《Femalekind Book Two》2.026 Over the Mountains and Far Away
--- 3rd Person POV
A booming voice from on high echoes across the township. “Today is a momentous day!”
The crowd, male almost to a person shuffles and shifts, attendance mandatory to listen to an Emperor’s Edict. Failure to do so, always carries an appropriate incentive, in this place by the sea, the promise of keelhauling.
“The Town of Sailorport is declared and fortunately for you I have been promoted to your duly elected Mayor.”
Cautious rumbling discussion blooms.
Another voice off to the side shouts, “Three cheers you curs! Hip, hip!”
The reply a lazy response. “Hurray.”
The Mayor glances sidewards.
The todies’ voice rises again, “It seems we need an incentive, alright then, half rations for a half-hearted response. Hip, hip!”
This reply a shout. “Hurray!”
Smiling while nodding the Mayor releases a snort.
“Hip, hip!”
The Mayor holds his hands high and out above the crowd. “Thank-you one and all. I declare my ... um the Tavern now open and don’t forget the Brothel nearby, new arrivals and previous clients of course welcome.”
The crowd delivers the biggest cheer yet and shuffles out of the Town Square.
--- Alba POV
“You will be missed in the count.”
“Alba, this is our only chance, all and I mean every one of them will be in the Town Square, I have told you my mind is made up.”
All for her ‘true love’. I should have told her, a dream, a fake and yet the binding real and the consequences unknown. Her devotion to study though couldn’t be denied. While counted as a resident of the township, she kept to her cottage spending the coin as required to eat, while playing house with the Cook. His role in the township significantly diminishing after the new arrivals and since then, rarely staying in the cottage. This suited my pupil, with rumours of her being his, most of the lechers kept away, the real relief coming with the brothel’s opening although I suspect my pupil now a shadow of her former beauty. The ring which binds me needing my will to shrink to stay on her slimming finger, which brings me to my current dilemma.
Our current situation began with a complex multi-spell, requiring a long ceremony to improve her Apprentice standard Sorcery Skills casting chances, including [Increase Strength], [Spell Reflection] and [Fly]. The plan a simple one, upon dusk while the residents of the township are herded into the Town Square and answering to a roll call my pupil is flying across the sea, heading she assures me, to the Mage’s ship. Wouldn’t he occupy the largest Sailing Ship bobbing off the coast her reasoning, hard to argue against given my majority life experience has been that of a Giant Gar. Flying out to sea giving the ships a wide berth, we then return to the anchored ships using their pilot lights from the seaward side expecting only skeleton crews. Again, her reasoning.
Her penultimate theory, none expecting an assault from the sea. By flying quietly and magically she approaches the aft of her chosen ship with ease, I borrow her sight to bare witness. A huge cheer erupts from shore and she chooses that moment to force one of five round windows into the Captain’s Quarters, her additional strength bending back the metal locking mechanism. Her slim body slips through the narrow window utilising her magical flight to manoeuvrer effortlessly. Adamant of course the Captain’s Quarters would be claimed by the Mage for the journey and probably the captaincy as well for that matter.
“Alba, cast the [Light] spell, low level of course while I cast [Analyse Magic].”
I benefit from her spell as well as I use her eyes and there are number of items, which glow with magic, the lighter or softer ones, a writing stylus, a cloak, and a couple of rings she pockets or wears as appropriate. Time is wasting as the spell duration counts down and the prize, the chest containing the Mage’s Spell Books isn’t revealed.
“He would be sure to protect the chests.”
“There are two ordinary chests, open them?” I suggest.
Taking baby steps, she approaches the first chest, pauses, and then mind made up flings the lid open while trying to jump back at the same time. Open wide now, she peers in discovering a plethora of plain cut clothing, the cloth though expensive or at least expensive looking. In desperation she grabs and hurls the contents out and across the floor to ensure nothing is hidden, even moving the chest to check the floor isn’t false. I keep my smirk to myself, remembering Aphrodite’s ruse, rewarding myself with a pang of longing.
She is peering into the open second chest by the time my remembrance breaks and I return to the present. Blankets! She throws them away in disgust reaching the bottom of the chest way too soon. A quick glance to the outside to ensure the fact and then her fingers feel around the internal edges. Even with her strength spell she struggles to lift away the heavy plate false floor with care. With a barely audible clunk the plate finds rest upon the wooden deck of the Captain’s Quarters.
