《Femalekind Book Two》2.028 Prophets and Pariahs
--- Aphrodite POV
I suspect my action as much for me, as for my High Priestess. My opportunity for motherhood now twice a memory and my heart suffers the ache while I wear the face of one unaffected, the expected face of a Goddess. Yet am I not female and within me the urge to procreate more so given my mastery over the Realm of Fertility. My High Priestess under a similar pressure and able to fulfil the personification required. Sadly, I am able to share my Realm with others and yet walk barren myself … the reasons pitiful excuses when faced with the single minded determination and success of my High Priestess.
I sense her fingerlings growing, consuming the sustenance within their eggs and then the surrounding shell. The uterus of my High Priestess adapts developing placental attachments to provide her snake-lings further nourishment and they are ravenous.
My High Priestess wilts within my arms and I utilise my Divine Aura to tame her growing foetus’ admonishing them to not take more than their mother can provide while I carry her to her lounge.
“Priestess Pex attend to your High Priestess, bring as much nourishing food as you can carry.”
“Yes my Goddess I apologise for any failing and after attendance to my High Priestess I willingly submit to any due punishment.”
Her thought words thin and frail … what does she believe her failing is?
A procession of servants shortly appear, they assemble a small table either side of Alasse’s lounge, a cloth cover over each, one table fruits and vegetables, the other fried pork, a mountain of fried pork with subtle differences in preparation. The various sauce scents and burnt aromas wafting off the pork reviving my High Priestess.
“All servants out now!” The words are a firm order from Priestess Pex, inviting no questioning. Carrying goods, not carry goods they all beat a hasty exist and Pex slams the door shut behind them. A guttural gulping noise draws me back to my High Priestess. Her hands busy smashing fried pork into her wide-open jaws and I doubt a great deal of chewing is being done, although probably unnecessary given the perfect shape and size of the pieces.
Priestess Pex is before me, her head, torso, and tail incredibly low to the stone floor and she accomplishes this without me noticing, although I console myself with the thought the High Priestess’ eating etiquette is distracting to say the least.
“I am ready for my punishment Goddess.”
“Explain why you deserve punishment,” I reply, trying to ignore the feasting noises beside me.
“My High Priestess called to me upon receiving your blessing, admonishing me to haste due to sensing their hunger. I called and hailed the servants to within a fingernail of their faith to prepare and serve the food as the skills required for the task are beyond me … I confess my failing and await my punishment.”
“Be at ease Priestess Pex …”
Her head shoots up in response. “I can’t, my failure to meet your expectation, the possible loss of my … erm your High Priestess.” She shakes her head side to side rapidly and I need to catch and stop her before an avoidable tragedy occurs. Tears flow freely from her eyes.
“My Divine blessing, my Divine issue to resolve. The delivery of food extra care, which you have managed splendidly, although should I be concerned? Will we have no servants in the morning?”
Her eyes flash wide, I counter the struggle of her head, still firmly held within my hands. “I was once a slave servant, I didn’t demean or berate, I declared the emergency related to their High Priestess and the urgency needed, most leapt from their beds naked or in their night clothes rushing to their tasks … they love your High Priestess … as do I.” Her snakeskin darkens and grows warm under my touch. My eyes must give away my surprise as she snaps her eyes shut.
I lean in and whisper, “Have you declared your love for your High Priestess?”
She tries to shake her head, enough though as an answer.
From behind both of us. “Why haven’t you?”
I release Pex to face my High Priestess. Hands held over a table dripping with pork and sauce, similar sliding from her erm, well more than jaws, let’s give credit to her entire face.
Pex springs into action, damp cloth in hand from somewhere and begins by washing down the face of her High Priestess.
“Answer … mmm … your …mmm … High Priestess, Priestess Pex.”
Her face glows. “I know of your need to procreate as you must personify your Goddess’ Fertility Realm and I am ill-equipped for such a service … I am content and rejoice to serve you in all other things.”
“Is that why you don’t consecrate your own Temple? Don’t you realise this is selfish of you, denying your Goddess further worship?”
She glances in my direction, body trembling, quickly returning her gaze to Alasse. “I know.”
