《The First Rabbit Dungeon》Chapter 18 - The Trial
Once the monster ended his scream of pure rage, everyone took a step back.
Some, including me, didn't even realize that they took a step backwards. It just happened out of fear from hearing the unknown monster's scream.
With me not wanting to look away from the forest just in case I could catch a glimpse at what the unknown monster could be, I never noticed how the only person's face to change into something other than fear is Emerald's face.
Her face turned into a mix of fear, shock and most of all anger.
Two of Hunter's groupies, farthest from the unknown monster, started running at this point. They were the ones that were fighting Jason a few moments ago.
Just before they were able to make it out of the clearing though, another roar of a monster spread out from the same area as the first one. So what do the two runners do?
They scream back at the monster in terror as they finally exit the clearing opposite of the monsters. They were already safe from the monster because of how far they were compared to us, so I am not sure why they screamed back at the monsters.
It was at this moment that the first signs of movement were able to be spotted. Amongst the moving bushes our stepped the monster that has been making the roars of pure anger.
Before any of us had a chance to react to what that monster was, a few more of them pop out into the clearing. Showing their small green bodies out for all of us to see.
Emerald just started to scream bloody murder upon seeing the four one meter tall goblins that are looking around to see what their next prey is going to be.
Their little bodies that look like a cross between a halfling and a human, sharp claws extend past each of their fingers. While a row of jagged, yet still very white, teeth fill in the hole that is their mouths.
Making more water appear around my arms, while moving my internal water magic around in my body all on instinct, I know that this is most likely going to be my last fight of my life if I am not careful.
By now the only people that haven't run away are all still in shock, or are brave enough to die while fighting for their lives. They is me, Jason, Emerald. Then we also have Hunter, and Edward.
Oh yeah, we also have Shorty who hasn't gotten up yet.
I must have really hit him good then for him to still be done after all this time.
As I ask myself why haven't the four goblins haven't attacked yet, more movement can be seen from the bushes in the forest outside of the clearing. Mentally screaming in my head at the thought of having to face more than the current amount, I do a quick head count to see how many goblins are going to be the things that killed me.
An even bigger shock shakes me to the core, as my quick count ends at fifteen goblins.
I really hope that my count is off, and it is lower than the number that I just counted.
“Hey, guys.” Saying out loud to Jason and Emerald behind me. Not caring whether or not Hunter or Edward still hear me.
“What?” I get a quiet response from Hunter, and Jason at the same time.
“I was glad that I was able to be friends with you guys. I just felt like I had to mention that one last time.” My voice trails off with a lot of dread within it.
“NO! We ARE going to make it through this! Stop thinking like that!” Jason screams at me while still staring at the goblins. Me not looking back at him, not wanting to stop staring either.
As if responding to Jason's yelling, the goblins make their first move after reaching the clearing. All of them start running, heading straight for us!
They reached us within seconds, while me, Hunter and Edward were the first ones to make contact. For some reason they decided to only fight us one by one.
Getting into a fight with my goblin, I was not only paying complete attention to all of its movements, I was also looking around the clearing just in case anything unexpected happens. Would rather not die to a goblin sneaking up on me.
One of the things that I noticed was one stray goblin cutting up Shorty's body. Blood flying everywhere as the goblin cuts into Shorty's stomach region with his short sharp claws, looking for his mana core.
Eventually the goblin finds it, and stares at it for a second before swallowing it whole. I heard that monsters are able to slowly absorb mana from an entire mana core, but I never thought I was see it in action today.
I also never heard about how they do it either. So it was kind of nice to know how they do it. I just thought that they would absorb the mana just like how we absorb mana from monster's mana cores.
Humans, titans and halflings are only able to absorb the mana hidden inside the mana core. We aren't able to access the mana that is the core itself unlike monsters.
Dodging another swipe of the goblins claws, I throw a quick jab towards it's jaw. Hitting it successfully he stumbles back, clearly affected by that blow to his jaw. I drop down then jump up, landing a heavy upper cut at the same area as the jab. The goblin lands hard on his head.
Not wanting to take any chances if the goblin is dead or just temporally knocked out, I decide to test out my new spell that I accidently figured out.
