《Femalekind Book Two》2.027 What becomes of Them
--- Aphrodite POV
I hoist my cloak full of treasures over my shoulder, the bulge settling neatly between my wings. “What of funeral rites?”
“The body now rests within a Dungeon and the only impediment is your prior claim.”
“Follow,” I command him while paying no attention, not even sparing a glance for my former True Love as I navigate my way over the stones towards the fresh corpse.
Thanaron is a haze, an outline drawing, I sense his presence more than actually see him as he stands beside the headless body of the Magus still dripping blood from the gaping neck wound.
“Before I allow him to speak, he has three choices as far as I can determine,” says Thanaron matter of factorially.
I fetch the Magus’ head and gingerly reunite the two parts while trying to comprehend how he has such control over the dead.
“His first, I escort him to the Spirit Plane, where he can spend his future in a sort of professional stasis. Second, the Dungeon absorbs his body, spirit, and soul, converting what he has to offer to mana and polishing his soul for reuse. Third, he does a deal with you …”
An obvious question first. “Why can I provide him with an opportunity?”
I need to understand in case the situation arises in the future or if I can manipulate circumstances to ensure the situation re-occurs.
“You slew him without invoking your Death Rune, which is still a choice I might add. I am your responsibility so you can command me with regards to your slain and you being nearby I couldn’t just act with my own freewill. Ultimately I am responsible to ensure the spirits and the souls of the slain otherwise go to a place of rest and conversation is at times useful.”
Invoking the Death Rune, a finality separating body from soul and destroying the spirit instantly. The deliberate act possible as the calculating Lamia, never when the savage Griffon. My previous suppression of the monster forms ‘personalities’ improving until now with Monster Dominate and Sentient Dominate again close and the only possible explanation for my current insensitivity. The fluctuation also pushing my self-awareness, I am better capable of appreciating this difference in my own personality even if still bound.
“True friend.” Arsu now hails me. “Know that winning this zone is a great boon to my Dungeon and I am grateful, I would still plead my case though to absorb this Magus, the mana derived incalculable to my cause and with me stronger, I am certain I can then provide long-term benefit to your aims also.”
I inwardly smile. “I will consider your plea and I would consider his useful destruction in your Dungeon the better option instead of his body wasted and Spirit roaming unaligned upon the Spirit Plane.”
“I await your decision.”
“Allow him to speak,” I command.
“I am humbled by your Divine Majesty, never did I think I would meet my match, hence joining this expedition to the unknown. Know that I have lived longer than other men, through use of magic, then alchemy and my end if not for you a handful of years away. I wish to go on, I don’t crave a human body, the pursuit of the fleshly delights no longer of any interest. I need to research magic and when done research some more. Can you grant me this? If so, I will swear with the greatest of magical bindings to be loyal and faithful forever.”
My immediate reaction? I wouldn’t be able to bind his Spirit to a ring or trinket like Alba. I gained the maximum percent increase my Human Essence Level would allow, which means his is equal to me now or more likely higher. My physical defeat of him purely by surprise and somewhat problematic until the dispelling of his [Damage Resistance] by my True Love and Alba with I assume every drop of magic they could draw upon to boost the spell casting. Their effort defeating a single spell while mine would require defeating him as a being, definitely not the same mountain to climb. His knowledge is my knowledge since eating his liver in any case, which raises a question.
“Is your knowledge and skill in magic not erased?”
“There is a dilution mighty Goddess, but with endless life what does such a deficiency matter?”
Arsu still desires him, even diluted. Perhaps destruction is best.
“What great binding could you offer?”
“Any, all?”
A magical binding would be broken with superior skill later on, years, tens of years whatever it took. Every slave is eventually seduced by the thought of freedom, either by wishing for death and succeeding or by planning and designing an escape, usually with a dash of treachery. Perhaps there is another way.
“We will pray. If you genuinely believe in what I say, your faith will anoint you accordingly and expose you to a new magic and a holy loyalty. I will then ask Thanaron to escort you to the Spirit Plane where you must wait for me.”
