《The First Rabbit Dungeon》Chapter 20 - One Month Of Growing
A little under a month later...
Doing a quick check of the entire dungeon and seeing if anything has changed above ground.
Noticing that the rain has let up somewhat I look over to the days room. A tiny room used to count the days, by putting scratches on one of the walls. Seeing that the number is very close to thirty, twenty seven to be exact, I decide that it should a good time for that again.
"Hey! Finish up what you are doing and get ready for the third weekly meeting." I shout out loud, making sure to get their attention at the beginning so I didn't have to yell the entire thing.
After a minute or so both of them reply back to me. Looks like everyone is ready, so looks like it is time for the hardest thing about these weekly meetings. Figuring out how to start them.
"So, with their only being two more days until the month is said to be up, if you don't include today that is, I held this meeting a little bit earlier then the other ones." Speaking out in a calm voice, trying to keep this thing professional.
Seeing that no one has anything to say against this, I just keep on talking. "As always let's get the easiest part out of the way, how is everyone's job going?"
"No hiccups for my job, just finished up the fourth floors minor details. Making it more cave like and other stuff like that. I will be able to finish up the five floor by tomorrow with the minor details being done the day after that." Builder says in his always monotone voice.
In this month of just constant growing with the 'unlimited' mana, we have all naturally accepted being put into certain roles. Which at this point we have just started to call them jobs, as we are still able to help each other if so be it.
Now before I get any farther the unlimited mana was a shame. In the first place we had unlimited mana, the only thing that she did to us was make the amount of mana in the air around the dungeon crystal turn into a dense mana cloud that doesn't go away.
So instead we now spend extra mana to speed up the process of making rabbits, removing dirt and the refilling of the mana light is now instant. No more waiting an hour to refill it if only one person refills it.
And within this month we all decided very quickly that having three people named Wade is very confusing. So we did the smart thing and started to call each other by nicknames.
As I am the original Wade, I kept the name Wade. I am just lucky none of the other two decided to go for the whole fighting about who is the first Wade. But since neither of them talked to Terra personally, I have proof that I am the original.
The third Wade who was made while I talked with Terra, ended up doing the most boring of jobs. Which is building the floors. So naturally we ended up nicknaming him Builder.
And then we have the second Wade. He ended up choosing the job of filling the rooms with rabbits. And he also controls the rabbits to fight one another if the fights don't naturally happen.
With the higher evolutions of the rabbits, somehow we ended up making it so they like to fight each other for fun now, so he doesn't have to initiate the fights so much anymore compared to a month ago.
Either way, he is still in charge of those fights. Got to make these rabbits more like monsters for us to have any kind of chance in the future.
In the end he decided to call himself Lord. A stupid name I know, but his reasoning is okay enough for me to not question it.
The reason why the second Wade calls himself Lord now, is he is the ruler of the rabbits and how they live their lives. And so the term lord came to mind.
Plus the fact in how neither me nor Builder were okay with calling him King. His first nickname idea.
With me doing so much thinking about random stuff that happened almost a month ago, Lord decided to start talking. "Nothing is wrong with the rabbits either. Something that I am going to need your opinion on though, is the next evolution for a couple of the evolution paths. I was thinking something along the lines of beast-men, but I am not sure if it is too early or not to have them."
"I have no idea. How about you ask me again after I had some time to think it over after this meeting." I reply back to Lord. As of right now that is too big of a decision for me to answer right away.
"Are you close to being done the sixth floor design, or are you working on improving the other floors again?" Lord says with a tone full of sarcasm.
"Oh Haha, I am working on the sixth floor thank you very much." My last words coming out very rudely. "And just to let you know if you haven't noticed, our dungeon sense increased in size again after we reached the latest mana rank, it has gone up to about sixty meters now. So of course I have to improve the floor designs at least somewhat with their being more room to work with."
"Again?" I hear a certain Builder moan out. "I would have finished the fifth floor already if you haven't kept changing the other floors."
"Fine, I will at least finish the sixth floor design before I work on improving the rest of the floors." I said back to Builder, sounding like I lost a battle.
Too bad for him that I haven't lost the war just yet. The only way for him to win this thing is to become the floor designer, but I will never allow him to do that unless I start to gain too many other jobs.
Not that I am planning on increasing the amount of things that I have to do without attempting to give them to Builder or Lord first.