Many, if not all the items glow with magic, difficult to determine an exact number given the blaze of radiance. Boots, fine mesh armour, some trinkets, and the prize is there also, three glowing huge leather-bound volumes. Her heart races, blood pumping in a rush throughout her body and I share her human reaction.
She swaps her boots for those in the chest. My shouts of warning cast away like her own rustic footwear. Lifting the mesh armour, her eyes are fixated on the gleaming shine.
“The Spell Books, we may not be able to carry the three and still fly. Leave everything else, if made with his skill, these Items you can learn to craft also. The books are the prize, the only prize,” I earnestly offer as council.
Another long look and she gently lowers the chain mesh, outside of the chest. The three spell books are bound in a fine leather carry-all, a huge gold buckle locking the leather straps. Her hands tremble as she reaches in. Lifting them out a subtle magic strikes her.
A pause and then a smile, [Spell Reflection] sends the harmful spell back to the original caster. Then trepidation.
“Cook’s balls, he will know we are here.” Her mind link voice low and desperate.
Releasing the sack on her belt, the bundle of books go in and then she quickly hefts the lot over her shoulder. Approaching the ship’s window, the magic strikes again. Another all-conquering smile.
“He must, as a daily routine include [Spell Reflection].” I offer, which goes by without an answer.
We now fly low across the water. Our destination is not the cottage but another and during the journey we are subject to several more spell reflections.
“He has recast his [Spell Reflection] to a stronger level, my guess, he is now near enough immune, while we must trust our luck.”
My pupil doesn’t answer, her pulse momentarily quickening while her eyes focus on the coastline and with steady adjustments moving closer to the mountains and hopefully land.
The magic strikes again, and a doom afflicts us, dread seeps into her flesh, then her bones, finally striking her heart.
[The Curse of a Magus is upon you. “The most horrific outcome awaits because it is your worst fear!”]
Mirth in her thought words. “Apart from the dread, which now fades … nothing.”
“What is your worst fear? Death? Your parent’s death? Drowning?” I ask, all guesses of course.
“No none of them, perhaps failure as a Sorcerer to prove myself worthy of him …” She successfully casts [Analyse Magic] after several attempts and wasted magic as a test. We fly on in silence.
--- Aphrodite POV
I spied upon the township for days from Arsu’s high new entrance and the endless tracking back and forth of humans heading west in the morning, returning at dusk offered nothing. No change to the busy insignificant bee like routine, content to mine for gold and silver, the majority of them spilling out of one or two town buildings late at night before either collapsing in the street or stumbling to a cottage, then up again the next day. Finding nothing of interest I fulfill my promise to Arsu instead.
My destination is now known to me after scouting successfully earlier in the day. The same search not finding Alba, I didn’t even spot my True Love or feel our external bond to assist, which I refuse to dwell upon given the absurd creation circumstance. I settle for a simple explanation, Griffon my most monstrous form, therefore further removed from higher feelings than any other form. Done. I return to the immediate, her three skeletons upon my Griffon back an odd trust and yet I have Arsu’s assurance they are at my command. We take off from Arsu’s original Dungeon Entrance on dusk, as the skeletons and I can’t afford to be seen in flight. Azizos reminds me yet again I am his.
[Greater Goddess Aphrodite, has exited the Gateway Dungeon of Arsu, link to Quest Dungeon of Azizos restored.]
Seeking ship and town lights, I line them up and hover, my powerful wings equal to the task. I squawk once. Number One skeleton slides from my back into the sea water, the distance between my claws and the surface about twice the creature’s height and the splash washes away with every other sound on the night air from chopping sea to crashing surf.
The next drop, quarter-distance or as best as I can judge, utilising the outline of a dark peak on the mountain range, the twinkles in the night sky outlining the general shape, which is now in shadow. Two squawks and the second skeleton drops into the sea.
My flying continues until with a flourish of beating wings I land upon the offshore isle I found earlier, the rocky outcrop a perfect roost, thrusting above a surround of tall thick trees. The lone tor of stone rises with convenient time worn bowls in the uneven crest holding rainwater. The last skeleton slides off and remains on the tor, prone. The three skeletons will guide Arsu as she excavates a passageway under the seabed. The effort will claim any zones beneath, and the skeletons will be adjacent enough for her to detect them. The first two skeletons close together, hopefully in the one zone so she can align them to determine a general direction. The third skeleton to confirm when the isle zone falls into range ensuring any correction if required affordable in terms of mana. The tor will provide an ideal Dungeon Entrance, hidden by the surrounding trees. A new separate tunnel will lead from the tor to the nearby mainland, low tide the only other connection exposing a sandbar still awash with low waves. Perfect even if far from the Town, although Arsu certain her mana reserves will be enough, if dangerously low when the construction finishes.