He interrupts. “What is the Spirit Plane?”
Thanaron answers, “Your personality and knowledge will be maintained in a spiritual bliss.”
“Not descend into the land and be reincarnated into a new life?”
I clarify, “There has been a recent change …”
I know my face loses all expression as I confront Thanaron.
“Erm, perhaps not as I haven’t been – required elsewhere – other than on this continent.”
“Interesting. Preservation of the Spirit then. Wait. This also means knowledge stasis, I won’t broker my future on such a prison, destroy me instead.” His response full of determination.
“You misunderstand. I have an ambition to be the Ruling God of this Dominion’s Pantheon and as a final task I must God Quest on the Spirit Plane. I will gather my worshippers to my side to help me and those who rise high and demonstrate their loyalty and usefulness I will offer them Godhead.”
“And if your ambition fails?”
“You can offer your service to whoever Quests next.”
“Acceptable, although would another excuse my worship of you?”
“I expect the other to be a rival, my failure the prelude to my destruction and as my faithful follower you will suffer through my destruction. Utter destruction I doubt, but if so, how would that matter?”
Our question and answer quick and direct, he laughs, and I imagine his corpse’s belly flexing wildly.
Thanaron thought whispers, “You will need to move his body out of the Dungeon, which could require a level of trust as I suspect his body and soul still worthy additions.”
“Arsu, I have come to an agreement with the Magus and his Spirit will be mine.”
“I am … disappointed.”
“His body and soul will be yours.”
“Yes, still generous and I must be satisfied.”
I expect harsh disappointment, this begrudging acceptance though … should I be concerned.
“I will need to move the body out of your Dungeon to perform a binding and once done I will return his body and soul.” If I speak honesty, I don’t need to declare my statement honest by saying the word. If I say I will do a thing, I don’t need to promise I will. I am the personification of Truth and I lace my words with the full force of my Realm.
“As my true friend I trust you will do as you say.”
Without any instruction my former True Love trudges behind me. Face blank, devoid of emotion and yet his body responds by clinging to the presence of others. Existing, not living, a lost hollowness haunting his eyes judging loneliness worse than any other alternative. There is a sense of guilt upon me and I simply shrug the feeling away, Monster Dominate I realise. I pause, I shouldn’t do that I berate myself. I must decide.
First things first and I leverage the Magus’ [Manipulate Stone] spell to carve away a plinth in a favourable section of the mountain side, the cliff face of hard stone melting at my touch. I crudely engrave the Runes of my Realms onto each side, simple and yet satisfactory for the purpose. A certain Stone Giant shaking his head invades my thoughts and forces me to return to the canvas, sliding and dashing my fingers in the stone trying to enact an artistic refinement and skill which doesn’t exist within me. Each Monster evolution mocks my pretence.
Sucking in a deep breath I decide time will not improve the result and fetch his body and head. Propping the body of the Magus up against the stone block and settling his head upon his shoulders proves to be a tricky balancing act until head, corpse and I reach an accord after much adroit negotiation.
I cast [Worship Aphrodite] in the morning light and begin my sermon calling all to prayer. Once satisfied I have the Magus enthralled, I cast [Sanctify Area (Aphrodite)].
[Consecration of Shrine +0% Divine Dominate. Total Divine Dominate 69%]
[Greater Goddess Aphrodite, while near the Shrine of Aphrodite immune to Dungeon Dominate constraints, link to Quest Dungeon of Azizos severed.]
{Alba Giant Gar Spirit no longer Prophet of Aphrodite, anointed Priest of Aphrodite, Priest Profession unlocked at Level 6.}
{Thanaron the Immortal anointed Priest of Aphrodite, Priest Profession unlocked at Level 6.}
[System error … Immortal not permitted power growth.]
