《The King is Back》Chapter 13 - The Mercenary Guild
Lancester is filled with all manners of people going about their daily lives. Although as it is winter so it is not as crowded as usual, the title of a ‘trade city’ was not for show. What’s more, even the common people here in the city wear better clothing than what Braum has seen in Lebourne. Here, they wear finely crafted leather clothing that is further insulated with animal fur on their scarf or jackets. Even people with armors like the knights are wearing some extra clothing to stay warm. Because of this, Braum’s group stands out quite a bit as they are able to stay warm despite only wearing their armors.
On their way to the city square where the mercenary group is located, the streets are still quite full of shopping vendors and the sights of a living economy can be felt. Occasionally, Braum would also see foreigners wearing exotic clothing or even other races, namely the elves and the dwarven people. Sounds of chatters and people haggling their way to get a cheap price are common.
When they arrive in the city square, the sights are even more crowded as this can be considered the central business district where shops and various guilds like the mercenary guild, searcher guild, and the discoverer guild are located. Craig explained that while the mercenary guild focuses on fighting, the searcher guild focuses on finding unsolved mysteries or items and the discoverer guild consists of explorers that are hired to accompany researchers to go to uncharted lands or ancient tombs. Usually, cooperations between these guilds happen when for example the searchers need the protection of the mercenaries to solve cases.
“Well, here we are, the mercenary guild” Craig muttered.
The mercenary guild is a huge three-story building made of what seems to be bricks. This is quite a new sight as Braum's group is used to seeing stone buildings in the villages. On the front of the building, there lies a sign that has a drawing of a sword, bow and arrow, and a mage’s staff, signifying the mercenary’s insignia.
“I’ll have to unpack my items in my shop. If you want a place to stay, go to a place called Sun & Moon Inn. That place is located near here and it’s owned by a dear friend of mine so just mention my name and you’ll get a discount. I’ll also treat you to a meal later as I promised of course hahaha. Sounds good?” Craig asked.
“I think we’re fine now Craig. Thank you very much for your help. We’re looking forward to meeting you again later” Braum smiled and sincerely thanked Craig.
Craig, his subordinates, and the wagons carrying his goods left the guild's premises. Now it is time for The Black Hoods first step into the mercenary guild.
Entering the building, it was not what Braum and his group expected. They expected a bunch of rugged-looking men as mercenaries but instead found that most of these mercenaries look quite clean and neat. The people that seem to be more experienced are wearing more intricate designed armors while the lower-ranked mercenaries seem to be wearing some sort of uniform which is a normal-looking, but not shabby, metal armors. In the middle of the guild hall is a restaurant where mercenaries can order food and drinks to discuss things with their members. There are also wooden boards that show job requests.
Braum and his group attracted quite a few gazes on their way with the arrival of hooded individuals with exotic looking armors but they seem to maintain their professionalism and just silently stare at Braum's group instead of starting to approach them. Braum and his group finally find their way to the receptionist desk.
“Hello. Welcome to the Lancester’s branch of the mercenary guild. Are you here to set up a request or perhaps register as mercenaries?” A young attractive lady with short blonde hair greeted them.
In truth, the mercenary guild’s receptionists are professionals so they remember each of their guild’s member. They know that Braum and his people are not one of their own so there could only be two reasons why they are here: to set up a job or to register.
“Actually. We’re here for two reasons. The first is to sell these.” Braum said that while opening up his bag and letting out the bandit’s ears and serpental bears’ parts in the receptionist’s desk.
‘That’s not very polite Prince Braum…’ Kelvin thought in his head.
“Of course. We will first determine its worth.” The receptionist said while still maintaining her professional smile, not perturbed by Braum’s rudeness.
“Please wait here while our staff is calculating.” The receptionist lady said while a fellow receptionist brings forth the same crystal ball-like device the knights in the walls used to examine the goods.
“Hey, what’s your name?” Braum asked the receptionist with a smile.
“My name is Lily dear customer.” The receptionist answered.
“I..see..” Braum answered while flashing an awkward smile.
In truth, his teenage hormone took over for a second there as he found the receptionist lady quite attractive. But his lack of experience is ultimately his downfall as he couldn’t find a way to continue the conversation.
