《The King is Back》Chapter 12 - Family's Pride
The road is filled with snow which hinders the wheels of the merchant’s wagons to move forward at a fast speed. The sights of the forest that Braum’s group have been familiar with since they arrived in Estalia are now gone, replaced by vast open fields with the occasional small patches of trees here and there. Braum’s group is riding one of the wagons of the merchants' convoy.
“Hey Craig, can I call you that?...what are these animals called?” Kelvin asked the merchant leader that allowed them to join the caravan.
“You can just call me Craig yes. Those are what you would call an Ogrun. Tough beasts they are. They can withstand long-distance travel and any weather but their shits sure smell like my grandmama’s ass! Hahahahahaha” Craig replied.
The Ogruns are the animals that are currently pulling the wagons. They’re quite big, measuring around twice the height of the adult male. An Ogrun has thick furs, a long snout for its mouths, four strong legs, and tree branches-like horns on their heads.
The road to Lancester so far has been uneventful with the caravan just slowly making their way to the trade city. Even Kelvin, who does not usually like to interact with the locals start to have small talks with Craig. Braum is still sleeping, Urada is doing maintenance on her gun, and Niko is just blankly staring at the road.
“Craig, have you heard of The Bodyguards, the famous mercenary group?” Kelvin asked.
“Ah yes that group is quite famous. I’m just a simple merchant based in Lancester so I don’t really have much knowledge of them Neversummer mercenaries but they do occasionally come here. Other than that...I don’t know much about them, only that the nobles do not like them that much since they always reject any requests coming from nobles.” Craig answered while stroking his beard.
“Ah, that’s good enough Craig. What do you know about Lancester? Where should we go there if we want to find more information about them?” Kelvin asked again.
“Hmmm….probably the mercenary guild? They will surely have ways to contact them. Ain’t you people mercenaries anyway? Ah, I forgot you people are from a faraway land. Then I guess you can sign up to be an official group in Lancester and maybe you’ll find more information there.” Craig answered.
“Thank you again, Craig. By the way, when are we arriving in Lancester?” Kelvin replied and asked another question.
“Ah...with the precious cargo we are carrying we can’t be too fast. The snow is hindering our movements as well. In other times we would arrive this evening but I reckon we’ll arrive tomorrow morning since we’ll probably need to camp.” Craig answered.
Suddenly, without any noise, a large group of beasts start to block the path of the caravan.
“Wolves!” Craig shouted.
“Stef, Kaz! Wake up Braum. We have companies.” Kelvin ordered.
After a while, The Black Hoods are facing off against the wolves.
“Awoooooooo” One of the wolves howled and the entire pack started their attack.
Multiple sounds of gunfire and the vibrosword slashing can be heard. Braum’s group is having an easy time fighting the wolves. The vibroswords cut through the wolves’ flesh like butter and the mana handguns pierced through their skin and hit their vital organs. In the end, simple wolves are just no match for the Yakanan.
“Well that was easy.” Braum said.
“We still must not let our guard down.” Kelvin replied.
“Hahahaha I knew it was the right decision to take you people, the heroes of Lebourne, with us! I’ll treat you guys to a meal once we arrive at Lancester!” Craig said in joy.
“Don’t worry it’s the least we can do for joining the caravan.” Braum replied.
The rest of the journey saw no other disturbances like the wolves. Braum fell asleep again and the rest of the group continued what they were doing before. Finally, nightfall came and the caravan stopped on the side of the road and set up camp in an open field.
“Set up the tents and build the fire boys! Cook some food as well!” Craig ordered his subordinates.
The camp is soon lively with people going back and forth to set up the camp, cutting off woods for the campfire, and setting up the ingredients for the cooking. After a while, the camp is ready and the food is served near the campfire. The food is quite simple with just bread, dried beef jerky and some sort of alcoholic drink. Everyone can be seen in the middle of the campfire with the exception of Niko, who seemingly went somewhere else.
“Say, where you guys from? I’ve never seen those armors and such weapons. Estalia would’ve won the previous war if we had those! Hahaha” Craig asked the group.
“Let’s just say we’re from a land far in the east.” Kelvin answered.
“What’s it called? Aaah forget it I value your privacy anyway. Let’s just enjoy this meal!” Craig replied.