The plan simple, entire work crews will be invited to join as Dungeon Intruders and then put back to work until the numbers are overwhelming, with Arsu extending the Isle to Mainland tunnel towards the township. The tunnel to and from the Isle trapped, to flood with seawater if any try to follow the passageways back.
Satisfied, I rest from the evening’s work. I will await Arsu’s arrival and once again her protection from Azizos’ countdown, which I figure is about a day and a half spent.
A smooth vibration beneath me is the first sign of Arsu’s arrival.
“Aphrodite, I can’t claim the Zone there is an intruder on the Isle, can you investigate? I will send some of my creatures, the skeleton alone isn’t strong enough so please be careful.”
I hop flight and I am at the back of the isle, hopefully away from prying eyes.
{Self-evolution begins: Chosen Form - Lamia.}
{Self-evolution completes: Chosen Form - Lamia.}
I cast [Invisibility] upon myself and wait. The light of my transformation would attract any strong intruder while causing the weak to flee and alert others like a flock of birds suddenly taking flight.
“The intruder still on the Isle?”
“Yes Aphrodite, my skeleton now stands guard at the new Dungeon Entrance at the base of the tor. If he sees anything, I will alert you.”
Given I have no worshipers this side of the mountain range I cast the most obvious spell, [Locate Faithless]. Arsu’s skeleton isn’t detected, somewhat disappointing, although not being one of the living probably explanation enough. I begin to circumnavigate the Isle, recasting the spell as it expires. If this fails, I will fly over the isle, although the intruder could spot me before I detect them, a risk with the unknown.
“Aphrodite …”
She says my name quivering, her word thought frail.
“A powerful magical creature flies over my undersea zones. The depth of the sea shallow, yet not deep either, with the time available you must prepare. I will send more of my creatures, although I fear their destruction.”
{Self-evolution begins: Chosen Form - Griffon.}
{Self-evolution completes: Chosen Form - Griffon.}
I reason a flyer versus a flyer is my best option. “The creature is still coming?”
“Yes, about halfway now.”
My wings obey my will, with urgency I stroke them for lift, I need to rise and be above the one who flies towards the isle.
The dark of night is against me and Arsu can no longer offer guidance outside of the Dungeon Zone. A flash of light from the Isle alerts me and I plummet dive, the Griffon within awakening.
Two men confront each other, one confident, the other sobbing, struggling to wipe their eyes while trying to take cover. The flash again. A magical missile of a sort flashes back and forth between the two, until the one taking cover falls to one knee, the other leg while appearing undamaged is now useless somehow and then I land.
I expect the human beneath me to be eviscerated by my claws, talons piercing his flesh, due to the dive, and my body weight behind the strike. Instead, my claws fail just shy of his flesh, yet his body smashes into the pebble beach with a whoomph. His eyes wide as he rolls under my grip, the unnatural state reminding me of a wine glass, and he is the wine turning around within, untouched.
While my claws can’t pierce to his flesh, I can still grip his arms to ensure they remain beside his body. I lift my eagle forebody with my lion’s haunches, squeeze my claws and then slam his body into the pebble beach. The intelligence remains behind his eyes and I know my time is short as he devises his escape or my demise. Change of plan as I spy a rock outcrop. I bring his body down deliberately catching his head on the outcrop. Fear returns to his eyes and I strike with my beak. The dried keratin forming a keen sharp point and a small fine slice, beading with blood forms on his neck. I slam his body down again. His wound closing as I do, adding to my frustration. A bestial anger rises within me, the Griffon within refusing to be denied and call me shallow, I celebrate the return of the primal and the shedding of civilisation.
His eyes radiate panic and I shortly realise why. My claws close upon his skin and robes and yet both resist my sharp talons. I slam his body down again, his head bounces sharply off the rocky outcrop and his eyes lose focus. My beak targets one, finally gouging the orb out, the socket filling with blood. He still lives so I repeat my assault, triumphantly flinging away his second eye.
I know when I destroy his magic and his life. His head separates from his body and upon instinct my beak dives for his liver. His skin resists even in death and I need to strike with all my might to expose his bloody flesh. I guzzle down his liver in celebration of a fine battle and a satisfying kill.
A scraping sound over pebbles reminds me of my company and my eagle eyes quickly focus on the limping human male trying to close the distance between us. A welp at best, pitiful and I don’t understand why someone as powerful as my kill would pursue such as he.