The weight of sadness in her reply reaches into my heart and squeezes out sympathy. “I declare Priestess Pex to be Cardinal Pex, ever in attendance to her High Priestess. As I have spoken it shall be.”
(System Notification: Cardinal anointed prior to Cathedral being consecrated. No Divine Dominate will be awarded until consecration.)
Similar to Worshipper Divine Dominate, requiring a Temple to be consecrated, I muse.
“System, what are the Anointed Worshipper Classes and the Divinity Awarded?”
[Initiate +1%, Adept +3%, Priest +5%, Cardinal +3%, High Priest +7%]
Not a high percent for the Cardinal, I assume due to not directly supporting worshippers, solely a support role to the High Priest of a Cathedral. Cardinal Pex’s anointment though provides an interesting possibility. I could in essence anoint Cardinals prior to construction and thereby seal in those so chosen to guide the administration of the Cathedral regardless of the High Priestess, which let’s face a certain truth is easier to anoint during consecration, given the training process usually takes years. The Cardinals should be able to handle any … erm inconsistencies in personality of any High Priestess’ anointment during consecration. Why should I doubt the process now though? Am I so close that I am searching for points of failure?
Giggling and squirming draws me out of my thoughts. Alasse and Pex now share her lounge, intimately intertwined.
Cardinal Pex blinks. “My High Priestess asks a service of me …”
I note the mess has been dealt with, a neat pile rests beside the shut and barred door. Given I am the catalyst for this tryst I can hardly condemn now, although the two together reminds me of another absence or two not sighting them now for several days or nights … “Alasse and Pex where are Little Sis and Big Sis?”
Her head lifts from Pex’s shoulder until eye to eye with me. “As your Prophet she spreads the word of your worship Goddess.”
“Where?” I limit myself to one word to restrain any overreaction.
“She and her sister, in the company of a Questor Group are …” Alasse waves a hand. “North.”
I swallow and advance towards my High Priestess ever so slightly. “They wander the world?”
“In good company, yes. She claims to have endured a Divine epiphany and needed to leave immediately. Fortunately, heeding her sister as much as myself in the greater need to prepare for such a journey. Both of us selecting a Questor Group with a Snake Kin leader as protection, given her determination to visit the Empire first.”
I slither about the room; she is but a Stone Giant child … how could they be so casual? “Why let her go? A simple no from her High Priestess sufficient surely.”
“I … I didn’t believe I could command one of your Prophets Goddess, guide perhaps, assist, they are your instruments and her like me before her determine when and where they go … I did heed your guidance, acknowledge your greater plan, but always aware you wouldn’t restrain me. You didn’t instruct me to intrigue with the Minor House Matriarchs or slay the Adjutant of House Silver Scale, I worked within your aims as would every Prophet in your service.”
I finish my slithering. “Why a Questor Group?”
“They are bonded by the Dungeon Quest, loyal to one another, further they are all Initiates and contested fiercely between themselves for the honour to escort your Prophet.”
I snap, “What of Dungeon Questing?”
She untangles herself and approaches me, hands open to caress my cheeks and while I want to fling them away, I revel in their tender comfort.
“Goddess, as Initiates they are all the more willing to form Questor Groups, the Quest Plinth identifying suitable individuals who can form a team before they expose themselves to any danger and the Cavern is well documented and studied although never assumed to remain the same. Your Dungeon Master is providing an ideal training ground, who better to send with your Prophet to protect her.”
I have failed there though, wanting to instruct the Snake Kin into a wider Sorcery practice, not solely elemental control, and manipulation. I absently rotate Alba’s ring on my finger.
[Success: Site Shrine House of Harmony upgraded to Major Temple of Aphrodite. Priest Grand Master Mateus in residence.]
[Consecration of Major Temple +7% Divine Dominate. Total Divine Dominate 76%]
(System Notification: Worshipper Numbers now sustainable with current number of Consecrated places of Worship.)
I latch onto the systems messages, for once a respite. The last good in one sense, my Priests efforts have been rewarded, not so good in another, has worship of me reached a limit? My mind returns to Little Sis and Big Sis, where are you? Will I know you safe only when you once again pray on consecrated ground? I am impotent, unable to leave my Temple and find them, those who are exposing themselves to danger while spreading my worship.
