《Highborn (The Stormforth Chronicles)》Chapter 19
Destin slammed his fists down on the table in his room frustrated from the multiple attempts he had with magic. It was no use, everything he tried, he was unable to be successful. Gideon had brought him multiple items to help train him, and as much as he had tried to practice in the weeks, he was always unsuccessful.
The pot of soil sat in front of him sat mockingly. He was sure there was a seed in the dirt but in no way would it glow. He tried to manipulate it time and time again and the soil still sat undisturbed. He wiped the light sweat from his forehead and began to regain focus almost glaring at the clay pot. He felt his powers stir within him, and slowly guided it around with a wave of his hand around the pot.
“Come on!” He frustratingly said, “Grow!” The seed refused to move. He had no idea what he was doing wrong, let alone doing right. Regardless, all his efforts were in vain. The only thing this pot did was cause him to curse more. When there was again no results, he tipped the chair aggressively to the ground, “It's no use!”
A knock came at his door, and though he wasn’t expecting anyone he walked over to answer. He quickly cleaned himself up, straightening his shirt and hair before opening the door. It opened to reveal Liliana on the other side, who gently waved at the sight of Destin. “Hey, figured you could use a friend tonight.” She said with a pleasant smile across her face.
Of all the people he expected, especially with the uproar he was causing. It wasn’t too late into the night but the castle had begun to settle down. “I appreciate it but what gave you that idea?” He asked opening the door to let her in.
“I was actually thinking more of a nightly stroll in the moonlight, one of the moons is currently full.” She gestured down the hallway. It was a cool night, but a walk sounded nice. Anything to help him cool off was greatly appreciated. “Yeah, just one moment then.” He said dashing through his room to grab clothing a little warmer.
She peeked in to see what his room was like it see it a little chaotic at the time. “Oh, busy reorganizing I see? Looks to be a work in progress.” She joked hurriedly removing her head from the room before he could do anything about it.
“It's been stressful to say the least Liliana. You don't know the half of it.” Destin informed her while putting on a jacket. “Look we’ve been here for a few weeks now, and over this time I still am not progressing at all in magic!” He closed the door behind him, “Like, hey you escaped from Vertrock, and was loud enough with your magic to awaken a three hundred year old man, but you still suck at making a plant grow!”
She didn’t say much, only listened as they walked down the hallway and the stairs. Over the course of weeks they had been there they had grown closer as friends. She had come and helped him on the side with his sword fighting which had helped tremendously. Still, he was no match for Gideon which worried him. “At the same time, you’re still new at this. Don’t beat yourself up because you’re not progressing at your rate. It’ll come in time.” The moonlight shone through the castle windows to the point where they needed no candles or torches. They walked on the main floor as she lead the way to the garden.
“We are at war, and it looks as though I’m going to have some part in that.” Destin said opening one of the doors for her. “I am going to have to fight, heck I already have, and I don't want to have to face an opponent who will easily kill me.”
She walked through the door into the outside world the cool summer breeze flowing through her hair. The insect sounded throughout the garden, some fading in and out with their various colors of light. The dew began to show on the grass which stuck to their bare feet. She held both her arms out and deeply inhaled the night air.
“Well and on top of that Liliana, do we really want to let the world know of magic?” He asked genuinely interested in the response. He hadn’t told Gideon what the High King had told him but it still pestered him every day. “Is the world better off not knowing the truth?”
She stopped in her tracks and turned to face him, “Why are you doubting? Would the world be better off?” There was a sound of annoyance in her voice, “Why would you think such things? You are living proof as to whether or not it would be better.” She walked up to him, “Without magic, would you have escaped from that camp?”
“Well no, but…”
She cut him off, “You would have died in Vertrock, and how many people would have been saved if magic was known to Alluvion?”
“How many more would die? It goes both ways.” Destin countered. He didn’t mean to argue with her but it was helpful to see other points from someone who had found the truth like he did. “And yes, I escaped that camp, but that was through power. How much more suppressed, controlled could people be with magic returning? Not everyone can use magic, you can’t! So why do you want it back?”
“Because it opens up this world to more possibilities!” She yelled back at him. They were both quiet for a moment, and she turned away from him and began to walk over to the stone bench to sit. He followed behind and sat down as well, “It's a scary thing to bring this information to the world, but again it comes down to a freedom of choice. Give them the knowledge, and allow them to use it how they wish. Will some use it for evil? Of course, but the acts of the few is no reason to punish all.”
“I know you’re right, and honestly I’ve felt the same way. It’s difficult because we are walking such a fine line, and now that I’ve been spun into this mess of a war, I feel somewhat responsible for each life lost.” he paused a moment, “Heck, those troops for Stormforth have no idea what they are fighting for yet. They are still battling it out against Arthemis because of the High Kings actions.”
She leaned forward resting her arms on her legs, “You are brilliant, really you are.” She plainly stated. “I believe once you’re heart is in it, this battle you keep having with yourself will vanish.”
Destin figured she may be right about that. In reality he may have been putting too much pressure on himself. “Yeah, again you’re right. Just is something I need to work through.”
