《Highborn (The Stormforth Chronicles)》Chapter 13
The waves crashed around the undisturbed docks. The wooden dock below their feet strained with each step Gideon and Goddar took. On guard Gideon kept a watchful eye for the dangers that haunted around him. He stood with Goddar speaking with a Captain holding up a lantern, though the conversation faded into the distance with Gideon’s attention elsewhere.
Gideon turned back to the captain, bringing himself back into reality, “When can you be ready to leave?” The man informed him that the crew would be ready by first light, in which Gideon took out the bag of coins and dropped it into the captain’s hands, “Get the men ready now,” He commanded checking behind him, “We may need to leave in a moments notice.”
The captain checked inside the back with a look of happy shock, “Right away.” He responded running onto his ship behind them to gather the men.
“We need to find the others now.” Gideon warned with worry in his voice, “This doesn’t feel right.” He walked down the docks and onto a stone paved road. “You hear that?” He questioned holding his ground to pinpoint what he thought he heard. Goddar shrugged unsure, hearing nothing out of the ordinary.
Goddar jogged a brief moment to catch up to Gideon’s pace, “Eh, I’ll admit, not the best in sensing the whole danger before it happens. Then again, my judgement may be clouded by the rumble of my stomach.”
Drops of water fell from the village roofs while they walked through the lower end of the city, not a soul to disturb them. They still followed closely to the docks until finding the main road to take them to the nearby Inn. “Here.” He said pointing down the roadway, “They will be this way.” The slight incline of the road lead upwards towards the town on the higher end of the hill.
Goddar didn’t say much, only followed behind. He watched the distance, and Gideon knew he was imagining the salted pork and warm stew that awaited them. The silence was immediately struck down with a tornado of flames reaching into the heavens from where they were headed. “Destin!” Goddar said in worry.
Without warning Gideon was fired up drawing the symbols on the ground in front of him before igniting it in a pale light as it shot into the air like a flare to signal to Destin their distance apart. He changed his footing around, and in a swift movement brought his hands forward the fog dissipating around them. He turned to Goddar, “Get the Captain, make sure the ship is ready!”
Goddar didn’t question the command, and ran back as fast as his legs could carry him to the ship. Gideon didn’t hesitate a moment, knowing their exact location and bolted down the road to find Aurella and Destin. He knew in that instant that they were in no way inside the inn, but fleeing towards the docks. To miss them passing by would be a major error.
He closed his eyes, mediating for a moment, harnessing the magic within himself to outreach and locate Destin. An aura appeared in the distance, above himself. He focused while the image cleared up revealing his exact location on the rooftops above him. He was about to move when he noticed another with abilities beside Destin, pursuing him.
Unsure why there was another Highborn battling with Destin, Gideon ended the meditation and charged towards the battle. Leaping upward from porch to ledge until he reached the roof tops. It was going to be a climb up the city but he was going to locate them. He dashed across, trusting his legs, each jump from rooftop to rooftop strong and precise. His breathing controlled, disregarding the weight he was carrying, there was only one objective.
He reached the pinnacle of Orrinshire, observing around him to find the whereabouts of Destin and Aurella. Another bolt of green flame rose into the air a block away. Gideon drew out his sword to prepare for the confrontation when the light around him vanished, each lamp post losing it's light. He knew they were trapped, and whoever was attacking was greatly skilled.
The town was beginning to sound the alarm recognizing the orc attack taking place in the city. The cries of the women and children were heard while the men gathered to confront the orcs. The torches from the villagers glowed under the town guiding their locations. The light gave off would be enough. Gideon waved his hand across the horizon carefully snatching the flames and igniting again the lamps along the street.
He couldn’t waste more time, he leapt from building to building reaching his destination with the utmost haste. He hid on the adjacent roof to get a feel for the battle in front of him. The number of orcs around the Highborn was numerous, seeing many also beginning to reach the rooftops near Destin and Aurells who looked unharmed. He checked his weapons on him. Two daggers, and a longsword, hoping it was enough with the support of Aurella, he activated his abilities creating a strong gust of wind up the street.
The dust kicked up, blinding those below on the streets for a moment, long enough for Gideon to jump down. He stabbed the monstrous orc in the back of the neck, and swinging around sliced another across the gut, ducking under the orcs swing, with a low kick to sweep it's legs. The orc collapsed to the ground while Gideon pulled out a dagger to stab it in the heart. He retrieved the dagger, throwing it past the enemy Highborn before sinking into the orcs head as it flailed back.
The cloaked being never flinched, all Gideon could see was his ember glowing eyes with the sound of his jagged blade being unsheathed. He was going in completely blind with no knowledge of his enemy. The enemy took his stance ready for the attack.