And just like that the rest of the weekly meeting ended turning into subjects that we naturally discuss throughout the day. Stuff like what the village is going to do, or talking about happy stories from when I was still a human.
Or should I say 'we were still human'? I always get confused when thinking of stuff like that. They weren't actually human to begin with since they were made (born?) after I became a dungeon crystal.
Either way, I like to recall the happy moments a lot more then the sad ones. Somehow the sad moments keep coming back up every once in a while.
Now that the meeting is over with though, I guess it is time to look everything over at least once before the one month deadline is up.
Focusing on my dungeon sense I look down to the four fourth to see my dungeon crystal. As of right now it is currently of at the crystal rank five. And if what Terra says is correct, this is the true start of a dungeon crystal.
So to explain, the first five ranks are just the beginning stages. And it is at this point the time when other dungeon crystals start to gain a sense of intelligence.
Which means that every crystal rank forward is going to be another big leap forward. How big that leap is exactly, I have no idea. Terra politely declined my demands for at least any form of answer.
That politeness was in the form of complete silence.
She is so polite that it just hurts just thinking about it.
Quickly thinking about something else, my minds goes to the next best thing. The main differences before and after we got to the fifth crystal rank.
Mainly it is the size of the crystal. And this factor kind of explains why Max ran away in fear after he took one look at my dungeon crystal.
The size of the crystal when it was rank two was two meters tall. And the size got even bigger after it reached rank three and rank four. The kicker now though is the dungeon crystal once it reached rank five decreased in size.
"All the way down to only being half a meter tall! " I yelled out, my thoughts escaping out for Builder and Lord to hear me.
"Be quiet over there, I am trying to focus on this fight right now. I have ten stones on Steve winning this fight." Lord yells back at me for yelling too loudly.
Glad that I am not in that bet though. Only got seven stones left after some bad luck getting thrown my way in the last few bets that I was in.
As of right now Lord has the most stones at twenty five, and then it goes Builder with thirteen. And you already know that I am in last place with my seven stones.
With no money to speak of, we just ended up using stones instead. Plus this is easier for the future as no one will decide to steal our personal stones, in which would meant that we couldn't bet anymore.
Okay, again changing the subject back the dungeon crystal.
With a rank five dungeon crystal only being half a meter tall, what rank must a dungeon crystal be to be able to make it reach two meters tall. "Terra, any ideas?" I say out loud, making sure not to yell.
Silence expect for the saddening screaming of Lord in the distance. Now Lord only has fifteen stones compared to Builder's twenty three.
Not sure what else I was expecting other then silence, but who really cares.
Either way, a two meter tall dungeon crystal is most likely pretty big for a dungeon with most dungeons being past crystal rank five.
Now onto the short topic of our mana rank. It is currently at rank six.
With the amount of times that the mana light has reduced in size after we reached the next crystal rank the amount of mana inside the mana light has gotten to quite the large amount. It actually takes a long time now before we have to refill it back up.
Besides the dungeon sense increasing in size there is no more benefits that go with getting another mana rank. Well besides the obvious indicator that the mana light is getting increasingly larger.
Well with the decreased size of the dungeon crystal, the mana light can be said to be getting denser and not larger.
Again though, who really cares about those small details.
So, I guess it is time to mention how the rabbits are doing in terms of their evolutions.
As of right now there is currently three different tiers of rabbits. With every time that a rabbit evolves they increase in one tier.
The first tier is the obvious rabbit. And then the second tier goes to the hare and horned rabbit. After the second tier comes the third tier and that is where the real monsters start to appear.
In the third tier of rabbits there is currently four different paths that each rabbit takes. Two different paths for hares and another two paths for the horned rabbits.
Just because I can I will look over the horned rabbit's paths first. They are easier to explain.
Now as you probably already know, horned rabbits use external magic. So both of these different evolutions for the horned rabbits both have to deal with using the elements that they can make around them.
The first one is called Crystal Horns.
It is a dumb name that doesn't actually describe the rabbits all that well. Either way I am not the one to make that name. "Lord is the one responsible for that masterpiece of a name."
"Are you talking about my crystal horns?! You should stop talking trash about them, they will become super strong in the future tiers!" Lord says with a lot of pride in his voice. It is his favourite evolution for some reason. Maybe since it was his idea that he loves it so much.
My personal favourite is one that I came up with by myself, but I will leave that for later. It is a hare's evolution to give just a hint.
The difference between the horned rabbits and the crystal horns isn't all that much in terms of the body of the rabbit. The main difference lies in the horn if you couldn't already guess.
