《Femalekind Book Two》2.024 System Error
[System error … Recycling of Souls malfunction due to Dominion Entity Self-destruction. Searching for resolution …]
[Solution Found: Dominion Entity can be repurposed. Attaching Soul aftercare responsibility. Initiating …]
[System error … Dominion Entity not autonomous – sustained by Greater Goddess Aphrodite.]
[System error … Dominion Entity not self-sustaining – annihilation in future inevitable.]
[Searching for solution … searching … searching … searching … searching … searching …]
[Solution Found: Dominion Entity no longer Omniscient - deleting current Dominion Recycling of Souls Method. Adopting Universal Soul Recycling Method – Universal Soul Stream. Adopting Universal Spirit Retention Method – Dominion Spirit Plane. Establishing Management. Initiating …]
[System error … Unable to allocate roles, no hierarchy.]
[Searching for solution … searching … searching …]
[Solution Found: Adopting Universal Pantheon Method – Initialising Dominion Pantheon, acquiring members …]
[Scanning for Existing Gods …]
[Adding Greater God Aphrodite, Goddess of Fertility, Disorder, Truth and Death: Offering membership …]
“Explain,” I ask somewhat desperately, the situation changing rapidly, and I sense a loss of control as the System charges on to find a solution, almost any solution.
{A Pantheon is a group of Gods who accept a common dominion creation, life/death, and continued existence mythology largely influenced by their worshippers needs, wants, and desires. Typically, a Ruler God presides over the hierarchy unless the mythos weakens the ruler role in some way.}
I don’t wish to ever join Zeus in his Pantheon, so perhaps one on this world a choice I need to accept.
[Offering membership … accepted. Searching for a suitable Role … none found. Warning: Without a Pantheon Role, a God may be banished from the Pantheon by the Ruler God if/when appointed]
[Adding Ruling God Zeus, God of the Sky, Thunder, Lightning, Law, Order, and Justice: Offering role …]
No! I scream out loud losing my composure. This can’t be … I am free of him, at least him if not Azizos.
[Offering role … Offering role … Time out. Not added to Pantheon.]
It is over, Zeus will stay with his Pantheon – my empty stomach churns and I wrap my arms around myself to stop them shaking. I glance at Dilia, she doesn’t comprehend what is going on, the System Messages are beyond her vision. She steps back, face blank. The Spirits make way for her, while gathering nearer – protective?
[Adding Ruling God Candidate; Hera, Goddess of Women, Marriage, Family and Childbirth: No Temple, therefore ineligible. Not added to Pantheon.]
[Adding Ruling God Candidate; Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, Intelligence, Skill and Warfare: No Temple, therefore ineligible. Not added to Pantheon.]
And again?
[Attempting to Create New Gods …]
From what? From where? The Greek Gods have already been examined so what does this mean?
“Patience Goddess, the System has no emotion, only following instructions, completing a process.”
[Adding Ruling God: None Qualify; Position declared vacant – therefore the following conditions will apply.]
(Condition 1: Pantheon unable to create/establish Mythology – this will prohibit the creation of certain Gods.)
(Condition 2: Pantheon unable to create a God Plane with landscapes, significant places, and residences to match Mythology and retain Divine treasures.)
(Condition 3: Ruling God must be promoted from within Pantheon – minimum 100% Divine Dominate.)
(Condition 4: Slaying of a Pantheon God while the Ruler God Role vacant will also destroy their respective Divine Spark. Typically means their Role in the Pantheon is also made redundant.)
(Condition 5: Divine Sparks created as part of the Pantheon Creation Method will be held inviolate and inaccessible on the Spirit Plane and any qualifying candidate for the Ruler God Role must God Quest to recover them before being appointed.)
[Adding Underworld God: Dominion Entity nominated. Ineligible as a God Object will classify as an Immortal Object. Offering auxiliary role instead … accepted. Scanning Greek Pantheon … God of Death Thanatos escorts the dead, Charon the Ferryman of Hades, transports the dead. Name resolved to Thanaron. No physical body, therefore, Immortal will reside on Spirit Plane until God Plane created, except when performing his role.]
(Role of Thanaron the Immortal: Upon separation of Spirit and Soul from Body, Thanaron polishes the Soul, releasing the Spirit to the Spirit Plane. If strong enough to survive the journey the Spirit will remain there forever more. The Soul returns to the Universal Soul Stream to be born again when called by a Life Spark from procreation.)
“You have a name?”
“Probably the least important outcome of the System’s process, but yes.”
