《Highborn (The Stormforth Chronicles)》Chapter 20
“Regain control Destin, concentrate and gather yourself.” His father calmly said his hand on Destin’s shoulder. He couldn’t help it, the wind gusted around them in the tent, the fire in uproar from the strength of the wind. “Breathe, and let go.” His father again said. With keeping his powers hidden while him and his father traveled with the army he could always feel that eternal flame grow until it needed a release.
“I… Can’t....” Destin focused on himself in every way that he could to tame the explosion of power flowing about him. “Nothing is stopping this swell of energy!” He began to panic only making the magic flow more ravenously.
“You can do this, I’m right here beside you.” His father reassured Destin. “You are not alone in this. Keep on fighting.” He commanded.
Searching in himself Destin attempted once more to silence the flame. He felt almost a barrier cup around the magic which swelled down slowly, the wind dying down. The fire returned to its normal glow giving light to the tent. His father looked around with all around relief as he let out a sign. “You did well son.”
“Well indeed, I am rather impressed by this display of power you have been hiding from us Delfor.” A man was standing with the tent door held open. “I thought you were a man of honor knowing you were apart of the High King’s military, as a general nonetheless.”
Destin’s heart froze, they had been caught. The years they had spent hiding were for naught. There was no covering this up and he and his father knew it. Time slowed to a stop which each step the general took into his father’s tent. The grievous smile stretched across his face at the realization of the greatest find of his life.
His father stepped in front of Destin his hand on his sword, “Leave Satanas, there is no reason to escalate this.”
It was too late, General Satanas had his idea brewing in his mind at the demise of the two in the tent. Destin could sense this, knowing if they didn’t act quick their deaths were imminent. His father felt it too, finalizing his stance at the impending battle which was about to commence.
Each waited for the other to make the first move as if Santana was looking for any excuse to cut his father down. Destin slowly moved back carefully with each step feeling that if he did it quietly it would make it that it was less noticeable. A foolish idea, but something to give him comfort. Destin reached the back of the tent where he leaned against the wall waiting to see how the battle would unfold.
“Destin run!” His father shouted lunging forward with his blade swinging for a strike. The blade was quickly countered by Santana who read his enemy’s footwork like a book able to predict his moves with pristine preciseness. Destin froze, unable to move though his body screamed at him to get away. He watched in horror while his father fought and faced his friend and ally. For years they had fought alongside each other until this secret had been discovered. Destin was suddenly viewed with a vile hatred that needed to be ended. Satanas had an unhinged rage which looked to end such madness.
Watching the fight unfold, Destin at the time had no idea how someone could evolve such hatred against a type of person. His father was beginning to struggle with the countless attacks Satanas was throwing at him. His father gave a final counter flinging the sword away, and shouted to Destin, “Run into the forest!”
Destin rushed to the back of the tent keeping his father between him and Satanas to escape out the back door. His father went for the stab as the general spun around the blade drawing his knife out and stabbing his father in the gut. With the back door open he looked back to hear the air escape from his father’s body as it collapsed to the ground. Destin couldn’t cry out, his body wouldn’t let him. He only watched in horror with the tent floor absorbing the pool of blood.
He stumbled back snapping him out of the day dream he was in. He watched in the upper rafters of the high court looking down as that very man was being dragged in chains to stand before King Airrick. The general’s ghostly white hair in no way reflected his age. He held a prideful stance regardless of his situation, seeming as though in no way was he in danger.
Goddar stood next to Destin looking confused by his unshaken confidence unsure on how to judge it. “I’m tellin’ ya lad, that be the face of evil right there.” He whispered looking at Destin to make sure he was doing alright. “Spies caught him in the night, one of the High King’s generals! Now that be a great catch!”
Orcs appeared like a mercy to face compared to Satanas. Destin recalled hearing the stories the soldiers would tell who were under his command. The cruelty he would lead his men, pushing them harder than any other general. Regardless, his leadership was legendary. Welcoming the challenge of being outnumbered five to one and coming out on top with minimal casualties. He understood the game of war to a degree that none would match.