“You will need to get used to this state if you succeed Goddess. From on high on the God Plane would you be permitted to return? Can you instead only hope your Priests and Prophets act on your behalf?” offers Alba.
I relent in my prosecution. My High Priestess and now Cardinal comfortable with my child Prophet going forward without an escort the size of an army. Did my Prophet manage to avoid the approaching Snake Kin?
At the door, I glance back at two in bliss, “Don’t forget to bar the door behind me.”
I decide I am content when two find love, any two. I am not certain of the expectations of others on this world.
Several more days and nights pass in quiet bliss and of one thing I am certain, my High Priestess doesn’t require my presence to administrate my Temple, at best I am good evening company although we do labour together over one task. Magic quill in hand she comments at each sitting how the gift is a wonder while recording my exploits, which I am certain she embellishes to the absolute limit of the Truth Realm subverted by the Disorder Realm. With my High Priestess asleep and wrapped around her Cardinal on one of these nights I decide to prove my theory and if right force separation from Azizos my Dungeon Master once and for all.
--- Pleasant Voice POV
“I forbid you!”
A likeness of our Goddess Hera, the trembling wooden carving, eyes blazing fierce and unforgiving stabs into my faithless heart. With a strength driven by love I show the symbol of our Shrine to the remaining faithful, a mix of Panther Kin and Lion Kin, one Adept and eight Initiates. Lay members at this point irrelevant.
“This is all? What of Initiates of Zeus who are also my Initiates …?”
I close my eyes, for I know the truth will cause acrimonious discussion. “Lord Zeus demanded they choose.”
“He what? Is he so desperate …” she whispers, “he must be?”
I open my eyes as the carving grows cold in my hand and I search the faces of the remaining few. All cast their eyes down and so I pad forward and place the carving back within its nook, a section of stone wall chiselled out for the purpose.
“I am no longer filled with faith and therefore I am no longer your Priestess,” I declare.
Two look up. Their eyes beaming seeing opportunity in my circumstance, the others weep. My Miracles ebb away, knowledge of Hera’s Divine and Faith Magic fades from my mind as does the Faith Magic tied to her Realms leaving an emptiness within. My guide to living a proper faithful life blank, now bereft of Divine illumination. Fortunately, I have his love to fill the void after Hera’s departure.
“Hera returns,” shouts one of my former flock.
I reel back from the Shrine; I am unwelcome and yet my former Adept leaps forward to grasp the carving. The black fur of her coat bristles, her arms struggle to hold the presence of Hera now manifest with her paws waving about and body following. Shortly after the flailing stops and the Adept of Hera straightens, her eyes glazing over.
A strangling voice erupts from the Adept, “If you wish to demonstrate your faith to me, I command you to venture into the mountains and locate Zeus’ first Temple. The Frost Giants there are neglected by Zeus, even though they are closer in likeness to him than Beast Kin. Seek them out and praise my name amongst them and rebuild my faith upon this world. Go, go now.”
The light fades from the carving, and the Adept blinks, smiling, her sharp teeth on display. I know the feeling, Hera’s Divine presence within you, the sense of power exhilarating.
Purpose seems to rally the remnants. All but I and two now resigned Initiates of Hera follow my former Adept out of our one room stone building, which housed our Shrine. The nook empty, my former Adept now responsible for Hera.
A sharp knife-like pain in my mind brings me to my knees. “Faithless one, lucky you are, my presence on this world isn’t omniscient or you would suffer a greater punishment for your lack of faith, for now be certain those who remain faithful will in the future recognise you and seek your death to demonstrate their faith to me and be suitably rewarded.” A sudden snap in my mind and the pain disappears. I am instantly cleansed of all Divine residue, born again. I smile in celebration and the two former Initiates return my smile and as one we climb to our feet.
“I go to join my husband.” I place a hand paw on each of their shoulders. “You are free to follow your own mind.”
They exchange glances. “We are Lion Kin with no Pride to return to, our Pride returning to their ancient Lands weeks ago, a journey too far for two to beg forgiveness after ourselves exiled due to our worship of Hera. If you would accept us, we would follow you.”