I sense an impatience or shock from him, given my harmless enquiry … “Apologies. Are you disappointed you aren’t a God?”
“Immortal is acceptable for one who squandered his chances as the Dominion Entity, although I am now a Psychopomp – fancy name for Divine functionary, unchanging and locked into my function and power level. The System didn’t want to give me a second chance at omniscience and I would have to agree … after one thousand years though …”
I detect humour in his final word thoughts … I hope I exist until then to cheer him up. Somewhat more substantial than a Spirit, Thanaron’s form manifests. Similar in height and weight to a human, yet an upright semi-transparent Golden Dragon. His scales glistening of their own accord contrasting with his dark eyes, two black pools of unknown depth.
“Can you hear me? You are somewhat more present …” I remark.
“Yes, although I sense my presence before you temporary and soon, I will be drawn to the Spirit Plane, only returning upon another Body Death …”
He speaks the last word and his form “pops” out of existence …
“Someone sentient has died …”
His last thought words to me.
[Adding Underworld God: None Qualify; no mythology sufficiently developed. Divine Spark to be reserved – available to Ruling God when appointed.]
[Adding Good God: None Qualify; no mythology sufficiently developed. Divine Spark to be reserved – available to Ruling God when appointed.]
[Adding Evil God: None Qualify; no mythology sufficiently developed. Divine Spark to be reserved – available to Ruling God when appointed.]
[Adding Order God: None Qualify; no mythology sufficiently developed. Divine Spark to be reserved – available to Ruling God when appointed.]
[Adding Chaos God: None Qualify; no mythology sufficiently developed. Divine Spark to be reserved – available to Ruling God when appointed.]
[Adding Land God: None Qualify; no mythology sufficiently developed. Divine Spark to be reserved – available to Ruling God when appointed.]
[Adding Sky God: None Qualify; no mythology sufficiently developed. Divine Spark to be reserved – available to Ruling God when appointed.]
[Adding Sea God: None Qualify; no mythology sufficiently developed. Divine Spark to be reserved – available to Ruling God when appointed.]
[Adding Agricultural God: None Qualify; no mythology sufficiently developed. Divine Spark to be reserved – available to Ruling God when appointed.]
[Adding Hunting God: Hunter/Gatherer culture exists within Lion Beast Kin Prides – Spirit of Lion Beast Kin Swift Spear nominated; Offering role … accepted. Granting Divine Spark, anointing Neophyte God of Hunting. Realms: Harmony, Death, Animal. Position in Pantheon secure. No physical body, therefore, God will reside on Spirit Plane until God Plane created.]
(Hunter Role of God Swift Spear: Provider of food, by hunting game. Ensure the Spirits and Souls of game are recycled to guarantee a never-ending cycle of rebirth. Honour the game’s sacrifice and ensure no flesh, skin or bone is wasted. Teach these principles to your worshippers.)
A semi-transparent likeness gradually materialises before me, Lion Kin. His spear, bow and leather armour adorning him, although the process never finishing, like Thanaron. More than a Spirit form, yet less than a complete physical presence. I recognise him.
“You are responsible for this?” His tone harsh and accusing, while his hands wave about trying to comprehend his new existence as an insubstantial body.
“If you aren’t happy, why did you accept and if you wish to change your decision, I can destroy your manifestation right here and now.” I’m not completely certain I can of course, although my command over the Death Realm would probably be capable of at least some dreadful outcome.
He stammers and then shakes his head; I assume declining my offer.
I add, “Your son is following in his father’s footsteps and perhaps under your Divine guidance he will continue to aspire to a greatness as will all who follow your way of life.”
“How will I grow beyond this? There are none who I can appoint my Prophet and I already feel the pull of the Spirit Plane upon me …”
“Perhaps with a greater show of respect, I could assist.”
“Women, they boss, and they take, yet men are the providers of food …”
I shrug, so be it. His rant continues, uttering further absurd remarks and I remain silent because I don’t want to answer what are really accusations driven by his view of the world. A whining yelp, the last, as his form stretches and distorts, until a final pop. I assume he is happy by himself on the Spirit Plane.
[Adding Night God: None Qualify; no mythology sufficiently developed. Divine Spark to be reserved – available to Ruling God when appointed.]
[Adding Day God: None Qualify; no mythology sufficiently developed. Divine Spark to be reserved – available to Ruling God when appointed.]
[Adding Trickster God: None Qualify; no mythology sufficiently developed. Divine Spark to be reserved – available to Ruling God when appointed.]