With us gaining the ability to make mana crystals, crystals that are made out of mana that emit small amounts of light for people to see in my dungeon, we also gained the ability to make elemental mana crystals.
These elemental mana crystals are just like mana crystals but instead of it made out of just mana, they are made out of purely one type of mana. And so they are a lot more pure, making it so they are not just for making light, but to increase the amount of one type of mana in the air.
And so with the elemental mana crystals being put into certain rooms to help our rabbits out with increasing their personal strength, Lord did some tests to see if these elemental mana crystals could help our rabbits in a more active way.
Since Lord seen Max use a mana core to send out water without humans naturally having the ability to make water, what would happen if our rabbits were to use mana crystals to send out their attacks?
As our rabbits right now are just rabbits and have no way to hold onto mana crystals to even attempt Lord's ideas. He instead implanted them into their horns, the main place that horned rabbits send their mana to.
Making it so the horn of the crystal horns aren't pure horn anymore. In the core of the horn there is now a mana crystal. This change also somehow made it so the horn colour instead of white are now tinted the colour of a rabbit's element.
Red is fire, blue for water, teal for air, and yellow for earth.
This idea did actually end up working, it increased the amount of water, fire, etc. that the rabbits can send out with a certain amount of mana by roughly fifty percent. To Lord though this wasn't enough.
So Lord ended up changing the mana crystals into elemental mana crystals. This increased the effect to double the amount of earth, water, etc. that a rabbit could send out. And even then with the elemental mana crystals it actually made those elements even stronger somehow. Not sure why exactly though.
And so the crystal horns were born.
I mean made. Whatever.
Now onto the second evolution path for the horned rabbits. Which is none other than the horned hares.
Yes, you heard me right! I only made it so the only difference in the physical side is the body of the rabbit got changed into the body of a hare. Making the rabbit stronger in most ways.
The magical changes though is mainly in the way in how I make them use their external magic abilities. Lord also came up with this idea, but since he didn't get to do any kind of research, he doesn't feel as strongly about them as he does the crystal horns.
He made it so horned hares instead of just sending out fire balls, or rocks at their opponents, why not just have the rabbits wrap their element around their entire bodies?
For Lord that was a simple question to answer. And so as a result everyone of us now see moving fireballs and water covered horned hares running at each other whenever they decide to fight something.
Lord stole this idea from how the humans used their elements around their arms to protect their arms against the force of whatever they are hitting. The main reason why he likes the crystal horns the best. He didn't steal the idea of the crystal horns as much as he did for the horned hares.
And with that we are done the horned rabbits evolution paths.
A/N: Please assume that every rabbit from now on is a magical monster that can make the elements around them. Couldn't figure how to put that into the story. So you can't say that the last two evolutions are worthless for the non-magical rabbits.
Onto the hares evolution paths!
The first path that I am going to talk about is the most common path for hares to take. Only a special few take the second evolution path.
This next evolution is called Hide Hares. The idea for the name (and for the evolution itself) being shamelessly stolen from hide bears (a monster from re: monster) since I had no other ideas as to what to call them (or what else to make).
Besides the general improvement to the hide hares physical abilities in terms of how strong he is, the most noticeable difference lies in its shoulders. Which are more like human shoulders.
These new shoulders allow for more nimble movements of the arms. And in doing this it made is so my other improvements are much more effective.
Like how the crystal horns and the horned hares focus their attacks based on their horns, I have now made it so the hares will now focus on using their claws instead of just ramming stuff and trying to bite each other. Rabbits don't have the best mouth size for stuff like that.
And I don't really feel like making their mouths bigger for almost no reason. Claws are much more effective. In my opinion, which in the end doesn't really mean much.
Besides making the claws longer and actually sharp for once not much else was done to them. Probably during the next evolution I will start to change them in more meaningful ways.
If I change too much at once the amount of mana that each rabbit has to get before they evolve will get too high for how small in the long run. This is the reason why I didn't make crystal claws, how awesome would that be though.
Okay then, I guess it is time to start looking at the last evolution in the third tier of my rabbits. Which is none other than the Poison Hare!
You heard me right, I said that this newest hare has poison!
With the last note in mind with not wanting to change too much in the evolutions, the only difference in the hare that doesn't deal with the poison aspect is the size of the hare got reduced to only half a meter long instead of a meter long.
