《Femalekind Book Two》2.025 Another Evolution


--- Aphrodite POV

Thanaron returns and as simple as that the Spirits hurry to the site of their corpses and I assume Dilia utilises [Cremate Corpse] to send their Spirit and Soul skywards. I step back, until I receive a message.

[Greater Goddess Aphrodite, has entered the Shrine of Dilia, link to Quest Dungeon of Azizos severed.]

I jump as Lorin speaks. “She is young at heart and a new Minor Goddess, please care for her. A Shrine in your Temple would educate others quickly on the proper Ritual.”

She hovers over the dead ground of Dilia’s Shrine and my current sanctuary.

“Are you haggling on behalf of your Goddess? Does she permit this and if so, how can I be sure your word is binding?” I reply with genuine interest.

{Feline Essence absorption: Level 10 – Additional Evolution possible.}

I muffle a gasp by snapping my mouth shout while steadying my body. With my back to the apparition and Dilia and Thanaron off in the distance attending to another grave mound I am certain none notice.

“There is nothing to prevent Dilia with dedication usurping the Underworld God Role to secure her place in the Pantheon and when she does, those who helped could be rewarded. This needs no trust or agreement beforehand, as well as I, she will help all those who assisted her, it is in her nature, otherwise why mourn over the dead when she couldn’t help? Others upon sighting the first corpse would have backed away from the trail or tail between their legs fled.”

Her follower holds such ambition for her Goddess – perhaps this is an acquired trait of your worshippers pushing your ambition.

“A Shrine in each of my Temples wouldn’t hurt and as you say, if at some time in the future she reaches a lofty height, perhaps she will remember me.”

“I will be sure to remind her, if she somehow forgets …”


My eyes concentrate of Dilia and Thanaron and yet my thoughts are elsewhere. My original intent being to complete the Geas and then what, with enough time remaining change to Manticore form and fly to Arsu and restore my roaming days, recover Alba, and sort out my True Love. Lack of time to fly over the mountains leaves a single option, return to my Temple. Now though another possibility presents, and my mind asks a question of the System.

“What evolutions are available to me?”

{Hominine Essence L10, Avine Essence L10, Feline Essence L10}

{Special Condition Met – Spellcaster profession

Special Condition Met – Female Evolution

Evolution Available: GynoSphinx

Mana: 2000}

The one. Well, the message did say an additional evolution. I contemplate the Mana cost and with the worship bestowed at the Temple Consecration the amount isn’t a significant concern. The main worry, would Dungeon Dominate rise if I evolved into GynoSphinx?

{Lacertine Essence absorption: Level 10 – Additional Evolution possible.}

Many corpses and this announcement not unexpected although, Lizard Kin, why would they be in Quest Town in such numbers. They must have been the followers of Tor and possibly Tor himself given he was a victim of mine before being offered Godhead. This explains why the entire Lizard Kin race is in a self-imposed exile, restricting themselves to a ram shackle riverside village, fishing, and mourning the loss of their hero figure and a huge number of Kin. Alternatively, with Tor leading them the spirits of the Lizard Kin didn’t surrender their whole lives, standing by their leader in half-life, hence not many providing their essence immediately.


“What are the current levels of my Essences?”

{Hominine Essence L10,

Avine Essence L10,

Feline Essence L10,

Colubrine Essence L8.125,

Lacertine Essence L10,

Draconine Essence L6.12,

Canine Essence L7.56,

Caprine Essence L0}

These numbers mean Azizos can now evolve me into any valid form – a sobering thought.

“What are the level increments?”























The numbers are … many … to reach Level Ten, I must reap near one thousand essences of a Kin … I am a horror, horrible – truly, assigning the Death Realm to me appropriate. Tears roll down my cheeks. One thousand Cat Beast Kin and one thousand Lizard Beast Kin essences, strength leaves my legs and I stretch out an arm grabbing for Dilia’s Shrine to steady myself, my breathing erratic. This is Zeus’ design though, to empower me and yet if I complete the count for each and every Kin all would seek vengeance and retribution, a natural response. Perhaps the Dungeon’s interference in evolving my form not part of Zeus’ calculation as my identity would change … foolish notion, my golden eyes would always betray me. An involuntary shoulder. What if I specified each Cat Beast Kin or Dog Beast Kin separately, three times a thousand essences for each? My destruction then part of his plan once I establish a Temple in is name, shortly after disowning me and turning the Kin against me until hunted and destroyed.

