《Highborn (The Stormforth Chronicles)》Chapter 10
Gideon stood surrounded by his fellow troops at the city walls of Arthemis. The castle watched over the land and the impending battle that was about to take place as a pillar of fire reached into the night sky from the spire. He passed by his fellow men, soldiers and Highborns alike, all standing in line. He walked up to a weathered man, wise in his years, a general. Gideon gazed up at the magical influx, “Ten thousand, will it be enough?” He verbally wondered.
“I fear It’s too late to wonder son. Regardless of if it is enough, this needs to be enough.” He responded facing Gideon with a worried look on his face, “With Revnic controlling the kingdoms if we fail the Highborn’s will fall.”
“Then let us fight this last fight!” He motioned assuring his father, he moved away to get into position for the final attack standing next to his battalion. His blood boiled at the reality of the situation, the ultimate betrayal. He recalled the destruction of the syndicate in Andorran, all the families forever shattered. “Tonight, the High King will fall.” He solemnly vowed.
The city bells rang with their low hum, the final breath before the battle. A hush was over the entire field outside the great wall, the catapults loaded and ready to fire. At the walls of Arthemis the soldiers stood ready to nook their arrows on command, unknown of their fates for tonight. The High King watched afar off from the castle balcony overlooking the city below his eyes powerfully resonating crimson like the pillar above.
Gideon saw the flare of light from his position knowing it was his old friend Revnic, his ultimate destination of the night. If he could help it, he would watch that castle and all the atrocities in it collapse into oblivion. Knowing it was time he watched his fellow men anticipate the attack one final time before raising up his arm announcing his command, “Archers on the ready! Catapults, ready and hold.”
The other nine generals were heard commanding the same to their men, with the sense that all were ready the command was given with the trajectory of iron and stone flying to impact and decimate the city walls. All watched for the initial impact in the dual full moons light. The pillar of fire held strong with each collision revealing an aura of light reaching into the heavens around the city wall.
Nothing. No effect, in fact the entire city was impenetrable through weaponry alone. Gideon watched every hit fall to the ground outside the city with a thud. His eyes glowed green revealing his Highborn abilities as he charged up. The Highborn around the fields began to light the ground floor with their magic resonating from within.
The connections to the Highborns were being established as the voice of his father communicating, “Allicane’s Palisade, he dove into darker magic than we previously thought he would go.” Gideon’s heart fell when he realized he missed the signs. Allicane, or the God of Death pertained to the darkest of magic in which no Highborn was ever to delve into. “A stalemate it appears.”
“Catapults, reload and hold positions.” Gideon commanded waiting for any ideas for a solution. The stance this powerful of magic held needed to be countered with its equivalent. Measuring up for such power seemed practically impossible to him. His anger continued to swell from within building up his energy stronger with absolute control.
Another general answered, “With such a barricade we would be able to stand as a blockade and starve them out. With these appropriate number it would be possible.”
“Not possible.” Gideon’s father countered, “He has many allies which could be marching here now, which would only create a greater obstacle. Tonight is our window, this attack must be concluded tonight.”
No one said a word. Regardless, if there was an opinion needed to be shared. If it was a dead end option it was better left unsaid. Neither side could attack one another. Was it possible to get someone on the inside and have them break the barrier from within? With Allicane’s Barrier up, all portals and such would be disconnected and unable to open. So what then? The Highborn, with all his knowledge, was unable to find this answer.
A contrite voice chimed in, “There is one way.” He paused hesitant to continue, “Once you see the barriers down commence the attack. If I am correct the barrier will be down no longer than a few seconds before it recovers.”
“Grayson, what do you mean? What are you doing?!” Gideon demanded watching his fellow general and fellow Highborn march to the wall. “Grayson, it's not worth it!”
Across the field the general looked past everyone seeing Gideon watching him walk over to the city wall. Only speaking to each other Grayson added, “The price of our sacrifice is worth the chance of Alluvion’s victory.”