I smirk. “You know my husband will probably insist I worship his Goddess, so you would most likely be politely asked to do the same.”
“We think not Mistress. His Goddess encourages free will, the choice of worship is yours and yours only.”
I wrap my arms around their necks and draw them to me a salacious grin on my lips. “Perhaps my husband will need to do more persuading of me then, which I now look forward to.”
They giggle in response and we stride out of the building I once cherished above Lion Kin Pride, Family and Husband to follow a faith my love took many days and nights to explain wasn’t necessary. I will never tell him his religious argument didn’t sway me. I fell to his gentle patience, his love of me demonstrated in every gentle caress, his attentive listening, and our shared joy while in each other’s company. Eventually I needed to choose. Hera’s call upon me fading while my love for my husband grew until unassailable. Something I knew to be impossible if my faith in Hera absolute.
--- Zeus POV
I rest lonely upon my white marble throne. My grip is slipping, my plans unravelling, and I remember the words of my Priestess about image, my arrogance overriding her knowledge of her people, the Beast Kin. What would it matter if the image they worship wasn’t my present visage? I can transform into any creature, monster, or human …
“Brother, Husband, King I wish to discuss a mater most private with you …”
No, you don’t, loving wife, otherwise you wouldn’t be screaming out the words while approaching my throne in haste. A polite smile and I prepare for her whispers of intrigue.
I tolerate her leaning upon my shoulder because I am certain of her grievance. The sooner she expels the repressed angst and leaves the better.
“You have claimed some of our dual Initiates, they offered a choice I am told. Why oh mighty Zeus?”
“Because you fail dear wife, invited to the table to grow your power further on a distant world and you fail …”
The temperature rises about me, her skin radiating red.
She hisses between thin lips, “At no point did you allude to the presence of a rival dear brother, and therefore I believed time not of the essence as they say.”
My grip upon the arms of my throne under threat of pulverisation and yet I restrain myself. “My worshippers seduced as yours, if I would have known I would have called all into my Temple, the consecrated ground proving, after the fact, immune to her temptations.”
The voice of Athena offers her wisdom from nearby. “It is wise to leave when defeat is a stronger outcome than victory to conserve your strength for your next battle, preferably in a place of your choosing to secure the advantage.”
I ignore my daughter; Hera finds another to berate.
“Daughter, with no worshippers your ‘skin’ in this game is over, so the best you have to offer those who are still playing is to learn from your mistakes.”
Athena frowns, her tell plain, retreating into thought before replying.
“They are ill suited to Greek Culture as they are too young, still in haste to arrive at nowhere and you waste your Divine energy upon a lost cause.”
Our daughter turns around smartly and marches away, Hera, works her jaw and yet remains wordless trying to deliver a witty retort, never her forte. I am above the fray, Athena gone, Hera about gone which leaves the playing field to me and Prometheus’ creation, one on one, winner takes all. Hera finally speaks and with half a mind I nod and agree where appropriate. The other half I devote to further machinations. Would Frost Giants marching upon Quest Town win the day, no, I remind myself, Stone Giants would confront them for her and to think they were mine … once, another miscalculation.
“Are you truly listening?” she asks.
“Yes wife, why wouldn’t I, you make some strong points.”
“Name one.”
“We should accelerate the entry of all the Olympians into this world, unleash the complete might of the Greek Pantheon upon them.”
She stands back, eyes wide. “Oh.” And with that response she takes her leave.
Left to my own thoughts I recall a few of the bleating words of the slime ‘a contest between beast and human’. Where are these humans? If Beast Kin are North of the Mountains, it stands to reason Humans are South of the Mountains and perhaps they are a race which isn’t young and therefore more receptive to the Wisdom of the Greek Pantheon. Frost Giants of course important, even if few in number as they would appear before them as very impressive ‘humans’ to any normal height human … fear, if not love would ensure they gain an initial audience and from there, anything. My left fist slams into the palm of my right, yes! The resulting echo a fading acknowledgement of my god derived genius.
The Frost Giants should certainly climb down from their Mountain, not heading towards Quest Town where they can be countered, instead South, where they could discover future worshipping supplicants.