I squat down on my haunches, controlling my breathing re-running these thoughts, searching for mistakes … instead, cursing Azizos. Thirty-one essences of a Kin and Level Five is reached, and he is able to evolve me – in a battle of two sides, a hundred each you could expect such losses or equally several weeks of harvesting Intruder Group essences inside Azizos’ Dungeon. Did he hesitate, chasing an Essence in particular or did the mana I collect for him distract him?

I hate them both. My thoughts turn towards their destruction and yet how? Zeus can only suffer banishment once his Temples and Worshippers are no more. I will not return to my Creator without Zeus’ co-operation and therefore, ultimately, he is beyond my reach. If I war against Azizos he can be annihilated if his Core is destroyed, although I could find peace by locking out Dungeon Dominate, a more realistic goal. Then of course there is Arsu, I have waylaid her purpose, the consequences yet to unfold and I need to take heart that Thanaron hasn’t yet commented on my tampering with his grand design. I do need to retrieve Alba … I miss her … yes, you Giant Gar, I mentally shout out to her.

After a time, I wipe away a tear and climb to my feet, no regrets and like the Lizard Kin are want to say, always forward, take a step and then another. They do have a fatal flaw though, loss of their Heroic Leader paralyses them, probably due to the impossibility and trying to comprehend such as disaster.

For the slaughter of many Lacertine what reward awaits me now. I sneer my question to the System, “What evolutions are available to me?”

{Hominine Essence L10, Avine Essence L10, Feline Essence L10, Lacertine Essence L10}

{Special Condition Met – Spellcaster profession

Special Condition Met – Female Evolution

Evolution Available: GynoSphinx

Mana: 2000}

{Evolution Available: Hydra

Mana: 500}

Studying my choices, a cool breeze refreshes me lifting away the oppressive mist induced moisture. Then clear sunlight casts a shadow from my body, two clues indicating Dilia and Thanaron have finished their task. The third sign, Dilia shouting, as they say, at the top of her lungs, ending her celebration by leaping upon my Stone Giant form, arms around my neck. Returning the embrace, I then struggle to gently contain her wriggling body until we separate, and the Fox Kin lands upon her own two paws.


“Everyone in their own place who can be,” she announces, setting her jaw, chin up.

Is she trying to convince me or herself of a job well done? “Who can’t be?”

She turns and twists before me, head down, mumbling. “Some are lost …”

Am I talking to a child? “Define lost please.”

“All the corpses are burnt, and they don’t remember where they left theirs … simple really.”

I cast [Soul Sight] and look about, they hunker down hiding in any available shade, the sun their bane apparently. I count over forty. So many. This explains the attraction of the Tears of Blood Trail and how they left their bodies for such a sanctuary. How does a Spirit leave its body without aid and then forget the location? Others take their bodies away for burial or funeral pyre elsewhere seems to be the only answer which comes to mind?

“High Priestess …”

“Goddess how can your faithful serve you?”

“I require fifty Adepts to journey to the Quest Trail, which is now free of haunting and evil spirits. They need to bring a piece of jewellery with them, simple, valuable, gold, or silver ring, loop earrings or the like. We need to accommodate over forty lost Spirits.”

“Consider them on their way.”

“What do you intend to do?” Thanaron asks, he seems to somehow know when I am off communicating.

“I have requested fifty Adepts to join us. I will cast [Binding Enchant] on an item they bring and then my Adepts will attempt [Command (Cult Spirit)] to bind the Spirits to the item.”

“Won’t the Spirits object?”

“They will have a choice, but even if they chose to accept, my understanding is they will need to be forced into the Enchanted Item because it is against their nature. Also, they aren’t yet worshippers of mine, which will be the first task and also their first opportunity to deny my offer. The alternative is to wander aimlessly, which some will choose I am sure – afraid of further change while still trying to comprehend their present existence.”


