《Highborn (The Stormforth Chronicles)》Chapter 11
He watched as the balcony grew smaller in size, Revnic rushed to the edge to peer over to see one Highborn getting away. The archers rushed to position and began firing a barrage of arrows at Gideon. He felt the wind pulse throughout his body and guiding his hands would glide further away from the tower, avoiding the castle roof below, and prepared to land in the city.
The arrows whizzed past him as he dodged with ease. The difficult part he needed to focus on would be timing his landing correctly, and seeing as he had never attempted such a jump from this height before, the tension began to grow. To land on the buildings would risk collapsing the roof, and landing on the road would be his best bet recalling that all the people were indoors due to the battle.
The air fluctuated and guided him nearly to the destination, and with one final push, rotated with both hands out for a final gust to break his fall. He landed harder than he anticipated but continued to roll on the stony road to recover. He finally came to a stop, his body with aches and bruises all around, but in no way could he let up now. Nothing was broken, and that was what was important.
He stared back at the castle observing the tallest tower missing it's roof where the battle had occurred. Gideon was somewhat bewildered by the distance he had traveled from the jump. He watched up to the clouds where the crimson jewel caused so much destruction, only to see the spiral of clouds to begin to dissipate with no signs of such jewel.
Slow to lift himself up, he walked a few steps to better gage the injuries on his body before breaking into a sprint. His biggest worry was not to get out of the city, noticing he could hide successfully in the mammoth city with little effort. He needed to escape from Arthemis, from Alluvion. Gideon needed to get to Perdition.
The weaving of the streets were like a maze, the brick buildings each with their subtle differences blending into one another. The guards and men who would come to hunt him would not be able to reach him for a number of minutes and it was this time which was crucial. The main gate, as well as the adjacent ones would be sealed for some time. He leapt up to the roof, landing carefully as to not disturb those below him, and saw the city wall in the distance.
Gideon’s heart lifted perceiving that Allicane’s Barrier had ceased from existence. This was the luck he needed, though now he could sense the soldiers not too far behind. He ran across the rooftops leaping from building to building hoping to save some time in doing so. Gideon feared that it would be far easier to spot him, but at this point it was worth the risk.
With the walls nearly a block away he jumped from atop the roof into a back alley to better access the situation. Gideon watched the top of the wall to the best of his ability given the angle he was at. The men were there pacing, their numbers higher than what he expected, but that was due to the battle. He looked for the best way up, seeing there was no direct entrance anywhere to be seen. The only solution was to go up.
According to his location, from what he best recalled, the open field stretched for some time before finally being met by forest. The only thing he would need to worry about is getting out of range of their weaponry, and fast. Gideon walked up to the wall, and with eyes glowing, guided his hand to particular points on the wall. He clenched his fist to secure the point, and as he pulled his hand back the stone ever so slightly pulled out from the wall. Gideon did this a number of times to best pave his way to the wall before leaping up the steps he created.
He lightly landed on the top of the wall, Artemis' soldiers all around him looking fairly confused as to how a man in enemy armor landed behind them from the city. Gideon didn’t take this moment lightly still enraged by the death of his father, and used this moment to get out that blind aggression. Each man that approached him met a swift fate. Not one man was adequately trained for taking on a Highborn, let alone regular soldiers. He stopped arrows in their paths, countered multiple peoples blades like it was child's play, and though his blood thirst was not yet satisfied he still recognized the need to retreat.
He forced the men back with an indomitable gust of wind, each toppled to the ground. He then dove off the wall, delicately timing his landing as he hit the ground with a cloud of ash kicked up around him. He dashed across the field narrowly avoiding the flurry of arrows darting past him. He would not stop until he was sure there was no chance of catching him.
Each step sounded with a subtle crunch of ash. The world around him grew silent while Gideon observed the battlefield of his fallen comrades. He walked across the snow white field, ash still falling around him. Charred wood from the catapults still were burning to a crisp while the men’s metal armor still lay intact on the ground.