[System recalibration … Reassigning Thanaron New Profession … Locked]
{Profession Prophet assigned
Godhead: Aphrodite
Realms: Fertility, Disorder, Truth and Death
Holy Symbols: N/A Prophet is non-corporeal
Priest Skills (acquired): Theology (Faith)
Faith Magic (acquired): Locate (Faithful, Faithless, Heretic)
Divine Magic (acquired): Sanctify Area (Aphrodite), Worship Aphrodite.}
{Magus Drexel Marner anointed Adept of Aphrodite, Priest Profession unlocked at Level 5.}
{Apprentice Mage Allene Corser anointed Adept of Aphrodite, Priest Profession unlocked at Level 2.}
“What are you trying to do Thanaron?” I accuse him.
“Inspired to greatness by your example Goddess I have been enthusiastically swept up by your sermon.” There is a hint of humour. “I wanted to test the System and confirm I am truly locked out of any progression, although remarkably I have become your Prophet.”
His vanishing immediately after didn’t allow for any further discussion, although the other two notifications confounding for different reasons.
“Rise Adept Allene.” The name feminine yet the distinction only apparent this side of the mountains. More of a mystery to me, how? His bowed head rises from the Shrine, timid yet always progressing. This discard, beaten and empty now metamorphosing embracing worship and I sense given our new bond, trying to comprehend the sudden unexpected opportunity and with effort face me.
“You aren’t in any trouble, how could you be given your anointment, a clear sign of your devotion. I am simply confused by how and why, given your rejection of my true appearance.”
His hands wipe down his thighs, while his frame remains slightly bent over.
“You are a Goddess … I didn’t know and being so lost, female in a male body … I need Truth and a direction. Only now I accept you saved my life and yet so consumed by my needs I didn’t appreciate the fact or you at the time. Afterwards you could have easily destroyed me instead you only threatened to ensure I pick up items thrown after my churlishness.”
His face finally meets mine, a pitiful drooping skeletal visage.
The other Adept … his presence loiters nearby.
“Adept Drexel Marner why are you still here? When Thanaron disappeared, I thought he did so to escort you to the Spirit Plane.”
Placing a soft hand upon Allene’s shoulder I whisper, “The Magus is still here.”
“This Divine Magic of yours is a wonder and when I acquired [Command (Cult Spirit)], I experimented. I cast [Spell Reflection] upon Allene backed by all my Sorcery magic and then cast [Command (Cult Spirit)] upon her to bind the target to the Shrine, which I enchanted during your sermon on an oft chance ... the talk of Spirits you know. Your Divine Magic doesn’t test the target and having drained my magic, the Command Spell reflected back, and I helplessly became bound to the Shrine.”
Needing thinking time, I run my hands through my hair, the delay doesn’t help. I didn’t ask Lorin how she accomplished the same trick, perhaps I should have. There is an annoying niggle in the back of my mind and yet it is, what it is.
He continues, triumph infusing his mind words, “Now I can learn while I await your God Quest and I believe more than a few humans will be recruited to your cause, especially attracted to the fabulous spell [Bless Wife], family lines and a strong linage are important in human society.”
I finally find a doom in his impromptu trickery. “What if the first to discover you destroy the Shrine?”
He laughs, boisterously in my mind. “I am still a Magus and this humble stone Shrine is now my body. They would need an army and be able to afford an exorbitant toll in lives to accomplish what you suggest. More when I learn how to combine your Death Rune with my Sorcery.”
With nothing left to say, except to wish him well, I leave my bag of treasures with him for explanations on purpose and description at a later time and hoist his bloodless corpse over my shoulder, while grabbing his head by the hair. A sort distance along the mountain cliff face and Arsu’s Dungeon Entrance allows me to enter, with a wordless Allene following.
“I welcome you back my True Friend.” The joy in her thought words overpowering and I suspect she doubted my return.
Releasing the Magus’ head, a splat announces a final stop on the passageway floor. I lower his body next and wait. Both portions shortly after disappearing.
“Magnificent!” Arsu breathes a fine satisfaction into the word.
I am certain the mana increase significant as she doesn’t continue with any further conversation, Dungeon Mastery ‘stuff’ now taking her attention I am certain. I nod to Allene who leads the way out and we return to the Shrine.