With my current worshiping base, time is against me to gather enough mana to contact the Priestess Arnora and instruct her to carry out my will. Is there an alternative? I am able to observe am I not, originally his creation although no more since I excommunicated her, therefore I will focus upon Priestess Arnora, success or failure secondary with an addition, directions left in the clouds above them, the unnatural occurrence certain to be taken as a Divine sign by my faithful.
--- Aphrodite POV
{Self-evolution begins: Chosen Form - Hydra.}
{Self-evolution completes: Chosen Form - Hydra.}
I draw upon my mana and will to the system my next evolution – GynoSphinx.
{Due to Evolution Request Please set Parameters:}
My answers are already pre-set from before although I appreciate regaining a modicum of control, even if in reality an evolution is now passé.
{Lock Dungeon Dominate Automatically when 100%? Disable.}
{Automatically Evolve Living Construct when conditions met? Disabled.}
{Set Dungeon Roaming Range (Unrestricted/Proximity/Dungeon/Zone/Room): Proximity.}
{Harvest Living Construct Kills automatically, convert to Mana? Disabled.}
{Gift Living Construct Skills? Enabled.}
{Evolution commencing ...}
A ball of light envelopes me …
{Self-Evolution of your existence to evolution Racial Minimums. +3% Wisdom Total now 90%, +14% Perception Total now 80%, +5% Mettle Total now 80%, +3% Intelligence Total now 90%, Charisma +10% Total now 85%, Glamour +10% Total now 85%.}
{Self-Evolution evolves your existence. +10% Monster Dominate. Total now 97% and “Able to breed any previous form, regardless of current form.” is acquired.}
{Living Construct is currently 95% Dungeon Dominate and will need to return to the Dungeon in 5 Days or suffer automatic respawning.}
[Greater Goddess Aphrodite, has entered the Temple of Aphrodite, link to Quest Dungeon of Azizos severed.]
{Lockout Dungeon Dominate (95%) due to Soul being Monster Dominate (97%)? Y/N}
I eagerly respond willing Y. I am elated, Dungeon Dominate locked out, my plan on the cusp of working.
{Lockout Sentient Dominate (95%) due to Soul being Monster Dominate (97%)? Y/N}
My heart trembles, the moment is upon me, closing my eyes I respond by willing N.
[System anomaly … Single Dominate not chosen therefore no Dominate is locked out.]
My mind screams, I am now lost. The secret remains, as it always has been, with Sentient Dominate, the Dominate which only in fits and starts rises from my unplanned actions and random associations. So close though …
{Evolution paused ... searching for explanation ... due to Monster Dominate Parameter: “Manipulate Monster Form”}
{Monster portion identified: Feline quadruped torso. Retain Y/N. Warning: If not retained will result in an imperfect Evolution.}
I will Y. While I don’t believe I would wish to remain in this evolution, the form should be true and complete.
{Monster portion identified: Wings. Retain Y/N.}
I will Y with all my heart, wonderful, another winged form.
{Humanised portion identified: Head, Upper Torso and Arms. Accept GynoSphinx/Revert to Harpy/Recall Lammasu/Restore Lamia. (Keep/Revert/Recall/Restore) Warning: Capabilities of new form dependent upon humanised portion integrating with Feline quadruped body.}
I will Accept with all my heart, to ensure the form is true and complete to enable me to leverage all the form’s capabilities.
{Innate Abilities granted:
Detect Magic once per day
Detect Invisibility once per day
Dispel Magic once per day
Find Object once per day
Project Sight once per day
Project Hearing once per day
Read Languages once per day
Read Magic once per day
Remove Curse once per day
Reveal Lore once per day
Inscribe Symbol once per week
Able to utilise Spellcaster Profession if available in this form.}
{System Detects Magician Profession from previous Evolution. Enable in this Evolution? Y/N}
I will Y. I assume from Lamia.
{Magician Profession Level 8 integrated.}
Wonderful! My last thought before the light continues my evolution.
I blink to recover my eyesight and perhaps regret the action given what confronts me. Cardinal Pex stands her back to the wall beside the doorway, glancing often around me. Between her and me stands many Kin and Giants, weapons drawn, I assume Questor Groups in the main.
