《Highborn (The Stormforth Chronicles)》Chapter 18
Destin awoke past the noonday sun being a bit dazed and confused with the events that had occurred. Seeing his bedroom he found the table overturned and the window shattered. He let out a wild yawn while scratching his stomach and tasting his rancid morning breath. It was more than he had expected, but the memories of the night remained so vividly it was as if they just occurred.
“Get dressed.” Gideon said as Destin jumped from the shock of finding someone in his room. The Highborn didn’t question why Destin slept on the ground or about the scars on his back, all he did was command the boy to get dressed and follow Goddar to find him. Goddar appeared around the corner with a giant smile knowing exactly what was to come which set a whole new level of worry to Destin.
They each walked down the hallway after Destin was dressed talking in depth about the rooms they slept in. Goddar was ecstatic with how great everything was laid out and clean. The hot bath, and warm bed that was much too big for him made the night downright delightful. Destin couldn’t help but chuckle at the rant Goddar was caught up in. He felt his new clothes continuously, in awe of the gift he had received.
They walked through a door entering into a large rectangular room surrounded by windows overlooking the garden. The upper level had walkways to look down which were held up by the surrounding pillars. The room was completely cleared with no chairs or tables to be found, only Gideon with his sword sheathed and hands behind his back.
Destin turned around when he noticed that Goddar did not enter all the way with him, and instead was back in the doorway with a smirk and wave goodbye. The doors slammed and Destin’s shoulders shrugged already accepting defeat by what he assumed was going to happen.
“Step forward.” Gideon offered, “We need to discuss the events of last night.”
He knew this was coming, but his tone was calm and direct which almost surprised him. Destin thought that since he was basically tortured and nearly giving away crucial information to Viran that they would be packing bags and moving on. To his surprise that wasn’t the case. He walked up to Gideon standing beside him. The sunlight shone through the windows behind him warming his skin.
“You did nothing wrong last night. I want to make sure you know that.” He said looking down on Destin who was avidly avoiding eye contact. “And I also want you to realize there is a way to prevent such attacks, which I will teach you today and in the coming weeks.” He walked backwards to give both of them space, “Today, you walk the path of the Highborn. You will be taught our ways in harnessing the powers you hold within you. Destin, you will unlock your full potential and in time will be able to choose how to use your power.”
He didn’t say much, he didn’t need to. Destin had accepted that this was his life now. This war was his war, and his abilities were a beacon to the world giving hope to those who might not see a bright future ahead. Battles will be fought, battles he will be involved in risking his life, and it was time he prepared for his fate wholeheartedly. “Tell me what to do.”
“One of our greatest tools is the ability to shield ourselves from one another. One Highborn against another is a dangerous foe.” He raised his hands out as a white glow outlined his entire body. “This aura I keep up at all times, concealing myself from those who may wish to find me, as well as helping sense the presence of magic. It is how you will protect yourself at night.”
Gideon lowered his hands and walked over to Destin, “To create this barrier, you need to harness your power from within, your very core, and project it outward. Doing this will create what you saw me do.” He motioned for Destin to try.
Focusing on himself, Destin searched inside himself for the source of power, it felt like a burning flame resonating in his heart. It was unique to him, he could feel the heat, the pulsing of the magic inside him. He imagined it to pulse outward like Gideon had showed him, to create such a shield, but the flame remained undisturbed.
“Nothing is happening.” Destin detected trying with all his might to access this ability.
“Don’t think about it too much, make it natural. Control your breathing and your body, and let the magic flow within you.” Gideon lectured.
It sounded simple enough, and so he focused within again. The flame inside him still waiting to be tapped into. His breathing slowed, the world vanishing around him into a darkness. The only light he saw was the flame inside him. He raised his hands outward and while he did so, the magic projected itself outward with him creating the same barrier Gideon had done.
Destin opened his eyes returning to the real world, the aura visible around him. He let out a cheer, watching around his body this light follow his every movement. He felt the slight strain it had on him, a reminder that the task was being carried out. The light around him faded, but he could feel the protection still apparent.