Destin stared down at the man who killed his father. He had seen that prideful look in Satanas’ face before. The general was in full control of the situation, calculating out everything precisely as though this was exactly how he had planned it from the beginning. Still, the fire inside Destin burned with a reawakening incessant rage. He knew this general was unable to predict his presence in Stormforth now. This newfound turn of luck was going to help quench the undying flame of hatred which flowed inside him.
The words the king exchanged with the man faded into the background while Destin’s entire environment faded into darkness until it was only Satanas and Destin. The thought of his father being stabbed repeatedly flashed in his mind. Destin felt the ring begin to glow around his neck when he realized he was beginning to lose control. He forced back the magic to the deepest depths of his core and turned to leave.
Goddar looked back confused, “Leaving already? It’s going to get good here pretty quick!” He promised pointing down to the crowd in eagerness. “You doing alright lad?”
Everything shouted into his mind to leave. That given the chance he would slay the general here and now. Destin didn’t want to stay, the longer he watched the more the anger festered like an infected wound which refused to heal. “I will not be apart of this any longer!” He sternly whispered, “I cannot stand the fact that he is not already dead where he stands. If the king was smart, Satanas head would roll here and now!”
Goddar grabbed the door handle and stopped Destin from leaving , “How did you know his name?”
He looked around, thinking of anything to get him out of the question. “It’s not important, not here.”
“It is important! You’re not yourself right now and it's beginnin’ to worry me!” Goddar confessed, “Lad, tell me. We’ve been through too much to hold anything back.”
There was cause to tell him, but to tell him would arise more questions and reveal a side of Destin no one before had seen. The day his father was killed was the day he was forever changed, when he became a coward. He knew that if he was able to kill the man who had done this to him, then he may be able to restore that sanity in his life again.
“Let it go Goddar!” Destin aggressively asked, but Goddar would not let go of the handle. “This is no concern of yours!”
“It is my concern, and Sephera as my witness, I will always watch over you.”
He was quiet, but Destin’s mind was made up, he would not divulge anything. It would raise suspicion of anything he may be planning. “Get out of my way.” He ordered, the breeze picking up around him. Goddar didn’t move a muscle gripping the handle harder. “Get out!” He yelled with a thrust of wind pushing Goddar away from the door and into the back wall.
He slumped to the ground gasping for air with the wind knocked out of him. The fear in his eyes cried with the truth of betrayal. He reached his hand out hoping to calm Destin from any more retaliation, “You’re… right lad... “ He stuttered. “I’m sorry.”
Immediate guild swept over Destin realizing what he had done to his friend, but it was the sacrifice needed. The look of remorse was the last expression Goddar saw on Destin’s face before he opened the door and left the room. He felt for the first time that he had betrayed his dear friend.
When Satanas was taken to the dungeon, Destin watched to mark precisely where he was going to be kept, using the upper decks and walkways as a vantage point for the movement below. He didn’t dare get close enough to make his presence known, but he saw right where they were taking the general, the cell in the outer tower.
“Two guards at the front and back entrance, seven guards went in, two came out.” He quietly noted to himself. “Odds are two guarding the cell, the rest in the surrounding hallways.” There he waited like a carnivore waiting for the perfect time to strike at his prey. Justice would be satisfied, and there wasn’t a thing Gideon or the king would be able to do to stop it.
No one had any idea of the tie between Destin and the general and that was exactly how he wanted to keep it. Goddar would keep a secret and on top of that, he had no one to tell. He figured that the dwarf would trust that Destin would be fine, and in no way would do anything reckless. Still, that was all his mind was focused on.
With how he had escaped Vertrock, getting into Satanas’ cell without being detected was going to be like a simple stroll through the forest. While he watched throughout the day, he was able to mark exactly when the guards stations rotated. On top of that he had found his way in, the window up towards the top of the tower. It looked like a perilous climb, but it was more than worth the risk.
In the dark of the night Destin lurked in the shadows against the castle wall. The muscle memory took over from when he would sneak around the prison camp. Carefully ducking and sliding around the nearby vines and bushes he watched for the guards to begin to leave. The tower was wide enough that he only needed one of the sets to leave the doorway, so that he could begin his climb.
