《The King is Back》Chapter 14 - A Looming Mystery
Braum and his group made their way to the inn that was recommended by Craig. The inn was relatively big with a sign showing a cute caricature of a sun and moon which matched its name. There also seems to be a reason why most of the signs in front of buildings in this city are in the form of drawings, that is because many of the population are still illiterate. Even in guilds, they value group members that can read and write so they can take requests that match their current needs. Previously, Lily, the guild receptionist was silently surprised that Braum could write on the registration form as he was presumably a foreigner. It seems that years of isolation and studying the continent's knowledge was not for naught. This has been proven several times in his journey.
"Hey, it's you guys! Danny, this is the people who escorted me here from my hometown." Craig noticed the group's arrival and called out to them.
"Hoooo these people look like serious business. No wonder you praised them so much. You people are lucky you know Craig you know? I'll give you a big discount on the fees of staying here!" Danny, the innkeeper said.
Danny the Innkeeper is a typical looking white-haired middle-aged person with a chubby face and a fat body. His mustache seems to curl around his mouth which makes it look like a caterpillar is walking around his upper lips.
"Thank you very much for your hospitality. We are actually quite hungry so I'm wondering if you're gonna uphold on that promise you made, Craig?" Braum asked without showing much courtesy, probably due to his ignorance of manners.
"Hahahaha of course, of course, don't worry about it. I'll treat you to the finest local Lancester food around! Danny's wife can cook some delicious shit." Craig wasn't perturbed by Braum's direct manner of demanding him to uphold his promise and instead went along with it.
The group sits down in a table. The first floor of the inn consists of the dining hall and bar where guests can enjoy their meal. Then the food starts rolling in and the food here in the city already seems multiple times more appetizing than what they had in the little village of Lebourne. From the grilled steak of the finest ogrun meat to the inn's specialty of tomato sauced noodles, the food did not lose out in taste in comparison to what they would have in Yakana. In fact, in some ways, the food here tastes better than the common food of Yakana since they usually heavily process their food which causes the ingredients to lose a lot of its natural flavor. Yakana's chefs are still trying to figure out how they could achieve this level of organic taste again while still having the ingredients be mass produced.
"That was the most delicious thing I've had in awhile." Even Kelvin got in on the hype surrounding the food and complimented it.
"It truly was. I'm quite full..." Urada echoed Kelvin's sentiment.
"Thank you very much for the treat, Craig. And my compliment to the chef, Danny's wonderful wife in the kitchen" Braum said with a satisfied face that can usually be seen in people with a full stomach.
"Hahahahaha she'll be definitely happy to hear that! Let us know if you want to order more food" Danny replied with a happy face as well.
The group was quite full from eating. These people are special forces but all the training in the world would not let you miss out on delicious food. The group seems to be satisfied and they do not look like they are in the mood to do any more activities for today.
"Right. Rob, Stef, Kaz, you guys rest up for a bit in your rooms. I'll go to the mercenary guild to get our first request. I'll see you here again later." Braum noticed that they seemed quite tired and wants to give his group a little break. After all, they have been babysitting him this whole journey so he feels that they deserve some rest alone. And even the toughest soldiers will need a break sometimes.
"Are you sure you'll be fine alone, Zed?" Kelvin asked with a worried expression.
'But this might be a good opportunity to train some independence on the future king. It's not like I'm going to lose track of him. I still have a tracker on him that monitors his condition.' Kelvin thought in his head.
"I'll be fine. I can take care of myself and I want to be the one to choose the request we take." Braum replied.
"Then take this in case you need it" Kelvin said and gives Braum a small circular device that glows a blue light.
"What's this?" Braum said confused on what this device is.
"That's an Augmented Reality Investigative Machine or the ARIM, powered by your magical energy. It's a device which can help you find information that is hidden from the naked eye. You can activate it by putting it near your ear and pushing the button. I think you'll need that if you're going alone. But do remember to contact us if anything happens though alright? And be sure to be back here by the end of the day." Kelvin explained.
"I will I will you are starting to sound like my mother Matria. I can finally go out to the city alone! I thought you guys wouldn't approve of this but thanks!" Braum said.
"I don't really care what happens to you anyway." Niko said in a low voice.
"Hey, I can hear that!"
Braum made his way out of the inn and back to the mercenary guild alone. There seem to be fewer people in the streets, probably because the peak business hours have ended and the city is nearing sunset. Braum finally found himself back to the city square and into the mercenary guild once more. This time, instead of the front receptionist desk, he goes straight to the request board. There, he sees a variety of different kinds of job requests.
-Merchant Escort to Vanderfort
-Goblin Extermination In the Bastille Forest
-Tomb Raiding Escort With Discoverer Guild
After looking through the board, he found one request paper which is located near the bottom of the board that catches his eye.
