《A Wolf's Way》A promise


Smiling at his two new summons Lupos turned to the shocked Jormugand and Fenrir "Jormugand, Fenrir what's wrong? Why do you look so shocked?" Fenrir laughed helplessly while Jormugand just sniggered. "We didn't expect you to pull off summoning both of them is all."

Lupos looked them curiously "why is it unexpected?" Fenrir sighed and took over "those two geezers rarely respond to anyone's summoning and even so, I don't think there's ever been a case where the two have been summoned together."

Lupos grinned "That's great news, after all if you too didn't expect it then Mervyn sure as hell won't." . Munin laughed appreciatively "It seems like we've been summoned into an interesting situation, anyone want to explain what's happening?"

Jormugand sighed and quickly explained everything that had happened up to that point. "I see," commented Hugin "but more than Mervyn Oakshield I'm curious about the man in black looking for you, it may have something to do with your parents."

Lupos looked at Jormugand confused "why would it have anything to do with that?" Hugin rolled his eyes and spoke in a voice full of wisdom "of course it's because of your mysterious circumstances. I mean you were abandoned as a baby in the middle of the forest, meaning you were obviously important enough for someone to want you dead."

Hugin paused for a moment "I mean you survived on pure luck, if the Shadow wolves had not found you, you probably would have been eaten." Lupos paused for a minute considering this "it may make sense, but if so why start looking for me now?" At this point Munin interrupted "they may have looked before, you just wouldn't have been a position to hear about it given where you live.


Lupos had to give him that one. He was just about to say more when Jormugand interrupted "anyway it's getting cold out here, let's take this inside and besides," he said slyly smiling at Lupos "there's a pretty young lady who's been watching us out of the window for some time now."

Lupos blushed while the four spirits laughed and shot each other knowing grins. Walking back into the hut Darius was sitting down on a chair next to a blushing Akari by the fire. Darius quickly turned around to see Lupos and was about to ask about his new summon when he saw the two ravens and fell out of his chair.

"Oy brat don't tell me these two are really Hugin and Munin." Lupos stared at him "but why?" Darius looked at him in shock "You're a monster kid, I'll tell you that much." he muttered sighing he addressed the two spirits "nice to meet you I'm Darius, Lupos' guardian and over by the fire is Akari a new addition to the family."

Akari smiled warmly at the two "it's a pleasure to meet you." Hugin and Munin smiled and gave a small nod. "Now," said Darius in an exceptionally happy tone "Lupos seeing as you don't have to return to the Illio brats house you can stay here for the rest of the week and I can train you!"

Lupos looked at Darius in horror, bad enough the night training and now day training too?!? Lupos groaned at the thought of it. "Now now none of that, it'll be fun I promise." Lupos didn't think that the look on Darius's face would assure anyone right then and sure enough even the ancient spirits sitting on each of his shoulder shivered in fear.


Finally after three days of training and talking to Akari it came time for Lupos to leave. However, just as Lupos was about to depart Akari came up to him "Lupos I have something to tell you." Lupos nodded and turned to his spirits "Fenrir, Jormugand, Hugin and Munin I'm going to talk to Akari you guys go on ahead." The four spirits walked off ahead sniggering, and if one were to listen to them, they may have heard the term "bet" being used.

Looking back at Akari she started to talk "I've decided," she said in a passionate voice "I'm going to stay here and train with Darius until I'm stronger and when I am I will kill my parents murderers and then return to rule over the packs. We must unite if we want to survive so I will strive for that day."

Lupos smiled "Good, I want to see that ambition reached one day and when it comes to revenge I will help you." Akari smiled "I look forward too it, but there's one more thing..." Akari suddenly trailed off and lowered her head "What is it?" asked Lupos confused.

Akari clenched her fists in resolve and threw her arms around Lupos "I want you to be my consort, you have no right to refuse." After saying this Akari gave Lupos a quick kiss on the lips and ran off back into the forest. Lupos stood still for a moment dumbstruck about what had just happened. Darius walked up behind him and gave him a slap on the back.

"On your way brat you don't want to miss the competition." Lupos nodded still feeling dazed, Darius saw this and grinned "by the way Akari wanted me to pass on a message." Lupos nodded looking fully awake now "she says she'll kill you if you cheat on her." Lupos laughed "no chance of that happening, but I promise to obey." Darius smiled "give them hell kid, give them hell."


Hi guys thanks to everyone who participated in the poll about whether or not to add romance, as you can see the option to add romance won which I'm kinda happy about :) I'm not sure if I did the romance well as Iv never really written about it before so please leave a comment telling me your opinions

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