《Highborn (The Stormforth Chronicles)》Chapter 9
Gideon lead them into the cavern each following closely behind one another. To Destin he his expression seemed lost of hope. He didn’t know what the atyri meant by being three hundred years since the Battle of Arthemis, but it obviously weighed heavily on the ancient Highborn. Whether to comfort or just let be Destin was unsure, seeing as Gideon was an absolute stranger. The fact that he was following him into a hidden cave now covered from the outside world had his conscience screaming at the idiocracy of the idea.
Regardless, Destin felt the need to make a good impression seeing that he had awoken a man from a three century slumber. To fall short of expectations with the significance this event felt to hold, would destroy Destin’s spirit. His heart pounded hard enough to echo in the tunnel around them, still he did his best to be at peace with the situation.
No one spoke a word while moving deeper into the mountain, Gideon felt the ridgid cavern walls surrounded by pitch blackness acting as a guide to their destination. Each step carefully being felt on the uneven ground. Destin felt as though to create a light to help guide them through as he had done previously for himself, but as he did Gideon stopped in his tracks.
Stopping for a moment, Gideon moved his hand above himself reaching to the top of the cavern whispered words unfamiliar to Destin. Symbols slowly lit up around them in an aqua glow, dimly guiding them deeper into the chamber. The shapes and curves of these marking felt almost familiar to him, like a distant memory long forgotten.
Goddar was caught with his mouth down in awe gazing around at the light guiding their way. It was always curious to Destin to witness someone who had only dreamed of magic, and now was able to see it's realization. The blessing of faith, like the dwarf had never lost that child-like imagination, always knowing that such things were true, even when the world told otherwise. Destin smiled with a gentle laugh at the thought.
As to the writings on the wall Destin spoke up in question, “What are these writings on the wall?”
In his deep raspy voice Gideon promptly replied, “These markings are runes or in other words the language of the Gods. In short, they provide a special power in which Highborn’s can harness and command. From the sounds of it, it's been long forgotten.”
“Aye, even in my life time I have no recollection of seeing such signs.” Goddar added still mesmerized by the glow.
This worried Destin, like a history had been lost or forgotten by the world around him. It didn’t make sense as to why anyone would let such information be lost in time. He felt the need to dig deeper into the problem, but in due time, seeing that it could be better timed.
“This is how I have stayed hidden while asleep for nearly three centuries to help ensure the High King and his followers would be unable to locate me. You too are also hidden.” He turned back looking at Destin, “When you used magic to escape, you released such a great amount of power that for a small time other Highborns were able to pick up on it and track the source, which is how I awoke from my sleep.”
They advanced forward, “Not much further. I have a feeling we can help each other greatly. I hope both our minds can have light shed on them with the events lost in the past.” Gideon suggested.
The runes glowed dimly on the walls, “There are a number of things we will need to cover Highborn.” They moved around as the cavern curved and opened into a greater chamber which lit around with jade eternal flames hovering in the air. A number of shelves housed odd bottles, books, and miscellaneous items. The middle of the chamber held an altar, an aged book with nearly worn away pages sat opened, the moonlight shining though a great crack like a spotlight. Towards the west a small pool with rocks outlining the edge. The pool odds are was from an underground passageway connected to the lake.
Destin and Goddar gazed around in wonder seeing the flames not give off any smoke, but still have the heat and light of a roaring fire. This was where he had stayed hidden for all these years. It was unfathomable to Destin, the knowledge that this Highborn had.
Gideon welcomed them in, the room was spacious enough to house each of them comfortably, “Tell me, are there others?”
“To my knowledge no. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as to being a Highborn until Goddar told me. Honestly, my father kept this entire thing a secret from everyone as long as he could.” Destin was doing his best to piece everything together.
Gideon sat on a flat rock next to his bedside and invite his new guests with a hand gesture as they obliged each taking their respective seat. “Goddar, what history do you know of?”
The dwarf stared down at the ground, exhaling profusely as he thought back to what he had been taught. “Thinking back, Highborn were never mentioned. I learned about them by accident from one of the elder dwarfs, but that was as a bedtime story. Heck, magic even was nothin’ more than a story, we never thought such things were real.”