--- Allene POV
I ignore the first casting of [Magiclink] not even certain why. I accept the second. A couple of paces behind I follow Aphrodite from the Dungeon, something not even part of human legend and yet my entering and exiting, confirmation. Another mystery, the Shrine not yet in view and line of sight a requirement of the spell, so how did he contact me?
“How can you do that?”
His laughter light, the explanation a fun amusement for him. “A Sorcery Spell, I have projected my sight beyond the Shrine.”
“Nice trick,” I reply.
“Ask the Goddess to borrow my Spell Books, study and grow in power as I intend to do.”
I try remaining silent and yet I can’t. “Would you seek to overthrow the Goddess?”
His return laughter loud and lively. “Who knows, maybe in thousand years’ time but for now I am content as an immortal, with the chance to manipulate the Human Empire all the while learning to combine Sorcery and Divine Magic. One question though, my curse, you don’t seem, well, cursed.”
The question roars through my mind igniting a flame of rage … my emotional response spills across the [Magiclink] defeating my belated attempt at self-restraint.
“What done is done,” he tells me.
I can’t form any coherent thoughts to reply, struggling to keep step with Aphrodite and glad she doesn’t glance behind to check up. I blink as I catch myself staring at her perfect buttocks … when did my eyes fall to admire her shapely basalt flesh? When did my interest manifest?
“I thought the spell a gimmick, after all what if someone’s worst fear proved to be a creature like a spider. What would the curse mean to them? I imagined something like that happened to you …”
The embarrassment of my ogling dissolves a portion of my anger and I manage a response. “Nothing so ordinary for me …”
“Do tell.”
I somehow resent his interest and yet since his research responsible for the spell perhaps he could offer a cure. “My worst fear I now know was the possibility of not bearing children to my true love and instead of making me barren, your curse turned me from female to male …”
His failure to reply immediately, somehow reassuring … remorse? Perhaps spending time formulating a cure or reverse, my hopes grow.
“Yes, I see the logic now … if you feared not bearing children, you would have been made barren, but given you feared not bearing children to one person in particular then sex change would achieve that and still leave you fertile … interesting.”
“You spent that time analysing the logic? I thought you remorseful or at least taking up the challenge of finding a cure …” I resist ripping my own eyes out, instead pulling my fingers through my long hair, the fringe and shape still in a distinctly feminine style. Whomever says the first word about my hair … will pay.
“Your curse yes and then trying to extrapolate to a worst fear, being spiders for example. Would the curse transform the thief into a spider? Would they suffer heart attack or flee every time they encountered a spider? The curse takes time to manifest perhaps proportional to the physical or mental change.”
I grow tired of his mumbling. “There is no cure then?”
“I wouldn’t think so, even now I suspect your inclination or attraction to the opposite sex has realigned to be in step with your new body. Although from what I have observed this is yet to fully flower … another mystery.”
No, you old fool of a Sorcerer, easy really. “You missed two important words in your analysis, ‘true love’.” I deliberately try to think smug when I send those thought words to him.
“Certainly, a worthy influence on the end result. Given the pronounced delay, both in the initial sex change and then attraction I would conjecture that the cause not due to the magnitude of the change then. True love is a core primal binding, a deep ancient magic, therefore a test for any other magic, including a curse from a Magus, perhaps even the Goddess’ Divine Magic … interesting.”
I tremble. I can’t wait for his next words. “Are you saying with willpower and drawing upon our True Love binding I could have broken your curse …”
The moments tick by like a huge bell tolling in my head, the reverberations now shivers sprinting down my spine. Answer you swine!
“Did you resist at all? I mean except for the usual disbelief, did you give it a good try, hold to the belief your True Love would conquer all?”
Warmth spreads across my face, breathing becomes difficult. “No,” I mentally squeeze out in reply.
“Then yes, although we will never know for certain. I wish you did. I could have studied the phenomenon – core primal binding resisting Magus class curse and possibly breaking it …”
I catch the delirium in his reply, this is purely research to him, the impact on me, the victim irrelevant … I snap the [Magiclink]. He tries to re-establish several times and I ignore every attempt. I am done with him. He stops as Aphrodite and I reach the Shrine and I assume Aphrodite now has his attention.