Request: Multiple Reports of Missing Individuals
Job Detail: A joint investigation with the Searcher Guild and The Lancester Knights
Current People Involved:
1. Grant Holmes, Grade B Searcher
2. Rudy Hastelfield, Knight's Captain and his squad
Job description: Multiple cases of disappearances have been reported involving orphanage children, children from the city's slums, and some cases of lost children from common families. The protection of the mercenaries is required as it is suspected that this is a serial kidnapping perpetrated by a criminal syndicate.
Job Requirement: No Grade Requirement. Minimum Level of 5 mercenaries.
Reward: 1000 Gath
If Interested: Meet Searcher Grant in the searcher guild.
'Missing individuals...mostly children. Why is this request hidden near the bottom? And what's more important, this case seems to be connected to the larger puzzle I've been trying to figure out. Could they be related to the order that employed the bandits?' Braum thought.
He was trying to figure out the connection of this case with the previous incidents he encountered. It could just be two entirely isolated incidents but his instincts tell him there is more to this. For now, he will meet with Grant from the searcher guild to find out more. Braum rips the paper from the board and brings it to the receptionist, where Lily is currently still on her shift.
"Mercenary Zed. Welcome. How may I help you today?" Lily politely asked.
"I'm here to take this request." Braum brought the paper to Lily.
"T-this..." Lily's face starts to crunch up into visible agony and tears seems to be forming in her eyes.
"What's wrong!? Are you okay, Lily?" Braum asked worrying.
Lily adjusted her face into her normal professional form again in just a second. Her previous breakdown almost seemed like it never happened.
"It's fine. I apologize for my non-professional behavior. This request has been sitting on the request board for a while. It is quite unpopular with the mercenaries since it only involves common and poor children and a relatively low reward so many think it is a waste of time. I hereby legalize you and your group's involvement in this case. Thank you."
"Right...I'll sees you again later Lily. Thanks." Braum replied with a confused face but he didn't want to bring it up if it was personal for now.
Braum left the mercenary guild and is heading towards the searcher guild, which is located directly across the street from the mercenary guild since this city square is the gathering of all the major guilds. The searcher guild building looks to be more luxurious than the mercenary guild with intricate architecture and two white pillars outside of its entrance. The entrance is also seen guarded by knights, a striking contrast to the mercenary guild. But then again, why would the mercenary guild need guards anyway?
Braum takes his first step inside the searcher guild. The interior design seems to take an example from luxurious hotel lobbies with carpets and sleek designs.
'I wonder why the searcher guild seems to be better off than the mercenary guild. Do they make more money?' Braum thought.
Instead of people in metal armors like the mercenary guild, the searchers seem to prefer wearing suits and coats. Seeing Braum, a mercenary, came into the building, many of the searchers cast dirty glances as if looking at an inferior species.
'Damn is it because the searcher job puts more emphasis on intellect rather than strength? This place is full of snobs' Braum wondered in his mind.
Braum finds his way to the receptionist desk to ask for information on his job.
"Can I help you?" A young male receptionist asked with a professional attitude.
"Right. May I know where Grade B searcher Grant Holmes is located? I need to meet him to start my job." Braum replied.
"Oh him? *sigh* someone actually wants to work with him?... He's over there in the bar. The one who's passed out drunk." The receptionist pointed at the bar restaurant part of the guild hall.
In the place that the receptionist pointed at, a figure can be seen sleeping on the bar desk with a half-empty glass of some alcoholic drink in his hand.
"That guy is the Grade B searcher?..." Braum muttered.
"*sigh* I wish you good luck mercenary. He is quite infamous for being hard to work with. He's lazy, rude, and just overall an unpleasant individual which made him not a part of any searcher group. But even I will admit that he is a talented searcher...if he takes his job more seriously that is." The receptionist sighed and explained.
"Right. Thanks, man I'll go meet him."
Braum starts to approach the passed out individual and nudges his shoulder to wake him up.
"Hey. Hey. Wake up." Braum tried to wake Grant up.
" *groan* " Grant was still not waking up.
"Hey. Wake up!"
"No use man. You gotta do it by force if you wanna wake up this guy." The bartender smiled and told Braum what to do.
Braum has no other choice. He kicks the bar stool where the Grant was sitting, which brings him falling down to the cold ceramic floor. The sounds of the stool and his body falling can be heard loudly.
"Huh?? Huh??? Where am I??" Grant who was still half-asleep muttered.
Grant Holmes is a man who looks to be in his early 30s with an unshaved beard, unkempt blonde hair, and black eye bags that made him look like a ghost. His posture is slightly hunched up which makes him shorter than he actually is. One can notice traces of potential attractiveness from his face but his overall laziness and lack of hygiene steered any potential lover away. He is currently wearing a thick trench coat which seems to be made of both leather and fur.