“Then don’t just say you know, actually believe it. You know what I would give to be able to possess the magic you possess? Here you are presented with a unique situation and the ability to change the world. Now do it!”
He stood up, and turned to her, “I can’t imagine. I guess the scariest part is not knowing exactly how much time I have. I could be swung into battle tomorrow, or have to face Viran, and in no way am I ready for that kind of battle.”
She clapped her hands together, “Well, you do keep losing to a girl, so there is that… I might just have to come into battle with you. Someone needs to watch your back!”
Destin laughed, “But then your father would kill the both of us!”
They both had a good laugh and she got up to continue walking through the garden. “I’m not saying this is the easiest path, but I am saying it's the right one. Magic…” She caught herself, and hesitated a moment. “Magic, is a beautiful thing. It's a burden, recognize it as such, because you’ve obtained that gift it is your job to share it to the world.”
He wasn’t quite sure how he would be able to benefit the world, all he had control over was spirit and air. In no way was that anywhere close to mastering the elements. Apparently since he had this rare gift of spirit he was able to master all of the elements. In no way had that been proven yet.
He thought to himself for a time. They walked quietly around the garden, the stream gleaming in the moonlight. “I’m going to fight…” He said quietly to the point where Liliana almost didn’t hear, “I’m going to fight. Even if I die trying, this knowledge needs to be returned to Alluvion.” He said reassuring himself.
“Good!” She said with a grin on her face, “I’ll be cheering you on the entire way. Now, until that time comes, we will make sure to get you in top shape! Can’t have you charging into battle ill prepared.”
They each chuckled quietly amongst each other as a wave of relief swept over him. With all that had been said, Destin needed to commit. He had been training with Gideon for weeks now but still had little to show for it. Even Liliana could best him with the sword, and in no way was that a strong sign that he was suited for battle. He had committed in the past to this cause, but with the sudden stir of events it clouded his mind.
In the end, he figured it would come down to if he was going to fight or run, and he had already tried running. When his father was killed he fled to Perdition which was what got him into this entire mess. Viran had his reasoning, but ultimately Liliana’s points pushed the efforts home. He was going to fight, he was going to rise up, and most of all he was going to defeat any opposition in his way.
For the next hour they walked around the garden exchanging stories and discussing the events of the day. This battle he was fighting finally began to show a clear picture on whose side he was on. On top of that, for the first time in a long while he was genuinely happy again. This was in no way the life he imagined, but it was beginning to feel like home. That, to Destin, made all the difference.
The courtroom was filled with shouting and arguing from the judges and councilmen of the king. All speaking above one another with their opinions and viewpoints. The king sat their holding his head up with his hand watching the madness unfold from everyone around him. The news was enough to change the mentality of the war, but in no way was it being discussed rationally.
Tillion and the queen sat next to Airrick watching the arguing unfold around them. Tillion shaking his head in disappointment from the chaos. “Just let them get out their anger like children.” Tillion offered as an idea to the king but he had heard more than enough of it.
“Any more of this bickering and they will be punished like children.” Airrick suggested about ready to carry out the command himself. Yet, watching the men he couldn’t help but feel sorry for them. They were moderately idiotic currently, but passionate. He could never be fully angered by something they were so emotional about, but it was time to take charge.
Airrick stood up quietly and let go of the hand of the queen so that he could walk down the stairs. “Silence, please!” He shouted profusely. “Now if you would not panic or yell or throw out the window all decency, then maybe we could figure out what to do!” He walked to the center of the room, the men parting ways to make sure the king could pass through smoothly. “Ronin has finally fallen to Arthemis, King Baltic has surrendered, leaving their armies practically on our doorstep.”
“Understand my king, that if we do not surrender as well, our fates will be far worse than it ever was for Ronin or Aeroguard.” A judge said while mumbled stirred up around them. He hit his cane on the ground to quiet them down before continuing, “This war began because Arthemis orchestrated an assassination, let us not have more bloodshed over such a menial matter.”
A small number of men clapped followed by another raise of voices in opposition. The king raised his hand into the air, and the group quieted down. Another man spoke up, “We know it was not only the assassination. With the odd disappearances for decades going on, we were able to trace it back to the High King. The cause was noble and still is noble to take up arms against.”
“That was never proven. Sit down until you have something constructive to add!” A man voiced as he was pushed against the wall for his disrespect.
The fights and yelling broke out again. The king looked back at his wife who had a rather worried look across her face. Airrick closed his eyes a second before looking back at the men arguing around him.
His temper fumed, it was his final moments of sanity, when finally he shouted out at the men, “Get out! Now, get out and leave! You all want to speak like this, then I see no point in continuing the conversation.” The guards opened the doors by the king's command, and the men stood around somewhat dumbfounded.
Tillion was in the process of leaving when the King spoke up, “Tillion stay.” The king commanded moving over to the stairs and sitting down. The guards closed the doors leaving the king and Tillion alone to discuss. Tillion went back a pillar and sat down as well.