[Adding War God: Military culture exits within Panther Beast Kin armies – Spirit of Panther Beast Kin Mario nominated; Offering role … Offering role … Offering role … rejected.]
[Adding War God: Warfare culture exits within Dog Beast Kin armies – Spirit of Dog Beast Kin Ames nominated; Offering role … accepted. Granting Divine Spark, anointing Neophyte God of War. Realms: Sentient, Death, Mastery. Position in Pantheon secure. No physical body, therefore, God will reside on Spirit Plane until God Plane created.]
(War Role of God Ames: Provider of Warriors. Ensure worshippers are trained in all aspects of warfare – martial skills, tactics, and strategies. Motivations for going to war are left to others, your worshippers are but to do or die. You pledge, upon their violent death, their Spirits will return to rest on the Spirit Plane.)
“Not a very good promise …” I think to myself.
“No, the lack of a Mythology and God Plane precludes promising anything else. Now you see the value of a Ruler God in the System’s method.”
“How can you answer me? I thought you away fulfilling your role.”
“Yes, a curious thing, somehow I am your servant roped into doing a role designated by the System. Given my reliance upon you for my continued existence – before this, to be expected I guess.”
“Interesting and by the way, I haven’t promised my worshippers anything in death and perhaps witnessing this, I shouldn’t …”
“Didn’t you offer to retain the spirits of the Snake Kin dead? To offer their wisdom to their family?”
“Yes, although only by enchantment, not in any way a cycle …”
“I still think yours is a better deal. Oh, must go again …”
Perhaps mine is, contemplating the obvious question, what is required to “speak” to a spirit once on the Spirit Plane. Does his absence mean another has died?
A rough voice, coughs. “You there?”
Before me in shiny metal armour with a polished shield and keen edge on his sword, undeniably stands a Dog Kin Warrior at attention.
“Welcome to your Godhead appointment.”
An impatient growl. “I understand my time is short, so quickly explain how I can grow from Neophyte God as it seems I am one fatal mistake away from being no more.”
“You need worshippers, appointment of a Prophet is usually the first step.”
His paws go to his hips while shuffling his steel booted feet apart. “I know that much girl. These spirits can’t be my Prophet and the Fox Kin refuses my command.” The pitch of his voice rising when speaking of the Fox Kin.
I glance at Dilia and read the fear in her eyes. I don’t understand, she is of the Dog Kin Command or at least once was.
“Eyes off the pathetic scout, focus on me, answer my questions as my time is …”
With a pop his form swirls into a shiny ball and disappears.
“What isn’t he telling me about the Dog Kin Command Dilia?”
She looks about her and then whispers. “While the Wolf Kin and Fox Kin do as we are told we are considered loyal soldiers marching as one for ultimate victory.”
I nod.
[Adding Knowledge God: None Qualify; Searching separate cultures ... Trading Aspect sufficiently developed, Healing Aspect sufficiently developed; Sage Aspect sufficiently developed. Divine Spark to be reserved – available to Ruling God when appointed.]
[Adding Artificer God: None Qualify; Searching separate cultures ... Weapon Crafting Aspect sufficiently developed, Armour Crafting Aspect sufficiently developed. Majority of other Crafting Aspects insufficiently developed. Divine Spark to be reserved – available to Ruling God when appointed.]
[Scanning for Dominion Cultural God Types …]
[Adding Dominion Trading God: Aggressive, one sided trading culture exists within Snake Kin Houses, which must be led to true enlightenment – Spirit of Snake Kin Bellas nominated; Offering role … accepted. Granting Divine Spark, anointing Neophyte God of Trade. Realms: Harmony, Trade, Movement. No physical body, therefore, God will reside on Spirit Plane until God Plane created. Warning: May be banished from Pantheon by Knowledge God if/when appointed.]
(Trading Role of God Bellas: Provide an environment to conduct the fair exchange of Goods and Services. Ensure worshippers are trained in all aspects of trading and transport bringing the gifts of civilisation to all who request them.)
The crimson-green skin of the Snake Kin blinding bright even as a partial manifestation and I reason her death perhaps arranged given her screeching.
“One sided trading culture! The nerve of this System. Trading is in the blood of every Snake Kin and profit paramount for the glory of each House. Subjugate the lessor Houses, negotiable with advantage always.”
She takes a breath, although obviously from habit, not from need.