Her slim black hand swings before my eyes.
“There you are, lost in thought?”
I nod. Her long slender fingers sensual, what they could encircle … aargh, I shake my head.
“The Magus says embrace the new you, resistance is futile now. Does this mean anything to you?”
I nod and close my eyes. A bitter pill forms within me and I am lost.
Opening my eyes, a flash of Aphrodite’s full breast is the first movement to grab my attention. She bends down picking out pieces of his stolen goods and each time the curve of her buttocks and the hang of a breast is right there for me to feast my eyes upon. There is a click in my mind … a certain appendage of my body appreciates my embracing of the new me and I am fortunate to be squatting against the Shrine.
--- Aphrodite POV
“Somehow the thief left the gimmick items, all magicked to gain weight until they would need to be cast away and thereby leaving a trail,” he finishes.
The few with me, useful, especially the forever inking stylus. I am certain my High Priestess would appreciate such an item. I have Alba once again, the Dungeon Master Arsu has mana and access to the far side of the village and the Magus will protect my Shrine until it no longer serves his purpose and although wilful and following his own plan, his loyalty seems true for now at least, otherwise how could he convince the system to anoint him Adept. What of Allene?
Would a human visiting Beast Kin land be a culture shock, a curiosity to be examined or an exception to be destroyed by the fearful? What of her, umm him? Surrounded by Beast Kin and what of facing Stone Giants, how would he react. Perhaps he should stay this side of the mountains and assist the Magus to recruit human worshippers …
“Maybe the Giants Goddess,” suggests Alba.
“Would he be able to survive?”
“The Magus’ amulet, some magic storing rings and his Divine and Faith Magic I would think so and at some stage the Frost Giants must be converted or destroyed do they not?”
In my mind yes, in my heart no. Somehow, I try to believe the decline of Zeus would see them seek out another religion or none at all.
I swivel to face Allene. His head snaps down while wiping drool from his mouth on his shirt sleeve. His legs drawn up, arms wrapping around both while his body leans against the Shrine. I blink as he now beams a goofy smile at me as if nothing is amiss.
“What do you wish to do? Where do you wish to go?” I ask him, I cannot hold back a slight frown though. His gaze intense, studying every area of my body. Alba solves the mystery.
“He is a male on heat Goddess, he wishes to mate with you.”
My memory returns to Alba’s previous vivid explanations and while I believe there would be differences, the end result would be the same. Motherhood. My hand reaches for my womb, while I study his fixation upon my naked form. He is certainly no longer a she. A sudden realisation, I should embrace civilisation and wear clothes more often and yet my different forms would require a vast collection to be readily available.
Standing before me his hand caresses my cheek waking me from my thoughts. My eyes avoid his groin area, given Alba’s enlightenment of his condition.
I am not yet ready for motherhood and certainly not ready to mate with him. I unwrap and gradually radiate out my Divine Aura, a repulsion not a delight. His face contorts, eyes wide and with heavy, deliberate steps he backs away, chest rising and falling gasping for breath.
“I appreciate your admiration, although you must understand any such outcome requires my agreement not only your desire.”
He slowly nods.
“I will leave you here, either to assist at the Shrine, deliver sermons in the village or perhaps deliver sermons to the Giants upon the Mountain, but I forbid you to enter the lands of the Beast Kin. I believe this is for your own protection as I am uncertain of their reaction and being my Adept how your human appearance will impact my worshippers.”
A twinge of my Truth Realm alerts me to the fact even I don’t appear before my worshipers in my true form and yet what is my true form now? During the consecration of my Temple each worshipper held to their own vision of their Goddess, a consequence of my form changing nature I suspect. I am wary though of displaying a human form before them, a former Initiate of Zeus alluding to the fact Zeus insisted against the advice of his High Priestess, the decision she still believes costing him many potential worshipers.
“Am I unworthy of your love now? One who while female entered into a True Binding with one of your forms.”
