《Highborn (The Stormforth Chronicles)》Chapter 14
Orrinshire burned, becoming dust in the wind, no witnesses to behold magic. Destin saw the fiery glow continue to grow the further they retreated from Perdition. He imagined each scream, each life taken, forever silenced to an unmarked grave. He blamed himself for each life lost, though he knew this was not the case.
Destin watched the island cease from his view, like the scars of his past vanishing into nothing. He felt his back with each memorized scar accounted for. “No more.” He said his spirit expounding on true freedom. “Never again.” He felt like shouting. A survivor of Perdition? No, a conqueror. Him and Goddar had done it, and by some miracle they could turn to Alluvion and welcome the challenges with open arms.
The cool ocean breeze brushed against him while he inhaled the smell of the salt. Goddar walked up alongside him the sun beginning to rise. He patted Destin on the back with a grateful smile across his face. No words needed to be said, their expressions had communicated all that needed to be said. They turned their backs to Perdition looking into the sunset to see Alluvion in the horizon.
A hesitation of fear swept over Destin as he shielded his eyes from the dawn to better looked at the world that awaited them. It had no sense of home, no sense of belonging. The last time he gazed upon the land it was in anger and betrayal with the death of his father. He felt the ring reflecting on the final moments, his father protecting him from the surrounding generals. He silently reflected on the vow he made, to quench the thirst of revenge for the loss of his father.
Gideon broke the recurring thoughts in Destin’s mind with a forceful toss of items into his stomach. He flitched not knowing what they were, but when it was a soft blow, he looked down to see what he had received. Unfolding the cloth, he felt for the first time in over a year clean clothes. It felt like the greatest gift he had received with a tear trickling down his eye. The gratitude overwhelmed his emotions.
With another firm toss, Goddar too received his share of new clothes. Destin saw for once in his life Gideon smile with his gesture. “We will be reaching the shore in a few hours, change when you get a moment, you’re approaching royalty today.” He reminded the both of them before walking off the deck.
A new beginning. The ability to start with a clean slate in no way bound by the past, only haunted. Each face of the generals flashed in his head, ingrained in his memory their looks as the three slayed his father in front of him. Destin knew he was coming back to Alluvion with a new purpose, stronger, and no more would stand by to watch himself lose those very people he loved.
The ship journeyed the remainder of the day until it reached Davos. With the sun beginning to set on the horizon, Destin and the others immediately disembarked by carriage in the night to travel to Stormforth. It was Gideon’s hope that they would have safe travel for the remainder of the trip and reach their destination by the morning. Destin could care less about the method of travel, at this point some much needed rest was more than deserved and needed. The unpaved road was unexpectedly bumpy the entire way but once Destin found an area to rest his head, he was instantly out cold.
Goddar awoke Destin with a slight nudge to his shoulder to get his attention. He swiped away wishing the dwarf would leave him be to get some sleep. “Lad, I think you’d want to take a look outside.” He informed continuing to nudge him. Destin rubbed his eyes to clear his vision before stepping on his seat to peer out atop the carriage roof. He yawned a moment, but all that ceased once he finally beheld Stormforth.
Goddar sat back in his seat and smiled seeing how far Destin’s jaw dropped. The city stretched around much further than he had imagined. Looked as though you could travel around the entire outer wall for a day before reaching your start point. The center point of the city reached far into the sky as if to greet the clouds as they passed on by. Stormforth appeared to be paved in crystal the pure whiteness of the city reflected off the sunlight like a diamond.
He looked over to Gideon who traveled near the caravan, he nodded in approval, “Welcome Destin to Stormforth the leader of the rebellion.” He waved out his hand pointing towards the city. Destin’s sudden burst of energy made him feel as though he could just leap out of the vehicle and rush on the road to the city. He resisted, but only barely.
He got out of the carriage with Goddar to walk alongside with Gideon until they reached the city walls. Aurella wore her hood on the adjacent side walking at her own pace, nearly faster than those apart of the carrivan. Gideon studied the entire city, “In three hundred years, it has grown far past expectations.” He looked down at Destin, “Last here, it reached only to the inner wall you see now.”
Checking to see just how much of a difference that made, he couldn’t believe it himself. Destin had always been traveling around but since it was with his father the General, it was only as far as Arthemis had reached in the war. He had heard of the beauty Stormforth possessed but it was nowhere near as marvelous now that he beheld it with his own eyes.
The carrivan reached the wall, checking in with the trade group associated. Aurella lead the way through the doorway past the guards. The opening of the door made the exit of Vertrock looked like it was built for insects. He couldn’t help but observe the detail and craftsmanship of the stone walls. Each carefully carved like a work of art forever to be seen by the public.