All it really is, is a tiny water ball. But when I used it to distract Hunter before almost hitting him, I was not only able to deal a decent amount of damage. I was also able to move that tiny water ball really fast! Way faster than any other speed that I reached before.
I am not sure why I didn't think of this spell before.
Moving a little ball of water towards my right hand. I aim it towards the knocked out goblin's eyes. Since that is the softest spot on their faces, why not aim there.
Sending it speeding down. It enters the eye creating a splash of blood, as the eye starts to bleed like crazy.
As the now one-eyed goblin starts to scream from losing one of his eyes, I don't let him get up as I stomp on his head over and over again until he stops screaming.
Standing over the dead goblin's cold body, I shudder thinking about what I just did. That was the first time I killed anything more than just a fly or other kinds of small bugs.
Looking around, I noticed a few things that I never noticed while fighting the goblin.
First was how tired I am. It didn't feel like that long of a fight, but based on how tired I am, it must have been one long fight.
Without realizing it, over five minutes of intense fighting happened! Sure the spars that me, Jason and Emerald have are longer than that. But this was a life and death battle.
A lot more intense than anything that I have done before.
Next is related to the long fight with that goblin. I never noticed until now, but my arms and a little bit of my chest is actually covered in small cuts. And a couple medium ones too.
Nothing super serious thankfully.
I knew that he got me a couple times, but this many? Watching the blood flow down my arm, as it eventually lands on the grass below me. I just shiver again thinking about how close I was with a few of the wounds that I never knew I had.
The ones that I remembered getting in the fight were the worst ones out of all of them. They were the only ones producing enough blood to let it flow down my arms all the way.
Enough about me though, what happened to everyone else?
Noticing everyone is only standing in front of goblin corpses, I guess that I was the last one to kill mine. I am also glad that I am not the only one panting, out of breath.
Moving my head towards Emerald, I realized that she isn't just standing like the rest of us. She is holding her arms up, aiming her palms towards the goblin's corpse in front of her. What is she doing that for?
As if she lost the strength to stay standing, she drops down while crying loudly. On her knees now, she pounds the chest of the goblin weakly. Her arms exhausted after the fight and by the thing that was doing moments ago.
Running over to her to see if she is okay, I noticed that the corpse in front of Emerald is the same one that killed Shorty. I was able to tell because of how much blood was covering its hands.
I guess that even with the goblin gaining a mana core to increase its strength it wasn't able to use the mana stored within it to survive the full force that is Emerald.
As I neared her, I was able to get a better view of the goblin's corpse. And it wasn't like the goblin corpse that I left behind.
No, it was riddled with holes across its chest. Seemingly from spikes coming up from the ground.
Emerald was actually moving the earth below the goblin to make countless earth spikes to pierce its body. Even after the goblin was long ago dead. From this you can clearly tell how badly she hates goblins.
"Never make Emerald mad." I muttered to myself as I kept staring at the corpse of the goblin. As I said that, Jason finally arrived, noticing what Emerald is doing to the goblin's corpse.
Seeing that after a initial struggle, he was able to pull her away from the goblin's corpse. I leave them be as Emerald curls up into Jason's arms. Still crying her eye's out. Speaking what seem to be words, but none of which can be understood.
"Where did the rest of them go?" Saying out loud to myself. I start to look around some more.
Not seeing any of the ten missing goblins, I am left confused as I can't make heads or tails of where they could have gone. Walking around, hoping to see any movements outside the clearing.
As I neared the tree in the middle of the clearing so I can get a higher viewpoint. I make one more step before falling down a large slope of maybe five meters in length.
"Dang it that hurt!" Talking to myself, as a few of bigger cuts open up a little bit more. They started to heal a little bit in the short amount of time since the fight, but they weren't healed all the way yet.
Also the fact that I just fell down quite far is a good reason to get hurt.
Standing up, I notice that I am actually underground, inside a cave!
Moving my head back up towards the opening, I notice that the slope has a few points that make it seem like you can climb up quite easily.
Running up the slope, using those few step like points in it, I pop up above ground I yell out towards Jason and Emerald. "Guys! A cave just opened up below the tree! Come on look!"
Jason looks over to me, not being allowed to get up, as Emerald grips on his clothes tighter every time he moves. "Sorry Max, I am kind of stuck here until she gets better."