"Are you Grant Holmes who is in charge of the missing children case? I am Braum, a mercenary who is here to assist you." Braum said in a matter of factly manner.
"Huh? Someone actually responded? *sigh* and here I thought I would be left in peace in solving this case. Are you sure you want to join me, man? the pay is quite low and it'll give you no reputation." Grant said in an annoyed voice.
"Yes, I'm sure. My instincts tell me this case is more than meets the eye. What do you have so far?" Braum replied.
"Cut the crap...*sigh* I'm still quite sleepy. I'll sleep a bit more. You try to find that Rudy bastard in the knight station and go to the most recent crime scene. I'll meet you there. *YAWN* *SNORES*" Grant said and continued his sleep.
'What the fuck this dude went back to sleep?' Braum thought that this Grant guy is probably THE most eccentric individual he has met so far.
'Oh well. I'll just go to...Rudy Hastelfield, the knight captain.' Braum thought that it's better to just go straight to the more reliable source.
"Welcome! So you have accepted the request?" A friendly knight captain asked Braum.
"Indeed I have. My name is Zed. Are you captain Rudy Hastelfield? Can you tell me about the details so far?" Braum replied.
"Oh, no need to rush like that! I care for this case deeply but you must be tired coming all the way here since this place is on the other side of town from the mercenary guild. Come, sit. I'll have my subordinates make you some tea." Rudy motioned Braum to sit in a very polite manner.
Rudy Hastelfield has an appearance that would turn ladies' heads on the streets. He seems to be in his mid-20s, single, handsome, tall and has a friendly personality as well. What's more, he is the son of a noble and at his young age already a knight captain. One could imagine how many girls are lining up to get his attention. Rudy is wearing an intricate piece of black metal armor which seems to be the standard armor of knight captains.
Braum and Rudy are now sitting on the opposite of one another in Rudy's office while drinking tea.
"Where was I? the details. This case actually started around a month ago with cases of people, mainly children, disappearing from the slums. Unfortunately, people from higher societies do not actually care about what happens in the slum so no one actually investigated it. But recently, cases of children missing from places like the orphanage, or some even from common families have occurred which led to an official investigation. I was the only knight captain willing to investigate it and while he is quite uncooperative, Grant has been the only person from the searcher guild as well who's willing to investigate this case.
We heavily suspect that a criminal organization or human traffickers are behind this. I have my squad of knights but we will need the help of the mercenaries as well. How many people have you got Zed?" Rudy explained.
"I have, including me, four highly capable individuals, you won't have to worry. When was the most recent case? I think it would be wise to start from there first." Braum replied after thinking.
"That would be yesterday in the Church of Regal orphanage in the western part of the city. Do you want me to take you there?" Rudy asked.
"That would be good" Braum replied.
"Then let's go right now."
Braum, Rudy, and his squad of knights arrived in the orphanage. The orphanage is a part of the church. The church building is quite big and looks ancient with gothic designs of magical runes everywhere. But quite surprisingly, someone else was already there.
"I thought you people won't show up at all. *sigh" Grant muttered.
"Grant? Since when did you arrive?" Rudy asked with an annoyed voice.
"Probably 30 minutes ago. I have interviewed key witnesses like the remaining children and the priests." Grant replied.
"What did you find?" Braum put on a serious face and asked.
"*sigh* I'm always too tired to repeat information to other people but alright. From my questionings, the incident happened last night when everyone in the orphanage was asleep. 10 children in total disappeared. They only found out about it in the following morning. That's it really...oh wait there is one thing but I'm not sure it's credible." Grant explained.
"What is it?" Braum asked again.
"One boy claimed that he was awake through the whole thing and peaked under his blankets. He saw dark human-like figures taking the children one by one. There were no footsteps and no noise. What's even weirder, there was also no signs of a break-in on the windows or any of the doors. I think we're dealing with something more than just the usual criminal mob." Grant further explained while putting a more serious face than his usual tired self.
"Wow, you did a pretty good job. I had low expectations on you, Grant." Braum stated in a straightforward manner.
"Am I supposed to thank you for that? *sigh* let's just get inside and start investigating" Grant looks tired again and suggested that they go inside.
"Knights. Stay outside and guard the surrounding area." Rudy ordered his men and entered the building.
Braum and the investigation team arrived in the orphan's bedroom where the event supposedly occurred. The room was quite spacious with dozens of beds.
"So this is the place, Priest?" Rudy asked the priest.
"Y-yes honorable knight! We have several bedrooms for children and this room houses 15 children of which 10 disappeared."