The streets were crowded with the movement of merchants and citizens going about their daily lives. Their group blended in flawlessly while they worked their way through to reach the castle. Destin caught bits and pieces of conversation as they walked on by, hearing tales of adventure, prices of merchandise and goods. Witnessing first hand the everyday lives these people lived, unknowing of the gift they possessed. It slightly worried Destin the fact that it appeared that the majority here lived in a bubble, unaffected and unsure of the events of the outside world.
Still, the moment of peace he was able to experience was more than welcomed. They walked up the curved street reaching higher into the city making their way into the inner wall. Each building resembled the same idea with unique characteristics, looking as though they were their own person in the city themselves. The signs, wooden beams, stonework, all woven together like a majestic tapestry.
“Ah, the maze these streets supply never disappoint. Nothing like free entertainment to welcome de mornin’ eh Destin?” Goddar joked while he stretched with a loud yawn.
“Who cares about the maze, this is amazing just to behold.” Destin answered back gazing around at the city. Now that they were higher up the city he could easily look down to get an overhead view as to where they had been.
Aurella cut in for a moment, “Contain yourselves some, we need to reach the castle some time today seeing as they are expecting us.” She was right, but at the moment it felt of little significance. Yet, Gideon still agreed with her, keeping an eye on the goal.
He stayed close, it's not like he was venturing out on his own or being separated from the group. He figured they were right and calmed it down a moment, figuring he could explore later anyway.
Goddar pointed to the buildings around them near the inner city walls, “This was apart of the original settlement of Stormforth nearly a thousand years ago. It is said that it was built so high in order to keep the dragons and Arc Spiders out. If you look closely you can see the cuts and gashes they left behind in battles long forgotten.”
“He’s generally correct with those statements.” Aurella confessed, “But that was ages ago, beyond what any human recalls. Fickle creatures, never remember what happened the previous day.” She took a minor stab at humans, but Destin didn’t quite seem bothered by it.
They walked under the inner city walls to reach higher into Stormforth, “I am sure that would have been a spectacle to witness, much like how the first settlers would gaze upon this city now in wonder.” Gideon added. “We’re getting close.”
The city kept climbing further above the land below, Destin peered behind him seeing the docks of Stormforth below them, more rambunctious and radiant than the port of Davos ever had. “Why didn’t we port into Stormforth?” Destin wondered.
Immediately Gideon answered, “In anyway we can, we attempt to travel off the trodden path. If by chance we can blend in and go unnoticed, we will.” He maneuvered around people, “And so far we have done a horrid job at that.”
Destin shrugged his shoulders before running his hand through his hair, scratching it, “Fair point.” He said running to catch up to the group. The rest of the travel to the castle was in silence, ultimately walking at a brisk pace up the steep road to reach their destination. The city streets grew less and less crowded as the building became more and more extravagant.
Finally, the guards were beginning to populate the streets when they were able to spot the final walls protecting the castle itself. Appearing to be carved out of fine crystal, the castle twisted and wove smoothly. Each spire unique in design like a tribute to the honor of the Gods. In no way could Destin find a flaw in the design itself.
The group reached the final gate, each being stopped by a guard. The archers at the top of the wall were at the ready in case things went awry. “Sorry, I am going to need to ask you to stop here. State your business.” He slammed his spear into the ground, looking like someone who took their job way too seriously considering the pay they probably received.
Aurella cautiously stepped forward reaching her hands around the hood of her cloak and removing the hood revealing her Atyri lineage. “Men, we are here to discuss with King Airrick important matters, I am of the Atyri from Galemourne.” She boldly informed.
“I don’t care if you are the High King of Arthemis. Where is your letter of summoning?” The other guard demanded.
Aurella had a look of absolute annoyance, Destin guessed it was from them overlooking the fact of her pointed ears, and colored skin was overlooked. Knowing full well it was a race they obviously hadn’t seen previously.
Her tone had become greatly aggressive, “Allow us in, we have vital information on alliances and the war which will change the very reason for this fight!” She poked his armor causing him to stumble back a step.
The guards made eye contact with each other before bursting out in laughter. “You think I was born yesterday! Let me into the castle, I got important things!” He mocked.
“So important that they don’t have a summoning letter!” The other added before joining into the laughter.
Her patience was long gone, Destin knew someone was bound to die here and now. He only braced himself to not become one of the casualties mixed up in the brawl. Gideon failed in an attempt to calm Aurella down, and appease the guards. He heard a few footsteps coming behind him, causing him to pause and look back at those walking toward him.
A man proudly marched past him with two of his guards, each carrying scrolls. His smoothed back golden hair with his clean cut presence was easily magnified by the exquisite armor and cape he wore. He heard the commotion which caused a look of worry across his face. “Um, what seemed to be the problem here?” His posh voice asked in a way to call for the comotion to move out of the way so he could get back to business.