I remain within the bounds of Dilia’s Shrine, my haven from Azizos and his countdown. Thanaron comes and goes throughout the rest of the day attending to his duties, while Minor Goddess Dilia diligently searches the Trail, one last effort, to locate any missed corpses, yet if the owners can’t find them, how can she. Upon the arrival of my Adepts, torches and lanterns held high I cast [Sanctify Area (Aphrodite)] and [Soul Sight]. I call the Spirits to me and cast [Worship (Aphrodite)] and explain the benefits of worshipping me and the benefits of being a bound Cult Spirit. Some leave at this point of course. When I am finished only Spirit Initiates remain, surpassing my expectation, thinking most would join as Lay worshippers. Greater Goddess preaching?

As the Spirit Initiates float about observing, I [Magiclink] with each Adept, draw upon their soul to enchant the piece of jewellery they carry. I then instruct them to cast [Command (Cult Spirit)] to bind a Spirit into the enchanted ring or earring and the like. This takes until late into the night, although I send the Adepts back to my High Priestess in groups of ten as that number find success.

I find a suitable cloak so Dilia can disguise her unusual appearance, while Thanaron as is his want lately floats about above us capable of dancing upon the air, a requirement of his Role although I am jealous as his flits of flight mock normal flight limitations with wings.

With only a single success amongst them, the last twenty Adepts trudge back to the Great Temple as a group late into the night. Not surprisingly, the Spirits favour Adepts of their own Kin when asked to participant and the mismatch towards the end responsible more than anything for twelve Spirits refusing. With the Command Spell, of course, they could have been forced against their will, the pleading faces of the Adepts failing to sway me. The Kin have suffered enough because of Aphrodite.

“Where are you destined?” I ask Dilia.

Her ears twitch. “I would like to place a Shrine in your Temple if you don’t mind. Doesn’t have to be large or grandiose or anything, just eye catching enough so potential worshippers show their interest ...”

“Do you mind if we run? I need to catch my High Priestess before daybreak.”

Feet scuffing, avoiding eye contact she replies in a low voice, “Fox Kin like to run …”

“Does Dilia?”

Her modest sized fangs show as she smiles. “Yessss …” Then laughing she launches herself onto all fours and sprints away.

A voice whispers from behind me as I witness the Goddess of Funeral Rites scamper away.

“Care for her Greater Goddess Aphrodite …”

I glance back and nod. Then I am away, trying to catch a Fox Kin finally reconciled with herself.

[Aphrodite, Priestess of Zeus has exited the Shrine of Dilia, link to Quest Dungeon of Azizos re-established.]

“Nasim, I have a Minor Goddess with me who wishes to place a Shrine to herself in the Great Temple, would we be able to accommodate something modest?”

“We work in the Lizard Kin village, so direct her to me and we can discuss something suitable. I am honoured you entrust this task to this humble servant.”

“Even when I wake you late at night?”

“Anytime Goddess, my people rejoice, there is a light in their eyes, which I haven’t seen since my youth. They wanted to believe in their hearts their freedom assured and yet too afraid to proclaim it. Now they genuinely believe, and our hands don’t simply shape stone, they create joy.”

“I am pleased, as much bliss awaits your people in the months and years ahead.”


Several days and nights pass before I can secure a time with my High Priestess, although the delay suits me as I contemplate my options and try to arrange my final thoughts. Meeting her upon my return I would have presented as an incoherent mess, so her busy schedule a blessing.

My High Priestess and I share the anteroom behind the altar, and I forgo her offer of food and especially drink, the need absent, a benefit of being a Greater Goddess I surmise. Each rank up bestowing subtle conveniences. I explain to Alasse my dilemma and my plan to force an outcome one way or the other, my roaming time down to several hours upon reaching my Temple and halting Azizos’ doom once again.

“You are not yet truly ours then Goddess …”

She slides back on the curious low lounge arrangement, casually taking a sip of red wine from a fine long stem glass. I need to prepare myself and her.

“I will change from Stone Giant form into Manticore form and then start the process of evolution, either forming an egg before your eyes or live birth within a ball of light.”