“You’ve done well. The strain this places on you will become lighter the stronger you get. With this focus, it may be a little tougher to sleep, but it's the sacrifice you’ll need to make.” Gideon informed Destin.
“I just am happy to not have people eavesdrop in my dreams again.” Destin joked.
“You already have a good foundation with magic. Now with that being said, you struggle with the strength of your attacks and have no forum of defense.” He stopped walking for a instant, “Now why is that?”
Destin considered a few options but was unsure to the reasons in particular. “Lack of knowledge?” He said unsure. He figured he was partially correct.
He smiled but shook his head, “Partially, but when you are accessing your magic, it has a great deal to do with your belief and imagination. It is as strong or weak as you allow it.” He powered himself up the aura glowing from his eyes. “Confidence in yourself and your ability empowers a Highborn.”
Taking a few steps back from Destin, Gideon created a barrier of fire around his arm as a shield. “When you are intimidated by your opponent, your attacks and defensive measures are greatly weaker. To know without a doubt that you will come out on top against your opponent is your greatest strength.” Gideon rhythmically punched and kicked with flames waving about with his movements.
“Yeah, I see that, but then why did I have such a struggle with it in Vertrock while we were trying to escape? Even after I had blacked out and being nothing but a burden on Goddar.” Destin wondered.
“You think to be a burden, eh? You were nuttin’ but skin and bones lad! It was a simple stroll in the woods.” A voice shouted from the upper stairs with an obnoxious laugh bellowing out. Destin gazed upward to see Goddar sitting over the ledge watching them down below. He slapped his knee and made another jab at Destin. Though it wasn't aimed at him, but a woman who was standing beside him.
He walked closer to get a better look at who was standing there to see a woman standing there who was about his age. Her velvet black hair draped behind her a braid flowing down the side of her head. The piercing crystal blue eyes looked down at him in mystery and wonder with a smirk from what Goddar was telling him. He whispered something else in her ear and she busted out in uncontrollable laughter, “No, you serious?” She gestured to Destin laughing some more.
Gideon clapped his hands together a few times to gather the attention of the wayward soul observing a woman. “Now, if we can still keep our focus, the reason you blacked out was due to your malnourished both physically and mentally. Our abilities are much like a muscle, the more you use and work it, the better and longer it will last.”
“Well, I’m finally beginning to look like my former self before Vertrock, it's only a matter of time before I return to full strength. When am I going to learn about the runes writings and how to do that?” Destin questioned hoping the answer would be in the foreseeable future.
“It is not crucial to learn at this time, so cease the thought immediately. We are to focus on the key elements which are: Fire, Air, Earth, Water and Spirit.” His power ceased from within, and he spoke louder, “Of the four, you are to master one, having two other elements to support you. In so doing you allow a unity between the three to work as one within you.”
“What of the forth? Does it just become unusable?” Destin asked.
“It comes at a greater cost, but it is not something you need to worry about. You see you are the master of spirit, an ability that few Highborn possess. It allows you to be master of all the elements.” Gideon said.
This was all a great deal of information for Destin to take in, and finding it as practically new information he did feel overwhelmed. Still, it was only the first day of training he figured as much that there was going to be such a learning curve. What he didn’t expect was to begin actual combat.
“Now, grab your sword and attack me.” Gideon commanded sliding a sword to Destin. “It was picked up this morning and is yours. Learn to use it, get used to its weight. That sword is as much of an ally as the magic you contain.”
He unsheathed the sword taking a good look at it. Gripping with one arm was a slight strain and he had a hard time holding it fully upright. The sword was a beauty, yet intimidating. Should it come to it, this very weapon would see bloodshed and the taking of lives. Something Destin had already done, but it haunted him every life he witnessed leaving this world. To be apart of it some more caused him to be hesitant.
“Are you going to use your sword?” Destin asked seeing Gideon standing there with his arms to his side.
Gideon shrugged his shoulders and chuckled under his breath, “You won’t hit me even if you try.” The cockiness began to show through, a side of Gideon they had not seen before.
“Give him another scar Destin! Show him what you’ve got!” Goddar shouted from above.
Destin gave a hesitant wave to Goddar, “You will not hurt me. This is only to have a better read as to where you are at.” Gideon reassured. He changed his stance to prepare for the attacks that Destin would ensue.