A guard yawned stretching his arms outward with a loud sigh as each of the guards wished each other a good night sharing jokes as they left. What surprised Destin was the fact that there were six guards leaving all together, meaning that only a few remained inside. In a last moment decision, he decided to simply go through the front door.
Destin hid against the wall of the outer tower and slid around until he felt the iron handle of the door, cool to the touch from the night. The door cracked open slowly as he slid in the moment he would fit. He latched and locked the door from the inside, the sudden turn of the lock sending a shock wave of sound through the deathly quiet hallway.
He slowly turned around to see if anyone had noticed, and to his surprise, not a soul was in sight. Everything was falling into place and with ease he dashed down the hallway using as little time as he could, not knowing when he would be discovered. Once he turned the corner he immediately was spotted by a guard who had a rather shocked look on his face.
“Stop, what are you doing in here!” He shouted, alerting the other guards in the tower. His weapon was drawn, and with the guards now standing with him each with their weapons out, Destin had no choice.
A well of energy flowed from his soul to his fingertips which glowed like starlight. The guards took a step back in hesitation but it was too late, the gust of wind blew them back, slamming the trio into the adjacent walls knocking each one out cold. There was no turning back, he had now attacked the king’s guards, but this was more than worth the risk. If Satanas could fall by his hand, then Destin would accept any fate bestowed upon him by the king, even death. He had faced the god of death enough times to know that he was ready to leave Alluvion if given the chance.
With haste he locked and leaned chairs against the two entrances hoping that would buy him some more time. Now his biggest fear was the guards around him waking up before he was finished with the general, but without wasting a second he moved to the cell where Satanas knelt tied to a pole, his body almost appearing lifeless with his head slumped over.
“Destin Gilcrest back from the dead.” His low growl caused Destin to hesitate from opening the cell, but Satanas’ head continued to stare at the ground. “Never thought I would see you again, but the gods obviously believe in karma.” He raised his head, his silver eyes peering straight into Destin’s soul. “You’ve changed, Vertrock break you?” A slow deep laugh came from him when he saw Destin’s expression change, “Yes, I know. I know practically everything about you.”
The key turned in the lock and Destin opened the cell door standing next to Satanas. He didn’t say a word, only stared down at the wretched thing that was considered a human. “This is a good look for you I will admit.” Destin finally spoke up. “Tell me, how did the greatest general in the high king’s army get captured? Seems careless.” He kept a stone cold face to conceal any emotional cues he could reveal.
A devilish smile crept across the generals face, “Ask yourself that question again. How did the greatest general get captured, and then taken to the capital of the enemy kingdom? You think I would be so careless Destin? I’m disappointed in you...” His voice trailed off, yet he still held eye contact with Destin.
The moonlight crept through the windows above them, the light shining on Satanas’ face showing the cuts and bruises. He had already been questioned, and from his appearance it became fairly brutal. The rage began to boil Destin’s blood as his mind became focused with one goal. However brutal his questioning was, it would never compare to what he was about to do to the general.
While Destin was lost in thought the room sat in silence until Satanas intervened, “Any chance you could tell your father hello for me?”
Destin smirked, “You can tell him yourself.” He promised.
A psychotic laugh erupted from Satanas, “You believe that you will be the death of me? That even tonight, I will see your father in the after world? You are…”
Cutting him off Destin responded, “Not exactly what I had in mind.” He took a step back and began to illuminate the room in a silver glow matching the moonlight. The ring around his neck floated out and beside him as the spirit of his father materialized. “I think this is much better suited for discussion.”
“Destin, what is this?” His father questioned seeing Satanas tied around the pole.
“We don’t have time, but this is Stormforth and Satanas has been captured.” He quickly tried to explain.
Satanas’ head slumped down again, his shoulder shaking with each demonic laugh that quietly bellowed out from him, “This. This is beautiful!” He laughed to himself some more before lifting his head to stare at Delfor, “When Viran said you were not much of a threat as a Highborn, I’m afraid he was greatly mistaken. It's been too long old friend.”
“Glad to see you in a cell, we have an army of men waiting to greet you on the other side.” His father warned,
Through it all, Destin saw no fear in his eyes, in the darkness of his soul something stirred. Satanas shook his head back and forth mockingly, “You, Delfor, Stormforth are fools.” His voice became sinister, “You honestly believe such fate would be in your hands? If you only knew what Viran had in store for you.”
