《The First Rabbit Dungeon》Chapter 4 - Being First has its Perks


Finishing up another mana light refilling after emptying out my mana light again. I relish in the feeling of not feeling super worn out again.

Anyways, I have now completed my first room. Or at least the first version of it. So far I have removed the dirt from my four sides, then the corners between those sides. Making it so in the end it is a three meter wide room.

It would be a three meter cubed room if I also increased the height of the room, but I don't want to have anyone in my room. And the best way to do that is make it so no one can actually get in the room. Even if someone opens up this room to the outside world.

The amount of refills or in other words increasing the rotation speed that I have done so far is three. Well that is after I made the room into a T shape.

And I have actually made it so my mana light is big enough to do three dirt removals before needing to refill the mana light once again. I know this because when I did the last dirt removal, I realized that I wasn't as tired as I normally am once I complete the first of the two dirt removals I can do per mana light refill.

Seeing this I am glad to know that I am making progress. Which gives me a little bit of happiness in this dark, slightly bigger room.

Now the voice said that making monsters cost a lot more mana than the amount of mana that it takes to remove the dirt around me. But she never stated how much 'a lot' is.

I am sure that the difference isn't too much.

Animals are known to be at least be able to understand some human language to a certain degree. Like how dogs are able to learn the words, sit, treat, etc. So if I can get a rabbit minion I will be able to talk to it maybe.

Allowing me to keep some of my sanity. Hopefully.

Well it doesn't matter anyways, voice. Cause you aren't talking to me and I can do what I want! So that is what I am going to do!

Well since removal of dirt and moving my vision around require me to just think hard enough about them. I should just need to think hard enough about wanting to have a rabbit in front of me.

Now I want to say that me thinking of wanting a rabbit in front of me worked right away, but it didn't. After like twenty minutes I gave up from nothing happening to me.

Why didn't it work? Wait! Maybe this is just another case of not thinking of the right thing.

Instead of me wanting to have a rabbit in front of me, I should think of wanting to make a rabbit appear in front of me. Just got to think of make as create. Oh Wade, you are so smart.


Anyway, I start to think of that and ten minutes later nothing happens. What is wrong with my thinking now?! Wait a second. Was I thinking of what a rabbit actually looks like while wanting that same rabbit in front of me or was I just wanting to make a rabbit appear in front of me?

I was thinking of the later one. Dang it, there goes more time wasted.

This time I think about what a rabbit looks like while also wanting that same rabbit in front of me. The rabbit that I think about is a small brown furry rabbit that has loop sided ears.

Don't even ask, I just think that makes them look cuter.

After roughly ten minutes I felt the usual feeling of having my mana drained. And after about half a second later I see a small crystal appear in front of my, in comparison big crystal.

With the crystal appearing in front of me, which I can only assume is a mana core that the voice told me about, I am starting to freak out. The reason is the drain on my mana in the dirt removals wasn't anywhere near as strong as the drain that just happened.

My current mana light is now only has about five percent whiteness left, and the other ninety-five percent is a grey colour. And that isn't even the worst part of it all. If you haven't noticed, only a small part of the rabbit has been made so far.

There is still a lot of the rabbit left to make before it is done. And oh crap another draining feeling is happening to me. I already feel like complete garbage, but now it is starting to get in worse.

After not even a minute later all but a small speck of white light is left in the mana light. And only about half of the bones have formed around the mana core.

Now the horrible feeling is at its maximum. This is the worst feeling that I have ever had.

Then I notice that my mana light isn't draining the white part of the light anymore. It is now draining the grey part, decreasing the overall size of my mana light. So far it is now only a little over half the size of what it was at the very beginning.

Did I say that the feeling that I was having before was the worst possible. If yes, then I lied.

The feeling of having my mana light decrease in size is so much worse. That old feeling was like a walk in the park compared to my current state. Then for some unknown reason I actually started to feel better.