“Argh … I won’t submit, this is our way and has always been our way …”
I am not certain of course, although her protest seems to indicate the System will make a candidate conform to the ideal of the God Role or perhaps the God’s worshippers will? Who influences who?
“I am a Matriarch and refuse to be treated this way.” Her eyes blink, head withdrawing. “How long have you been there?”
“For some time, how does a Snake Kin Matriarch die on the Quest Trail?”
She shuffles to her full height. “Sometimes when you want a job done right you need to do it yourself and Quest Town important, a new opportunity I couldn’t delegate to anyone else …”
Her time up, gone.
[Adding Dominion Healing God: Healing culture exists within Badger Kin Setts, Spirit of Badger Kin Honeybeth nominated; Offering role … Offering role … Offering role … rejected.]
Why am I not surprised? Always the timid ones if Dawnanda typical.
[Adding Dominion Healing God: Healing culture exists within Badger Kin Setts, no other Spirits of sufficient skill, rank, or authority identified. Role remains vacant. Divine Spark withdrawn.]
No others, again not unexpected given Badger Kin largely unaffected by my deed due to their fastidious hygiene.
[Adding Dominion Sage God: Higher learning, contemplation exists within Tiger Kin Enclaves, Spirit of Tiger Kin Rafael nominated; Offering role … Offering role … Offering role … rejected.]
[Adding Dominion Sage God: Higher learning, contemplation exists within Tiger Kin Enclaves, multiple Spirits identified, all rejecting. Role remains vacant. Divine Spark withdrawn.]
Several Tiger Kin names are nominated, all Masters, none are Grand Masters. Masters subservient and although of sufficient “skill, rank or authority” to be identified by the System as suitable, within themselves and their position in the enclave not worthy, apparently. A fatal self-determination, the ramifications unknown at this stage resulting in one less Dominion God, like the God of Healing.
[Adding Dominion Justice God: One who personifies this role identified, required to inspire others – Spirit of Lizard Kin Tor nominated; Offering role … accepted. Granting Divine Spark, anointing Neophyte God of Justice. Realms: Truth, Mastery. No physical body, therefore, God will reside on Spirit Plane until God Plane created. Warning: May be banished from Pantheon by Good God if/when appointed.]
(Justice Role of God Tor: Your worshippers will be inspired to protect and save the grateful and the ungrateful from injustice in the Dominion. Slay monsters both real and those who hide behind the protections of civilisation and/or tradition to work their misery.)
“You are the one I struck?”
“Yes,” I stare into his semi-translucent eyes.
“You admit your deeds, accept the responsibility for them?”
“Without reservation.” I reply with absolute conviction, wondering why he asks questions he already knows the answer to.
He twirls his semi-transparent double-sided axe. “I believed with my mandate, one seeking Justice, I would be able to strike you down and yet I know my attempt would fail, Neophyte God no match for a Greater God no matter the right of my judgement. How do I become stronger so I can?”
“You need to gain worshippers and the first step is anointing a Prophet to convince worship of you is worthy and will complete their lives in some way.” He knows this ...
“You are free with your advice, after I just told you I wish to destroy you …”
“We share the Truth Realm. I can’t lie to one who also has the same Realm. Same as you can’t lie to me.”
“Do you believe Justice has been served here?”
“I will leave you to judge, for mine I can only do my best given I now understand the consequences.”
“Fair enough, although I would appreciate you making my existence known in your Temples, perhaps one of your worshipers will answer my call to be my Prophet.” He smiles, revealing a maw full of razor-sharp teeth.
“Why would I strengthen my destroyer?”
His body grows wisp-like, formless and yet he wills against the system to remain until he finishes speaking. “Because my judgement will cleanse your guilt or condemn you amongst my Kin. Either way you can then move on from this tragedy.”
Then gone.
[Underworld God, Auxiliary Role required for the treatment of corpses to ensure separation of Spirit and Soul from Body. Adding Dominion Funeral Rites God: The one who cried the first tears identified – Sentient Being Fox Kin Dilia nominated; Offering role … offering role … offering role … accepted. Granting Divine Spark, anointing Neophyte Goddess of Funeral Rites. Realms: Harmony, Soil. Physical body, therefore, God will reside on Physical Plane until God Plane created. Warning: May be banished from Pantheon by Underworld God if/when appointed.]
(Role of Dilia God of Funeral Rites: Upon Body Death, adhering to Funeral Rites will separate Soul and Spirit from Body cleanly and strengthen the Soul and Spirit to survive the final journey while allowing the Body to return to Soil uncorrupted.)