“What is he talking about son?” His father questioned stepping closer to Destin.
“They didn’t get any information about Arthemis tonight, nor will you. It's a fools effort to try to do so. Don’t tempt fate.” Satanas warned, but before he could add anything else a swift punch hit across his cheek. He began to laugh some more, “Violence!” He spat out blood, “There now you see I taught you something.”
Another hit landed on his face, and then another, blood splattering on the floor. Destin was shaking his hand from the multiple punched. He gave it all he had but still was making little to no impact. He was unable to face his father who he knew was standing right behind him. He almost regretted how each hit made him feel… almost. Yet, it was satisfying seeing another one he hated, who had caused him so much pain, now feeling what he had felt. He kicked the general in his gut, followed by a knee to his face, his head slamming into the wooden beam from the strength of the kick.
“Destin stop!” His father ordered, but it was too late.
These feelings were beginning to scare him, these feelings of gratification. His mind was filled with every memory of pain that was caused due to this man before him. The slaying of his father, the days in Vertrock. He recalled each scar across his body and when they were given. Each night he went to sleep hungry and cold, unsure if he would make it the next day. Mindless insanity.
The door behind him was trying to open when the guards discovered it was locked. He could hear the guards begin to panic, he was running out of time. “Looks like I live another day.” His words echoed in the chamber.
He wasn’t out of time yet, nor was he done with Satanas. With the insistence of his father on stopping this madness, Destin recalled the ring to his hand. His father dissolved away in front of Satanas’ eyes, when he looked at Destin’s blackened luminate eyes. “So what now Highborn? What fun do we have planned tonight?”
Inside Destin was a power he had never felt before, a darkness which overtook him, welcomed him. The devil inside was tempting him of new ideas to test on this thing. He raised his hand, pointing out a finger, slowly moving it down as an adjacent cut was made from his neck to his collarbone.
For the first time Destin saw Satanas’ squirm in pain, a sight that brought him a new sense of satisfaction. “What's wrong? Have nothing to say now?”
“You killed my father!” He cried out with a slash across Satanas’ chest, “You hunted me, chased me out of Alluvion!” A deep cut appeared on his upper arm, “I was tortured, beaten, destroyed!” The ropes around Satanas’ wrists and ankles were cut away while he was being lifted into the air, “The day my father died was the day Destin Gilcrest was no more!”
The generals shirt was tattered and stained in blood, but the man continued to rise into the air screaming out in pain. It wasn’t enough, he needed to suffer more. He was thrown against the wall, his mind sending shock waves through his entire body as he convulsed. Destin had full control over everything he was feeling.
He could tell that Satanas’ was beginning to struggle to stay conscious. “Not yet! You don’t get to sleep, you don’t get to escape so easily! I never had that option and neither will you.”
Destin could feel the hold he had on Satanas’ beating heart, each pulse vibrating around his hand. He squeezed his hand ever so slightly as the grip tightened, Satanas trying to scream out in pain and instead coughing blood. If he chose, a sudden pull of his hand would remove the man’s heart. He knelt down next to Satana’s his grip still strong, “I hold your life in my hands. How does that feel?”
A frail voice began to mumble something indiscreetly, Destin yelled for him to repeat it. A single word left his lips, “Mer… cy…” was all he was able to get out.
The spiral of rage flowed through Destin like a flame on dry grassland. He grabbed Satanas’ head, staring into his eyes and said, “Where was the mercy for my father!” With the hold on his enemy’s heart he began to pull downward when the doorway exploded open. Gideon rushed in his magic grabbing hold of Destin and pinning him against the wall, the hold he had on Satanas was relinquished.
The frail body toppled to the ground gasping for air. Destin watched in disbelief that such a man was still alive or was allowed to be. He fought with all his might but the hold was far to strong for him to break free. He had no choice in the matter. Gideon walked up to Destin with a stern glare which turned to disappointment. He released Destin when he returned to normal, grabbing and shaking him, “What do you think you are doing?! Do you have any idea what magic you were dealing with?” Gideon shouted.