“Creature, how did you enter the Sanctum?” screams Cardinal Pex.
My Divine Aura is withdrawn, a natural occurrence after evolution so I can sympathise with their situation. I do wonder about my High Priestess although I would need to turn my body slightly to catch a glimpse of her lounge. I roll out my Divine Aura, those in the room proper stand stock still in rapture while several Stone Guard Initiates march forward and stand at attention either side of me acknowledging my presence instantly.
“You do make an entrance Goddess, perhaps a little warning next time,” voices my High Priestess, I am sure the hilarity in her words match the amusement in her heart.
“Why aren’t you settling those under your guidance?” I retort.
“I asked not to be disturbed and my Cardinal complied with my instruction, only now wakening given the intrusion.”
Cardinal Pex, meanwhile drops her head and torso, low. “Unforgivable, unforgivable, how could I fail to acknowledge the presence of my Goddess …” Her mutterings beginning to draw attention.
I flash Divine Aura from my eyes directly into hers gaining her absolute attention, executing any independent action.
“Come to me Cardinal Pex.”
Her slither forward certain, back straight, her eyes fixate upon me unable to stray. We embrace and I whisper, “Hear the verdict of your Goddess. You acted with conviction, only thinking, and working towards protecting your High Priestess and your Goddess’ Temple.”
“Thank-you my Goddess.”
I lighten my aura to release my worshippers allowing independent action. Some bow asking for forgiveness, some praise me, all are expressing relief.
“I am able to assume many forms.” My words draw the room to silence and attract my worshippers to shuffle closer. Others join from elsewhere and I shortly realise the room isn’t the proper venue.
“High Priestess usher your flock out into the Temple proper and I will continue there.”
She didn’t speak and yet the worshipper’s forward momentum comes to a halt, and then as one they exit in an orderly manner. My guards bow and take their leave also.
“What did you do or not say High Priestess?”
Sidling up beside me, a wide glorious smile gracing her lips, she answers, “You may guide your worshippers in matters of the Divine, I command their obedience within your Temple and outside this room you can expect them assembled awaiting your attendance my Goddess.”
I am not surprised. I can only hope if or when my Cathedral is consecrated an equally formidable and competent High Priestess is anointed.
I step out in my new form and position myself before my own altar and cast [One Mind] drawing the attention of the entire community in, of and around the Temple. I confess to one and all my ability to change my appearance via illusion, by change of form and by exercising a form’s innate abilities to change my form further cycling through them all. I call upon the Truth Rune to stamp my words undeniable.
There after a long silence endures. My heart beats louder and I fear my chest will burst. Have I lost them all? Will none remain with me?
--- Allene POV
“Concentrate, close your mind to your surrounds …”
A flash of light reaches through my human eyelids attempting to separate my subconscious from distraction. I fall to curiosity which forces the shutters over my eyes to open and then open wide.
Rolling towards the beach low in the darkening sky black billowing clouds. A thundering roar rattles my eardrums while the beach beneath me settles from shaking.
“You have broken …” he accuses me.
“No Magus, a huge storm is about to smash the coast.”
He chuckles. “Most unfortunate …”
I stare at my man-made cave, the opening inviting and yet I thought I would never need a door … calm, control my breathing, allow my arms to curve around and symbolise the gathering. I bring to mind my will and reach into my soul for mana … shaping, forming. In real terms I am casting [Manipulate Stone] building the [Empower] and extending the [Duration]. My mind is full and yet I need more …
The mana needs to find a purpose. Now! Or I must release and waste … I cast.
Warmth envelopes my hands and rush to the exterior of my man-cave, I push stone like putty trying to narrow the entrance, one side, then the other. A flash of light like a whip reminds me of the urgency. A crack of thunder and my hand sinks into stone as I jump. Through the remaining gap I squeeze. On the interior I push stone down from the roof and my success shuts out the shrouding light as the clouds block the sunlight. I smile, some luck! My cave floor is above the sand, man-made, not natural and I push stone upwards until nothing, only the dark.
I dismiss my spell. My man-cave shudders.