He tries to stare me down. My golden eyes blaze with a minute touch of Divine Aura and he succumbs. I forget my present form is beauty incarnate to him, could he really help himself? Perfect circumstance and the magic in Alba’s ring enabled Allene to form a True Love binding the last time, for this moment neither of those available to him.
“Magus Drexel Marner, Adept of Aphrodite please watch over Allene as best you can, I leave him to your care.”
“As you wish Goddess, I can put his lust to good use.”
I don’t understand and I am not tempted enough to ask for an explanation. “I leave you some of your trinkets, perhaps they can be rewards for him … to assist with any training.”
“I agree the carrot works better than the stick. He will be a new man when you next see him Goddess.”
I am not reassured by his thought words and yet I take flight, pumping my wings until I clear the sand relishing the wind against my basalt skin, a new enjoyable sensation, especially for … no … I drop the thought. I concentrate upon the rippling waves I now skim above, my toes dipping and spraying sea water, low tide now exposing the sand bar. I rise above the curtain of trees with a flourish of my wings to finish upon the tor outcrop.
{Self-evolution begins: Chosen Form - Griffon.}
{Self-evolution completes: Chosen Form - Griffon.}
With my remaining roaming time I sweep over the mountains and spy upon the Frost Giants steadings from the clouds, including Zeus’ Temple and then wing West to observe the Fire Giants. I dip down into the Beast Kin lands sweeping wide around Quest Town taking careful note of the traffic on the roads and trails heading towards my worshipping heartland. Finally, I follow the river back and after dusk land upon my Temple roof startling the Stone Giant Guards.
[Greater Goddess Aphrodite, has entered the Temple of Aphrodite, link to Quest Dungeon of Azizos severed.]
I calm them with my Divine Aura.
{Self-evolution begins: Chosen Form - Lamia.}
{Self-evolution completes: Chosen Form - Lamia.}
“Goddess,” they whisper while taking a knee and bowing their heads.
“My previous form is called Griffon and I am certain the form unique yet don’t trust any form unless assured by my Divine Aura.”
“Yes Goddess, your decree will be known.” Awe clear in every word.
I glide off my Temple roof and land gently within the greatly expanded settlement, the surrounding forest almost cleared reaching as far South as the original Stone Giant Village.
“Welcome Goddess,” greets Alasse.
“You are awake?”
A light pleasant laugh. “No Goddess, I have others to wake me, I have been expecting your return as your five days are gone and anything beyond only possible if you found refuge.”
“Clever Snake …”
I sense her appreciation of my cheeky retort and decide I must do more as no reward is too great for one such as she.
“I have taken the liberty to pour you a glass of wine, it and I await your company … ah, you arrive.”
I enter the antechamber and drink in the sight of my High Priestess languidly reclining upon her lounge in response, on the side table of the other lounge awaits my wine.
Sipping my wine, I relax upon the lounge, safe and in good company.
Alasse opens our discussion. “Our friends inform us representatives of the Snake Kin Empire are soon to visit.”
“They are perhaps three or four days away and many in number, more than you would think would be required for a friendly discussion.” My eyes stare over the rim of my wine glass only to receive a loving smile.
“A show of force to be certain,” Alasse says before taking a sip. “We haven’t been idle my Goddess. Dilia has established a Shrine in each of our Temples and gained multiple prophets which spread her burial rites, thereby presiding over many funerals.”
“What of the other Neophyte Gods?”
“We established a Shrine to Swift Spear in your Rolling Hills Pride Temple. There was some reluctance given Swift Spear originally a member of the Long Grass Pride, yet his fame eventually won through. I suspect we will lose some of our followers to him as he offers them way of life skills.”
“Acceptable, I will never be the answer for all.”
There is a new subtle undulation in her snake tail as my High Priestess takes another sip of her wine.
“Nasim did a wonderful job crafting stone shrines for our Neophyte War God Ames. We shipped them to cities and towns in the Dog Kin, Wolf Kin and Fox Kin lands with mysterious instructions and a modest amount of coin to encourage placement of the Shrine in a place of reverence asking all to pray to Ames, God of War for victory in battle.”