An arrow flew over Gideons shoulder, impacting an orc behind him who was swinging his blade for the attack. He did the finishing blow, grateful someone with such a shot and instinct had his back. He looked up to Aurella and Destin shouting, “Destin, follow the beacon to the docks, find Goddar. Aurella and I will meet you, go now!”
He nodded beginning to move, but was halted when another great flame shot out from the enemy. Gideon swiftly reacting curved the flames with the bolt of wind instantly engulfing the building below. “This is between me and you.” Gideon challenged. The orcs gathered around him in an attempt to trap him in. The Highborn had no intention of one on one combat. With a vicious glare Gideon gathered himself, harnessing his power, proclaimed, “So be it.”
A wall of flames erupted around the pair, forcing the orcs to take steps back. Gideon only needed to stall, if only Destin and Goddar could escape then it would be a victory in and of itself. The Highborn commanded, “Stop the ship. Kill all in your sight.” The orcs immediately obeyed, retreating and charging towards that same beacon. Gideon peered up at Aurella who witnessed the creatures going on their killing rampage, and unspokenly vowed to stop them, dashing off towards the same docks.
Gideon turned to face his opponent, each waiting for the other to make a move. Not a sound disturbed their silence beyond the crackling of the flame. The ground shook below them, the enemy had decided his attack as the stone lifted from the ground into the air flinging over towards Gideon. He dodged and evaded the first two while guiding the other stone upwards as he punched the wind towards the ground. He sidestepped with the sharp stone whizzing past his face, his ability ceased its movement, before being flung back at the Highborn.
He changed his attack, harnessing the flames around him, the Highborn dashed at Gideon, his blade held high ready for his attack. The clash of metal rang loud through the streets, and with his free hand brought a wall of flame at Gideon who held out his hand blocking it, the wave of flames reaching over and around his body.
He needed to be careful, the fatigue was beginning to wear on him. His supply of power was growing thin, and knowing this was the case he needed to conserve more. This was not the time nor the place to do so. Either he needed to disarm his opponent and retreat back, or overpower. Whatever he would be able to do, he needed to do so before it was too late.
Destin bolted down the street, his now bare feet smacking the smooth stone roadway. The darkness returned with the ending of the lit street lamps, but the beacon of light still guided his way. He turned to carefully listen to the clatter of metal sounding from behind him, quickly growing in noise. They were coming. A sudden burst of energy gave him the jump start needed to sprint to the docks.
He could see the numerous ships in the harbor, but he was lost as to which one they needed to get on. He looked and though a few had lanterns lit on them, only one showed exponential movement. “It has to be that one.” He said under his breath.
Turning around, he could see the outlines of the beasts catching him, their speed greatly outweighing his. Weaponless, he would be unable to hold any of them off, his only option was to keep running. He wasn’t too far from the ship. He could make it, and if anything make his stand to fight there.
It was too little too late, their speed caught up to him. His strength was substantially weaker due to the year in Vertrock. Still, with all his might he ran, hoping by some chance he could make the final distance, hearing Goddar call out to him. A blade slashed down at him, giving him only a second to dive to the ground, receiving a few cuts and bruises as opposed to an entire blade. The orc towered over him, the others catching up to them as well. Destin braced himself for the pain.
Another arrow hit the orc in his shoulder, not going deep enough for serious damage, but enough to draw his attention away. Aurella swooped in with her bow slung around her, blades drawn, slicing at any enemy she could get her reach. “Get up!” She yelled, “And do something!”
With a moments notice, Destin shook the fear of the reality in the world around him. The surge of power pulsed through his body, his eyes luminating with a ghostly white as a mighty wind blew at the creatures, giving even their great strength, difficulty of movement. With his hand out commanding the wind, he rose to his feet with a glowering straight face. The beads of sweat broke across his forehead, but he stepped forward regardless.
The wind raced around Aurella and him giving each no resistance. Aurella moved behind him, retrieving her bow, and with precision aim shot each orc in her sight. The arrows penetrated through their armor and skin with the newfound strength the wind gave. Those that retreated, fled with a haste of survival, stumbling and falling in the frantic panic. It was the first time Destin had ever witnessed such behavior in the vicious monsters.
His body was beginning to waiver, giving his whole strength to his tenacious attack. Aurella was yelling at him, but he only heard the sounds of distance whispers. The wave of the attack overtook as the world around him vanished. He tried to gain consciousness, and with one final great stride returned himself to the world falling to his knees, gasping for air.
“You did well.” Aurella said carefully lifting him to his feet. “A little further and you can rest.” She carried him onto the docks when Goddar’s voice rang out.
