《Highborn (The Stormforth Chronicles)》Chapter 12
In the darkness of the night they moved, hiding in the brush of the forest while the new moons shed no light on the land. Gideon gazed up at the night sky allowing Nyfiri, the North Star, to guide him to the port of Orrinshire. Destin was sure to follow closely behind, mimicking each step of Gideon and Goddar to ensure the least amount of noise. A rotting smell filled the air informing each of them that the orcs were lurking nearby as Gideon had predicted.
They had arrived on the outskirts the hillside they rested on covered in a thicket. Crawling out to the edge of the hill, each of them looked down on the city below observing open field before reaching any side of the city walls.
The port of Orrinshire was one Destin visited previously while he fled Alluvion. The fires from the lamps populated the town below like the stars of the night sky with an ember flicker. The building never reached higher than a few stories seeing as most of the population who lived their were generally out in the sea for various reasons. The wooden wall reached around the town protecting it from the dangers outside.
Destin felt wood though was rather pointless when attempting to protect a town, knowing that once it caught fire, it was only a matter of time until there was no wall. Still, the false sense of security it provided odds are helped the townsfolk sleep at night.
The gulf wrapped around tightly the city populating the entire gulf. The ships all in port, not a single things seemed disturbed in this quiet town. Checking the horizon with the gathered trees, Destin was unable to spot any movement, let alone any sign of the orcs. The enemy was invisible but the danger could be undisputedly sensed like the hush before a great battle.
Gideon motioned to each of them to listen while he whispered, “We need to reach the wall.” A look of annoyance washed across his face while he eyed the open field leading to Orrinshire. “We need a way in without being detected…” His voice trailed off.
Destin saw a number of small bushes which lead up to the main road, but ultimately there was no straight path, and even with the new moons out, there was no chance they could sneak in without being spotted. “Gideon, is there any way we can conceal ourselves?”
He shook his head wondering of the solution, “No, not easily.” He peered over the to the gulf when his eyes lit up with an idea, “However, there may be a way in yet.” He reached into his satchel to bring out a blindfold which he tied around his head to conceal his eyes. “Destin, as Highborn’s we have the ability to use the elements of the earth as our ally”
Gideon focused and sat on the ground to better center himself. “We can take things like dirt, rocks, or, for example, water, and bend them how we need them.” He raised his hands in front of him.
“So why did you cover your eyes then?” Destin wondered, “To help you better focus on what element you are trying to harness?”
Gideon shook his head, “No, to conceal the light of our eyes. Watch the shore.”
Destin turned to see the shore as a mist lifted slowly from the water rising into the air creating a wall which crept slowly into the town. The cool sea breeze picked up and blew past Destin and the group as the fog reached across the vast field until finally settling just under their feet at the tree line.
Gideon closed his hand into a fist and held for a moment before standing up and removing the blindfold. “It will conceal us, though I fear the orcs will recognize this fog was our doing.” He packed everything away and began to walk toward the hillside, “We must be swift.” He looked up at the night sky, “I have guided the wind to blow against us, to show us the way to Orrinshire. If we get separated, follow the wind.” He cautioned.
They all rose to their feet quickly and followed Gideon, each of them vanishing into the fog. The wind brushed directly against Destin, showing him traveling in the right direction. He could feel the thickness of the fog with his hands as if to almost be able to grasp a handful like a damp cloth. He put his hand over his face, but was unable to make out an outline in the darkness.
If it were not for the wind, he would be lost beyond all help until the fog cleared. He pressed forward having faith he would eventually meet the wooded outer wall.. If he wavered from the path, the breeze would be felt at his side until corrected. Gideon, Goddar and Aurella were unable to be seen and heard.
The dew of the grass began to soak the pant leg and shredded shoes Destin walked on, causing a shiver to shock his entire body. His hands remained forward as a safety net in case he were to run into anything or anyone. A bush brushed against his waist, dried up and dead it cracked branches off. He squinted at the noise, hoping it was quiet enough to not give away his position.
A hand grabbed his shoulder from behind as Destin whirled around punching with his fist. It was grabbed without any hesitation. The voice was immediately recognized, “Stay close. We are almost there” Gideon whispered continuing to walk past the boy.
It was safe to assume the orcs had used this fog to their advantage and also begun to move in towards the town. The odds of running into them was swiftly growing more certain. Destin hoped by some miracle they would be able to escape without the confrontation, but the likelihood of such events coming to pass were slim to none.
Destin’s hands soon impacted a rough, uneven surface. He carefully felt it before recognizing it as a wood pillar apart of the outer wall. He looked up unable to see the night sky or the top of the wall. He knew it wasn’t all that tall but the thickness of the wall made it seem to stretch into oblivion. The wind ceased at the wall and he followed the curve of it until meeting up with the others at the gateway.