“Time for your testing my Apprentice …”
I swallow, now? “Magus a storm rages outside, I am low on mana … can’t concentrate …” There must be more excuses I can come up with …
“Does one who wishes you dead waits for you to be ready? You speak nonsense, now is the time, the agreed time and no other.”
The voice of a stern taskmaster laces his thought words and I know excuses are futile. “Yes Master …”
I position my body into a [Meditate] state, legs folding beneath me, arms curving out before me while closing my eyes. The rage of the storm falls away, the stone underneath shifts and yet I embrace each occurrence. My mind reaches out to the Spirit Plane and I draw upon my will to demand whom I call, to come. I reach into my soul for mana and my reservoir is low and yet my testing still requires further casting and therefore I must assume what I have is enough and complete the ritual [Summon Magic Storing Spirit]. The Ritual calls, rushing to answer the false promise she now resists, squirming and writhing, my mana the lure, which then invests and traps. She beats against her prison wall as my mana shape holds. I am unable to command her and so release my captive. A weak Spirit type, the weakest of the three Alba and my Master have taught me. My wish to impress, impossible due to a storm and yet to attempt the test, out there … impossible. Or did I find an excuse?
“Yes, ideal choice, low on mana and you took the favourable odds … next test!”
Breathe I command myself, steady. I search my mind for an ideal spell and now I begin my forms, allowing my arms to curve around and symbolise the gathering. I bring to mind my will and reach into my soul for mana … shaping, forming. In real terms I am casting [Increase Strength] building the [Empower] and extending the [Duration] and I complete the casting. A rewarding warmth ripples over my body and yet I have nothing to test my new strength upon while alone in the dark.
“Barely adequate and yet to pass the test you entertain a risk, a failure in the one would invalidate all …”
“Success means one test remains instead of two.” My mind tired, the thought response empty of passion.
I wait for the [Increase Strength] to dissipate, the extra time due to [Duration] allowing multiple recoveries, mental, mana and confidence. I am certain my Master is aware and yet he remains silent, no cajoling, no hurry up.
Preparation, I remove my shirt and loosen the leather cord around my pants. Casting the spell [Increase Size] will be without manipulation, no [Empower] or [Duration]. The simple formation of mana and casting. A new warmth, my body grows and then tearing. My pants!
The Apprentice Bonding Ritual creates a binding magical link between a Magus and his or her Apprentice. My Master now searches my mind, I suspect the proceeding tests are designed to weaken any resistances to enable a severe examination as my mana is all but spent and my mind weary. The invasion is gentle, although I am certain thorough.
{Allene granted new Profession: Adept Sorcerer; Apprentice Sorcerer removed}
“You are dedicated to the craft to have advanced so quickly, although I worry as your body suffers.”
I take his thought words as a compliment as he issues so few. I slump back into the dark, expecting a stone wall finding none and scramble to turn aside. That burst of evasive energy my last as I lose consciousness.
No sense of time, yet Magus Drexel addresses me.
“I have determined the Goddess’ Shrine to be about halfway between Sailorport and I assume the second settlement further South, therefore my boy I believe your immediate future lies upon the mountains as my fellow humans will take time to discover this honey pot of temptation.”
“I wish to learn more …” I reply, sensing a new change about to dawn. Nothing like when she left me in his care, discarded. That first day I escaped the Shrine and him, burying my feet in the sand above the wash of the waves, eyes gazing across the ocean longing to be elsewhere and floundering in self-pity. No one made any demand upon me to return, my Goddess didn’t berate me for my foolishness, where I sat and what I did my responsibility. My future in my hands. The decision to return a slow brooding one, playing with Sorcery, casting her Divine Magic, bereft of purpose and then an epiphany, the stronger I became the more I could control my destiny and secure my desires. The Magus now with infinite time like Alba would be the perfect teacher, why would I discard this golden chance?
“You wish to impress your Goddess and lay with her and the more you deny this, the more you deny your single purpose. Everything you do from now on must work towards this goal. Establishing her worship in the Mountains while extinguishing Zeus’ will earn you her notice, a second chance to meet and beg for a reward …”
“And I thought I hid my desires deep …” His assessment better than mine, desire drew me from self-pity, the thought of her … and me if I proved my worth, my power.