“Oye! Y’all be causin’ a commotion beyond what this city has ev’r seen!” Goddar yelled, “But it's good to see ya in one piece.” The others were racing around the ship to get everything in order for them to depart. Looking into the city they saw the flames rise higher into the air in the town center, the smoke growing thicker.
The captain ran up to the trio, “We are ready to cast off, where is the other?” He asked finally seeing into Orrinshire for the first time, “By the gods…”
Gideon parried each hit, avoiding the flames the Highborn commanded. Each attack rained down with a strength greater than he had anticipated. Following each swing of the blade, he watched carefully for the patterns of his attacks, each element of the attack was exact and meticulously timed. Another three swings which Gideon blocked and dodged, followed up with another bolt of lightning, or some form of magical attack.
His will wore thin, but still continuing to fight he found his opening. A stab was countered as a stone wall from the building aside from them was pulled down. Gideon quickly slid to the right and with a swift movement of his hand removed the stone road from under the enemies feet, the man falling to the ground. Gideon using this as his moment jumped backwards, parting the flames for his escape before closing up the barrier.
The Highborn’s hood fell off from the fall. Lleweller rose to his feet in a hurry and parted the flames but it was too late, Gideon had already vanished into the night with no trace. “No!” Lleweller shouted running down the street to look at the docks. No sight of Gideon, “No! This will not happen!” He promised.
Gideon sprinted in the dark alley away from the main road, sliding and ducking from the obstacles in front of him. He timed every movement, assuring himself the quickest form of travel while staying hidden. With a sudden parting of the buildings, he found himself on the docks. He looked down for their ship, finding it with the sails drawn and beginning to part into the gulf.
With the ship pulling away, he had just enough time to reach the ship and make the jump. He could hear Destin and Goddar shout at his arrival while the captain commanded to keep going to give some distance from the orcs arriving to stop them. Gideon ran along the outside, hoping that as long as they focused on the ship he would get close enough to reach it.
The orcs fired their arrows at the men who were readying the sails. One was hit, and fell from atop the beam, into the freezing water below. Destin rose to the back of the ship beginning to deflect to the best of his ability the numerous arrows bombarding the ship. Any moment now the Highborn would be at the docks and in a single attack he would be able to bring down the ship. Gideon would not allow such an attack to happen.
The sound of his footsteps drew the attention of the orcs, and he knew he had been spotted. With their new target they fired arrows. Gideon pushed down at the docks with all his might leaping high into the air avoiding the arrows. The dock below him crumpled into the ocean below. He landed light on his feet on the final out stretched dock the ship was leaving behind. He had enough distance to make the jump.
He controlled his breathing as he sprinted down the line his speed gradually increasing. The arrows passed around him, though he gave no heed. He felt the breeze pick up behind him, guiding him to his destination, and when the dock ended he jumped. The height he reached felt strong enough to make the great distance the ship had gained. He saw the back of the ship, able to grip the edge of it if he timed it right.
Destin raced over to him with an outstretched hand ready to receive Gideon who narrowly hit the edge of the ship, his grip barely enough to hold strong. Destin helped him up onto the deck, the ship now out of range of the arrows. He looked back at the dock to see a red hue from the Highborn he had faced.
Suddenly, a shot of fire and lighting aimed directly at the ship. Gideon pushed Destin out of the way and with both hands forward parted the flames from around the ship. Another wave of the attack was imminent. Gideon in his last ditch effort looked at Destin, “Follow my lead and focus on the ocean!”
Destin nodded lining up with Gideon and following his movements exactly watched as a wave lifted behind them creating a wall of protection from the orcs and Highborn. It held its height as long as they could maintain it. The sails caught the wind picking up speed leaving the gulf and entering the open ocean. When their distance was finally great enough Gideon and Destin subsided their hold on the ocean and the wave returned.
Lleweller stared at the ship sailing away at the distance simmering in anger and defeat. His end was becoming more real the further the ship sailed away. In no way was Viran going to allow him to live for this unforgiving failure. Vertrock to Orrinshire he was unable to end the Highborn’s lives and now they were making their way back to Alluvion, there whereabouts unknown.
The encased rage only build, seething through the cracks of his better judgement. An orc walked behind him with a number of others keeping their distance, “Your orders?” It growled. Lleweller didn’t answer, only watched until the ship vanished completely in the distance. He cried out in rage, his eyes igniting in a crimson fury. He turned around facing the orc, and in a sudden slice of his hand the orcs head dislodged with a clean cut, the body falling to the ground.
The head rolled next to Lleweller who glared into the squad of orcs. He gave only one command, “Burn it.”
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