Gideon could only watch the general and his fifty Highborn walk next to the walls of Arthemis. Each drew their respective symbol on the ground while meditating to carry out the next steps. Grayson lead each of the fifty volunteers who each knew precisely what to do. Grayson connected with the other Highborn again, “Ready once you are in position.”
“Highborns gather together, prepare for the opening. Our timing is everything.” The general commanded with each of the Highborn gathering in the center in the distance behind where the fifty Highborn stood with their runes drawn and prepared. The eight generals stood center while the other human soldiers made room for the Highborns.
Each general walked an even pace apart as they began to mark on the ground an eight point star. The octagon in the center provided enough space to fit the remaining Highborn. A rune symbol was carefully formed at the peak of each point. The remaining Highborn gathered in the middle of preparing for the jump.
Gideon and the other generals watched with each of their abilities activating a point on the star, each point glowing it's respective aura. The intensity magnified with the runes activating sending a piercing light into the night. Gideon’s father lead the commands, “Grayson, it is time.”
With Grayson’s abilities still active he and his men all focused their hands towards the ground, the wind briskly picking up. The world seemed to breathe with them adding life to their endeavor. The runes illuminated pure white light, an orb forming around each of the Highborn’s hands. They simultaneously reached their hands forward towards the blood red barrier fighting back with black electric shocks.
Grayson and the other men didn’t dare flinch or show weakness as they continued to press forward their hands reaching towards the barriers. Once their hands rested on the barriers the permeating light from their hands were absorbed into the barrier before creating a small slice. Each of the Highborns reached into the cuts of the barrier, their entire bodies now absorbing the impenetrable barrier.
Alllican’s Barrier burned into their skin causing it to glow brighter than the noon day sun. Each held tight, refusing to give up, though Gideon could hear the screams of pain. The energy caused their entire bodies to begin to deteriorate, their bodies now engulfed in this energy. Grayson’s eyes shot open as he let out a wail of pain the golden light shining out of his mouth and eyes, but he pressed on. The others followed onward.
Each of the fifty Highborn held strong to the end until the barrier instantly shattered, the shockwave thrusting down the surrounding men from both kingdoms. The pillar of fire in the castle spire fluxated before erasing from existence. The moment had opened the eight generals initiated the star before materializing into pure light, thrusting towards the broken barrier and into the city of Arthemis before arriving in the High Castle.
The fifty Highborn were gone, dust in the wind in a golden hue floating into the night sky. A star fell to Alluvion over the castle, followed by another twinkling down and fading. Each star fell and faded from existence until each of the fifty who died were accounted for. The men outside the wall watched in awe at the spectacle realizing just how powerful of a sacrifice they had made.
The portal had worked, each of the Highborns were transfigured into the center of Arthemis’ castle. Once materialized in the grand ballroom each Highborn found himself surrounded by the enemy with an arrow pointed at them. They quickly looked around watching the grand staircase it reaching to the floor above where the soldiers waited for the command to fire.
Revnic stepped down the staircase his abilities in full force. His five councilmen followed closely behind ready to unleash their powers if prompted to do so. The High King held out his arms welcoming the Highborns to Arthemis, “Masters, arriving in good time. I am impressed, I never anticipated that you would sacrifice yourselves in such a way.” He reached the bottom of the steps while hesitantly keeping his distance. “The Highborn way of life is finished.”
Gideon’s father stepped to the front of the group, archers still aimed at them. “Then let us end it now Revnic, you and your five against me and our six masters. Let us not have more bloodshed than necessary.” He stepped forward towards Revnic, “This is between us.”
“On my order, these men will fire their arrows and we will kill you.” Revnic said, “And mark my words Doriath, you existence will vanish from history.”
Gideon recognized his father, Doriath, knew there was no other way, that bloodshed was inevitable. Observing the room around him, Gideon saw no more than forty archers which they could manage if need be. The fact of the matter is they would need to disarm and relinquish their ability to fight, outside of death.
“Then may your end be swift, my High King.” Doriath insultingly stated. “Your betrayal of this world and Kingdom will not go unpunished.” He then launched forward facing Revnic his energy flowing out of his arm attacking the High King.