“Always exciting arguing late into the night right Airrick?” Tillion said with a taste of sarcasm. “It's amazing we haven’t just fallen apart yet.”
“Give it a few more days and we will by the looks of it.” Airrick said, “How did we get so divided in this? When we voted on going to war we almost all unanimously agreed, and not that we are standing alone.” He shrugged his shoulders in defeat, “Our cause is just but our numbers are dwindling at an alarming rate.”
“Then what do you want to do?” Tillion asked, “Whatever it is I’ll support you. Understand I will still give my opinions but in the end I’m right behind you.”
Airrick paused, taking off his crown and carefully looking at it, “Remember when I became king?” He laughed to himself, recalling the day, “Everything that could go wrong did. Heck, you even told me I would run this kingdom into the ground before too long.”
Tillion added in, “Well you about have a number of times, but we are still here alive and well.” He rose up and began to walk up to the king, “You have always lead us down a dangerous path, and a fine line to walk. Nevertheless we came through. I believe you are correct in the stance to continue fighting, now that we have such a cause to fight for.”
“You going formal on me now? Eh, we stand tall. We are the kingdom of Stormforth. Respected, and admired throughout all of Alluvion, but I fear our perspective has altered off course.”
“Well, look at it this way… a number of weeks ago a random band came into our castle shouting the existence of magic. On top of that, a lost people the Atyri, had one accompany them saying they wish to return and support us? You say that outloud and tell me you don't sound insane.”
Airrick leaned back on the stairs looking up the spire in the tower they were in, “Insane indeed, but if they hadn’t arrived then by now we probably would have surrendered, and the world would continue to grow darker under Arthemis’ rule.”
“Like I said, you have my full support. The others will come around. Still, about Gideon, do we trust his council on not telling the people?” Tillion asked.
Sitting back up and grabbing his back from the sharpness of the stone stairs he responded, “We don’t even know him, but he understands this whole new world far better than any of us. I do disagree with him on keeping it hidden for the time being.”
“You’re right to be concerned. I’ve always felt the best way to combat against Arthemis was to take their secret and throw it back at them. Like, ‘Hey, you have hidden magic from us! Well guess what, we know!’” Tillion shouted, “I feel that if we do get the word out, then the chance for more allies and troops can strengthen us, maybe even turn some of Arthemis’ allies against him.”
Airrick had a number of things to consider, and releasing the knowledge of magic against Gideon’s wishes was enticing. With such important information there is a need to get it out. It’s not that he had a hard time trusting Gideon, it was that he knew such few things about him. They had stayed for weeks and been welcomed the entire time, but after all their conversations he knew little about the Highborn.
The king had observed their training sessions as well as the discussions of magic, seeing no error in their ways to this extent. Everything about magic appeared to be good and just, because of that, he was going to go against the wishes of Gideon. Stormforth, and all of Alluvion deserved to know. Tillion was right in this regard.
“Let's get to work then Tillion. We have a number of things to do before the night is over.” Airrick said rising to his feet in a hurry.
Tillion stood a little taller happy about the news, “Then what are we waiting for, lead the way!”
Destin walked Liliana back to her room and then went on to return to his own room. The walk back left his mind racing with a number of thoughts, but he had within him a new sense of direction and he would not waver from it. He was going to do everything in his power to ensure the return of magic, or die trying.
As morbid as his thoughts sounded to himself, he felt the fire inside burn within him. His step was quicker and more light while he raced up the stairs and down the hallway to his room. He opened the door and shut it swiftly behind him. He let out a sigh of relief and walked over to the table, picking up the overturned chair.
Sitting down at the table he caught out of the corner of his eye something green. He doubted for a moment as to what it could be but he looked anyway. His mouth dropped open when he saw from the clay pot a small green stem with a single leaf growing from it. Could the seed have been in the soil for so long that it had finally grown, or was this done by his own hand?
He situated himself in front of the table and drew in his focus. He felt the fire within begin to stir and ignite. The fire shifted in the room, being disrupted by a wind gathering around. Destin rose with the swell of energy guiding him and his movement as he guided the plant to begin to grow once again.
After a number of seconds the plant flickered and twitched, but began to grow and sprout numerous leaves. Destin delicately guided the plant, it began to solidify and blossom flowers of its own. The clay pot cracked from the growth of the roots and soon after broke with the plant tossing over to the side of the table. The soil was all over the table but Destin could care less about that. Instead, he was celebrating this victory in which he had. At last he had results.
He sat back in his chair, the magic subsiding. He only marveled at the result of his efforts. Weeks of struggling suddenly became more than worth it with this result. “I did it…” He joyfully said, “I actually did it!” He jumped up with his fists in the air shouting out in victory, fully disregarding the time of night. He didn't care, he had done it.
Was he at the level he needed to be at? No, but the fact of the matter was that he was making progress and that was all that mattered. A major hurdle was overcome, and now he could begin to face Gideon head on. The training could start and nothing would get in his way. He believed in no time he would be able to face Viran head on. Unfortunately, the time to test himself would come much sooner than he anticipated.
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