“I have finished calculating the worth. The serpental bears parts are real and they usually need a Grade C group of level 5 mercenaries to kill them. These bandits ears...they belong to the famous Snake Skin bandits as well and they have bounties on them…..all in all these are worth 250.000 Gath.” The receptionist who calculated the goods’ worth said.
“That’s great but we’re not exactly from here so how much is that worth?” Braum asked.
“Don’t worry dear customer. We would not give you an unfair price in the mercenary guild. This much money can buy you a small mansion and sustain your living cost for quite some time.” Lily, the receptionist, answered with quite a surprised face since these strangers randomly came into the building and brought these expensive goods.
‘These people are not normal.’ The receptionist thought.
“Hmmm...alright we’ll let you deal with the payment...The second reason we came here was to register as a mercenary group.”
“Of course. First, please fill out this form.” Lily said and gave Braum’s group a paper.
The form is filled with basic information such as name and abilities. Braum couldn’t really put ‘sharpshooter’ for Urada so he just filled in ‘Long-Distance Combat Expert’ in Urada’s section. He also put The Black Hoods as the name of their group.
“Here you go.” Braum handed the form back to the receptionist.
“Thank you. I would like to explain to you that the guild badges we will give you after the registration is complete will also serve as identification so you can use these to enter cities. Now, let me also explain the rank system.
There are two kinds of ranks in the mercenary guild, the first is a grading system. Grades are used to measure a group’s success rate and achievements. The grade goes from the lowest of F to the highest of S. A group can increase their grade by finishing difficult missions as a group and gaining the commendations of witnesses.
The second rank system is the level. The level goes from 1 to 10 and measures individual strengths of each member and for some people that like to do their job solo. This can also be increased by finishing missions and undergoing leveling test in the guild in a manner of duels.” Lily explained.
“Right. So I’m guessing a high-level individual might not determine the grade of the group? Since the grades are determined by the success rate or achievements and not the strengths? How can we determine our individual levels then?” Braum asked.
“That is correct. We will now determine your levels by a duel with a standard C Rank group of an overall level 5 members. Fortunately, we happen to have one group on standby right now in the training ground. If you can follow me so we can begin.” Lily said to the group and starts walking to lead them to another location.
Lily led them upstairs, where quite a big indoor training ground can be seen. On the sides, there are seats that can be used to watch matches. In the middle of the training ground, a group of 5 young men can be seen training.
“Andrew, prepare your group. We have rookies that need the benchmark test.” Lily said in quite a cold tone towards the group of men.
"Awww c’mon Lily don’t be that cold with me hehe you know how much I fancy you. Sure we’ll teach these newbies what it really takes to be a mercenary...but you’ll have to promise a night with me afterward though hehehehe.” Andrew, the leader of the mercenary group said in a mocking voice.
‘It seems that even if they look clean, what’s inside of them are even dirtier than the street hooligans’ Braum thought.
“Leave her out of this.” Braum said in a stern voice.
“What’s that? Was that this rookie talking? WHO the fuck do you think you are eh? Marching inside the mercenary guild thinking you’re some hot shit. Well we’re the Lion Fang! We have climbed our way to a C grade in only a year ever since our registration! We’re a rising star! And we’ll use you as well as a stepping stone to show these people here how incredible we are as well!” Andrew arrogantly stated.
“Hahahaha you got that right leader. Say, that rookie group has a girl as well. Even with the hood on, I can tell she has some juicy body for sure. Why don’t you join our group instead eh? We’ll take care of you real nice and you’ll be the top of the mercenaries rank in no time...in exchange for servicing our nightly needs that is…” Another mercenary said in a perverted voice.
“Fuck off scum.” Urada coldly said. Her usual cheerful attitude disappeared.
“Hooo she’s got some fire in her that’s good I like that!” Andrew said while licking his lips.
“Enough Andrew. Are you going to do the benchmark test to them or not?” Lily sternly asked.
“Hehehe sure sure we got time to spare anyway. Let’s go right now.” Andrew answered.
Braum’s group is quite pissed. They did not really care about their disgusting behavior as they knew these continent-dwellers lack basic education they usually receive in Yakana. But when they actively provoked one of their own, namely Urada, they are now determined to beat them senseless.