The archers released their arrows at the Highborns who reacted by manifesting a white shield around one another. A flurry of Highborn fell with arrows piercing their bodies, too slow to react. Gideon and the other seven masters moved in sync while the others held the shield up. They each drew their respective runes while Gideon dashed towards the High Kings councilmen to defend his father.
A wave emanated from the masters forcing outward where the archers watched. The sudden impact of energy threw the archers against the wall instantly knocking most of them out cold. Gideon seeing this as a moment to act, he drew his sword charging towards Revnic. Activating his power, he spun around waving his hand at the ground, the dust being picked up with a mighty gust of wind before being aimed at the High King.
In an instant Revnic’s eyes shone like lilac, a demonic smile cracked across his face. With a snap of his fingers he vanished. Gideon knew what this kind of power meant, he was accessing the void. He looked back at his father who also realized what had happened. He drew out his sword as well commanding his men to attack the stairway.
Time was running short, with Gideon recognizing the oncoming assault they would need to stop Revnic before he had a chance to complete the attack. The five councilmen stood ready for the attack, each with their weapons drawn. Brother against brother, the Highborn fought to break through, each clash of the blades equally countered in speed and strength. The masters were evenly matched against the councilmen.
Though the Highborn held the numbers, they quickly began to fall with the archers firing a few arrows into the backs of the men. A Highborn leaped up to the balcony where the archers shot, and threw his knives into the men. He tried to dodge the arrows either by maneuvering or swaying them away with magic. Ultimately, arrows broke through striking the man his cry of pain cut short from the breath escaping him. A final blast flung at the archers before an arrow lodged in his skull.
The Highborn and councilmen broke away, “I’m impressed.” One of the councilmen said, “But in the end this attack is for nothing.” The bells began to ring throughout the entire city of Arthemis. “It's begun, and before long this room will swarm with troops to finish the lot of you off!” He promised.
They needed to think fast, it was true that they were evenly matched, and with Revnic on the move it was apparent that their end was near. Gideon began regretting the attack at hand, realizing this direct attack on Arthemis was a fool's blunder. They had served up the Highborn on a silver platter and the High King was taking his sweet time with the kill, bleeding it out for every moment it was worth.
Doriath drew a rune in the air with his magic when lightning shot from his fingers impacting the ceiling above the men above the stairs. The roof collapsed in on the men, forcing them to separate, one councilman forced a shield above him, but with the impact of a bolder he was instantly crushed.
Gideon and Doriath bolted towards the stairs seeing it as an opportune moment to break through. The other Highborns protected the two while holding off the scattered Revnic’s followers bombarding them with attacks. They began to be overwhelmed at the overwhelming attack from the four remaining masters.
They both leapt up the stairs to quicken their movement and retreat from the dissenters below. The tower ominous lurked over the city observing the battle below, catapults and archers still aggressively attacking the barriers. The thunder of each impact was heard in the tower. Gideon and Doriath watched at the top of the stairs as Revnic poured his aura into a crimson crystal in the center of the darkened room.
His hands maneuvered around the crystal rhythmically the energy passing from one source to another. The vast balcony behind him stretched around the majority of the tower to help gaze down to the battle below. Gideon noted quickly that his men had still made no impact on the magical wall.
“Gideon, Doriath, this is the strength and might of giving into the void, of allowing that darkness to enter your soul. This is what will bring order, control, to Alluvion.” They both separated in order to pace around Revnic better in hopes to attack and overwhelm him. Revnic noticed, but never broke his concentration from the crystal. “This kingdom, this people, will never know this gift I will give them.”
“Enslavement? Death? The only thing you will cause besides order is chaos as the world and its people run around lost.” Doriath objected while he activated his powers to prepare for the attack.
“You’ve killed tens of thousands Revnic. You have given into the madness, and now will be stopped.” Gideon said also preparing for the attack, his eyes illuminating.
