《A Wolf's Way》Stories and summonings


After running for five minutes, Lupos and Fenrir finally arrived back at the hut. When they opened the door they saw Darius, Jormugand and the girl sitting round the fire talking "welcome back brat, glad to see everything went OK" stated Darius as he grinned at Lupos.

Lupos smiled "it went well, good job on poisoning them Jormugand. They all somehow got the impression that Darius was her caretaker and he was taking his revenge while rescuing her." This got a scowl off Darius and a smile off everyone else, they were just about to start making fun of Darius, when suddenly the girl spoke up.

"Thank you for rescuing me" she said smiling prettily "I would have rather died than become that nobles plaything so I'm glad I'm safe and among my own kind." Lupos and Darius smiled at her gently while the spirits nodded. "You're safe here girl" said Darius "and you're free to stay here as long as you want to."

The girl nodded gratefully "thank you." Darius looked at her curiously a minute. "Girl can you look at me a second." the girl lifted her head and Darius gasped "Now this is interesting, I didn't notice before. You have violet eyes." Lupos looked at Darius "What does that mean?"

Darius looked at Lupos in shock then shook his head "I forgot that they hadn't taught you about clan hierarchy yet. OK listen up. Lupos in this forest there are currently, as far as I am aware, six shadow wolf clans and each of these was led by a queen. However, there is one being which has the right, if they wish to rule over the clans and that is the Shadow wolf with violet eyes, who is also privy to higher magical power."


Lupos looked over to the girl in shock "Then you're technically clan leader?" the girl shook her head "I hadn't decided whether to accept the title or not when I was captured and my clan killed." Lupos looked at the girl sympathetically "who killed them?"

The girl shook with rage "I don't know their names but there was two of them, a noble in a flashy golden robe and a man dressed all in black, the man in black was asking a favour and the man in gold said he would comply if he helped capture me for his friends son and kill the rest of the pack. I WILL KILL THEM ALL."

Lupos recalled Jormugand's previous words "I'll help you." "Huh?" said the girl "but why, we've only just met." Lupos smiled "the pack looks after their own and besides," he said his face darkening, "I think I know who you're referring too. The man in black seems to have stopped by here recently too looking for a boy with my description. Ignoring them could be dangerous, so I'd rather just help you take care of them now before they become an issue."

The girl smiled "it seems like I'll never stop saying thank you if this continues. By the way what's your name?" Lupos let out a warm smile "I'm Lupos, the old snake over by the fire is Darius and my two summons are Fenrir and Jormugand. And what about you, what's your name?"

The girl smiled slightly "my name is Akari, it's nice too meet you." still smiling the two looked at each other happily while Darius looked knowingly at Jormugand and laughed "well this is all lovely but the full moon is upon us so if I were you Lupos I would go and attempt the summoning now."


Lupos' face turned serious and he nodded. "Understood, Fenrir go grab the crystal quickly, Jormugand you wait outside with me." Fenrir nodded then ran off to get the crystal while Jormugand and Lupos stared at the full moon outside ready to start the summoning.

A few seconds later and Fenrir emerged with the mysterious black and white crystal in his mouth and he quickly deposited it down on the ground next to Lupos. "Ok," said Lupos "let's get started."

Lupos quickly sat down crossed legged on the forest floor and slowly started to absorb the energy. As he did, he noticed something odd the black and white in the crystal were two different types of energy which were currently being absorbed in harmony. He was also gaining energy from the heavens or rather the full moon.

Wondering if this was why Darius had wanted him to try his summoning tonight, Lupos wondered what creature would be summoned. He didn't wonder long. Soon a massive influx of energy was absorbed as he let out a cry of pain and absorbed the last of the crystals energy.

Suddenly Lupos was surrounded by the familiar darkness. "Well now," said an ancient voice within the dark. "What do we have here?" said another voice."My name is Lupos and I would like to summon you two as my spirits" said Lupos while the voices cackled. "It's been a long time since anyone has tried to summon us hasn't it brother?" said the first voice.

"A very long time indeed" cackled the second. "Wait a second," said the first voice pausing "I smell a wolf and a snake! Boy do you have any other summons?" Lupos nodded "Yes my first is the wolf Fenrir my second is the snake Jormugand."

The second voice cackled "well now this makes all the difference I'll join you boy." the first voice sighed "I will too, I'd be worried about leaving those idiots on there own anyway." Lupos smiled and without saying anymore the darkness dissolved leaving Lupos back on the forest floor but this time with two ravens on his shoulders one white and one black.

Fenrir and Jormugand gasped in shock, but Lupos ignored them and looked at the two in turn "so what are your names?" The white one cackled showing he must have been the second voice in the darkness "I'm Hugin." Lupos nodded and smiled then turned to the black raven. "I'm Munin" he said proudly. Lupos smiled, he was one step closer to his revenge.


Hi guys thank you for any votes on what Lupos's next summon should be as well as a special thanks to Oldsin for the Hugin and Munin idea as well as Leafyeyes417 for the name Akari :) thanks to anyone who gave a name idea in the last chapter as well some of them may come up later

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