A weakness attacks my legs and I stumble. My monstrous mind in overload absorbing an avalanche of knowledge, the Griffon evolution not ideal for such. I briefly contemplate evolving to Lamia except any will to do so is fleeting as the system posts messages.
{Knowledge successfully transferred: Sorcerer Magus.}
{Sorcerer skills unusable in your present evolved form.}
{Attribute successfully absorbed: Intelligence +10% matching Hominine Essence Level. Intelligence 87%}
{Attribute successfully absorbed: Power +10% matching Hominine Essence Level. Power 92%}
His memories flood in.
I need to make this appearance in front of this pissant Mayor and these dregs of the Empire to ensure my interests and the interests of others are well served. I contribute a simple voice enhancing spell, doing my part. There is an anomaly of sorts amongst some of the dregs, they detect as magical and yet different, their behaviour though as you would otherwise expect. The common linkage? Marooned first arrivals.
Finally, three cheers and done. I turn away from the balcony stroking my amulet and leap through the open window on the seaward side of the Mayor’s Townhall. In flight my curse hits me and fortunately my [Reflect Magic] enough to cast it back at the triggering thief. I immediately cast an even stronger [Reflect Magic] overriding my daily standard. The thief will pay in full for any theft, especially my Spell Books.
I inspect my Cabin and the Curse still bounces between us, the other either powerful or lucky I surmise. Lucky is my guess as not all the extra lures taken, the heavier items especially, which trigger their own spell trap, a simple weight gain over time. The lighter items of course beacons for me to follow and little else. A skilled Sorcerer would easily discern this; therefore, I conclude, simple dumb luck of a lessor intruder.
I am in no hurry, my target is before me and the sea beneath me as I glide over rolling waves, which continue their never-ending journey to shore. I cast [Analyse Magic] and again I sense, although can’t place the odd magic, a wisp of different directly below me matching the mana of the original survivors. The thief first and then the other.
The thief before me, pathetic, worse than I thought in fact, skinny to the point of starvation, eyes red, spiting and swearing, no remorse for the theft, the deeper revelation. I am certain subject to a punishment from my curse and yet, what? I cast [Stun Flesh], the spell will incapacitate without serious injury, perfect for interrogation. As I expect our respective [Spell Reflection] spells bounce back and forth and ultimately his luck runs out, a useful leg shot. No running away now as he drags his body behind a fallen tree trunk.
I amble wide along the pebble shoreline until his pitiful body comes back into view. A mage should never close distance with his foe. Mid smile a weight slams me into the ground, what is this creature? I try to move my arms to my amulet and the creature’s claws pins them down …
A wound! My [Regeneration] triggers, healing me and yet this simple act maddens the creature. Magic washes over me … no, [Remove Magic] with magic boosting and my [Damage Resistance] is overcome, the [Remove Magic] punching through, although not removing [Reflect Magic] therefore the caster knows I am protected by [Damage Resistance], although no longer and my fear is soon replaced. Pain explodes from the side of my head … concussion, the armouring enchantment protecting from physical wounding, not from my brain being slammed with bestial force against the side of my skull …
With the remainder of my will, my wings extend, and I begin a half flight, gradually strengthening my upward thrusts leaving the lucky thief behind. A short flight and I land upon the tor outcrop.
{Self-evolution begins: Chosen Form - Lamia.}
{Self-evolution completes: Chosen Form - Lamia.}
{Sorcerer at Magus Level from Human Spellcaster Essence previously absorbed
Sorcerer Skills: Empower 100%, Range 100%, Combine 100%, Duration 100%, Multiply 100% Read Own Language 100%, World Lore 100%
Sorcerer Rituals: Meditate 100%, Enchant: Bind Spirit 100%, Create Familiar 100%}
Numerous spells scroll by with their proficiency level.
I rush back to the corpse of the Magus to discover the human body completely stripped. Before boiling over with anger I take a breath, the thief of course. Him and I will meet soon.
“Is the intruder still within the Zone?”
“Yes, I can send out my creatures if you wish …”
“No, the threat is minimal. Lucky and opportunistic I believe …”
I repeat the [Locate Faithless] casting and sure enough I find him on the pebble beach out of sight of the corpse yet crouching over his treasures trying each piece on in turn testing for what I don’t know.
“Do I need to slaughter you where you are or are you willing to negotiate from a hopeless position?”
Bloodshot eyes fixate upon me, opening until they can’t any further, the mouth opening, speechless until after a time he screams a single word. “You!”
“Have we met?”