Resting the half-empty glass upon a convenient side table she fills the glass to the brim with wine, the wine bottle one of many in an internally partitioned box. As I try to speak, she holds up a hand, the other returning the bottle to the singular empty space in the box. Resting back, she strangles the stem of the full wine glass and takes a deep swallow.

“I know I test you, unfortunately it can only be you.” I release my Divine Aura upon her, a comfort, and an ecstasy. She manages to slide her glass upon the side table before writhing upon her lounge. There is one other possibility, Nasim. After much debate with myself since my return I decided upon my High Priestess, she of all my worshippers needs to know my true situation. I withdraw my Divine Aura before my High Priestess slides to the floor. The drop from the lounge probably harmless although still undignified and I need to respect her as much as she needs to trust me.

“Don’t be too shocked by what you are about to witness …”

Her jaws are closed, fangs barely protruding as her head nods slowly down and then up.

I draw upon my mana and will to the system my next evolution – Hydra.

{Due to Evolution Request Please set Parameters:}

At each question I am now given the choice. My answers to spite Azizos even though I am certain he doesn’t even realise this is happening, especially since I am in my own Temple. I thought this would be an extra protection from granting my Dungeon Master, Dungeon Dominate, I think not though given Thanaron’s explanation of the System. If Azizos gains Dungeon Dominate from an evolution I initiate, then I am lost … destruction of his Dungeon Core my sole remaining choice.

{Lock Dungeon Dominate Automatically when 100%? Disable.}

{Automatically Evolve Living Construct when conditions met? Disabled.}

{Set Dungeon Roaming Range (Unrestricted/Proximity/Dungeon/Zone/Room): Proximity.}

{Harvest Living Construct Kills automatically, convert to Mana? Disabled.}

{Gift Living Construct Skills? Enabled.}

{Evolution commencing ...}

{Self-Evolution of your existence. +4% Perception.}

{Racial Minimums met.}

{Self-Evolution evolves your existence. +10% Monster Dominate. Total now 87% and “Able to choose any previous Form” is acquired.}

{Living Construct is currently 95% Dungeon Dominate and will need to return to the Dungeon in 5 Days or suffer automatic respawning.}

[Greater Goddess Aphrodite, has entered the Temple of Aphrodite, link to Quest Dungeon of Azizos severed.]

Hah is my response, any past form is available to me, he gets no Dungeon Dominate and next the notification about severing my link displays due to the process driven nature of the system. The Temple is my Temple and yet instead of saying “my Temple” or “Consecrated Ground” it follows the message format. The system is the system and perhaps exercising my will to forbid Dungeon Dominate being granted valid since I paid the cost. That must be false, otherwise Azizos would have denied Monster Dominate, unless he wasn't truly aware of the significance? How couldn't he be?

{Lockout Monster Dominate (87%) due to Soul being Dungeon Dominate (95%)? Y/N}

I respond by willing N. I am elated, once again confirmation of no Dungeon Dominate increase, my plan could work.

{Lockout Sentient Dominate (95%) due to Soul being Dungeon Dominate (95%)? Y/N}

I respond by willing N.

My High Priestess frees me from my eggshell utilising a pickaxe when I signal by tapping. Even though I prepare her for the unknown she drops and shatters a wine glass as I emerge.

This reptilian beast of mine occupies a full third of the anteroom, with several snapping heads entirely dependent upon Lacertine Essence needing to curl down or smack into the high ceiling confronts her. Liberation from the egg a catalyst for rapid growth. Horrific and yet the evolution serves its purpose, and I don’t delay with the next evolution into GynoSphinx … or do I?

{Self-evolution begins: Chosen Form - Lamia.}

There is no sense of time passing as the bright light encircling me dulls until no more. The shards of glass cleared, Alasse once more regal, rapidly approaches me.

{Self-evolution completes: Chosen Form - Lamia.}

Alasse throws back her head, hissing laughter, a glass of wine now in each hand, sipping from one and thrusting the other at me. I sip to be polite and return a nodding smile. Perhaps drinking should be an enjoyment. She embraces me, her wine glass held away of course to avoid accidental spillage. I can’t withdraw my Divine presence within – upon contact, Alasse’s body shudders, an inner warmth rising, radiating from her skin while her speech breathy.

