《The First Rabbit Dungeon》Chapter 17 - Shocking Conclusion


Putting my full focus on unleashing as much power as I can into this punch, I make a very big mistake.

I didn't pay a single bit of attention at all to Hunter.

Him seeing me make a full power swing against him, does the smart thing and backs up another step. I would have been able to hit him should had I paid at least some attention to him. Maybe I could have extended my reach a bit with the sacrifice of losing some power.

Losing my balance, he just stares at me smiling. Trying to hold back a laugh for that huge mistake. I am just glad that he didn't use that opportunity to get a good hit on me. "Did that just happen?" I hear in a mocking voice.

"Please forget that, that just happened." Saying with a sad tone of voice. Still hanging onto that small thread of hope that this is a dream right now, and not reality.

"That is not happening half-freak. For what you did to Shorty, I have no reason to be nice to you." Getting back into more of a fighting pose as he says that.

"I made a mistake, okay. I didn't mean to knock him out." Pointing at Shorty who is laying on the ground. "Can we just stop this before it gets any worse, and maybe, just maybe, NOT tell the caretakers?"

A few seconds of silence go by and no response comes from Hunter. Then suddenly his face changes as he just starts laughing at me. "Again, if I did do that, it would be way to nice of a deed for something such as you."

"Enough talking already. I am going to kill you and get this over and done with!" As he shouts that, a bunch of the air element appears around him. All of it then condenses down into five different air spikes.

Unlike external fire and water magic's basic spells being fire/water balls. The basic spell for external air magic is air spikes. For external earth magic it is a earth spike, but it can be airborne or shoot up from the ground.


That is all I can think as I see the five air spikes floating around him.

Knowing that I won't be able to dodge all of them, I pump a lot of mana into my water crystal, making a bunch of water to cover up my arms. There is now at least double the amount of water circling my arms right now compared to before.

Crossing my arms and hoping for the best, all five of the air spikes come flying at me. All of them going faster than Jason's fireballs by at least a level.

It would be weirder for them not to be based on the fact that Hunter is a external air mage and not a external fire mage. With external air magic having a innate speed advantage compared to the other elements.

Four of the air spikes slam into the water that is covering my arms. And which is blocking my chest region.

With those four air spikes hitting me, most of the water is sent flying away out of my control. Leaving me with a pitiful amount of water that won't be able to handle the force of the last air spike.


As I think that, the last air spike slams into my arms while it makes the last of the water around my arms fly away. Sadly the amount of force that the last of my water was able to block from that air spike was not even ten percent of its power.

If I didn't have my internal water magic pumping a lot of mana into both of my arms, I am sure that there would be some heavy bruising that would have appeared in a little while.

Instead there will only be a little bit of bruising at the very most. Not that my internal magic will let that be there for long.

Too bad that I don't have much time to be happy about myself with me preparing my internal water magic early as another set of five air spikes start to form around Hunter. The only thing that I can think about right now is how I need to get closer to him as two of the air spikes form completely.

With him knowing the difference between our physical strength, I doubt that he wants to let me get close enough for another fist fight to happen.

Not even thinking about it, I start to run at him. Just as I start to move closer, he jumps back and sends the two air spikes that have been formed already.

Making a quick movement to my right, one of them passes by me innocently. While I make a quick jab towards the other one.

Sure, hitting it hurt my fist as I didn't add any more water to absorb the force of the air spike, but my hand is getting a lot of mana send to it, so it didn't hurt that badly.

The pain is already starting to diminish as a flood of mana is coursing through my arms. So there is no need to worry about it.

Just before I am able to make it into range, Hunter starts to jump backwards multiple times. As to get distance from me and to keep a eye on me at the same time. He should have just started running away at this point.

Gritting my teeth from letting him get too far away, I increase my pace just a little bit more. I instantly regret that decision though.

Three more air spikes start flying towards me. Since I increased my speed, I have even less time to dodge these air spikes. Plus these seem to have increased in speed a little bit more compared to the other ones.

Deciding that I don't want to get hit again without my water blocking at least some of it, I do a big roll to my right. As I throw myself to my side, two of the air spikes pass by without me noticing.

The third one got a lucky shot.

As my head hit the ground and the rest of my body made my head move forward into a successful roll. My foot was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

The air spike slammed into my foot, throwing me to the side, ruining an otherwise perfect roll. You don't get many of those in situations like this, so I was happy to make it work. But NO! Hunter had to ruin it.