“Lily” Braum called out in a low voice.
“Can we please borrow your guild's standard armors, swords, and a bow and arrow?” Braum asked.
“Of course. I will bring them to you.” Lily answered and left to find an armor.
Kelvin then grabs Braum’s shoulder and brings his face to Braum’s ear.
“What are you doing? Why are we taking off our equipment?”
“I don’t want the advantage.” Braum simply answered in a monotone voice. His face is cold.
The training ground is quite full of people that want to watch the match. News broke downstairs that a benchmark test for rookies will commence. Even more, it’s with the infamous Lion Fang group that Andrew belonged in, who are famous for being lecherous but at the same time, they are quite recognized as talented mercenaries.
In the middle of the arena, two groups of people can be seen standing on the opposite of one another at a distance that is approximately 20 meters. The Lion Fangs can be seen wearing expensive armors with flashy colors and swords. Braum’s group is now wearing a standard metal armor that the mercenary guild gives to rookies. However, they are still wearing their usual hoods, this is possible because the hood of the Bridges Mark VI can be removed and attached at will. Lily the receptionist can also be seen overseeing the duel.
“I am Lily as the witness of the mercenary guild for the benchmark test of the new group named The Black Hoods. We will now determine the individual levels of The Black Hoods by a duel with a C-Rank group of level 5 members, The Lion Fang. Here are the rules; No lethal blows, no dismemberment, and no permanent injuries. The battle can now….BEGIN!” Lily yelled and the battle has now begun.
“BOYS! Let’s quickly defeat these rookies and impress some more bitches! GO!” Andrew shouted and the Lion Fang charges.
Braum’s group can be seen not moving at all. Quite uniquely, Braum and Urada have no weapons on them while Kelvin and Niko are wielding swords. Braum had said before that he wanted to beat the ever living crap of the Lion Fangs while Urada’s excuse was that she is not used to using bows and arrows but she still got special forces martial art training so she should be able to take care of herself.
“Hyaaah” A Lion Fang member slashes his sword in the direction of Braum’s shoulder.
Braum’s figure then suddenly disappears when the sword comes into contact and reappears on the right side of the mercenary.
Before he can react, Braum brings his fist on the mercenary’s hand that is holding the sword and punches it so hard that his hand broke.
“AAAAAAH” The mercenary screamed at the sight of his hand turning in a direction that is not normal.
Braum then pulls a spinning kick with traces of golden aura in his feet. The kick hits the mercenary’s head violently and brings him flying to the audience’s seat outside the training ground. Braum then disappears and reappears on the audience seat where the mercenary has landed and proceeds to repeatedly punch the head of the mercenary.
Braum punched the head of the mercenary until it is quite bloody.
"I...I...I give up!!!!!!" The mercenary quietly screamed.
“One down.” Braum muttered.
Meanwhile, Kelvin and Niko are clashing swords with Andrew and another mercenary. They seemed equal until you see closely that Kelvin and Niko haven’t even dropped a single sweat while the two enemies have visible signs of tiredness on their faces.
“Haaah. Haaah. Why are these rookies able to handle our swords?” Andrew muttered while breathing air out of tiredness.
“Is that it?” Kelvin asked.
“Not yet! Lestovalus Brando!” Andrew screamed and blue lights start to cover his entire body.
“Lestovalus Brando!” The mercenary next to him also followed. Some audience members start murmuring.
“There it is! The mid-rank body strengthening magic that made the Lion Fangs a rising star in the mercenary world. I must say the rookies have put on a good show as they even managed to defeat one Lion Fangs members but I guess that’s it for them.” An audience member said.
“I gotta agree they won’t stand a chance against Lion Fangs’ magic from what I’ve seen. This has been entertaining though." Another audience member echoed his sentiment.
Andrew and his friend start to move at an incredible speed and slash their swords with inhuman prowess. Kelvin and Niko appear to be slowly overwhelmed.
“ *sigh* This much? Alright, that's enough we’ll show you why your old magic doesn’t stand a chance against us” Niko arrogantly said.
“What did you say!??” Andrew became angry as the rookies can still keep their arrogant behavior after he has used his trump card.
Without any incantations, Kelvin starts to become engulfed in a yellow aura while Niko’s aura is colored red.