“This form I truly appreciate my Goddess, although for each realm you accumulate my upper body pays the price.”

Snake head, human torso, and snake tail flow and undulate as she disengages – her body control fluid. Emotional overload I wonder? She lifts up the makeshift High Priestess raiment with her free hand and flashes her upper torso towards me. The Fertility Rune, two lines crossing diagonally and then two straight lines, one top and one bottom closing the ends decorates her womb. Another over her heart of a jawless skull, two empty eye sockets and partial nose; the Death Rune. Two linking half circles rest between her breasts; the Disorder Rune and finally at the base of her neck, three short lines, one end of each equidistance apart while the other end of each meets at a common single point; the Truth Rune.

My fingertip traces upon each. “Did you suffer …”

“Each … different.” Her words slurring, head facing away. The wine?

Through lidded eyes she continues, “Fertility wonderful, Disorder a mild confusion, Truth a sharp alertness and Death a dry ash taste my Goddess.”

I pluck the raiment from her hand to allow it to swish back in place, meeting her bright glowing eyes as her head snaps about to face me.

“Upon my back is an image of your present form, you stamp your ownership upon me.” She presents her back to me.

I lift the raiment once again, exposing her shoulder blades this time. “I didn’t expect …” I stammer out. The image certainly the most acceptable to Snake Kin, my Lamia form.

“I am unique, beyond Snake Kin and your marks upon me prove that. None of your Priests or Adepts are so claimed.”

As she swivels to face me, I release the raiment catching her smile of superiority, confirming she considers my marks upon her a Divine favouring. Returning languidly to the low lounge, she slides into an ideal sloth position. Her hand flings out to invite me onto a replica beside hers. My form adapting remarkably well to the functional furniture.

“I would be distraught without you to worship, although I am also glad Nasim is absurdly capable, securing a case of wine and not just any, my favourite …”

I sip, swill, swallow and return a glowing smile before returning to business.

“I have five days of freedom, what should I do High Priestess?”

Alasse closes her eyes. “Another evolution could free you from him but if it doesn’t you will have wasted five days. Hera is weakened, many Badger Kin becoming Initiates of yours forgoing their Lay or Initiate worship of the Greek Mother Goddess and not just Badger Kin, so I believe her High Priestess won’t be able to consecrate a Temple in her name. Zeus is probably at his weakest if you wish to storm his Temple.” Her smile revealing twin fangs. “While Athena has always been quiet, her worshippers are further reduced, many now yours Goddess attracted by the recent addition of the Death Realm and confirmation of the Truth Realm I am informed, growing impatient waiting for Wisdom.”

“How many of Quest Town are my Initiates?”

“Many, and if not Initiates, then Lay Worshippers, although they in particular seem to have a limb in both camps, often a Lay Worshipper of one of the Greek Gods as well.”

Alasse caresses another bottle of wine while grasping and pouring myself and herself another glass. A minute portion remains when she returns the bottle to the crate from whence it came.

“Could we storm Zeus’ Temple?”

“Possibly, although we may suffer a few casualties from the weaker but more overzealous of your followers and violence is probably not a reputation you should cultivate as much as it appeals, even to me. The number of Initiate and above worshippers of the Greek Gods are few and I would suggest not enough to sustain their High Priestess, Priest and Adept numbers. We ourselves are scrambling to consecrate enough Temples given your success Goddess and a pause in that to sack Zeus’ Temple probably coming at an incalculable long-term cost.”

“We out worship them then?”

Another Snake Kin enters the anteroom, a Priestess. She bows her head slightly at me, her eyes quickly returning to Alasse. Silently she prepares another bottle of wine and then retreats from our presence ignoring the destruction wrought by my Hydra evolution as if none of her business.

“My former servant she insists … well never mind. I believe we can win the Lizard Kin further to our cause if we promote Tor to at least a Minor God, Dog Kin if we promote Ames, Lion Kin if we promote Swift Spear and of course Snake Kin if we promote Bellas.”