[Pantheon Creation Method finished.]
“You accepted, yet refused to be a Prophet?”
“Only the Dog Kin made the offer of Prophet and I would never submit to a Dog, not now, not ever.” The lingering venom in her words strong.
“Where do you go now?”
She scans the Spirits and then the Trail. “I have much digging to do.”
“You are the Goddess of Funeral Rites … you could change them …” I suggest.
Her first genuine smile, light, and thoughtful rewards my suggestion. “Why does the Spirit Plane need to be below, I wish to send the Spirits into the Sky utilising cremation, the rising smoke the ideal transport.”
{System Message: Spirit Plane now Sky Bound, proper Funeral Rites requires the Spirit and Soul to be liberated from the body by flame and carried by smoke skywards. Thanaron needs to only escort the Spirit to ensure arrival while rising further to add the Soul into the Universal Soul Stream.}
“At least one functionary will be pleased with your decree …” I suggest.
“Most certainly!”
Dilia jumps. “Don’t do that, form up first and then speak, I almost passed water then …”
“Apologies …” He bows. “I have time to speak, we still have the question of the Spirits surrounding us.”
“Can you escort them, or do they need to return to the location of their bodies and Dilia perform the required funeral rites?” I ask him.
Both Thanaron and I turn towards Dilia.
“They aren’t a normal death. I want to perform funeral rites because I didn’t when I first found them, they need closure from this world so they can continue onto the next.”
{System Message: For disembodied Spirits and Souls, their body must be located, and funeral rites performed, to free them from wandering endlessly upon the physical plane.}
“Every word you say has power and you are defining the mythology around funeral rites. This is exciting.” I say looking at Dilia first and then Thanaron. The Fox Kin is about to throw up and Thanaron suddenly disappears.
I gently pat her back. “I am sorry, being a Greater God none of my statements seem to mean anything to the System and well seeing yours take immediate affect …”
She wipes her maw with the back of her paw, straightens and takes a deep breath. “The difference between having a role in the Pantheon or not I guess.”
With a blank face, I nod. Of course, I tell myself.
I escort Dilia along the Tears of Blood Trail. The Spirits of the Dead gather around their respective bodies. Many are piles of dried corpses already with Dilia fetching leafy brush to produce the smoke, the dried bodies igniting in a feverish conflagration each and every time. Thanaron able to gather the rising Spirits like a shepherd driving sheep until depositing them at their final destination.
I receive an Essence message after each Spirit ascends to the Spirit Plane and keep the information to myself. Dilia in the midst of performing her pantheon role, in a state of complete happiness and Thanaron enjoying our company as much as completing his functionary task and I didn’t want to take anything from their moment. His disappearances continue of course, apparently Beast Kin were still dying somewhere. Since Dilia hadn’t spread her worship the corpse suffering burial requires Thanaron to adopt a more hands-on ritual to separate Spirit and Soul from the corpse, polish the soul and then carry Spirit and Soul up. Some dead taking longer than others to separate Spirit and Soul from their Body without funeral rites.
Dilia waits for his return and finds a question. “Why are you sad?”
“What is your Divine Dominate at the moment?”
She blinks, a wry smile graces her lips as she knows my question swiftly changes the subject to avoid answering.
“The Realms of Harmony and Soil awarded me ten percent. The two funeral rites proclamations awarded one percent in total. The Spirits I am freeing are counting as my worshippers, I assume because they were ignorant of worship previously and are now grateful to me for releasing them, yet I can’t be awarded Divine Dominate for them until I have a Priest consecrate a Temple to me. I was awarded one percent for my first Initiate Worshipper though. Oh, and I almost forgot, the first funeral site awarded me one precent as a place of worship, a Site. So, thirteen Divine Dominate, which allows me to access [Assess Aspirant], [Worship (Dilia)].” She giggles. “Sorry, seeing my name like that … anyway, also [Sanctify Area (Dilia)] and [Magiclink].”
I wonder if Dilia was always child-like or became that way due to the trauma and ridicule. She is dealing with funeral rites and ensuring the Spirits and Souls of the dead properly pass on, each one, once lived, families, friends and possibly enemies, a community of beings and yet her Role doesn’t seem to bring her down. The essence messages are my reminder, I am responsible. For Dilia she seems immune to the sadness of her Role. As the essence count increases my burden increases. If this affected Dilia in the same way, what would she be like after one thousand, ten thousand or more funerals? Perhaps this explains her immunity – it is critical for her Role.