Revnic snapped, his voice shouting above all else pointing to Gideon, “You’ve lost your way Gideon! You lost it the day the Highborn began training you, blocking your mind from the possibilities of possessing both good and evil. The clairity it gives the mind is unlike anything.” He lifted his hand, clenching his fist as Gideon flew high into the air, bound by an unseen force.
Doriath bolted toward the High King, but it was too late. Revnic snatched up Gideon’s father trapping him against the wall, unable to budge from a force. He moved his hands to his core drawing a jagged symbol in the air, once his hand ceased their movements, the binding held while he was able to freely move.
“I do apologize for being so hostile, but you understand why. Especially when my own friend and ally has betrayed me for the last time.” He stared down Gideon with a grievous glare that sank into his very soul. It was a look of true betrayal, a sense Gideon had not felt in his lifetime, and he would never forget that stare. “You will not stop the end.”
He shouted as if to guarantee that they both could hear him loud and clear, “This is where we get lost, on our judgement of good and evil. Now watch as your people perish under the might of Allicane.” He drew the final symbols under the glowing jewel and took some steps back to prepare for the cataclysmic events which were about to occur.
The clouds retreated back to the center of Arthemis rotating into a cyclone growing blacker than a moonless night. The symbols activated with the entire tower excessively shaking, the jewel glowing like a molten ember rising into the peak of the tower roof. Gideon brought his attention to the balcony seeing red lightning strike around the city bouncing off the mystical barrier, sporadically shooting into the ground.
He was sure the building would collapse under him and all three of their lives would be claimed in an instant. A final strike bolted out of the sky hitting the peak of the tower obliterating the roof top above them. The bricks tumbled down around them and the city impacting the ground. Gideon lost sight of his father during the collapse and shielded his eyes while the walls fell. By some miracle he opened his eyes to find himself unscathed, the thickness of the dust caused his lungs to burn.
Finding movement in his hand, he figured it may be enough to break free, and using the cloud of dust to his advantage he cancelled the hold of Revnic. He fell to the ground landing lightly to not bring attention to himself, quietly sneaking behind debri to better access his situation. He was unable to locate his father, and against his better judgement threw both his hands forward forcing the wind out of the balcony through a mighty gust of wind.
Revnic walked towards Gideon at an easy pace, “There is no need to fight now Gideon, only to observe. It cannot be reversed now.” He saw his father still pinned against the wall, who motioned to his son that he was uninjured. Revnic motioned for Gideon to join him onto the balcony, and seeing as he didn’t have a choice he obliged.
Gideon noticed the jewel continued to lift further into the night sky over the city. He kept a close eye on the jewel monitoring it's position. Needing to figure out what intentions were set in motion he would not stand here idle for long. He rested his hands on the stone railing, chunks taken out from the fallen walls. He did his best to not appear hostile.
“Years ago, when High King Kendro died, the council along with you selected me to lead and guide this land with righteous judgement. It was unanimous, remember? In thunderous applause the Highborn cheered to welcome their new High King, and a new age began.” He shrugged swinging his arms out, “What happened Gideon? What happened for you to turn on me when I have done only that which is just?”
Gideon stayed silent for a moment watching the battle unfold below. Revnic carefully watched him gaze down at the battle below. “What light clouded your judgement?” Revnic questioned before slapping his hand on the balcony banister, “No matter,” he looked into the night sky, the jewel now absorbed into the cyclone. “You will see that what I do for my people is just.”
A beam of light shot from the center of the cyclone resting on the center of the tower, Alluvion’s barrier refracting the light chaotically around while the pillar reached to the outside of the barrier. “What is this!” Gideon demanded to know.
“The end.”
The crimson light turned harsh with black veins cracking from the pinnacle and reaching down to where the light rested on the ground. The pillar stretched outward the veins seeming to breath life into the light. The grass around the city walls caught fire, while growing only to leave behind ash and death. Gideon fell to his knees once he saw his men evaporating once they were caught by the rays. Though it was slow to reach, everyone of the retreating men were caught up and killed.