Even then the amount of mana that it takes to allow a hare to evolve into a poison hare is still quite high compared to the hide hare. Which is why there isn't as many poison hares around my dungeon just yet.
The poison of the hare comes out from its teeth which we have modified to be sharper and more fang like. For the making of the poison for the hare to use, somehow we ended up with a way for the hare to just use mana and poison will start to seep out of the fangs.
One thing that we found out after making the poison hares is the different elements of the hares make different kinds of poison.
Fire mana makes the poison have a corrosive effect, earth mana paralyzes the victim, air mana makes the victims super itchy, and last is water mana that makes the poison swell the victims infected spots.
To be honest the worst one is probably the water poison hares as the swelling, although quite noticeable and should still be avoided, the swelling doesn't actually last that long. Roughly only a minute on the rabbits.
The effect could be worse for humans so maybe there is hope.
The last thing to note about the different kinds of poisons that popped up is the air poison hares actually make their poison airborne. After it falls off of the fangs it turns airborne and the poison hare has limited control over it and pushes it towards its soon to be victim.
It really is a cool sight to see.
"Well that is all for this week folks! Stay tuned next time where I will go over the current and still a very much a work in progress floor designs." I say out loud for my audience of three. Builder, Lord and Terra.
One of which won't respond, but at least one of them do. "Start working on the sixth floor design already. And you better get the idea of reworking the other floors out of your head right now. I am not going to work on them anymore until they there is an actual need for it."
"Oh no, that wasn't a good response. If things keep up like this I won't be able to renew for another season next year!" I say with a worried voice.
"Don't worry Wade! I will give your show a positive review." Lord then does a deep breath. "I LOVE YOUR SHOW! DON'T CANCEL IT PLEASE!"
Taking a few moments to try and get the echo of his screaming out of my head, I try and think of what to say back to my biggest fan. "And with such a positive review coming from our audience I will now begin next week's episode in advance!"
From Lord I hear happy shouts as he goes back to focusing on the rabbits somewhat, most of his attention to my 'show'. While Builder does a sigh and goes back to building the fifth floor based on my design, no attention being placed to me at all.
Don't worry Builder, that design will get changed soon enough. Just you wait your pretty little head, I mean crystal.
Moving my vision to my special floor design room where I crave out the floor designs into the walls. With enough focus craving lines and words are actually quite easy, a skill that has so far come in handy quite a lot in my endeavors of floor designing.
This is what the humans and other kinds of monster will explore once they enter the first floor.
R 7 R 7.1 --- R 6 R 6.1 | | Stairs To Floor 2 Entrance Room R 5 R 5.1 | | R 1 R 1.1 R 4 R 4.1 | | R 2 R 2.1 --- R 3 R 3.1
A/N: Explaining this would be very hard and I would lose even more people if I did, so here are some tables showing the floors.
A/N Part 2: One cell or block equals a 5 by 5 meter room (expect passages, they are 2 meters wide and 3 meters long). Rooms ® that have .1 after it means they are part of the same room, in this case they are 10 meters by 5 meters rooms.
A/N Part 3: --- and | both mean passages. While not shown in the first floor, the rooms labeled Rooms lead to the next floor, while Side Rooms are dead ends that are meant to make the trip longer/harder for the humans/monsters that enter the dungeon.
And there you have it. The first floor in all of its glory.
This is actually the only floor that I have no intention of actually changing. Since the only changes that will ever be made will not affect the humans that enter into the dungeon.
The parts that will change however are all surrounding the rooms. Basically around the first floor is one huge square room that is full of tier three rabbits, and when I mean full I mean full. I am just glad that Lord made it so they don't fight to the point of killing each other.
Cause there would be a lot of dead rabbits at this point if he allowed that kind of thing.
If you are wondering Terra about what all of this means just in case you took a break from watching me, it means that I have a horde of rabbits hiding just in case anything goes wrong. "To be completely honest there is actually a upwards of over sixty tier three rabbits in that room." Saying out loud cause why not.
"Actually after the meeting I made about twenty more. So there is closer to eighty rabbits now." I hear Lord correct me in a surprisingly nice way.
"Thank you Lord. Always nice to have more rabbits just in case things go wrong." Now, where was I?
Ah, that is right. To floor two then. Not much else to say about floor one for right now.