I sip from my wine glass.

“They hold to their mortal prejudices, some wishing my demise and you say support them?”

“Your worshippers are the only target at present, adding more to the mix can’t hurt and better they worship the new Pantheon if unable to find enlightenment with you as Zeus and his Greek Gods are the true enemy.”

“You forget, my place isn’t secure in the Dominion Pantheon as I don’t have a Role.”

Her teeth glisten a brilliant white. “What about Ruler God?”

I almost spit out my wine. “I am far from there, although I appreciate your ambition for me.”

She chuckles, at my almost wine spill. “We are yet to consecrate a [Major Temple], I believe Zeus’ current Temple is such and Divinity awarded for the first. More worshippers of course, who require more places of worship to support them and probably the reason Divinity isn’t awarded for multiple Temples and the like.”

Sipping my wine, admiring her analysis of the facts told earlier I can’t help swelling with pride. My High Priestess well chosen. “Would there be a Temple beyond [Great Temple] do you think?”

She taps the lip of the wine glass against the skin of her bottom jaw. “You asked the system for evolutions, why not ask about places of worship?”

“What are the places of worship and the Divinity Awarded?”

[Site +1%, Shrine +3%, Temple +5%, Major Temple +7%, Great Temple +10%, Cathedral +20%]

“What number of Worshippers are required for a Cathedral?”

[At least 2000 Initiates, 285 Adepts, 10 Priests, 1 High Priest attended by a number of Cardinals all worshipping at the Cathedral.]

I relay the facts to my High Priestess and after a pause she replies.

“A major city then … my Goddess, there are several in the Empire, although we must weather the storm of their visit first.”

I eye my High Priestess over the rim of my wine glass. “You don’t seem concerned?”

Alasse places her wine glass down, using her now free hands to shuffle back into the lounge, her body upright. “During your absence I instructed several Temple functionaries to commence writing your Lore, your rise to Divinity and more importantly your claim to rulership. These Parchments of Truth will form the basis of your worship, distributed to each place of worship so your faithful will receive the same knowledge. I believe I need to add some chapters, Tears of Blood, the new Pantheon, especially the new young Gods … and somehow we need to consecrate at least a Shrine to each.”

I pick up on her plan. “If we can ensure each are able to anoint a Prophet from the few who may worship at their Shrine, they could well grow further.” Dilia able to reach Minor Goddess with Spirit Initiates and without a Prophet … while the Dominion Entity anointed Alasse my Prophet, what Divine Dominate would a Neophyte God or Goddess require? I calculate the possible current Divine Dominate of each of the new Gods.

Swift Spear, Ames and Bellas all fifteen percent from their three realms, Tor ten percent from his two realms. They would be able to consecrate a Site after consecrating a Shrine within one or more of my Temples, so an additional four percent each. Minor God requiring twenty-two percent and no worshippers can award Divine Dominate until a Temple is consecrated by at least twenty-one Initiates, a weird synergy there, if you add the Prophet to the count. If done, then the first Initiate would grant one percent, Temple five percent and the twenty plus worshipers another one percent. Even Tor would be promoted to Minor God. How to consecrate a Shrine to each in my Temple without any worshippers of their own, that is the question.

“Alasse …”

I quiet my callout, my High Priestess falling fast asleep during my ruminations. In the silence I recall certain words, ‘your claim to rulership’, my High Priestess is determined to push me onwards and upwards. I kiss Alasse’s forehead and slink off to the back of the Temple. I don’t need sleep; I suspect my worshipers sustain me otherwise who would worship a God unable to answer their prayers day or night? Time to recover Alba.

Being careful to remain within the bounds of my Temple’s sacred ground I begin evolving into my strongest, swiftest flying form to gain sufficient altitude above the mountains and hasten me to my destination.

{Self-evolution begins: Chosen Form - Griffon.}

There is no sense of time passing as the bright light encircling me dulls until no more.