Swords, spears, stood frozen in time marking the last moments of their masters. Shadows that remained. Ghosts of those he knew, fought beside, and loved. His body shook overwhelmed from the degree of significance. He held back his need to cry out in anguish, and continued to press forward through the valley of ashes.
Gideon knelt down picking up a breastplate with the sigil of Ronin, the amarok. Across the breastplate was the charred outline of the man’s arm, odds are in reaction to the oncoming light force. He respectfully sat it back down in the dust and rose up to continue his journey. The flames in the distance still crackled releasing sparks into the night sky.
He stood on something sharp, though it was no kind of weapon. He kicked away the powder and picked up the object seeing that it was the Magi Syndicate emblem around a electrum chain. He could still feel the heat it absorbed from the blast, and disregarding the heat put the chain around his neck.
The time for mourning had not yet come, recognizing he remained in danger Gideon sprinted across the field until he was met by the brush of the forest. For hours he ran and maneuvered using the stars as his guide through the night. The stars continuously fell into the morning, as Gideon counted each one, recollecting the Highborn men and women he knew and loved.
His lungs burned like an unquenched flame. Regardless of how tired his body felt, how much it begged him to stop and rest for a moment, he resisted. He was the last of the Highborn. A way of life now faded into history, soon to be forgotten by the world. It was over, everything the High King had promised had come to pass. Gideon would never forgive the actions of Revnic as long as he lived. That night he vowed to do everything in his power to correct the errors of the High King, if possible, he would kill Revnic.
Andorran was the center point for the Highborns, and remembering the castle was decimated, there would be no chance to recover the texts and scrolls which remained. The Magi Syndicate foresaw such an event taking place and prepared by hiding such scrolls and books throughout the land. Seeing as he needed to get out of Alluvion the best bet would be to flee to the south, just outside of Blythe. A hidden cavern outside the city held the information needed to pass on their way of life.
Gideon released them from the memory returning them to the real world back in the cave. He felt the band around his neck, the magi symbol still chained as it was when he found it. Destin found himself in a cold sweat, exhausted from the experience, and looking over at Goddar saw that he was in the same state. The Highborn stood, overall unwavered from the experience and strain the vision had put on him.
“So what then happened? You escaped to here I get that, but how?” Destin wondered.
Gideon outreached his hand to help the boy to his feet, “There were complications, in order to avoid the soldiers of Arthemis I needed to travel at night. Gathering the books was not so simple and in my attempt to secure the books, I was only able to secure a few before being discovered. The rest of the texts were destroyed shortly after.” Goddar was helped up to his feet by Gideon who continued his story, “Blythe was the easy part, the port alone had a number of ships venturing over to Perdition, it was only a matter of finding the merchant to smuggle me.”
Goddar brushed off the dust of his clothes, “Don’t get me wrong, it's a lot of information to process in such a short time, but you get what the High King did correct?”
Gideon had an idea, knowing that the dwarf was referring to the events which took place after his sleep. Still, he was unsure of the extent.
Aurella emerged from the water, ropes around her belt and shoulders, each carrying a fish attached. She removed the fish from her neck walking over to the stone table, resting the fish there. Everyone watched, somewhat shocked that she casually strolled in. She turned around to see them all staring at her. She looked around more confused than they looked, “What? I brought food, figured you all were hungry seeing as it is almost midday now.”
Goddar stuck his nose over the table barely tall enough to see over, “Oh they a beauty indeed!” His stomach growled reminding him just how famished he really was. They had not eaten a lick of food since the escape, but with all the events which transpired their bodies all but forgot about it. “Cook em’ up! Let us feast!”
While the both of them prepared the meal, Gideon called Destin over to the bookshelf with a number of books scattered throughout. He picked one from the stack and cracked it open. “These books possess the majority of what I know and understand of our abilities Destin. If you choose I can train you, teach you our ways, this way of life and the strength it provides to the world will not be forgotten.”