R 9 R 9.1 --- R 8 R 8.1 SR 6 --- SR 7 SR 7.1 | | SR 6.1 R 10 R 10.1 R 7 R 7.1 SR 6.2 --- SR 5 SR 5.1 | | | Stairs To Floor 3 HR R 6 R 6.1 --- R 5 R 5.1 --- R 4 | Entrance Room --- R 1 R 1.1 --- R 2 R 2.2 --- R 3 R 3.1 | SR 4 --- SR 3 SR 3.1 --- SR 2 SR 2.1 --- SR 1 SR 1.1
A/N: SR means Side Room. And HR means Hidden Room. Last thing to note is the vertical room SR 6 - 6.2 is all one room and it is still only 5 by 10 meters. I just wasn't able to make it look right with only two cells like it should have.
Compared to the first floor you can clearly tell that there is a lot more space that I could add to it. Which is the only reason why I can even put roughly eighty rabbits in the big room around the first floor.
Looking at the second floor you might be able to see the there is side rooms now. These rooms don't lead anywhere, they are just different paths that a person could take.
Can't have the dungeon a straight shoot to the dungeon crystal now can we. There is a reason why dungeons can also be called just mazes with monsters.
And last thing to take note of is the hidden room that I have randomly placed in the middle of the floor. This is also a safety net that I have made in my dungeon, albeit it is a smaller safety net compared to the first floor's.
While there is no way to access it from the second floor, if I ever need it, it allows the rabbits hidden inside to jump to the third floor's stairs room to the fourth floor. Up until now the rooms that lead to another floor all have no rabbits in them.
So it will be quite the surprise on the people that I don't like.
Now! Onto the third floor!
SR 3 SR 3.1 --- SR 2 SR 2 --- SR 1 SR 1.1 --- R 4 R 4.1 R 1 R 1.1 --- R 2 R 2.1 --- R 3 R 3.1 --- R 4.2 | | Entrance Room Stairs To Floor 4 R 6 R 6.1 --- R 5 R 5.1 | | R 13 --- R 14 R 14.1 R 7 R 7.1 --- R 8 R8.1 | | R 12 --- R 11 R 11.1 --- R 10 R 10.1 --- R 9 R 9.1
Ah, look at that masterpiece! Can you believe that I made it in only one hour?! I know right? I am so awesome.
Getting really happy because of how awesome I am, I don't really have anything to look over besides seeing that the hidden room above the stairs to the fourth floor is still setup properly.
Onto the fourth floor then?
R 5 R 5.1 --- R 6 R 6.1 --- R 7 R 7.1 --- SR 4 | | SR 4.1 R 4 R 4.1 R 9 R 9.1 --- R 8 R 8.1 SR 4.2 | | | R 3 Entrance Room R 10 R 10.1 --- Stairs To Floor 5 SR 5 R 3.1 | SR 5.1 R 3.2 R 1 R 1.1 --- SR 1 SR 1.1 HR SR 5.2 | | | | R 2 R 2.1 SR 3 --- SR 2 SR 2.1 SR 6 SR 6.1
A/N: Man there are a lot of these. Either way, please look at the last A/N for the vertical rooms. The same thing happened here as well.
With that now I am done showing off the floors that are currently in place for the one month deadline.
"But wait!" Lord yells a little too loudly for my liking at me. "Won't Builder finish the fifth floor by the time the humans will reach us?"
"Yes he will, but in my over looking in these floors I have decided to increase the size of the fifth floor, and so by the time that Builder finishes making the rooms I will have finished the new fifth floor design." Replying back to Lord in a loud enough voice for Builder to hear me.
"Oh okay, I will be looking forward to seeing it then." Lord replies back to me, yet Builder just ignores me. I know that he heard me cause he stopped building a passage and instead just went straight to making the next room.
Smart move, Haha. I would have gone back and started to redesign the other floors if he annoyed me too much. One of the few things that I have against him.
Not really knowing what else to do I look back up to the surface to see that rain has stopped completely. The only thing pointing to there being rain in the first place is a small amount of water dripping from the leaves and some wet grass in the shady areas.
The ground has already soaked up most of the water already, leaving little to no puddles.
Having enjoyed the scenery enough, I move my vision back to the floor design room and get to work on the fifth floor expansion. Got to make sure that I finish this in time for the one month deadline in the next two days.
If I work hard enough I will be able to do it no problem, so I won't worry too much.
"Man I can't wait to see what is going to happen after this one month deadline!" Yelling out before cutting off most of my attention from my dungeon sense to have my (almost) full attention on the designs in front of me.
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