"Emerald, don't you want to go exploring?" Trying to convince her to break out of her crying fit. All she does is ignore me as if she is in her own world.
Going back down into the cave, I can't help but want to explore it right now. I almost feel that there is someone calling me out to go help them inside.
Taking a step into the darkness past the point where the sunlight from the opening doesn't reach, I am met with a weird feeling pass through me. And as soon as it passes, the darkness of the room doesn't seem so dark anymore.
Not thinking about how or why I am able see so well into the same darkness that prevented me from seeing moments ago, I continue on into the cave. Wanting to find out what the goblins came here for.
It was at this moment that I heard a goblin's cry coming from deeper within the cave.
After a moment of hesitate I started to run towards the goblin's cry as fast as I can.
POV Change - Wade
Yes! Jack just killed another stupid goblin. That only leaves four goblins left!
"Wade! Max came into the dungeon and is running towards the crystal room as we speak!" I hear Wade say with a urgency in his voice.
"Crap, I really have to hope that he has good intentions. He doesn't seem to be that bad of a guy from me watching him and his friends every since I got my dungeon sense. But I know that to kill off all of the goblins and still be able to kill Max should he have bad intentions is something that I cannot do right now." Replying back to him quickly. Not wanting to lose my focus on controlling the movements of my rabbits anymore than what I am already doing.
Suddenly one of the remaining goblins gets a lucky hit on one of my rabbits, making it so there is only Jack and another rabbit left in the third room. The very same room that is last on the list until the goblins reach the room with my dungeon crystal in it.
"Wade, what should we do? Jack is going to die soon!" I call out to Wade, hoping to get an answer from him. Not really knowing what to do right now.
He doesn't reply back with words though. Instead he sends in the rest of the rabbits from my crystal room into the third room. By the time that they are able to reach the third room, the last rabbit besides Jack is killed by the goblins.
In the first room we were able to kill three goblins because of the goblins not expecting the alpha hare of the first room to make the first attack. That first attack allowed the alpha hare to get a big enough chunk of flesh from the neck of a goblin that it died shortly after.
After that, the five rabbits in that room were only able to kill two more goblins before they fell to the combined forces of the remaining seven goblins.
The second room went much like the first room except for the goblins attacking first, not allowing the alpha hare to kill one of them outright. Which let my rabbits to only be able to kill two goblins before they were also killed.
Now besides for Jack killing one goblin in the third room with his fireballs. The goblins somehow were able to kill the four rabbits a lot quicker, not allowing any more goblins getting killed. It is almost like they are getting a lot smarter in a very short period of time.
Watching Max pass through the passage way and heading into the second room, I can only hope that he can lure at least one of the goblins away so the rest of my rabbits can kill whatever ones that he doesn't take away. "Come on you can do it!" I yell out hoping my voice reaches him somehow.
While also still hoping that he won't kill me after this whole thing is over.
He continues to run forward, only stopping in front of the passage way. At which point one of the goblins in the back line notices him, and turns around to face Max with his ugly goblin face.
Max being the hero that I wanted gets into a fighting pose, making the goblin run towards him. Water appears around Max's arms, and a small water bullet comes flying out from the water already around his arms at a pretty fast speed. Nailing the goblin right in the head.
After the initial impact of the water bullet, the goblin is confused about what just happened. But that confusion is quickly erased from his mind as a water covered fist comes crashing down into the goblin's nose.
Once the goblin moved his head back from the pain of having his nose most likely broken, Max moves behind the goblin, grips the goblin by its head and throws the goblin's head down. Making the goblin fly forward, and eventually landing on the ground .
A stomp of Max's feet and three water bullets later, the goblin's head is caved in.
One of the goblins that were fighting all six of my rabbits/hare/horned rabbit, heard the sounds of fighting behind it. This goblin thinking that his partners beside him can handle my rabbits, runs at Max who currently has his back turned away from the goblin.
Not having enough time to let Max know what is happening behind him, the goblin reaches him and lands a long swipe of his claws across the entirety of Max's back.