The campfire meal went on and everyone had a good time. Some of the merchants even became a bit too drunk from drinking too much alcohol and a variety of hilarity ensues. The sight of people gathering around the campfire in the middle of winter while telling all sorts of stories cast a rather cozy picturesque sight.
“Hey, have you guys heard about the dragons?” A merchant asked everyone.
“The dragons?” Kelvin said confused.
“Dragon. A gargantuan reptilian beast with wings, long necks, and the ability to breath fire.” Braum replied since he has knowledge of the continent.
“Ah yes! I’ve heard that there is an increase in their activities lately!”
“I’ve heard that the reason why some predators did not hibernate was because of the dragons!”
“That’s just a load of bollocks. We know that the dragons like to stay in their nests and very rarely come out. Don’t believe every rumor you hear lads.” Craig said with a skeptical tone.
And so stories, rumors, and even gossips about who the next royal princess is going to marry are told in the campfire. With the absence of entertainment in these kinds of trip, telling stories are their only saving grace to stay entertained.
“Ah, I have to do my business. I’ll be right back.” Braum said.
“Ay lad. There’s a river near here. You can let out your shit there.” Craig replied before Braum leaves.
“ *cough* right. See ya.” Braum said before leaving towards the small patch of a forest near the river.
Braum arrives in the river, where he sees a large boulder with a person sitting on top of it. That person is of course the missing Niko, who is busy looking at his tablet screen and watching some sort of moving pictures. Braum then climbs up the boulder and sits next to Niko.
“Hey, man aren’t you hungry? The dinner is still being served.” Braum muttered to Niko.
“Meh. I’ll eat a bit later.” Niko coldly replied.
“Hey, what are you watching? Can I see?” Braum asked.
“ No." Niko replied.
"Aww man pretty pleaseee??" Braum begged.
" *sigh* Fine. You're really a handful. Here."
Niko shows what he was watching so intently. The tablet screen shows a battle occurring between mechs. It shows an urban battle within a city where the main character of the video is hiding behind a building alone and the enemy consists of more than 10 other mechs that are approaching him.
The lone mech has an insignia carved on its shoulder which is Yakana's flag that has a golden star in the middle and a white background. The mech has a sleek humanoid design and is colored a striking white. This mech can be seen carrying a large sword in its right hand and a rifle in its left hand.
On the contrary, the enemies are all colored black, have a heavier industrial look and carries the insignia of the Militarist, the same star of the Yakana flag but with a black background.
“Surrender now and we will treat you as a prisoner according to the law. Any attempt to resist will result in your immediate execution. We outnumber you so resistance is futile.” One of the Militarist mech shouted over the microphone.
Without replying back, the lone mech climbs up the tall building he was hiding behind and jumps into the air. The enemies noticed this and start shooting at him, but not before the lone mech also starts shooting while still up in the air with such incredible accuracy that 4 of the enemy mechs have been destroyed.
Sounds of the destruction of the Militarists mechs can be heard.
“FUCK! Don’t waste time to negotiate anymore! Kill that bitch!” The militarist mech who spoke before ordered his men.
The lone mech then arrives on the ground. When he lands, he dodges a sword coming right at him before countering the enemy and killing him by stabbing the pilot’s cockpit. Afterward, the lone mech starts to carry the dead Militarist mech in front of the body of his own mech to serve as a body shield while firing towards the enemy. Two other enemies died this time.
“SHIT! Use the railgun!” The militarist squad leader ordered.
After his order, a mech can be seen drawing a very long, heavy looking rod from his back. This is the rail gun. He then goes down on one knee and locks the railgun target on the lone mech. The railgun starts to charge up and sparks of red lightning can be seen.
The railgun fire had an alien-sounding noise and went to the direction of the lone mech. The lone mech then activated his force shield but you can tell that it won’t last him that long. A voice can be heard over the radio of the lone mech.
“Petriks! You won’t hold on much longer!” A voice warned the lone mech.
“I’ll use the charge break. Heh. You’ll have to build me a new mech after this.” A youthful but deep voice can be heard from inside the lone mech.
The lone mech then starts to shine in a bright red aura. The mech then releases its shield and go against the pure power of the railgun directly.