“He’s sayin’ ya suck boy! Ha!” Goddar busted out again slapping his knee. “Now this will be good.” He said to the woman by him nudging her arm.
Destin charged towards Gideon beginning with an uppercut which was countered by a flash of flames redirecting the blade to the ground. Destin changed his stance to swing back in response, but a wave of energy kicked through the blade flinging it outward. Destin stumbled a time, but caught his balance again. He sliced inward when Gideon block the blade with his arm stopping the blade. A shield of flame absorbed the blow, leaving his arm completely unscathed from the force of the blade or fire.
Shocked from the final block Destin dropped the blade on the ground with a loud clang, “How did you do that?”
Gideon picked up the blade from the ground, “First off, no need to drop the blade, and secondly, it comes back to the basics. You want to morph the flames to be as strong as a shield, do it!” He moved his arms around growing a funnel of flames around him, “You want to create a dragon made of flames, then imagine it so!” The head formed with its ember eyes. It flew around while Gideon directed it until he made it vanish into thin air.
“It's all on you on how you harness this power that has been presented to you.” Gideon said, sweat beginning to populate his forehead.
Destin stood in amazement by Gideon’s display of power. He knew that him being able to do such things were possible, but far off. Still, to be able to set his goals and aspirations to such heights began to motivate him far more than anything previously. “I will admit though, even with my father, I never was much for fighting, especially with the sword.”
“We will work on it. For now you need to focus on controlling your powers. The greatest thing you can do is carry out what you envision in your mind.” Gideon said, “You will start small, and work your way up. In your room there will be a jar filled with soil, a bowl of water, and a candle. Those will be your tools.” He sternly gave this final command, “Practice any time you get the chance.”
“But why work on such small things?” Destin wondered, “That does next to nothing on conditioning me.”
Gideon gave a look of slight disappointment, due to questioning him, “Controlling your magic in small bursts allows for the greater drains to not drain you nearly as much.”
He stopped questioning anything at that point feeling it was becoming more of a burden rather than helping. Gideon walked up to him, “You have your shortcomings, but you have already shown great promise with your abilities. In dire circumstances you are sporadic in your ability to focus and fight. We are going to change that.”
The memories of his shortcoming rushed into his head. How it had almost been the death of them multiple times. He knew that Gideon did not mean to break his spirit, but that was exactly what was happening. Orrinshire was a prime example, him and Aurella being trapped on the roof while the opposing Highborn attack. He never wanted to feel so trapped and helpless again.
“Your fighting, like your skill with magic, will come in time.” He handed Destin his sword back, “First things first, we are going to build your body mass and strength back up that you lost while in Vertrock.”
That was a relief for Destin to hear. Seeing himself in the mirror the prior night was a ghost of his former self staring back. Someone he now didn’t recognized, Vertrock claiming who he once was. To be able to gain some of that back brought much needed comfort to his soul. “What are we waiting for then? Come at me again old man!” Destin joked wielding his sword at the ready.
Gideon chuckled a little but prepared himself pulling out his blade this time, “I want you to focus on my footwork. Watch what I do, and mimic it.”
For the better part of an hour they worked tirelessly on swordplay. The clashing of steel rang through the entire building. Those outside at the garden passing by would look in to see where the source of the noise was. Destin collapsed from near exhaustion, but would stand back up continuing to fight until his body had nothing left. Finally, when the training was over, he fell to the ground catching up on some much needed breath.
“You’re doing well.” Gideon reminded Destin with an outstretched hand to help him off the ground. He happily accepted it and rose from the ground onto his feet. “Take a break for a moment, be sure to stay hydrated. We will continue this later.” Gideon walked out of the room.
It was greatly appreciated and he looked up at Gideon who had already began to run down and greet him. The mysterious woman still stood up on the second floor watching down at him. Didn’t she have anything better to do? He figured that everyone in the castle would have tasks or chores to do in the day, but here she was.
“You did pretty well for a beginner.” She said, her tone meaning to not come off as condescending, though Destin took it as such.
“Yeah? Do much sword fighting? It's a lot more difficult than it looks.” Destin shot back at her.