“Lord Tillion, my apologize!” The senior guard profusely repeated. “Allow me to excuse the manors of these passersby who were just leaving.” He said shoving them out of the way.
The Lord seemed to give no heed to the party, except for the atyri’s silver hair gleaming in the sunlight. He shifted his focus over quickly knowing she was of great importance from how his countenance changed. He ignored the guards words, “Who are you?” He stumbled in a slight daze.
Gideon spoke up, “Lord Tillion, we come from Perdition to speak with your highness King Airrick regarding information to change the tide of this civil war.”
It was obvious that he didn’t like the words civil war, nevertheless he heeded their words carefully while Aurella continued to add, “I send word not two days ago, you can verify if needed.”
He held out his hand responding, “That won’t be necessary. I will escort you all personally to the courts, where you will be able to present this new information to King Airrick himself.” He faced the guards who suddenly had a worried look on their faces. Lord Tillion did not need to speak, he merely motioned with his hand for them to part ways to allow the group to follow on through.
The archers relaxed while the guards stood back, each of the group members stepped past the great doors entering into the castle gardens populated with various flowers and shrubbery. Lord Tillion apologize, “These guards are sometimes all too pretentious. They will not be a bother further.” The gardeners worked quietly paying no attention to the passersby.
Moving through the garden following the main path before coming to the front steps of the castle itself. “Once you are lead to the council chamber, I will enter first to introduce you.” He said as the double doors to the front of the castle were opened by the guards, “Once you are in, you will introduce yourselves and state your purpose.”
Aurella stopped for a second, “Wait, I’m sorry but why are you helping us?” She asked.
Lord Tillion turned around to speak to her, “First off you. I have never seen your kind in my life time, let alone know what you are. For you to trek from wherever you are from to our doorstep is intriguing enough to take a chance.” His tone grew harsher, “Furthermore, when a dwarf, two humans, and you from Perdition. Now I just received word of the mayhem which took place on that wretched island and I demand answers. Supply them!” He ordered picking up his pace now down the hall.
Following was logical enough and the answers he and the fellow court were justified if they had the answers. The biggest conflict Destin wrestled with is to what degree they trust these noble strangers? The leap of faith they took meant a great deal but at the same time was it forced? He knew that they didn't have many options, yet here they were trusting Aurella to bridge some ties with the kingdom of Stormforth. The questions stirred around his mind unable to be tamed, yet his heart felt oddly at peace, as if this, beyond all doubt, was the right move.
Regardless, they were here and now, in a place Destin never thought he would get to see. The marble floor gleaned with pristine care. The art work on the walls proudly displayed the heritage and history of the kingdom. They could spend weeks in this colossal place and still discover new passageways.
After anxiously following Lord Tillion they had arrived at the double doors which separated them from the council chamber. The two guards stepped to the side bracing the door handles and strenuously opening the door. Tillion slicked back his golden hair and with a dashing smile said, “Wish me luck.” While striding on in, the doors shutting behind him.
There they waited. Quietly for their invite into the chamber itself. He had tried to catch a glimpse inside but to no avail. Gideon paced around anxiously waiting with Goddar sitting down to the side massaging his feet. Aurella waited center of the door way, unmoving from her position. Goddar shattered the silence, “I will say this, my feet are going to need a scorching hot bath after this!”
Destin chuckled quietly turning away in hopes that no one beside Goddar saw. Gideon and Aurella shot a glare at Goddar, but he could care less at this point. “Everything…” Gideon cut away for a second, “Everything, rides on this moment.”
In no way could the tension not be felt, which made Goddars comments to lighten the mood seem more justified. “We have a compelling case, and actual proof. Heck, our ability alone will move mountains with them.” Destin responded being careful not to give away too much.
“Going in, we will be sure to be hesitant to what we share. If it goes awry, we need to ensure that our secrets remain safe.” Gideon said looking at the door again to see if it was going to be opened.
Aurella added, “Follow my lead then, I have a letter from my father address to King Airrick himself. Should be enough to break the ice to start creating some trust from both sides.” She held the sealed scroll in her hands.
The doors creaked open with the guards from the inside pushing them open. Lord Tillon walked out with a smile on his face, “They are ready to welcome you.” He said gesturing them to move forward into the room.
Godder rose to his feet and quickly rushed over to the group. Destin glanced over at Goddar with an assuring nod to each other. When they were all together, they moved as one into the chamber with Aurella taking point. Gideon let out a quiet sign, the tenseness in his arms gradually relaxing.
They entered ready as they ever would be to discuss their matters. Destin strongly felt the future of Alluvion held by a thread in this meeting right here. Through all odds they fought, through all odds they escaped, and through all odds they arrived in Alluvion safely. Now Destin was to be presented before a king, to discuss information as equals. For once in his life, when the challenge presented itself, he graciously accepted.
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