“What?? No chants? And what magic are those? I've never seen and felt such terrifying mana burst. ” An audience member said perplexed.
Kelvin and Niko, for the first time ever since the start of the battle, start their counterattack. Kelvin’s style of swordsmanship involves him playing around with his opponent by slowly wounding the opponent, torturing the opponent in the process, and using a variety of psychological tricks.
“You know, my grandmother fought harder than you.” Kelvin mocked Andrew.
“Ughhh. YOU!!!” Andrew angrily shouted. He continues his attack even while being slowly injured by Kelvin.
As for Niko, his speed becomes extremely fast, even faster than Braum’s maximum speed with his battle force. His serious fighting style involves attacking the opponent’s behinds. Usually, in normal circumstances, Niko would have already killed this opponent but the non-lethal rule made him want to at least heavily injure the opponent.
“Ugh!! Why you! Fight me like a man from the front!” The mercenary angrily shouted.
“No honor in real combat.” Niko simply said.
After a while, Niko’s opponent couldn’t take it anymore and falls to the ground unceremoniously in defeat. Meanwhile, Andrew can be seen full of injuries and can barely stand after being slowly tortured by Kelvin.
“Haah...Haaahh...you bastard…..*drops*” Andrew said in agony before he finally could not endure anymore and fell.
“I guess you guys are done, quite late though,” Braum while walking said to Kelvin and Niko.
“That’s because we waited for them to show their abilities to measure how a grade C group would fight..unlike you who just want victory. “ Niko coldly muttered.
“ *sigh* and here I thought you finally warmed up to me. Let’s see how Urada’s doing” Braum replied.
Suddenly, a loud disturbing noise that sounds like cracked eggs can be heard.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH” A scream that sounds like a dying cat can be heard.
Urada is currently just standing motionless while her opponent can be seen rolling on the ground in agony with his hands grabbing his crotch.
“W-what the fuck did you do Stef?” Braum asked with a scared voice.
“I crushed his balls.” Urada coldly replied.
“R-right...Lily said no permanent injuries…” Braum replied.
‘By permanent, I meant his reproduction capabilities are gone now...’ Braum said in his mind.
Urada just shrugged and made her way out of the training ground. Braum, his male friends, and even the audience members all take note inside their hearts to not make her angry in the future.
“T-The winner is The Black Hoods! I-I will now announce the result. All the members of The Black Hoods are granted a level of 6 since you have defeated a party of level 5s. We, the Lancester branch of the Estalia Kingdom’s Mercenary Guild hereby welcome the arrival of a new group, The Black Hoods!” Lily said in an excited voice because she did not think they would win and she also hated the Lion Fangs so she's happy of their victory.
The audience members are also quite surprised with the victory of these rookies. They could already tell that these rookies will shake up the mercenary world.
Braum’s group is back on the first floor wearing their usual equipment and Lily hands them their badges. The badges are made out of gold and have magical engravings on it.
“You can see that the badges contain your levels and group’s grade. It will change according to your achievements.” Lily explained.
“Thank you, Lily. Can I ask a question? Do you know of the mercenary group The Bodyguards?” Braum asked.
“Currently, you guys do not have the authorization to know their personal information. However, I can tell you that they are a legendary Grade A group filled with members of level 8 to 10. If I recall correctly, the only reason they are still stuck in Grade A is that they do not want to take requests from the nobles and the royalties, since that is one of the requirements of Grade S.” Lily answered.
“Say...how can we contact them? Or even have access to their personal information?” This time, Kelvin asked the question.
“Your current grade does not have authorization...however if you managed to get to at least Grade B, you would have the authorization to be able to issue a call for them here with our devices. This rule exists to prevent lower ranked groups to simply contact these high-ranked groups since they are quite busy as well. We can also reveal to you their information by then.” Lily answered again.
‘I see. we'll have to take difficult requests after this so we can quickly jump to B-Rank.’ Braum thought.
“Alright, Lily. Thank you for your help! We’ll see you soon.”
With that, the newly established mercenary group, The Black Hoods, exited the guild’s building to go to the inn that Craig recommended. After settling in, they’ll finally be ready to take on their first request. But this first request might be more familiar to them than they might realize.
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