“This is more than I ever could imagine, I mean a world hidden. I only thought these gifts I possessed were nothing more than luck and an overactive imagination. Destin said skimming the pages. If only he could absorb all this knowledge.
“Overactive imagination certainly helps, but there is a greater evil tucked away in the world here Destin, and that is the fact that people like you possess such gifts, and have little to no idea.” He pulled out a scroll and began to unravel it, “Understand, that a world which believes no magic exists, creates such a barrier in itself to the very possibility.”
“I’m just not ready to go to war.” he confessed. “With my father I saw what the battlefield holds, and it's not for me. I barely even handle a sword.”
Gideon was quiet for a moment thinking, “Understand this, war is the last thing I want. You saw, you felt everything I felt from that battle. I would do all in my power to prevent such things from occurring again. Right now, it is our duty to show the world magic exists, what comes after is out of our control.”
Destin looked at the illustrations on the page, it never was going to be so simple of a path as Gideon made it out to be. This was the only way, what magic, his abilities, had done for himself in helping escape from Vertrock, from seeing his own father, it was a gift Destin always considered a curse, and he regretted believing such things. “Will I be good enough?” Destin questioned with serious doubt.
“To be a legend or a fool is a fate left to you. The paths are presented before you, walk.”
Hating to admit it, the old man was right. Old man only by the fact of his age, despite appearing barely younger than his father. Still, with some doubt weighing down his heart, he agreed to follow Gideon. The path ahead was far from uncertain, but whatever evil hid away such a beautiful endowment from the Gods needed to be corrected.
“Here.” Gideon said handing him a book bound together in leather, the lettering on the cover was foreign to Destin. “This was my father's work, he compressed all the important writings and knowledge he possessed and made it into a single book. It yours.”
Destin was speechless in receiving such a book. He held it tight to his chest, “Thank you. This and all you’ve done for us will be remembered.” Destin thought to himself a moment longer deciding it was time. “Gideon, there is something I need to show you, something you may be able to shed some light on.”
Intrigued, he motioned for Destin to begin when he took a few steps back. Removing the chain around his neck, Destin unbound the ring holding it in his hand. His eyes glowed a ghostly white, as Goddar and Aurelia turned to see where the source of light permeated from.
The ring rose into the air, floating to the center of the room. A ghostly figure took form, Arthemis’ general armor took shape with Destin’s father looking around the room to discover his new surroundings. Gideon stood in awe speaking under his breath, “The power of the Goddess Valera.” He walked closer to observe things closer.
“What you mean you can’t do this?” Destin questioned.
“No, it is beyond me, and no one has been able to do this for some time. This is a rare gift you possess Destin.” Gideon said.
“So you did it Destin, you escaped Vertrock.” His father cracked a smile towards his son, and then looking at the others in the room, “And who might you be?” He stepped to Gideon extending a hand out, as they shook.
“Gideon, a Highborn like your son. Good to meet you.” He turned to Destin, “How are you this strongly connected with Valera?”
Destin shrugged his shoulders unsure how to answer, let alone who Valera was. Gideon recognized the unsureness of Destin and explained, “How Allicane is the God of Death, Valera is the Goddess of Life. Each element of magic has it's accompanied God or Goddess.” He turned back to Destin’s father, “But this is at such a level, that I haven’t quite seen this level in my lifetime.”
With his father standing beside him, Destin was still having a difficult time comprehending what Gideon meant by his unique abilities. Seeing as it was never anything he had explored or was able to research, his knowledge on magic was quite limited. “Hopefully that is promising then.” Destin said turning to his father, “We escaped Vertrock but are still needing to escape from Perdition. We are on our way to Orrinshire tonight.”
“What is the plan once you get back to Alluvion?” His father asked.