"Then you may leave now. We need to conduct the investigation. Thank you for your hospitality" Rudy flashed a gentle smile and asked the priest to leave the room.
"At once! Please help us find the children." The priest said and closed the door.
"Right. I think we should each spread out in this room and find evidence." Rudy suggested and everyone starts to split up throughout the room to find clues.
'Oh right the Augmented Reality Investigative Machine (ARIM) that Kelvin gave me, I could use that.' Braum thought.
Braum brings out the small circular disk and places it above his right ear. He then presses the button and something weird starts to happen.
The whole room starts to turn blue with grid lines surrounding the entire room. What's more, he can now see things invisible to the naked eye, such as small hairs or fingerprints, which are highlighted as the color yellow by the device.
'This device is pretty useful. I should start searching for clues' Braum thought.
Braum starts to see things from footprints of the children to even traces of bodily fluids like saliva and urine. But what he has seen so far are all coming from the children and no traces of the kidnappers can be found.
'What am I missing here...?' Braum starts to think.
Braum knows that this must have something to do with the mysterious order who kidnapped the villagers. This must also have something to do with the masked man he saw with the bandit leader and the humanoid black figure who spied on them when they went to see the transportation circle. He has not found the correlation between the two yet but their targets seem to match.
'Even Kelvin and the other couldn't detect their presence when they spied on us. How can I find the clue here...' Braum was thinking hard.
Suddenly, Braum thought of something.
'Wait. This ARIM device. It can see things that are invisible to the naked eye and is powered by magic at the same time. If I change the setting then it should be able to see the invisible mana signature as well'
Braum turns on his long-distance communication device in his ear and calls Kelvin.
"Yes, Zed? Is something wrong?" Kelvin asked with a worried voice since he thought it was an emergency.
"I need to know if this ARIM device can detect invisible mana signature. How can I change the setting to make it so?" Braum said whispering in a low voice in order to not be heard by Grant and Rudy.
"Changing the setting....it should be possible to detect that yes. Ah, I remember now. Try to channel not your normal mana, but your battle force into the device. Afterward, the device will have a prompt that asks for your permission to use that battle force. Remember though Zed, using it to detect mana signature drains your battle force slowly so don't use it for too long." Kelvin explained.
"Alright, thanks I'll see you later." Braum stopped the call.
Braum then does what Kelvin instructed and channel his golden battle force into the augmented reality device. All of a sudden, in mid-air, a prompt appears.
Battle Force Detected (Type: Royalty)
Access to Mana Signature Unlocked
Permission to use battle force?
Braum picked "yes" and he can now see invisible mana signature in the air around him. It's quite a mesmerizing sight. The normal blue mana looks like floating water which flutters gently in the air and creates a mysteriously beautiful view. But in the room, he also found a sinister dark cloud of mana.
'That's it' Braum said in his mind.
The dark mana seems to form a trail. He followed the trail to a corner in the room but the end of the trail shows no signs of anything being there.
'Huh? odd. Something was here.'
Using the ARIM, Braum starts do a scan on the floor where the end of the dark mana trail was. What he found was an object outline of what seems to be a miniature statue.
Item Traces Located
Material: Unknown
Probability: Humanoid Shaped Statue
Size: 8 cm
Estimated time of item moved: 20-60 minutes ago
'Huh? we entered this room around 25 minutes ago. That means someone moved it in that timeframe. The priest? or one of the nuns? Either way, I'll have to do a search on them later' Braum analyzed in his mind.
"I found something" The one who spoke was Grant.
Braum and Rudy start to approach Grant. He is currently crouching near a bed.
"Small strain of black cloth. I've seen the materials of the bed here and the clothing that the priests, nuns, and the children wore. None of them matched this strain of black cloth." Grant explained.
"Wait, are you saying that you can find out what material something is made of only by seeing it?" Rudy asked with visible surprise shown in his face.
"What? You think I got to Grade B searcher out of nothing? *sigh* I would've been an S rank by now if I weren't so lazy" Grant replied.
'He managed to detect that without any help. This guy is something.' Braum thought. He was also surprised by Grant's detective ability.
"What did you guys find?" Grant asked the investigation team.
'I can't really tell him I can detect invisible mana signature. I'll need to discuss my findings with the rest first' Braum thought.
"I didn't really find anything. Maybe my teammates can help after I call them. But we're just here to protect you guys first and foremost after all." Braum replied.
"I also didn't find anything. *sigh* I am only a knight captain so I'll just help you in this investigation, searcher".
" *sigh* I guess I'll have to do everything myself again. Alright, the sky has gone dark. Let's meet up here again tomorrow morning." Grant said.
With that, the investigation team dispersed. Braum is on his way back to the inn to tell the others but something keeps bugging his mind, something he missed.
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