He bursts into tears and sobs like a child who has broken their toy and when done with remorse picks up the pieces to throw them. He treats each treasure the same and like a spitting tempest throws each piece at me uttering an insane collection of words between each launch; “You bitch, you win!”, “I am cursed you stupid bitch!”, “Don’t you understand?”, “Take it all, my last chance, but what do you care!”, “I would drown myself except for my promise.”, “I will make me right you wait and see.”, “There will be more treasures and I will break the curse.”
After the last item, I wake from my selective deafness.
“Find them and pick them up before I unleash my anger and disembowel you.” I end my calm response with a predatory Snake Kin grin.
He stumbles, needing to steady himself with a hand grasping for a tree. Blinking, his mouth goldfishes once again until surrender. With an eye occasionally upon me he fetches each piece from amongst the pebbles and using a cloak as a sack delivers them before me.
I grab his scrawny neck. “The job isn’t finished.” I rip a ring off one of his scrawny fingers, his feeble struggles to free himself futile, back handing him as he begins to voice a protest. I recognise the ring and if right as I know I am, no need to ask to reclaim what is mine.
Throwing him down amongst the pebbles, my words follow, “Use [Analyse Magic] to return the rest, now!”
Bloody scrapes bead and dark bruises well up on his skin while his bony carcass limps over the pebble beach. I turn away in disgust quickly locating a suitable boulder, large and round, which I wrap and stack my tail about until my torso rests upon the stone proper. Settling in I slip the ring upon my finger.
Alba’s relief floods my emotions, did my selfish plan punish her?
“I missed you my Herald, I … apologise …”
“You don’t apologise to a servant Goddess otherwise how will you ever be feared and obeyed?”
I needed to hug her, and I can’t explain to myself why … an odd sensation while in monster form … moisture swells around my eyes …
“Distracted by this pitiful human, is all.”
Her chuckling quiet at first and then bursting across our mind link. “You don’t recognise him?”
“Should I?” Examining his features yields no clues.
“Imagine him a she … how do you think I ended up on his finger?”
“I thought you a prize when she was taken somehow, perhaps slain? A double joy.”
My eyes bore into him, skin gashes, blood smears and hands shaking, the last of the items join the others.
“How did you obtain my ring?”
His face slowly cranes up, red, tear tracked. “A gift from my true love.”
His words plain, no fight left and yet my heart skips a beat. A deep magic draws me, my Truth Realm answers, and I feel myself tumbling down into a deep brightly lit hole, the piercing white revealing an all-consuming truth …
--- Allene POV
The mountain range on our right, star filled night sky on our left as we reach our destination, my [Fly] spell failing short of the shore and I splash through ankle depth wash while stumbling to dry land. My elation of escape secondary to an overwhelming tiredness and I collapse before I make the trees. Faint whispers urge me on, Alba, and yet I can’t, although I sense she casts magic upon me, what I don’t know.
I roll to try and find a comfortable position, impossible, sharp objects underneath greet me at every twist and turn. Tired limbs force my body into a sitting position. My hands all thumbs and yet still able to feel the agents of my discomfort – shell, coral, and stone. My spells now extinguished, their duration done although the aftereffects of flight an unusual mix of tiredness and body awkwardness, swollen hands and feet for example and my clothes tight, restricting …
The waves wash ashore, consoling and yet I need some light, the darkness of night pressing down upon me. I ask Alba aloud to cast a low glimmer upon our surrounds, mind thought no longer instinctive for some reason. I glimpse the limbs of my body and snap my head away, a deep sharp yelp. I suck in a breath – not my voice! I open my mouth to say a word and hesitate. If I don’t speak then I won’t know and if I don’t know then it didn’t happen. Denial.
“You are tired, but we need to leave the shore, take to the trees at least …” suggests Alba.
I hear her thoughts and yet, well my feet are larger than I remember and um … hairy, not as in furred animal, just more pronounced. “Alba,” I say. My voice? I sob, my sweet voice is deep … how can I serenade my true love now?
The wash of water, crashing of waves and I need to pee. I fumble at my rope belt, tight now and my unfamiliar fingers struggle at the task, eventually though, loose and I pull my long pants down and squat. There is something between my legs …
I stretch my neck trying to withdraw my head from my loins, while a clumsy hand reaches down. How can I have one? Where is my womanhood and if now without, what becomes of my motherhood? My promise of children to my True Love.
I ignore Alba and her pleading as tears overwhelm my thoughts, except one, “my worst fear.” My mind descends into black, my body crashes upon the shore.