“Lad, you know how hard it is to find the lot of you in fog at my height?!” Goddar complained with a playful jab into Destin’s leg. He laughed quietly under his breath while Gideon guided them to the front gate. Torches lit around them finally allowing them to get a small glimpse of the world around them.
Destin noticed Aurella pulling her hood over her head, odds are covering her ears seeing that atyri have not been in these parts of the land, or Alluvion for that matter in some time. The less questions needed to be asked the better.
Gideon dashed back the fog to get a clear view of the doorway and with a firm knock, a small window opened. A timeworn man inspected the area seeing a number of figures standing before the door. “What bidness have ye in Orrinshir’?” He asked in a raucous voice.
Gideon stepped up to face the old man, allowing both to get a better view, “Good evening, we are merchants returning from trade in Perdition and are looking for lodging before returning to Alluvion.”
A moment of silence was held. Destin looked around uncertain such an answer would suffice passage through. Finally, an answer broke the silence, “The ports are closed for the time bein’ due to de fog, if it clears up by daybreak, you may be able to find a captain to bring ya home.” He double looked behind him, and motioned for someone to come forward. “I recommend lodging at Krass Inn, warm meals, moderate room, fair price.”
“Appreciate the suggestion, though I feel the fog will clear up in a moments notice.” Goddar joked. Gideon sent a glare his way but still focused on the conversation with the old man.
The old man smiled in disbelief, rolling his eyes. “Sure.” He said in disbelief, “Anyway, come on in. Stay quiet as most be sleepin’ at this hour. We early risers in Orrinshir’.”
The doors inched open slowly with the pair of men opening each side. Gideon walked forward as the others followed. He motioned a salute with his thanks and stepped into Orrinshire. The man stepped down from his footstool and walked over to Gideon, barely tall enough to reach his chest. “To get to the inn, go down the street quarter mile, turn left you’ll see the sign lit by the lanterns not to far past that.”
Gideon again thanked the man for his kind gestures and saw them off. The city still covered in fog, they used the lamp posts to help guide their way across the town to their destination. He faced the group giving instructions, “Keep a low profile. No talking, nothing. The less people see us the better. Aurella, Destin, find the inn. Destin you get us the room.” Gideon tossed him a small bag full of coins. He caught the bag and looked into the pouch to count a number of coins. “After Goddar and I find a captain to sail us to Alluvion we will come find you, until then, stay out of sight.” He motioned to Goddar to move, and walked towards the docks leaving Aurella and Destin behind.
“Well…” Destin quietly stated to Aurella, “At least slaves of Vertrock are well dressed and can easily go unnoticed…” He lifted his hands up stretching and began walking down the street in the direction of the inn. Aurella had a look of disgust but didn’t follow after Destin. He rested his arms at the back of his head, “On the plus side this is a cute little town, though it has grown a lot in the past year.”
No sound behind him, no footsteps, nothing. He hastily turned around to see her vanished from the street, nothing but the lit street lamps in a row. This concerned him slightly beginning to wonder where the atyri would vanish off to so fast. He figured it was out of spite and progressed further down the street.
He walked for a number of minutes before realizing that he had completely forgotten where he needed to actually turn. The intersection he stood in had a few men walking around him, mainly minding their own business, so he wouldn’t dare to disturb them. He checked his right, gazing down the street wishing he would just see the sign for the inn by some miracle. Could happen, he's had a number of miracles already in the past.
Had he gone too far? It was his best guess, especially with this fog, even lurking low to the ground it still caused this town and it's building to blend together. He scratched his head, and figured the best thing to do would be to turn around and check other streets. He turned around and jumped from surprise finding Aurella standing right there waiting for him to notice.
“You’re oblivious. Anyone with half a mind could have killed you by now!” She pointed out, and she was one hundred percent correct with that motion.
He shrugged and smiled, “So it's safe to say you have less than half a mind then since you didn’t?” he began to laugh but was abruptly cut off with a heavy cloak slamming into his face. He removed it and held it out, it flowing to the ground. Maybe a little bigger than his size but overall a good fit.
“Don’t ask, put it on, let's move.” She commanded backtracking since he had indeed gone too far. She was a peculiar one, and Destin had the hardest time figuring her out. He figured he would never fully be able to, but he was grateful for all she had contributed so far. If anything, she had proven that he should never challenge her.