“Fuck! He’s a Nova! Fall back!” The militarist squad leader ordered.
The firing of the railgun stopped and the militarists start to run away. But the lone mech won’t just stand there. At an incredible speed and still shining the bright red aura, the lone mech gives chase before catching them and killing the rest of the Militarists with his swords.
“Aaauugh!!! Glory to Militarist!!!!!!” The militarist squad leader shouted before dying.
The video cuts off. Or rather, Niko was the one who stopped it.
“I think that’s enough.” Niko said.
“Who...was that? Holy shit that mech was invincible!” Braum muttered in an excited voice.
“My brother, Petriks Kaseli.” Niko said with a shade of gloom in his face.
“Your brother?” Braum asked.
Braum noticed that Niko’s mood seems to not be that good and watching the video did nothing but worsen his mood. Braum starts to become a bit worried.
“Hey you can talk to me about it. What’s your relationship with him?” Braum asked sincerely.
“ *sigh* He’s my older brother by 3 years. He’s the pride of my father, Kraus Kaseli. He’s always been the best in not only military strategies and ground combat but mech combat as well. I...have lived in his shadow ever since I was a child. Heh. That was why I joined the secretive special forces anyway, to get away from him.” Niko muttered while looking up towards the huge moon above their heads.
“I see...Well, I think you’re pretty great as well. I see a lot of talents in you. Your brother might fight better than you but could he defeat his enemies without them even noticing?” Braum replied.
“Hahahaha *sigh* I wish it was that simple. But thanks. I’ll head back to camp now. You go on with your business.” Niko said.
‘Holy shit he actually laughed!’ Braum thought in his head.
Braum is utterly baffled looking at Niko. That was the first time he ever sees Niko smiling a sincere smile, not the creepy smile he always does. Without wasting another word, Niko already left towards the camp.
“That guy is really interesting...Oh right I came here to shit” Braum remembered why he came here to the river and proceed to do his business.
The next morning, the caravan can be seen traveling again. This time, the merchant’s convoy can be seen approaching a large city that is visible just a distance away. This city has huge walls and some houses outside of the wall as well. The snowy view combined with the sunrise overlooking the city gives it a painting-like sight. Not as many people are going in and out of the city as other seasons but there is a substantial amount of not only people from Estalia, but foreigners trying to enter the gate as well. This is the trade city of Lancester.
After queueing a while, the turn of the merchant’s caravan to enter the city finally came. In the gate, knights with intricate metal armors can be seen guarding the wall.
“Halt! Give us your identifications and open up your wagons for an inspection.” A knight said to the caravan.
“Of course, here you go. But we have some foreigners here who have not obtained identifications or permits yet. “ Craig replied.
“We have defeated the bandits plaguing the remote villages of your kingdom and killed some serpental bears as well. We seek compensation by the mercenary guild and sign up to be their members.” Braum said to the guards.
“Oh? May I see evidence?” A knight asked Braum.
Braum opens up his bag and let out some serpental bears’ parts and some bandits’ ears as well. The knight then brings forth some sort of crystal ball to examine the things Braum brought out of his bag.
“Hooo...these are genuine Serpental Bear parts alright. These ears do belong to bandits with bounties as well-” The knight said.
“Then may we enter the city?” Braum asked.
“-Hehehe. We’ll take these Serpental Bears parts as payment for letting you enter the city. You may enter now.” The knight replied while putting a fox-like smile on his face.
“What! You-” Braum hurriedly said in anger.
Niko’s hand grabs the shoulder of Braum to calm him down. Niko then whispers in his ears.
“We must not make a ruckus. Let’s just let this one go and focus on the journey. We still have other things to sell.” Niko whispered.
Braum was surprised since Niko seems to a be a bit more friendlier and open than before, evident with him preventing Braum to get into trouble.
“ *sigh* fine. I just wanna ask where is the mercenary guild located?” Braum asked the guard again.
“Hehe, thanks for your business. The mercenary guild can be found in the middle of the city. It’s the huge building with a sign showing a sword, a shield, a bow, and a mage’s staff in front of it.” The knight answered.
With that, Braum’s group takes their first steps into the city of Lancester. This is going to be their first real experience entering a real city outside of Yakana.
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