--- Aphrodite POV
His deep voice rousers me. “My love, what did she do to you …”
“Goddess you are in your human form, the true love binding dragging you out of your monster form. An unexpected wonder …”
I open my eyes, his examining gaze close and I am … uncertain. I need space and my arms easily lift his skin and bones body away from mine, heedless of protest, physical and verbal, my mind still too numb to recall any details. A cool breeze reminds me of my nakedness, I discard the accepted cultural embarrassment. The Truth Realm within me stirs again …
“My love … I know we are … well my promise of my breasts … and children are impossible … my love?”
I drop to my knees and his arms are around me. My male body dissolves as this form belongs to the innate magic of the Lamia and Truth calls me out once again, this deception unable to stand with my true love present.
I open and raise my eyes. My true love is now distant. Several steps away in fact, both hands over his mouth, eyes avoiding me.
Climbing to my feet, proud and tall, I am in the image of my creator, Living Basalt in perfect human form, I run my fingers through the soft curls in my long black hair. Tight black hair ringlets below my belly button are luxurious feather soft. I touch and discover eyebrows and eyelashes releasing a joyful giggle.
“This is truly you?”
I look from under my eyebrows. “Yes.”
“You … are you umm, burnt? Your skin colour is so bl … different and well … are you even human?”
“I recall a saying from the last human I … defeated and he believes, ‘love is blind’ and yet you question my appearance.” I take a step forward, hands behind my back and only once committed realise my breasts become more … out, prominent. His/her eyes are drawn to them. A mystery, although another memory recalls these hold an attraction between humans, although without any explanation.
“You didn’t recognise me.” His arm extends, ending in a single accusing finger.
I grab the hand he offers, my ebony fingers interlacing with his thin pale white fingers. “Neither did you, me, when in Lamia form so I am not sure what point you’re making. You know who stands before you, your true love and yet you back away.”
He briefly attempts to pull free, his remaining strength no match for mine. “No,” he shouts. “This is nothing like my dreams. I am the female, not you, who is the perfect male and us a perfect match, which society can’t deny. Our children the envy of others.” He screams at the blue sky above. “This is not true love.”
The magic in Alba’s ring washes back to a calm and then a crack reverberates between us. I am not sure if I or others hear, my imagination? My fingers release his. His back straitens, eyes shut.
“She renounces her true love …” Alba thought gasps.
“Don’t you mean he?” I reply, while willing my complexion to match his, my hair colour light brown to contrast with his dark brown.
“What? How?” he stammers.
“Oh, my appearance?”
He nods slowly.
“Your true love for me forcefully exposed my true form and now that truth is out, I am able to once again manipulate my form. It is my nature.” Monster evolutions, monsters with abilities to transform and my Living Basalt form now able to adjust as a consequence. I will into existence my Lion Kin form and instinctively know the rendition is perfect, ten out of ten. I resist the urge to roar at him. Next is Lizard Kin and while my height remains the same, muscles like ropes ebb and flow under my reptilian leather skin, again my likeness ten out ten. In my mind I add these two as additional true forms while surmising the perfection of my other Kin forms will match the level of essence currently held with each.
He is unable to look away.
During evolution I can influence the formation of human and non-human parts. I call upon my Living Basalt form and will into existence my magnificent wings, supporting muscles growing and roping around from waist to spine a glorious comfort.
His eyes stare at my unfurling wings and I flutter the pair in triumph.
“Show-off,” coos Alba.
He crumples to the ground. “What is to become of me?”
{Tor Isle Zone won by Living Construct Goddess Aphrodite}
{Tor Isle Zone absorbed into the Dungeon of Arsu}
{You have entered the Dungeon of Arsu.}
[Greater Goddess Aphrodite, while in the Gateway Dungeon of Arsu is immune to Dungeon Dominate constraints, link to Quest Dungeon of Azizos severed.]
“Goddess we need to talk.”
“Thanaron? But how, why?”
He laughs at me. “You did slay a being did you not?”
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8 218 - In Serial146 Chapters
Warlord of Winslow
Karl Brunett leads a mediocre life and yearns for the opportunity to be something greater. Though never quite mustering the motivation to seize his place in the world. That's until the system decends on Earth and throws the old world into chaos. Having been somewhat prepared for a catastrophe he finds himself uniquely position to take the things he has always wanted. In doing so he might just save more people than he kills on his path to greatness. ***This is my first attempt at writing here... or anywhere, might start a little slow though I hope those who read it at least find it entertaining.***
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