Aurella stepped up to interject her idea, “The reason for my travels was to confirm the movements of High King Viran, pertaining to Perdition and Alluvion, and to return to King Airrick of Stormforth to report my findings. It was my hope to bring the atyri back from their island, and return to the mainland to fight in the war we originally ran from.”
“Oh, now that be a temptin’ plan!” Goddar said biting into a fish practically swallowing it whole. “I have not met that king per say, nor any for that matter, so it might be fun.”
Aurella ignored Goddar and continued, “Having two Highborn accompanying me would help the effort, and may be able to bring in other allies.”
“You will need to tread lightly in the meantime. Bringing magic back into the world is a delicate process and needs to be handled as such.” Destin’s father stated.
“I agree, which is precisely what we are going to do.” Gideon motioned. “The orcs know that our only logical path of escape is through Orrinshire. It only makes sense that they will be waiting there for you two, and anyone else who survived.” He paced around thinking for a moment, “From what I can access, none know of my awakening yet, Revnic’s lineage is still in control of the kingdom, and therefore possess magical abilities, but this crucial information gives us an upper hand.”
Aurella pulled out a note, “I have written a small letter to be delivered to King Airrick, once we get out of the cave I will send it by hawk.” Everything felt as though it were falling into place, Destin couldn’t help but be filled with a fire inside as the conversation evolved. “If memory serves me correctly we will be in Stormforth in a day or two once we set sail.”
“You are correct.” Destin’s father said, “The winds being swift you can make it in a single day. My worry is with such disconnect from the mainland, you have little sense of the whereabouts of the enemy kingdoms, including over the waters.”
“Valid point, but we shouldn’t need to worry, once we escape Perdition, our direction will be incredibly hard to judge. We should be safe. There are also a number of smugglers in this port.” Gideon pointed out. He glanced at Destin’s father, “I do however thank you for your sacrifice. Because of what you did, we now have a chance to renew the land, and bring back the balance that was lost.”
He looked at his son a moment, “I would do it again in an instant. Furthermore, I do have information that would help guide your way seeing as I was one of the generals in the High King’s army. Do you perhaps have a map and quill?”
Gideon went to the shelf and pulled out the aged map laying it across the table weighing it down with a number of small rocks. “Portions of it may be out of date due to this being over three hundred years old.”
His father stepped forward and observed the map, “It is accurate enough. Still, it is to be noted that my information may be slightly outdated, but once the High King had something in order, it rarely changed.”
Destin’s father went on to draw out where the camps, forts, ports, and sail routes of Arthemis. His memory as precise as it had always been. Once he was finished, a clear path shown from Perdition to Stormforth. “From what Destin has told me over the past year, Stormforth is the main opposer of High King Viran. You make it to Alluvion near Davos, you’ll have a straight shot on making it there safely.”
Aurella spoke up, “ I will relay the message to King Airrick now. Excuse me.” They all nodded as she left the room to again visit the outside world. Gideon studied the map carefully, striving to recall it to memory. Destin watched in awe with how much of a hold the High King held over the land, and though it seemed to be a safe pathway to Stormforth, fear lingered in his heart.
“Thank you for this, it has greatly helped us.” Gideon said reaching to roll up the map.
He nodded in gratitude and began to shine brighter and vanish from his feet while it slowly rose higher. “This is greater than any of us could comprehend. You and my son are embarking the most important movement of our time. Godspeed.” He vanished, the ring returning to Destin when he secured it again around his neck.
“You are extraordinary Destin. You will do great things, but we can’t do them cooped up in a cave. Let us pack up and head out, we need to cover much ground to reach Orrinshire in time.” Gideon said grabbing a satchel to begin filling it with books.
Destin felt the cover of the book Doriath composed, thumbing the pages in awe by the knowledge the pages contained. He looked around the room to see everyone moving into action to prepare for their adventure. He couldn’t help but crack a smile before heading into motion to travel to Orrinshire.
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