“Will that work?” I expect Fox Kin to be particularly unresponsive. Did our Neophyte God of War somehow suggest the plan by chance? My composure unravelling – how did he communicate his requirements?
Her hand reaches out. “No Goddess, purely a gamble in which we only need one of twenty-one to yield our War God a Prophet.” Alasse spun the stem of her empty wine glass between her fingers. “We sent your Shrines to every known City and large Town.”
I almost drop my wine glass. “What of other tasks? The stone used?”
“Each Stone Giant Adept pleaded for the honour to craft your Shrine once the God of War received twenty-one in his name. They insisted no other could have more Shrines than you Goddess and became most worked up over the idea.”
“And Nasim?”
“Ever the level head, he sympathised with both sides. For the good of all I requested each to make two, with the promise they could craft more afterwards if their Goddess so permitted.” A thin sly smile decorates her jaw line.
So, this is your cheeky game, my High Priestess. “… your Goddess permits … thank-you.”
“I knew you would appreciate the responsibility …” Alasse giggles to my surprise, how much wine has she drunk?
I wonder what to say next and perhaps my face a giveaway.
“Your High Priestess isn’t permitted to enjoy the company of her Goddess?” she queries.
“Of course – you giggled though …” I have never been in her company when she has giggled, and the change of behaviour needs explanation. What ails my High Priestess? My absolute trust in her is paramount and yet she giggles like a hatchling? I recall the tail undulation, is there need for concern? I can’t … loose her. This realisation hits me between the eyes.
“Perhaps … I have an explanation.” Her eyes fix upon mine. “… perhaps my fertilisation …” Her hand caresses her lower belly, a barely discernible bump is present. “Is the reason I am a little lightheaded.”
Why didn’t I sense them? I slide from my lounge and my hand follows the path Alasse’s took across her belly. Barely conceived, a day, possibly a day and a half ago, my fertility magic present in each and every egg. She giggles again of her own accord, the prospect of motherhood real for the first time and I embrace and bless her. As I withdraw, tears roll down her cheeks. She hastily tries to wipe them away and I restrain her arms.
“Revel in your tears of joy Alasse, your Goddess commands you to.”
She nods smiling, the colour of her snakeskin deepening. I return to my lounge and await my High Priestess. Should I have let Allene have his way, would I also be with child now in dual celebration? What if I evolve while pregnant? I need to settle my future before I can seriously consider motherhood. The realisation weighs heavy upon me and my face betrays me.
“I am sorry if my joy is the cause of your pain Goddess.”
I wave her away. “What of Tor?”
A knowing smile erupts from my High Priestess before she answers, “His the easiest, a Shrine in the Lizard Kin village and less than a day a prophet is anointed, soon after the Shrine is consecrated and there are sufficient worshippers to consecrate a Temple. They ‘borrow’ a river barge and float down the river. Even Nasim who is on particularly good terms with the Lizard Kin elders can’t find out the proposed location of their Temple or if the consecration successful. They are all tight lipped.”
I humph. “He did presume to stand judgement upon me, so perhaps he hides away to build his strength fearful I will crush him before he does. Never mind, what of Bellas?”
“Given your warning, I ensured every Snake Kin I could command joined in worship of her as a Lay Member, secretly willing her to align with the ideals envisioned by the Pantheon. So, we will see who is strongest the Neophyte Goddess or her worshippers when it comes to influence.”
I decide to tease. “Should I be concerned about this tactic?”
Alasse leaps from her lounge, her head swaying. “No, my Goddess, you are loved by all as you are, there are none …”
Springing from my lounge I meet her halfway and take my friend in a full embrace. “I apologise, my words in poor taste.”
Hand on her heart she remains standing within my clutches, the rhythm of her breathing gradually returning to normal. My hand softly forces her head to lay upon my shoulder. “I sincerely apologise my faithful High Priestess.”