He laughs loud and strong. “I never sleep, and you dream … toss and turn, mumble … hump.”
“Enough, I get the picture. So how do I lure an entire Frost Giant community to a new God?”
- In Serial263 Chapters
Rise Of The White Dragon
June 15 of the year 2010, the third awakening happened. Several smaller worlds had returned to connect with the main world as living beings of different races started to appear and some people managed to connect with the origin and gain control of various powers: control of fire, of water, of wind, of air, and of earth… In the midst of all these confusions, towers that gave unimaginable powers began to appear in all corners of the world, where those who already had powers could upgrade and become more powerful or even those who did not have powers could receive powers through tests of the tower. And because of these towers, conflicts started to happen in all corners of the world by those wanting to monopolize these towers.
8 1818 - In Serial12 Chapters
A Helpful Resource
This is a book that will tell you basic grammar rules. I have books that will give you tips on verbs, adjectives, pronouns, punctuation, and transition words as well. I will definitely write a book to help with every genre! Happy writing.
8 128 - In Serial9 Chapters
RON: is one of the best assassins in his world his codename is *the red Abomination* ranks 63his family are assassins and killers his father codename *the God of death* ranks 0 and his mom *the mad one* ranks 1 his family is in the thousandhe Only knows two of his spellings, his older brother's codename *the dark crow* rank 20, and his older sister's codename * the singer fox* his life is fine tell his father was trying to eat him He has survived three times. The first time was when his father put him in the fridge after he seasoned him But his brother saved him, and the second time, when his father put him in an oven, his brother saved him againThe last time he was in prison and dropped the soap, his brother saved himAfter the last accident, he lived a full life of escaping and killing tell one day one of his father's followers find him codename *the doctor* rank 21* the doctor*: wow you are really an abomination look at you a cat ear on the left and a wolf one on the right and foxtail and your green eye is like a Beast eye good Thing you have one eye and your rank 63 for a 10-year-old hell kid now I believe you are the boss son the boss want you alive but you are dangerous for this goodbye *bang* *bang* *bang* Ron He was shot three times, once in the heart, once in the liver, and once in the head Ron looked at his killer and He closed his eyes for the last time, or as he thought
8 193 - In Serial31 Chapters
Another Naruto Fanfic (Not For Fun)
A remake for a novel I wrote half a year ago called Another Naruto Fanfic ( just for fun ):- https://www.webnovel.com/book/13414708506788005/Another-Naruto-Fanfic-(-just-for-fun-) The story begins with Voidne, who hadn’t socialized for a long time, getting desperate to socialize and become a functional member of the society. What Voidne didn’t know is that, the people in society are always led by benefits. In this cruel world, there is no friendship, there is no love, only they seek is benefits. After a long fight against desperation, and an ever increasing pressure from his family, Voidne, against all his believes, gathers the will to commit suicide to end all of his suffering. Not sure if hell is awaiting him as mentioned in his religion or not, Voidne anticipates that his journey will only be get harder from now on... Just to find that he was now being conceived by his new mother... How will Voidne’s adventure carry out in the new world? It is all up to fate~~ (AKA ME) I do not own Naruto, nor do I own the cover picture. Cover picture link: - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/464644886535751958/
8 191 - In Serial35 Chapters
Rise of the Henchman
A guy chooses to become a henchmen and this is his journey. This takes part in a shared universe please contact me or passingthunder if you are interested in joining Edited by Passingthunder Background: This universe contains heroes, villains and the government. This world contains crossovers and can be written from any prospective, Expect updates on Friday's and Saturday's This is on Hiatus
8 153 - In Serial9 Chapters
Dazai x reader - sleeping beauty
So I've got a lot to say: This is a slowly progressing romance, Dazai x reader of course! Oops spoiler (๑>◡Also, I'm focusing more on the plot/ character development for the time being, so don't expect too much mushy stuff. (I don't paragraph space between quotes in fan fictions or else it would be waaaay too long because I tend to write a lot... so all you grammar nazis, just know I did this intentionally)I had a lot of fun writing it, so I hope you like it!
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