He swung the cloak around, connecting it around his neck. The hood was draped over his head concealing the view of his peripheral vision, but ultimately it did the job of hiding his disgusting and worn down clothes. First thing when he gets out of this dreadful land, he was going to get some real clothes again. He treasured that moment, seeing as that would be his realization of full freedom, completely putting Vertrock and the atrocity it bound on him for so long, forever in the past.
As if she knew the city like the back of her hand she maneuvered through the streets. Passing through the back allies and caverns, she did her best to stay elusive. Alley to alley they went, keeping their distance from the lamp posts as much as possible. Destin sensed no immediate danger, but observing Aurella he could tell she sensed something much different.
Once down the street they came to a sign above the doorway which read Krass Inn. A sigh of relief swept over Destin feeling that he had reached sanctuary. Aurella checked her surroundings while Destin opened the broad doorway both swiftly walking in. They closed the door behind and observed the quiet room.
Not many were around the tables, a few here or there but the majority, they assumed, were asleep. A few were eating but a number were gathered around the bar, a pint in their hand while passing the time near the roaring fire. Destin was unsure of the time but he had bet it was well into the night and about to be daybreak.
Aurella snuck Destin a number of coins whispering, “You get us the room, I am scoping out the place.” She walked deeper into the room. Destin figured he might as well just let her do her own thing. He looked for the innkeeper believing he would be at the bar serving what few customers he held.
The floor creaked with every step he took feeling that each step caused more and more to stare at him. Aurella moved silently somehow, why couldn’t he? It almost baffled him, but he reached the bar in a hurry tapping the man on the shoulder.
“Yes?” He grunted, annoyed by the gesture this new customer showed.
“Ah yes, a room please for the night.” Destin said setting the coin on the counter.
The man counted each one with his eyes before picking one up. “Yeah, few left. See the room to the right by the balcony banister?” He pointed directly behind Destin to the second story where Aurella was already perched. Destin turned back and nodded. “Yours. Need anything in the safe, hot bath drawn, food?”
Destin shook his head, and thanked the man for the service. The chatter around him was quiet enough to not disturb anyone, but loud enough for him to overhear. The sounds of the days catch, both good and bad, problems with the family back at home, Destin was back in civilization, the real world, hearing their stories. He walked passed each of them to make his way to the stairs excited by what all he was overhearing.
He met Aurella who sat on a chair overlooking everyone below. “Good, now we wait for the others. They shouldn’t be too far behind with how close we are to the docks.” She pointed with a nod of her head, “This room ours?”
“Yes, good to go.” Destin said looking for a seat but only finding the one. Guess he was standing. He leaned back against the wall watching the people down below, imagining what stories they had to tell. Each of their lives were so vastly different, yet here each of them were at this moment in time, together. Something he always did appreciate.
“I’m hearing footsteps outside.” Aurella said.
His eyebrows perked up amazed that she had such great hearing. He leaned against the railing to watch for who entered the room expecting that it would be Goddar and Gideon. The door cracked open with a thick black glove gripping it. Destin’s face was horrified discerning exactly what glove that was, and dropped against the way. “Hey.” Was all he needed to say to get her attention, but she was already focused being perceptive to the danger which entered.
The room was soundless once the door closed behind the orcs each step echoing through the room. Each person in the room froze in fear, each eyeing the orcs hoping they wouldn’t step closer to them. One grabbed a drink from the bar, sniffing it, and threw it to the ground in disgust.
Destin shrewdly looked away as inconspicuous as possible him and Aurella still moderately concealing their faces. He knew that none would recognize or care for Aurella yet, but each orc would distinctly remember him. He watched Aurella as she felt down at her waist for a dagger under her cloak, waiting, just in case.
The steps grew louder towards them, but he refused the check his shoulder. His heart had clean stopped with fear welling up inside him. He gripped his arm harder hoping it would calm him down slightly to no effect. He still heard every single step of their metal boots clacking on the wooden surface. Each pinging of their steps echoed in his mind like a peck. He closed his eyes beginning to panic when he felt a hand on his forearm.
Aurella stared at him with an assured calmness. Her guard was up, observing every movement in the room, yet she was still composed, ready to leap into battle in a moments notice. The atyri was waiting for the opportune moment knowing there was no chance they would remain undiscovered. She watched Destin almost silently to say that everything was going to be fine. He nodded assured that he was going to be fine.
Entering the room at this point would only draw attention to them, he knew this. He also recognized that it was a proper escape point if the opportunity called for it, and currently it may. He was nowhere near at the level Aurella probably took note of the room, and regardless of his better judgement he would follow her when the moment called for it.
They sniffed like a scent had been picked up, something they recognized. Destin gulped when he heard a step sounding from the first step of the stairs. Aurella bowed her head appearing to act as though she was sleeping or passed out. The orcs reached the top of the stairs and one began to walk down towards them.