Her head snuggles in. Tear drops fall upon my skin and yet caress my soul. Her arms reach around drawing us and the growing ones within her closer. I sanctify Mother and eggs with the full Goddess imbued blessing of my Fertility Rune.
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8 180 - In Serial98 Chapters
Earthling Soul
Safo Nur had been poisoned and woke up in a cage with another hundred victims. Soon, for some unknown reason, he was chosen by the monsters and was dragged away from the cage. In a special room, his spine was drilled and implanted with a strange device, after the procedure Safo was able to understand an alien tongue. Safo Nur - discovered that his origins came from an alien race called - Psiora. To unlock his power, which Psiora called a "Resource", he and three aliens came to Earth. During that process, Safo blacked out. Upon coming to his senses, he found himself falling from the spaceship on a different planet. His three companions changed in behavior and were alarmed by him. They hid the truth about the events that took place after his awakening. Safo Nur's powers were sealed away by a mighty enemy who took over the Earth. To oppose the "Owners" of the Earth and save his family and friends, Safo needed to get stronger. Meanwhile, on Earth, an entity that terrorized the universe 12000 years ago woke up. The first thing on his agenda was to destroy Psiora and Safo Nur. Two individuals from Earth, followed him to avenge the people that were killed in the process of awakening the Psiora.
8 127 - In Serial48 Chapters
Within a generation, the sky, once blue, bled a deep scarlet. Feral beasts roamed the lands and mutated men ravaged civilisations. They carved destruction in their wake. The spawning of new idols worshiped by cultists marked a terrible turn. Finally, a crippling insanity plagued the very few survivors left. Written in the journals of antiquity, lost in time, a scholar wrote: ‘This horrific cataclysm that we face was brought about by humans…’ However, these events are long gone. A longstanding peace has descended to Orbis. Yet, to spite the efforts of the saviours of yore, a progenitor of this calamity has been invited back by ritual. It seeks the return of these very ancient events. A silent peril is on the way.
8 71 - In Serial17 Chapters
The Demon King
Summoned to another world to bring the world some well deserved justice. Disclaimer: I do not own anything.
8 109 - In Serial50 Chapters
Muslim & Pakistani Love stories
Love has no reasonsLove have no seasonWhen you love someone,all you wish to spend time with them, wishes to a day to become long.'' Kya hoga agar mere lab tere lab se lag gaye Naraz kyu ho rhi ho tum badla he le lo
8 206 - In Serial10 Chapters
Castle of Dragons || Lloyd Garmadon X Reader
"ᴛʜᴇʏ ꜱᴀʏ ᴅʀᴀɢᴏɴꜱ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴛʀᴜʟʏ ᴅɪᴇ. ɴᴏ ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀ ʜᴏᴡ ᴍᴀɴʏ ᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɪʟʟ ᴛʜᴇᴍ."― ꜱ.ɢ. ʀᴏɢᴇʀꜱ♤♤♤The Lost Princess of Dragons.The Prince of Elements.Living in the same Kingdom with different titles. What happens when someone is kept from their destiny after 18 years? Will the full truth be revealed or will Princess Y/N continue to live below her title?♤♤♤"Did you hear that?!" I exclaimed, fear now taking over again."Hear what?" Nya asked."The voice, it has been taunting me ever since I've been in this tower. There's a very scratchy and scary voice teasing me and it keeps speaking to me. I don't know what wrong with me. Oh my god I'm going insane." I said, drifting off into a small rant about me going crazy."Y/N calm down! What has this voice said?" Nova asked. I don't know if they believe me entirely, but at least they are being nice about it."First thing it said was: Come to me. Then it said: I am waiting for your return, Princesssss. Next it just said: Princessss. Then it said: Yes, trust themmmm. Which is the thing I just heard." I explained."That's definitely not creepy." Nova shuddered."Princess? What is that supposed to mean? Is it a jab at you and Lloyd?" Nya questioned.♤♤♤Fantasy AUFemale reader pronounsThis book has not been edited yetCover:Lloyd art is by @cilundi.art on InstagramBackground is off Google from a how to train your dragon wallpaper search.I edited it all together
8 123