{Self-evolution completes: Chosen Form - Griffon.}

Heavy footfalls grow louder, I suspect from the Stone Giant guards far above me upon the roof of my Temple. I unfurl the great wingspan of the monster I have chosen and effortlessly flap the majestic black feathered wings taking flight. Behind me a couple of deep howls of protest due to the wind buffet from my take off, sending me on my way.

[Greater Goddess Aphrodite, has exited the Temple of Aphrodite, link to Quest Dungeon of Azizos restored.]

{Living Construct is currently 95% Dungeon Dominate and will need to return to the Dungeon in 5 Days or suffer automatic respawning.}

False dawn, then dusk and I am over the mountain range. Early morning, I land upon the Stone Entrance of Arsu’s Dungeon.

[Greater Goddess Aphrodite, has entered the Gateway Dungeon of Arsu, link to Quest Dungeon of Azizos severed.]

“Welcome Divine one, your form changes once again. This is a good thing then?”

“Evolution has been my path under Azizos, and I have come to accept the changes – what can’t be controlled must be endured, although the game is almost run, the finishing line alludes me as he still holds a leash on my fate.”

“Much has changed here also …”

She hesitates, how much is much if she needs to put her thoughts into order.

“Two human ships visited from over the seas, one staying and the other leaving. The settlement expanding upon the arrival of ten more ships, yet five of those didn’t stay long. They search for an improved … mmm … the term my men relayed was, anchorage. A place where many ships could dock at once is how they explained the term. This side of the mountain is about to be overrun by humans motivated by greed for gold and silver. Glad I am they found none here abouts ...”

I reply, “I will need to be secretive and vigilant upon my return as I still have a loose end to tidy up …” I consider my hunter, the Harpy, yet the Lamia with Invisibility is best. “A moment sister …”

{Self-evolution begins: Chosen Form - Lamia.}

“Oh, how exciting …”

I hear no more.

{Self-evolution completes: Chosen Form - Lamia.}

“Remarkable how you can change, not all can of course. Nevertheless, be careful Goddess, I would hate to lose such a valuable ally, when many unfriendly to me are taking an interest.”

I decide given her consideration to ask a favour.

“Could I utilise your passageway to the village or is it a town now?” I would also need to broach the question of arms and armour – perhaps a little later.

“Certainly, remiss of me not offering. There has been change there as well … the entrance is now higher in the mountain side. Given the number of humans crawling all over the place searching for gold or silver an accidental discovery inevitable and while entrapment of them the purpose, escape of one or two difficult to prevent no matter the number of precautions and then more would be quick to investigate. Desirable of course but I am not prepared for their numbers … yet.”

“How do your minions ‘operate’?” I push open the Dungeon Entrance and the huge stone slab gives way.

“They must risk extended stays in the township and these humans wield a strange magic, one erm, Magus they revere him especially. Any disappearances are swiftly examined, and any news is a day old given my minions must return to this entrance ensuring no one follows.”

Sunlight filters into the front passageway revealing a lantern on the stone floor ahead of me. After lighting the lantern, I offer a suggestion, however farfetched. “Couldn’t you burrow further along, deeper or further into the mountain and come out beyond them and then the disappearances would be further away from you and the village. Take longer for the Magus to investigate?” The Dungeon Entrance closes, and the lantern is my single source of light as I trudge on, along the passageway.

“They dig most ravenously, discovery now, in a week, in a month, discovery is still discovery and the investment in mana a one-time effort with only a slim chance of renewal. Going out to sea a better avenue yet I can’t make an entrance in the tidal sand due to sea water and sand, or upon the shoreline, only a matter of time when their explorations and mining reveal my secret.”

I slither along the passageway deep in thought.


The one word penetrates my concentration.

“You needed to take the doorway I opened, any further and several traps would trigger …”

I shine the lantern down the passageway and there seems to be no difference. Would Dungeon traps affect me? Well, Azizos certainly does otherwise I wouldn’t be concerned about the countdown. I slither around and shine the lantern, spotting the open doorway. Once through the lantern light doesn’t reach to the end of the narrow passageway. Long and straight then.

“Would an offshore island suit?”

“My minions have suggested the same, yet their opportunities to find one in secret and return, limited. Although perhaps …”

“No perhaps. What would you need?” I reply with gusto.

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