With only two goblins left for my rabbits to deal with, they quickly kill both of them in exchange for two more rabbit's lives. Leaving me with only Steve, Jack and three other rabbits. Steve and Jack were the main reasons why more rabbits didn't die, so I am glad that I didn't sacrifice Jack to the goblins.
Max was able to kill the last goblin after a short but intense fight. With one more big wound across his arm, Max walks into the third room only to find the corpses of the goblins and rabbits that died in there.
Wade and I already having moved the remaining rabbits into the crystal room during Max's fight with the goblin.
Still Max walks forward again, this time moving towards the crystal room. As he steps into the passage way, with only one more step to go before he can be considered in the crystal room, he stops and freezes in place.
Inside is all of my remaining rabbits in a line in front of my dungeon crystal. All of them ready to charge at him should he move any closer. My dungeon crystal is still a crystal, so I am doubting that he can destroy it from a distance. Which is why I have allowed him to make it this far without my rabbits getting in his way.
Otherwise I would have already sent my rabbits after him.
Seeing of all this he still doesn't move. He just keeps staring at my dungeon crystal.
Then suddenly his whole body starts shaking like he just had the biggest shiver pass through him. "This is a dungeon..." He says softly as he starts slowly backing up, now staring at my rabbits.
Jack in response to Max's words, makes a fireball appear next to him. Getting another shock, Max mumbles some more. "Oh crap. That is a Magical Monster, I won't be able to handle that without getting really hurt."
Backing up again, this time a little bit faster. He finally reaches the end of the passage between the crystal room and the third room.
Once he stepped into the third room, he just started booking it back through the rest of the rooms towards the entrance. Almost tripping over the corpses of the goblins and rabbits all along the way. And almost falling down again as he went up the slope to the surface.
As he gets back up there, only Emerald and Jason are left still within each other's arms. Hunter and Edward having already left awhile ago. "Guys, we have to go now!" Max yells out to the both of them as he sees them.
"Why? What is going... How did you get hurt again?!" Jason yells out as he notices the big gash on Max's arm from that last goblin's attacks. I wonder what he would have said should he see Max's back.
"Never mind that right now, we have to get back to New Haven right now!" Max replies back, trying to get both of them up and moving as fast as he can make them.
After the initial shock of Max's actions, they finally just roll with things and head back towards the village to most likely warn other people about me. While at the same time as they keep asking Max what happened in the cave.
Once they leave my dungeon sense, I am left alone again without being able to hear their voices at all. It really is weird not being able to see or hear anything outside of my dungeon sense.
After a few seconds though I hear some clapping along with a distinct voice calling out to me from what seems to be quite the distance.
"Congratulations for completing the first trial, Rabbit Dungeon." And with that the world turns into darkness.
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NOVEL TERJEMAHAN BY GOOGLE TRANSLATEAuthor: TinalyngeIa dilahirkan di pedesaan tempat ia menjalani masa kecilnya bersama dengan adiknya yang lemah dan sakit. Sementara dia sehat dan mampu bermain di luar setiap hari, dia terkurung di tempat tidurnya, tidak bisa bergerak, mendengarkan kisah-kisahnya tentang dunia di luar jendela.Suatu hari saudara laki-lakinya tidak bisa lagi mempertahankan hidupnya yang lemah dan dia meninggal karena virus yang tiba-tiba. Tidak dapat mengatasi kehilangan itu, Jiang Yingyue mengambil alih kehidupan saudara lelakinya yang telah meninggal.Memulai kehidupan baru di ibukota, Jiang Yingyue menjadi Jiang Fengmian. Pangeran tampan yang kesepian yang tidak pernah dekat dengan siapa pun, namun entah bagaimana hidupnya terjerat nasib Han Qingshan, penguasa muda Perusahaan Han.Ia dilahirkan dengan sendok perak di mulutnya, tumbuh sebagai pewaris perusahaan terbesar di negara ini dan salah satu yang terbesar dalam skala internasional.Dia adalah anak laki-laki sinar matahari, bahagia dan selalu tersenyum. Itu seperti angin musim semi yang melintas di seberang jalan ketika dia datang, mencuri hati semua wanita. Kebaikannya tidak mengenal batas, tetapi hanya baginya dia benar-benar peduli, hanya baginya dia akan menjadi setan yang melindungi istri.
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