, not caring if Terra has anything else important to say to us. Not really hearing anything else from her, I just assume she is done talking.
Taking another deep breath before I talk to Wade again, I try to get calm again. "I have no idea where I was. In some sort of white void place. There was nothing but white all around me."
All I hear from Wade is some creepy heavy breathing. He is kind of acting strange right now. Not having a question to answer to, I just keep talking. "In there I had a short conversation with Terra, who is the girl voice. And I guess that she is some sort of all powerful dungeon that actually made the entire world above us."
"Wow, now that is real magic right there. Making an entire world." He just causally says. The way he said it though is really weird compared to his previous tone of voice, but I will chalk it done to him being calm again.
I like this tone of voice a lot better compared to the annoying screaming.
"There was a couple other things that can be mentioned later." Doing a quick scan of the dungeon and the clearing above us, I notice a lack of bodies that should still be there. Well at least the bodies in my dungeon, the ones above ground could have gotten eaten by now if there is any wolves or other animals like that in the area.
Not that I have ever seen any animals in my dungeon sense since I got it.
"Wade, how long was I gone?" Asking because of the no bodies thing of the rabbits or goblins is confusing me right now.
"Two days." He says again, very casual like. I was gone for not even in a hour in the white void. The conversation wasn't that long right? Maybe the transfer between the void and here is a lot longer than I thought.
I thought it would be instant. As I had no need to think of it as anything else.
"Yeah! You were gone for TWO days, can you believe that crap?! And here I was thinking that you were never going to come back!" I hear Wade answer me again. This time though in the same kind of tone as when he first started talking (screaming) after I got back.
Why did he answer me a second time? "What the heck is going on here?"
"Oh that's right! I forgot to mention to you that after you left, in my loneliness, I did what you did." Wait, what did I do? The only thing that I did was... What was it again?
"I made another Wade to talk to!" Right, I made another person...
That doesn't mean what I think it... "Hello Wade, nice to meet you." I hear a familiar voice, yet I just know that it is not the same person that was just talking. Now the only thing on my mind is one thing.
"Hello, whoever you are. What is your name?" And this is the thing that I was thinking about. Please have his name be something else, anything other than Wade.
"My name is..." He starts to say, but he gets cut off before he can finish.
"WADE!" My Wade yells out in a super happy and proud tone of voice. And the worst of my fears come true. There is now another Wade that I have to take care of.
As if my life wasn't hard enough.
In the distance laughing can be heard. "Good luck, Rabbit Dungeon." I hear Terra's voice call out, then more laughing, but it is a little bit louder this time.
I don't even get mad at her this time, cause I know that I should be trying to horde as much luck as I can get.
"Is there any chance that you can give me more luck?" I say out loud as Wade (the second one) starts to ramble on about how happy he is now that I am back.
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