They all sat silent for a moment as Gideon thought to himself, “What of the battle the atyri referred to previously, Battle of Arthemis?”
Everyone sat with a blank look on their face not knowing a word of what Gideon was speaking of. A moment passed until Goddar lit up, “Not a lick of that sounds familiar… but you said it was three centuries ago approximately?” Gideon nodded, “That was when the new era began if I ‘member right. 00 A.E. The High King Armonious declared it the Age of Enlightenment, which is about when we had a serge of advancements throughout Alluvion.”
Gideon aggressively shot up from his feat riled, “Age of Enlightenment? An entire people, the Highborns, were decimated, were ripped away from the world. With that, was all of magic!” His entire body had an aura around it fading in stronger, “Armonious believes he can erase all traces of magic along with the people sworn to protect the land!” He cursed smashing a table to the ground. “If you only knew the cataclysm that happened years back. There was that great battle, that held the existence and knowledge of magic by a string, and we lost. ”
Destin was taken back by the tone Gideon was explaining everything, but it felt justified. He never figured he was in danger, but with all that was being said, if true, would open up Destin’s eyes to the lies of the world. In no way could he accurately fathom the weight of the situation. He would wait and listen to all Gideon had to tell.
He waved his hand over his head his eyes glowing the map of the continent of Alluvion hovered around them. “Before that final battle the events which lead up were as important as that battle, before the extinction of the Highborns.”
Rising from her seat Aurella began pacing while reading the map from above while Gideon continued, “The Highborn’s were protectors of the land, overseeing the peace and judgement. Even the High King was one of us carefully chosen by the council as to who should serve as the final word, the most just of us. The High King would then pick five counselors from the masters to guide him.”
The map zoomed through the mountain range heading northward focusing on a city near the northern Zamara Gulf. “Here in Andorran was the Magi Syndicate. The center castle in the city rested on the mountain top meant to be a beacon to the entire land, a reminder of the guardianship we honored.”
The magic revealed to them a majestic castle, the workmanship beyond description in the detail it possed in the pillars and stained glass windows their stories, the statues of past Highborn who still watched over the land, even after death. Atop the exalted castle hovered the beacon of the Highborn, half sun rays, with the crescent moon inside, with a golden orb illumination in the center. Each rotated respectively around one another.
Goddar stepped closer, the map passing though him like it wasn’t even there. He studied the castle in Andorran, the symbol flying above, and poked it, his finger passing though. “Aye, been to Andorran about fifty years ago. Though that mountain range is nothing more than a barren plateau, heck even trees refuse to sprout.” He recollected.
Destin’s eyes widened realizing, “Magic has been completely eradicated from the land. No one knows really of its existence, at least on the human side. Goddar mentioned he only knew of it basically as a bedtime story.”
Aurella spoke up finally facing the Highborn, “You know how it was Gideon, the atyri were banished to Alluvion before this entire movement took place. Armonious threatened war against us, so we left without conflict. Those who would remember and pass down the history seemed to have vanished with time.”
He nodded in agreement, “The lifespan of humans is little in retrospect with orcs, dwarves, and among other intelligent species, those intelligent creatures were banished to Perdition around the same time the atyri vanished. Easy to write your own history when the generations are fifty to eighty years compared to hundreds or a millennia.”
“But why did the atyri not fight? Something this huge would be something an entire race wouldn’t so easily flee right?” Destin added leaning forward.
Aurella snapped back, “The choice was not our own human. Our people were dying out for years, and to go to war would possibly end the atyri, we couldn’t risk it, so we left. I would fight if I could do it all again.” her voice trailed off.
“Mind yourselves.” Gideon commanded.
Goddar looked as though he was at a loss, “Simple to write your own history as the victorious side.”
Gideon added from his last note, “Unfortunately you are correct. Eyes need to be opened to the truth the High King of the past has covered up. Armonious was my close friend and colleague. He betrayed the syndicate and murdered thousands of Highborns before that dreadful battle.”
The map moved to the southern west side of the map revealing the capital of Alluvion, Arthemis. The city around the castle by the shore stretched miles around prospering much more so than any other city at the time. “High King Armonious and his counselors turned against us, framing us for the destruction of the village of Trella. Once that became a reality, he decreed that we were an abhorrence and blasphemous before the Gods claiming Their power as our own turning slowly the people against us until we were forced to flee…” he paused, staring into the abyss recollecting the memories.