"Haha!" I hear a laugh come above me. Looking up I see Hunter standing above me with a evil look plastered over his face. If I try to get up right now I beat that he would use those air spikes floating around him. All two of them.


Focusing more on the things that are about to cause me a lot of pain on my unprotected body, I notice that they are a lot larger than the ones that he used in the fight earlier. So he must be going for quality instead of quantity now that he 'won'.

Too bad for him, that I don't want to lose!

Pumping a small amount of water as to not let him notice, he starts to brag. "Oh how good does it feel to finally win! It has been too long since I waited to get revenge on you for winning last time!"

Moving his head up, Hunter starts to laugh louder and louder. He has started laughing so loud and evilly that everyone else has stopped fighting and they are all now just watching Hunter.

"So half-freak! You finally get what you deserve for what you did to us." Hunter speaks again while still looking down at me.

They are the ones that destroyed our tree fort, so I am not sure what we did to them. It might just be the fact that I am half-titan, half-human as they are calling me half-freak.

Spending too much time with Jason and Emerald has made me forget how hated I am in the orphanage. I wonder if that is a good thing or not.

My foot still kind of hurts, so I am waiting for at least some of the pain to go away before I get up. That one air spike really got me good. Well if a good opportunity comes up, even if my foot still hurts, I will still take it to get out of this situation.

So far I am not liking the fact that I lost the fight against Hunter. Putting a even angrier face on, I think back to a old saying that I heard in war stories before. The battle might be lost, but the war has just begun!

As I am thinking up ways of hurting Hunter I hear Edward call out to Hunter. "Especially what he did to Shorty!"

Staring at Hunter, I notice his face cringe in anger even more then what it already is. To be honest, I didn't think his face could get uglier, but it somehow did. "Oh yes, we can't forget about poor old Shorty. The person who you knocked out for no reason."

Hunter starts to walk around me in a circle, playing with the air spike in his hand like he may throw it at me at any moment. "Wait a second. You DO have a reason for knocking out our friend. What was it that you said again?"

Staying silent, I start to move the tiny ball of water into my slightly opened fist. It is only the size of my pinky, it won't be able to be seen inside my fist. Now he won't be able to guess what I have planned. All I have to do is wait for the right moment.

Laughing again, he breaks the silence that overcame everyone when Hunter asked that question. "Umm... I think it was something along the lines of us being wolves or something like that?! How dumb is that?!" Everyone starts to laugh except for me, Jason, Emerald, and Shorty.

Shorty is still not awake yet, so of course he wasn't able to laugh with everyone else.

I am sure that he would be laughing right now if I didn't knock him out. I hope nothing bad happens to him until we get to the village healer (a member of the church).

Not that I think anything bad will happen to begin with. Think of his current state as a long nap that someone, me, forced upon him.

Seeing Hunter laugh, I noticed that he is laughing a little too much. Currently his eyes are actually closed from laughing so hard. I am not that dumb as to miss a chance like this, so I throw my hand up, and open my hand, aiming my open palm towards Hunter's face.

Floating in front of my open palm is a tiny ball of water, the same one that I hid in my fist a small time ago. Sending it flying towards Hunter's face with all of my focus on it, it flies pretty fast and lands directly on his forehead.

His forehead turns red the second the water falls down his face as I lose my control over it.

A slight amount of shock appears as I realise how fast that tiny water ball just went, but I get over it quickly as a even bigger worry looms over me. Hunter reacting back to what I just did.

Quickly getting up before he can recover, I get ready to swing my fist and get revenge for laughing at me, and revenge over that miss I had with that one punch!

Just as quickly as I got ready though, a wave of mana spreads out towards us in am wide arc, pushing through all of us. It had enough force to slightly throw all of us off balance for a small moment. Not enough to make anyone fall over though.

Now everyone is standing still, frozen to be more accurate. As all of us watch for any movements in the forest's thick bushes that are currently blocking our view.

Anything that can make a mana wave that large has to be super strong. Something that even the entire village of New Haven can't handle, let alone all of us here.

The only thing that I can of that can make a mana wave that strong would have to be a ancient dragon that live deep inside the tall mountains along the north coast of the continent.

The mana wave came from the same direction as the village, so Shorty is the person who is currently the closest to the edge of the clearing that the mana wave came from.

About ten seconds go as no one even breaths. Thinking that they might miss what is happening if they do so. Then another ten seconds go by quietly, just like the first ten seconds.

Suddenly a loud scream of a clearly enraged monster comes from the same place as the mana wave!

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