Revnic stumbled gripping his shoulder in pain, turning to reveal the knife in his back. Gideon peered behind him to see his father charging in with his sword drawn, ready to strike. Revnic let the knife rest where it stabbed, and instead pulled his own sword out, spinning low to swipe at Doriath’s legs.
Gideon through the confusion and mayhem was stunned. Watching his people perish, the other side of the pillar resting a quiet snowfall of ash. The lightning struck around them though he gave little attention. His heart sank into the abyss for the loss of those lives he helped orchestrate. He turned his head back to the battle to see Revnic slashing down at Gideon, who had no time to react.
His father’s blade swiped by his face upward to perry the attack then kicked Revnic back. “Get up son, move!” He offered his hand out which Gideon graciously accepted beginning to snap out of his spell.
Grasping his sword he got his bearing on his surroundings, facing his king with the intention to strike him down. Rotating the blade to loosen his wrist he marched with purpose preparing for the clash which was about to erupt.
Revnic leapt into action, his left hand immobile from the knife wound. Gideon recognized it gave them the upperhand seeing as he was unable to fight and use any abilities. Still, he lunged forward striking Gideon’s blade who deflected the blow. Doriath swung his blade only to be blocked. Revnic watched each of his foe’s movements carefully to read their attacks. His footwork was precise to help ensure the both of them always stayed in front to not overwhelm himself. Each hit was countered with ease, showing his skills with the blade far outperformed the both of them.
Gideon failed to let up the barrage of attacks seeing that Revnic would not be able to hold out for long continuously blocking each hit while slowly bleeding out. He would tire, it was only a matter of time. With a left cut from Gideon, Revnic narrowly blocked but it was too late. Doriath planted his feet and pointed as flames lit out from his palm.
Unable to correct the attack Revnic released the grip on his blade to part the flames around him. Seeing this as his moment, Gideon sliced through the flames, his sword clinging against the stone floor. Doriath ceased the flames to see the High King stepping back to keep his distance. Preparing for their next attack he studied each of their movements, his hand at the ready to deflect any attack.
Doriath flung the fallen stone at the High King who attentively rose it over himself. Gideon did the same as they eased closer and closer to Revnic until their blades began to attack. Revnic ducked and dodged the slashing blades, while maneuvering them ever so slightly to avoid injury.
The flames and debri flowed around as Gideon and Doriath rhythmically moved in sync. Revnic received a harsh burn across his leg from Doriath’s attack, and stumbled to the ground. Relentless, the pair fought to barrage him with oncoming attacks, seeing that the moment to strike was upon them.
Gideon stabbed the blade when Revnic discreetly veered the direction of the blade it sinking into flesh. Blood spilt on the floor creating a small pool, his father looking into his son’s eyes “Son…” was all Doriath muttered before beginning to collapse. He was held up by Revnic who devilishly tempted Gideon, “The Highborn are the murders Gideon. This is the result of the destructive nature your kind possess.”
Soldiers entered the room surrounding their king. His father’s head slumped over, his dying breath released. Revnic released the body, forcefully falling to the ground on top of the growing blood pool. The disrespect for his father’s body enraged Gideon beyond all belief, as all sense of judgement ceased.
The soldiers were ready and waiting for the command, and if the Highborn attacked they would fight until the last one fell. Gideon checked the line of men, beginning to back up to the balcony, his space quickly running out. There would be no hope of him climbing down, the archers would pick him off easily. Seeing no other choice, being backed into the banister, he knew he was going to fight till his death.
A particle of ash landed gently on the center of his hand. he stared at it wondering who or what that ash once was, as morbid as that sounded to him, he couldn’t help but ponder. He looked out into the battlefield, it being covered in ash, a hush over the once deafening battlefield. He turned back to Revnic realizing that this could not be his end. This will not be his end. If only one survived it was enough to keep the fight going.
He saw his father’s body one final time, saying a solemn goodbye to himself. He would not allow such things to occur again. Gideon braced himself against the banister, closing his eyes, gave one final inhale. He jumped into the air, flipping back, and rotating while falling down to the city below.
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