“The syndicate was attacked and Andorran destroyed by the people we swore to protect.” The attack was seen from a distance as the castle was ablaze slowly crumbling with civilians around cheering victoriously. “Great bounties were placed on Highborns to be brought to Arthemis alive to stand trial for their crimes, though they were never seen again.”
The map rotated over the mountain range in Perdition near Destin’s current location. “Many fled to Perdition in hopes to stand a fighting chance. Our efforts were in vain. My father and I now the leaders of what remained met with the remaining masters.” The map vanished revealing a flurry of men standing over a table marking out the troops and layout of Arthemis debating amongst one another, moving figures from one spot on the map to another.
He continued to elaborate, “We determined the only chance for our survival would be that direct attack against Arthemis, to once and for all kill Armonious and his followers and restore justice and order in the land.” He clenched his fist, “That choice, almost destroyed magic forever.”
A worried look passed over Gideon’s face by the reality of things, “This Great War was the last stand, Highborn against Arthemis. I will show you.” He reached over grabbing charcoal left on the ground as he drew a star like symbol on his temple. “If you will allow me, I will draw the corresponding symbol on your forehead it will temporarily combined our consciousness into one to allow me to show you that final battle from my perspective.”
Destin felt a sudden twinge of shock to his system, his heart rate uncontrollably skyrocketed as he was caught in amazement that it became overwhelming. The events of the day bombarded him suddenly at once and without warning his breathing grew into a shrieked panic. The bloodshed he witnessed, the torturing he endured, the mutilation of humans like animals to the slaughter. Visions and images flooded his mind uncontrollably like a whirlwind. Ultimately, his world caved in when the realization hit that his entire world was a lie.
His eyes widened, breaking into a cold sweat, his breathing became vocal as his chest tightened like being held underwater with no hope for air. He grabbed his hair sporadically looking around the room attempting to find some sanity to grasp on. Destin’s body froze, petrified as the mind lifted all control from the body.
Goddar hurriedly realized his friend was in trouble, and quick to action he darted over to slowly lead him to the ground, “Breath lad, it's ok. You are safe.” He wiped the sweat from Destin’s forehead striving to snap him back to the world.
Gideon rushed over to his dusty wooden shelves blowing off the access of dust from vials until he found an herb. Crushing the glass in his hand he pulled the withered black moss from the broken glass in his palm passing it over to Goddar, “It's mossbrow.”
Remembering the sedating ability of the blackened moss Goddar rapidly forced Destin’s mouth to open, placing the mossbrow under his tongue it allowed the plant to enter his body. After a few moments passed his breathing calmed, and his eyes grew heavy as he slipped into a secure sleep.
A sigh of relief swept over Goddar immediately, “Poor boy, if you only knew what we had witnessed today, what we have witnessed this year. He’s one of the strongest humans I’ve ever seen in my days.” Goddar rested Destin’s head softly on the ground and rose up to talk to Gideon face to face.
Gideon stood over the now sleeping Highborn observing him, sensing the troubles that disturbed him. “I had no idea, you are correct.” He solemnly agreed. “But the mossbrow will help, it should keep him asleep for a few hours. Looks like he needed it.”
Aurella spoke up, “I saved these two from the orcs, they escaped from Vertrock, an old dwarven mine to the south of here overrun by orcs and turned into a prison camp.”
He walked away from Destin the floating map vanishing back into oblivion. “Then we will rest. We can discuss these things in the morning.” Gideon purposed moving to the center altar, “It is late anyway. It may be uncomfortable for sleep but here you are safe.”
Thanking him Goddar found a spot which was moderately comfortable for someone who has slept on the ground for two decades and passed out instantly. Aurella traveled with little on her aside from weapons, but still had some provisions to cover the solid ground.
Gideon motioned his finger in a rotation as the flames dimmed. The moonlight light peered through the crack in the walls to softly keep the room luminated like a small whisper of light. He sat cross legged on his cot beginning to meditate For how long he had slept, he would not need any sleep for some time, what he needed was answers.