Then after a few seconds I started to feel great. Even better then the times that I personally rotate the mana light faster than its normal speed. All I am wondering is why I am feeling like this.


Before I lose myself in the feeling of awesomeness, I notice that the rabbit that I made was completed. At least he was made in the very end, and I didn't go through this horrible torture for nothing.

"For being the first dungeon to make a rabbit, you will be rewarded enough mana to reach the next rank in your crystal rank." Oh so that is why I am feeling so much better.

I guess that means that this feeling is going to stay awhile. Now I just got to figure out what a crystal rank is.

So to make sure that I can possibly figure out what is actually happening to my body, I snap out of the blank state of mind that I was about to fall back into. Looking at my dungeon crystal again, I notice that the mana light is completely white again.

While it is also growing at a pretty fast pace. Like I mean a very fast pace, to the point that it is already half the size of the entire dungeon crystal. And looking even closer I see that the mana light is spinning at insane speeds, even faster than the speed that I spun the mana light at during the refills.

Watching the mana light increase in size to almost reach the size of the entire crystal. I just try to not lose my thinking process due to not being able to handle my emotions from how awesome I am feeling right now.

To keep my mind busy, I even unfocused on the mana light enough for me to notice that I can see mana around my dungeon crystal. Before I was never able to do this, I was only ever able to vaguely sense the mana in the air.

The mana around my dungeon crystal looks like it is a cloud floating in the air. And unlike a regular cloud, this one is shining with different colours that move around chaotically. The colours that I can see are red, blue, brownish yellow, and cyan.

It looks very pretty.

Then after a few more seconds of staring at the mana cloud, if that is the proper term, I stop feeling super awesome. And now I am back in my normal state of not feeling anything, but just normal.

Looking back to the mana light in my crystal, I notice that it has completely filled the entire dungeon crystal. So if I had to guess, the thing that happens next will help me determine what the voice meant by a increase in my crystal ranking.

Now I feel a shiver run through my entire dungeon crystal body. I then notice that I can see the mana light in my crystal shrinking in size again. To which I just start yelling at it. "No! Why are you shrinking?!"

The shrinking of the mana light isn't that fast, so it takes a minute for me to realize what is really going on. Which is surprisingly not the mana light actually decreasing in size, but the only thing that I am comparing the size to is growing in size slowly.

Yeah, you guessed right voice! My dungeon crystal is the thing that is growing bigger! Not all my hard work of increasing the size of the mana light. Well I never really did too much to increase the size, but it isn't like no one will find out besides the voice.

And that is only if the voice is a real person and not just a part of my imagination.

So just like that about a half a hour or so goes by. In that time my dungeon crystal didn't stop growing. It has reached a size of about two times the old size of the dungeon crystal.

Also in that time I realized that the mana cloud around my dungeon crystal was growing smaller as the mana in it was being sucked up by my dungeon crystal.

The mana cloud started out by reaching about five centimeters away from the dungeon crystal on all sides. And now it has reached a point where the last bits of it are disappearing.

Never mind that last statement. There is now no more mana cloud left.

In the next few seconds something happened that made me very sad, and even some what anger. Since the mana cloud is gone, the dungeon crystal started to absorb the next best source of mana to fuel its increase in size.

What is that source some might ask. Well it is the mana light inside the dungeon crystal. Oh how freaking mean this process is.

First it makes the mana light get super big in a short period of time. Then it goes and just starts to make the mana light super small again. At least it doesn't make it go back to the size my mana light was at just before all of this happened.

Cause that would properly kill me from not having anymore mana light left in my dungeon crystal. No, it does the somewhat nice thing of making my mana light the original size that it began at.

After all of this I am back at the very beginning. The only differences is my progress in making the room bigger hasn't also been reset, and the crystal is now three times the size compared to what it was before.

So there is at least that happy thoughts to think about.

Just think of the happy thoughts. Just think of the happy thoughts. Happy thoughts, only.

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