“Oh!” she shouts.
My hands are upon her shoulders, my eyes searching her face for hurt or explanation.
“The System removed five percent, I lost the Soil Realm and then awarded me the Fire Realm returning the five percent. I see now, a consequence of my funeral rites.”
I sigh and release my grip. “Would you be willing to try an experiment?”
Her heads leans to one side. “What sort of experiment?”
Child-like she maybe, but still an obvious question. “If you cast [Worship (Dilia)] while the rest of the Spirits are still with us, perhaps you will gain some worshippers before they ascend. With them as worshippers you should be able to cast [Sanctify Area (Dilia)] and perhaps create a Shrine. The Spirits did especially gather around one particular spot…”
She turns away from me. “I shed my first tears for them there. I witnessed the death and couldn’t even bury them or carry back any items for their family or relatives not that I would be able to find them … it was horrible.”
“Then perhaps it is a very fitting place for a Shrine to Dilia, Goddess of Funeral Rites. All who use the trail in the future will pass that point and at least be aware of something significant happening there.”
Wiping her tears with both paws she faces me and nods, teeth clenched. As if rounding up children she calls to the remaining Spirits. They hesitate at first and then gather around her, leaving their corpses to do so.
She casts [Worship (Dilia)] and recounts her tale, skipping over the beginning until free from the Dungeon and seeking help. The unexpected discovery, her grief and impotence, the tears which followed until finally finding Quest Town and being mobbed and then doubted. Returning to report to Dog Command and being shamed, none could believe a Fox Kin scout able to survive the Dungeon when Dog Kin couldn’t unless through cowardice.
Through my tears I witness the Spirits gather closer, swamping the Fox Kin and not until all are done does she remember the second part of the plan casting [Sanctify Area (Dilia)] upon the pile of rocks I gathered, rusted weapons and armour clothing them for affect. If only I could summon Nasim he would do the Shrine proud. After completing the ceremony, I expected a celebration of sorts and yet nothing.
“I know you are trying to help and yet I must be hopeless the System didn’t report anything.”
Did my feeble construct offend the System?
“Stand back, both of you …” The desperation clear in Thanaron’s whisper.
Stepping away, the ground rumbles as we do, a timely warning then. An all-consuming white-blue flame vaporises the armour instantly, the metal of the armour then cooling and dripping over white-hot stones, which shortly after dance upon each other as if alive. The radiating heat forces me further back, while Dilia steps forward her fur instantly a hot white colour, wrapping around leaving a flame red strip down her back, including her tail.
The flame and heat collapse inwards forming a fiery being, a Fox Kin to be sure, the tips of her fur aflame and yet not consuming the apparition.
“It is my honour Mourning One to attend to your Shrine in your name. Never fear, all will know of the cleansing flame upon their deaths and rise once their bodies are no longer holding them to the Land.” The voice a perfect mimic of Dilia’s and only after doublechecking do I believe my ears. One of her worshippers has attached themselves to her Shrine.
Behind the Shrine a patch of ground, white-grey and barren, total incineration of any vegetation. A breeze rises to disperse the white-grey powder revealing hard-shiny ground, black opaque, glass like.
Dilia able to embrace the ghost Fox Kin and yet my hand passes through. Dilia glows for an instant and I know for certain now, although I didn’t understand how.
“You were right.” She waves her hand over the remining spirits. “They chose to become my worshippers as Initiates, except for Lorin.” Her eyes singling out the apparition. “She became my first Adept. Now I am a Minor Goddess as my Divine Dominate is twenty-two percent, my first Shrine for three percent which is also a significant Holy Site for three percent and finally Lorin. As my first Adept she bestows three percent for a total of Twenty-Two Divine Dominate.” She claps her hands and bounces on the heels of her feet, her voice reaching a higher pitch as she continues. “Two more Divine Spells, [Heal Wound] and [Soul Sight] as well as my first Realm Magic [Cremate Corpse], which can be prayed for at my Shrine or if a body is laid to rest at my Shrine and magic expended my Servant Lorin will cast the Spell ensuring Spirit and Soul rise.”
She dances about, excitement bubbling over, animating her body and I stretch out with my arms offering an embrace. As she approaches, radiating heat warns me off. I try to catch her eyes with mine. “Can you control your Divine Aura?”
“Oh yes, simple.”
My Divine presence alerts others, while hers can sear them I suspect. Could the living turn to ash in her presence if she so decided? Is that another difference between pantheon role and not?
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