The morning dawn filled the chamber with an orange hue greeting the day. Destin being the first to awaken sat up in discomfort from the strain of the panic attack. The stone floor failed to annoy his body any further seeing as he was more than used to rough ground from the prison camp. He looked over to see Gideon maintaining his meditation.
He checked the rest of the room with Goddar snoring, every wheeze created a soft echo in the chamber. Destin rubbed his eyes, but saw that Aurella had vanished without any trace, which puzzled him since he estimated it was barely past dawn. He shrugged it off, assuming that she left, and was more than able to seeing as she didn’t have much reason to stay.
Destin arose feeling rather dizzy from the throbbing of his head. He stumbled a few steps but ultimately caught himself before toppling over. He ran his hand through his hair to help tame the madness of his morning look. He went to look over at the shelves, wondering what items they contained, and if he had heard of any.
Each shelf carried four different levels and though one had bottles and vials of miscellaneous assortments, the other carried books, each far older than Destin himself. He checked on Gideon to see if there was any sign of him being awake, but he remained undisturbed. He removed a book from the shelf and carefully opened it, the spine cracking from being so worn.
He began reading from the middle of the book, the drawings and diagrams containing explanations on the runes and what the symbols pertained to. From the looks of it, the twirl into a triangle would allow for one Highborn to access the ability to slow down time in the general vicinity of those around him. It was peculiar all the things these runes seemed to unlock. He flipped through more pages before being disturbed by Goddar’s outcry in anguish.
Jumping from the sudden outburst he rushed over to the sleeping dwarf, only to see him motionless, still dreaming. “Nightmare... “ Destin could relate. He hoped now that they were on the outside that the nightmares would cease, but time will only tell if that is the case. Once he was sure Goddar was still asleep and calm, he moved to see Gideon still meditating.
With eyes closed Gideon asked, “What do you desire Destin?” The question took him back a step. He knew through his tone it was in no way disrespectful.
Keeping it to a whisper as to not wake the others he responded, “Gideon, I’m not going to lie this is all overwhelming. I can’t even begin to process all this history.” He threw his hands up in the air sitting on the ground resting his back to Gideon’s platform. “I mean, what do I do?”
Gideon’s eyes remained closed as he responded, “Answer the question, What do you desire? You have found your freedom Destin, what is next?”
He tilted his head, eyes widening as he searched his mind for the answer, yet every turn was a dead end. When he was with his father traveling with his battalion, he didn’t know. All he did know is war was not for him and once he came of age to set out on his own he was going to leave to find out what he wanted. It was all cut short, and once captured all Destin dreamed of escaping from Vertrock, but it felt like a fool’s dream. He recognized this prison was not his final resting place, but what after?
“Before Vertrock I was on the run. I had lost everything, my father was just killed by people we thought we could trust, and I was on the run until I was captured by the orcs in Perdition.” Destin was more thinking out loud as the words kept rolling out, “That camp... “ He paused emotion bombarding his mind as he held back his tears, “...Proved I had lost everything.”
“Now you have only the world to gain.” Gideon said, “Nothing to lose.”
Destin stood up facing Gideon beginning to get defensive, “Yeah? What has the world done for me, huh? It's done nothing but destroy and take everything I loved. I’ve seen war, I’ve seen death constantly, it's not giving me much to live for!”
Breaking his meditation Gideon finally opened his eyes turning to look over at Destin, “Give?” He stood up to stand face to face with Destin, “The world never gives, only takes. That worth achieving is what is fought for. You create the world in which you wish to live in. You, Destin, have proven that you have the ability to.”
“Let me just go back to Davenport. Heck, I could just be a fisherman! Live hidden and undisturbed in this messed up world and never look back.”
“To fall short of your potential?” Gideon rebuffed, “You’ve defeat yourself before you’ve even begun. Why? Shut yourself down before you have any opposition, better yet, shutting yourself down at the first sign of opposition?” Gideon defended, “You are as powerful as your belief Destin, that is true for any Highborn.”
Destin didn’t have any words at this point, finding himself getting lectured at practically every turn, every comment. The frustration was building which only meant his mind would begin to run on it's own unfiltered.
The dwarf jolted up obnoxiously fighting to remember where he was and what the commotion was, slapping his own face hoping to come to that much quicker but to no avail. He laid back down, staring at the ceiling, waiting until he was fully awake. His ears perked up when he heard the conversation.