No remorse, none at all. Destin stood by what he had done, and looking at Satanas it felt like a small forum of justice. Still, the toll of the magic he had spent was catching up to him as he broke out into a cold sweat. “I don’t, not like you were going to teach me anyway.” Destin countered brushing away Gideon’s hold on him.
“You don’t get it do you?” Gideon grabbed Destin’s arm, “You don’t dive into arcane magic. Never do such a thing! It destroys one's soul and before you know it you lose yourself completely to the darkness.”
“You assume I had a soul to begin with. I’ve been long lost for over a year now, and the one time I get a chance to once and for all put the past behind me, you interject.” Destin argued, “But that’s fine with you, you have a king by your side and an army behind you cause.” He broke Gideon’s grip and began to walk out of the tower.
“Killing the demon’s in your life does not put your past behind you. Just because this man dies doesn’t mean you are any better or worse. With him gone, you will be in the same exact spot. You need to release the grip this one man holds over you.”
“Funny,” Destin responded, “Because it feels like that is exactly what you have done for Viran.” Destin passed through the doorway the moonlight illuminating his skin. He stopped and turned around to face Gideon, “You act like you have all the answers, but I was a fool to believe like you did.”
“It's a steep road when you begin to give into the darkness inside. I have taken you in, protected you, and trained you. Why push me away now?” Gideon asked.
“Is it because of who I am or because I’m a Highborn?” Destin yelled, “Tell me, if you were awake and passed me by on the street, would you still take me in?”
He didn’t answer, regardless of what he could say Destin’s heart in the moment was locked. There was nothing that could be said or done to sway how he felt. He knew Gideon could sense that.
The guards began to surround Destin requesting that he be taken in without a fight. Destin looked over at Gideon realizing that there was nothing the Highborn could do to help him. He was going to be captured and taken to await trial before King Airrick. He only hoped his actions were justified.
Gideon had a look of worry, “Destin…” but he was cut off by the ringing of the bells. The guards all looked to the source of the sound, and instantly rushed away to their positions. “What is this? Destin asked as Gideon ran over to help him up.
“I’m not sure.” He responded looking over to the ladder by the wall. There was a walkway at the top of the ladder which gave a better vantage point. Multiple bells chimed in ringing around the entire castle in the dark of the night. They each bolted up the ladder to discover what the commotion was about.
His heart nearly stopped when he looked over the wall to see the city below, the section by the main gate had caught fire. They could hear the cries and destruction the fire was causing. It was what Satanas’ had warned them about, and why the soldiers ran away in such a hurry. “We are under attack.” Gideon said.
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✿ Khuda Ka Shukr Kaise Karun ✿ || HOW TO THANK GOD ||
||sPoiLeR||You will love the chemistry between the following characters. →_→Hakan, Aliana, Adeel, Hoorain, Idris, and Gulnoor are the main characters. Villian roles were performed by Dilara, Zoya, Junaid, Aslan, Hamza, and Altan. As the story progresses, new characters will be introduced.←_←♡♡ HAPPY READING ♡♡❥ A writer only begins a book. ❥ A reader finishes it. _ Samuel JohnsonName of the book: Khuda Ka Shukr Kaise Karon [How to Thank God]Author: Tasneem ✿ Language: English and Urdu (Anglo-Urdu)Translation: Available✓Genre: General Fiction/ Romantic ( Halal Romance)Total no of chapter: 10 [On-going]Total number of characters: 25■ This is my first ever book about spirituality, iman, tawakkul, and taqwa. ■ It's a tale of true love, twists, mystery, cute romance, fun, social, adventure, suspense, and thrillers. ☞The story gets better by reading further, and the more you read, I hope so:)✿ I would appreciate it if you would read, share, comment, vote, and follow me.◕ᴗ◕✿ Stay tuned!!! Also, please show your support for the #KKSKK [How to Thank God].✿ And thank you so much, my true readers, for your love and support.Started: 10.08.2022 (On-going)#KKSKK ||How To Thank God||_Tasneem ❥All rights reserved.Copyright © TasneemWrites9Ranking August 2022# 1 spiritual out of 30.4 K # 2 urdu out of 1.06K# 5 urdu out of 10.9K# 2 novel out of 391
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