Did he move to give them space or continue to stand still? Either way, a look at his face and each would know he was the one they were in search for. He stayed in his spot figuring it was the safest. He counted four total. Two down below, one at the stairs and one coming for him. The creature walked next to him until they stopped in their tracks and stared down. “You.” The orc growled.
Aurella swiped her dagger at the orcs leg, cutting deep. His leg gave way and he collapsed to the ground while she cut up the back of his spine before meeting the dagger to his neck slicing it open while Destin booked it into the room, leaving the door open for Aurella who moved in immediately after closing the door. The orcs body thumped to the ground. The other roared, slamming his fist on the banister shattering the rail like it was a dried twig.
They didn’t bother barricading the door, not when facing the strength of the orcs. She opened the window which was next to the bed. She checked below, but the drop was too great for Destin in his frail state. She turned to him, “Can you jump?”
“I mean, enough… Why?” But right when he began to question it was already too late. She was out the window, when he heard her on the roof running across. He leaned out the window, the heights freezing his muscles which briskly thawed when the orcs slammed through the door. They only being able to see the bottom of his legs out the window and rising to the roof.
He scurried back on all fours, the moisture of the fog dampening the tiles he was attempting to tread across. The roof exploded in front of him, a fist cleanly punching into the air. He couldn’t help but scream, reaching to the top of the roof and leaping to his feet. The fog mixed with the new moons created a darkness which could barely be read. The lamp posts below highlighted the surrounding roof lines, but only to the point of an educated guess as to where he was leaping.
Still, he didn’t have much of a choice. He followed after Aurella and with all his might jumped over the alley and landing on the other side slipping but catching himself on the ridge. He got up, and looked back to see black figures moving closer. He couldn’t make out the figures but he didn’t need to, to know what was coming.
He dashed towards the docks, using each of the buildings as a pathway. An arrow flew past Destin impacting an orc behind him which fell down the roof, smacking on the stone walkway below.
“Keep running!” She ordered firing another arrow at the orcs.
A horn sounded around the entire city. Destin was unable to trace the source, when another horn blew, followed by another, each at a different point around them… surrounded. Did Gideon know? The docks were far enough away that the horns may not make it. He needed to let them know, to warn them, and if anything receive back up.
“Come on!” Aurella shouted while waving her arm to motion him to the next adjacent roof. He turned back to see that none were following. Her arrows had struck each one, but the chase was far from over. He ran again leaping across the gap almost missing it his arms gripping the edge, preventing him from falling.
He was lifted to his feet with the assistance of Aurella, when he had an idea. He leaned over the edge of the roof watching the orcs rush down the streets around them by the dozen. The lamp post each had a burning flame, and that was all he needed. He focused in on himself, gathering the energy he needed. His hand reached towards the lamp post, the latch coming unhinged while the flame flowed towards him.
He gather it at his center, the heat warm to the touch but in no way burning him. Destin built the flame around him until it was a considerable enough size. Lifting his arms above his head he sent the flames high into the air reaching far into the night sky.
Aurella aggressively shook him knocking the daze of the magic out of him, “You cretin, you just told all the orcs our exact location!”
“And Gideon.”
“That doesn’t matter if we are dead! On top of that he doesn’t need to come to us! We need to go to him!” She was right. He may have doomed them all. Aurella’s eyes grew wide, her face lighting up. She pulled Destin down while ducking as a flame passed over them nearly scorching them.
That wasn’t Gideon. He peeked over the crease of the roof to see a figure cloaked in darkness, the glow of his red eyes revealing his treacherous grin. “Another Highborn?!” Destin exclaimed. Since when had there been another here with the orcs? Carefully peering down below, the master rhythmically moved, each flame retreating from its source concentrating around the man.
The entire street was now encased in darkness and when he collapsed the flames into extinction nothing could be seen. They were helpless and trapped with no senses to guide them. They needed to keep moving, yet any source of light would paint a target on their back.
A pillar of light lifted into the air in the distance like a newborn star guiding them to their destination. It was the docks. The fog instantly ceased, and they had their destination marked. Aurella faced Destin, “On my mark, we rush to the light. Don’t stop, don’t look back, run.” She slung her bow back around herself, and braced for the jump start. “Ready?” She asked. Destin nodded when she gave the go ahead.
Each jumped to their feet and ran with all their might towards the light. The sounds and movements below were ignored to the best of their abilities. No matter what, Destin never detracted his eyes from the starlight. No matter what, he was going to meet back up with Aurella, and each of them were going to safely escape in a ship headed to Alluvion. Without a shadow of a doubt he knew it.
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