Gideon continued, “You are presented a pathway to greatness, the chance to forever change this world in darkness. To correct history and introduce back magic to all of Alluvion! There is a thirst for knowledge that is lost, but it doesn’t need to be forever!” Gideon counseled. “Think of who is affected by this loss. You could have even saved your father.”
Too far. Instantaneously Destin fury was unleashed pointing at Gideon yelling back, “Don’t you dare ever bring up my father! Like you know how that was, watching him get murdered by his fellow generals, his friends. I could only pathetically watch too scared to do anything about it knowing I was next!”
“What could I do Gideon!? You tell me?! Because all I’ve ever done is run and hide! He’s too weak to pick up a sword! He’s not good enough to accurately fire that bow! He’s too pathetic to defend his own father!!!” His eyes began to glow white as his rant progressed, “So tell me Highborn! You’ve seen it all apparently. You know how it is! Tell me what difference I can make!”
His voice was also rising quickly as Gideon began to yell, “I tried to fight the High King, I tried to keep the world in order. I watched my friends, my own father, die. You’re not the only victim, the difference is I will keep trying to do something more, something greater than me instead of letting the past define us.”
Destin stared off into the distance a moment allowing Gideon to finish saying everything he was intending. Every word ringing and shaking Destin’s core. “It's not your fault.” He paused a moment longer, “Not your fault that you lost him.” He made sure the boy was listening to every word. “Let go of that guilt Destin. Rise up, and allow yourself to become something greater.”
It's not your fault that you lost him… the words echoed repeatedly through his mind over and over again. His eyes returned to normal and began to water, but he wiped any moisture away with his hand hoping no one would notice or give it any thought.
“You have this opportunity before you to be trained, to become a true Highborn, the first in three hundred years. Know, it's an uphill battle, and it will be the hardest trail of your life, far harder than Vertrock ever was, but when it's over you’re going to be able to look back and see how far you’ve come. You will recognize how the events in your life prepared you.”
Destin had an ultimatum. Could he accurately comprehend the weight with this request, what it entailed? No, there was no way he could even come close to being able to do so. He had been silent during the entirety of this conversation. He looked at Goddar for a moment still in his heart he felt unsure.
Goddar walked over to Destin patting his back, “Never forget either lad, I’ll be there for ya through the final fight. No need to do it alone. We received our freedom together might as well keep moving forward.”
The words added much needed peace to Destin’s conscience. He Released his clenched fists finally letting go. The weight lifted off his chest. It would still haunt him but it was the first time that he felt the healing begin in his soul as the light again returned. He knelt on the ground picking up that same piece of charcoal, standing back up offered it to Gideon saying, “Show me.”
Gideon smiled and picked up the coal on the ground and walked over again to Destin. “You sure you want to do this?” He said hesitantly.
Seeing the fear in his eyes, he could tell it was from the episode last night, “I need to know the truth.” Was all that was said as he turned to the side to have the symbol drawn on his temple.
The curved mark was made with ease as the muscle memory took over. In an instant the symbol was drawn and Destin was ready.
“Find a place to lean or lay down, the way this works your consciousness is enthralled completely in the memory leaving your body limp.” He moved back to where he meditated, “You will have no control.”
Goddar hesitantly walked over to Gideon and tapped on his left arm to grab his attention, “Aye, would you allow that I come too?”
He nodded in agreement again retrieving the coal as he drew the same symbol as he did with Destin, “Remember this is powerful magic, you will feel the emotions and experience it as I have felt it. ” His raspy voice cautioned.
Gideon sat cross legged completing another symbol in front of him. “It is ready. Prepare yourselves.” He warned, his eyes glowing as the magic flowed through his body the runes igniting their green glow.
Goddar and Destin braced themselves leaned against the wall for support. Looking over at the boy Goddar said under his breath, “Here goes nothin’ lad.”
An orb generated in the center of the three, Gideon watched closely until the orb hover plainly laminating the room. He clasped his hands together raising them just under his mouth whispering, “Blissteir.”
Goddar and Destin’s eyes closed, they fell back the wall continuing to support them. Their consciousness traveled into the orb as the memory was made manifested for the pair as they were transported before the castle of Arthemis.
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