She had a smile about her that seemed to communicate all that she needed to say. “I don’t doubt it. You have some work to do but overall you are doing well.” She leaned over the edge, “I mean I wouldn’t put you into battle just yet, wouldn’t want you to die on your first assignment.”
His temper began to swell up inside him. “What do you know! You think it is so easy then come down here and challenge me!” Destin said arguing with her. He was tired but he wasn’t about to be told off by a know it all woman. He thought the challenge to her would silence her, but it did the exact opposite.
“Sure!” She happily said jumping off the second floor and landing with a tuck and roll appearing on her feet next to Destin, “But just to be safe we are going to use wooden training swords. Can’t have you cutting me up like that.”
He looked up from where she jumped and back down. Surprised that she did the jump, and yet more surprised she landed it so elegantly. Before he could ask where they were going to get training swords Goddar opened the door.
“Aye, yeah… almost… got it! Stupid door!” Goddar said opening the door all the way. He had two training swords in hand wooden as she had described. “I’m leaving the door open. None of the rooms in this castle are dwarf friendly! I am going to need to file a complaint to the leadership around here.” He quickly walked up to them, “So does he know yet Liliana?”
“He accepted the challenge before you got here.” She responded retrieving the swords from him.
He stomped on the ground angrily, “Kiddin’ me?! I would have thought for sure he would have chickened out!” Goddar growled but realizing Destin was standing in front of him, he peered up saying, “No offense...:”
They had previously discussed it? Goddar and her had planned this from the beginning and now he was committed like some trap. “Who are you anyway?” Destin asked to Liliana.
“Oh right, I guess that would help you. I am Liliana Lazzara, daughter of King Airrick.” She swiftly answered tossing a sword his way.
Destin caught the weapon but his heart sank further into despair. What was he to do? Fight her and if he wins it looks bad, or if he loses it looks bad… He was already committed to the fight, so without any escape he decided he would go all out. It was her idea after all, so what harm was there in defeater her in her own challenge?
He grabbed the hilt of the wooden sword and felt how much of a strain it puts on his already tired muscles. Swinging it around it was light enough for him to be able to move normally. The walked over to the center of the room to prepare for the fight. Destin hit the sword on the ground a few times to better judge how it reacted to collision.
“Now this is exciting!” Goddar blurted out sitting against a pillar in the room. “Money is on the lass!”
Destin rolled his eyes at Goddar, “You don’t have any money! We are both beyond broke as it!” He faced Liliana who was putting her hair back into a ponytail. “Ready?” He said to her.
She finished getting her hair out of her face and stretched her neck from side to side with the occasional pop. After a minute or two she took her stance and responded, “Ready, but go easy on me!” She said with a cruel smile and a wink.
The chance that he had Destin moved in for the attack, faking his left cut and instead maneuvering to the right with a downward slice. Liliana didn’t flinch, she followed effortlessly with each attack he spun on her. Every move he hit with was countered with a move of her own, and Destin was having a hard time keeping up.
Goddar just sat with an ecstatic look on his face like it was the greatest thing he had ever witnessed. “Lets go Liliana! Show him what's up!”
She was doing just that. With Destin’s downward strike upon her, she lifted her sword for a solid block before ducking down with a spin, taking out Destin’s legs from under him. Before he knew it he went from standing on his two feet, to flat on the ground. Her sword was pointed at his neck, her face with a smug grin knowing she had won.
“Great fight! I really enjoyed myself there.” She offered her hand to help him up. He hesitated finding it difficult that he was bested, but ultimately accepted the offer being helped to his feet. “You already fight well, you’ll beat me in no time.”
“Yeah, I’ll admit I was impressed by your speed, it was unexpected but carried out rather well.” Destin said loosening up about the results of the fight,
Goddar slammed Destin’s back with broad hand with a crisp smack, “I’ll never let ya live that down.” His stomach let out a loud roar, responding with a laugh, “I do believe that is the sound of needing grub! The hunt is on!” He ran to the exit across the room beckoning for the others to follow. They each walked at their pace losing Goddar, but the two talked to each other the entire way to the kitchen.
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