《The apocalypse happened and it was named- The system’s advent》Chapter 4- A new class and goal
He was greeted by yet another barrage of useless gunfire. An ice lance each killed them regardless of what they were hiding behind. Aizawa was sitting on the couch drinking tea of some kind the only hint that he was aware of the situation was that his hand was shaking like an epileptique. “Hoh, no beginning? No crying? Well that won’t do, after all you are meant to be a lesson. So I’ll give you something to spark that fear.” He calmly had his helmet retract into his armor. Aizawa just looked at him with a stunned and poleaxed face. An instant later however he was wild with Joy and his eyes lit up as his head was snapped backward from the force of the bullet.
In complete evil villain mode he laughed hysterically and went on his own monologue about how he’ll make good use of my armor and youth breeds stupidity and many others. Finally he said “It seems you’ve gone senile.” He shut up so fast he gagged. Slowly he raised his head and locked eyes with him. All his forehead had was a bruise instead of a hole. “I said it before old man, the systems advent has come and the time of the players is here. Unfortunately for you, you fucked with the first immortal’s family and now you will be used as an example for every other scumbag in the world.”
By now he was blubbering and crying and begging for mercy. He looked at the security camera that was recording it all and gave his best smile then kicked Aizawa three feet in the air as he shattered the glass and screamed all the way to the ground before it ended with a wet splat. Once more he turned to the camera and smiled before he jumped out the same window he sent Aizawa from. They were probably forty stories in the air so he activated his UMF with 100 mana to take the initial impact. He would still leave a crater so he aimed a little ways to the side of the corpse.
As expected the barrier shattered and he took roughly 50K damage. It was enough to hurt but since the point was to look cool at the moment he had a bored look on his face. When the dust settled the crater was about a foot in radius and six inches deep at his feet. He commanded his armor to vibrated the dust off as he walked and disappeared into the night as he headed back home.
The next few days were pandemonium since he basically announced two months early that immortals now walked the world. Once he was sure that things were under control he made his dad lock him in the soundproof basement with some food and water. The rebirth was going to tear him apart on a molecular level and put him back together again in a way that could handle greater influxes of power. The entire process would take three days but it would a very loud and very gory affair.
When everything was ready he laid down on the bed and activated the rebirth. To him it was over in an instant. The only difference was that cement walls now had cracks and dents and his clothes were shredded beyond recognition. Plus the fact that it looked like a psychotic butchers mad house. He quickly cast Greater regeneration and use it as an impromptu shower before he put on the clothes that had been slip under the door. He knocked three times, paused, knocked five time in rapid succession then paused and knocked twice more. He heard the bolt slide back and one of the more experienced maids opened the door.
“Send a few of our trusted soldiers who are Vet’s to clean up the room. No one else that doesn’t need to should be allowed to see it, especially those that aren’t old enough to be immortals yet.” He noticed that she had caught a glimpse but her expression didn’t so much as flicker. He smiled and nodded then asked “Pardon my manners but what is your name?” She curtsied and said “Nina Belark young master.” All in all the only way could tell she was past twenty five was the few streaks of silver in her hair. “It’s a good name. Tell me, do you like young adults? Probably around ages 18-25.”
“As long as i’m free to reprimand them as is fit then I like them well enough young master.” “Hmm, after taking care of this task come to my father's office. I may have a task to entrust you with that is of utmost importance.” He sent her off and headed towards the office. His dad should be there currently or would be soon. He took it slow and watched the maids and guards go about their business. Quick enough he was in his father's study waiting for him to get done with his visitors.
Before long they all walked out and he went in. He hugged his dad and sat down on the sofa. “I’m going to break open a beginner dungeon for our people to start leveling up and I’ll be bringing four of the maids with me to give them a tour as well. When I’m done I plan on leaving them in charge of getting our people used to the dungeons. It will be about three years until the government collapses and the world is divided into guilds so we still have some time to prepare. Once I’ve taught them what there is to know about beginner dungeons then we can start our people on leveling.”
“Ok, I’ll have them meet you out by the requisition shed in the backyard. How long will it take to have them up to speed?” “If their veterans or former mercs then it should only be a few weeks but it their not then it could be a few months.” “Alright, I’ll make sure their experienced in blood.” They talked about this and that until there was a knock on the door and the maid Nina came in. “Ok since she’s here then I’ll get started. It was fun talking dad, we’ll do a bit more when I get back.”
As they headed to the backyard he opened his stats and checked on how far that excess experience got him. “Status.” Because of learning those spells in the dungeon his skill points were lower than he would have liked but he could still go and browse the store and possibly pick up one tier ten spell. Since most spells rely on intelligence as the prerequisite he dumped all his points yet again into his INT which he confirmed.
[Name: Jacob Dawn
Tier: 1 Level: 892 Deaths: 0
EXP: 40%
Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record)
Hp: 352,500/352,500 MP: 2,344,700/2,344,700
Strength: 3,115 Agility: 3,220 Vitality: 3,525
Willpower: 4,550 Intelligence: 23,447
Stat points: 0
Skill points: 10
Fatigue: 1%
Class: Mage
Profession: None
Spells: Neutral/Passive- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation (2), Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Bone Armament of the Sorcerer )
Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem]
He made sure to tightly control his Aura as his mana pool ballooned out in an order of magnitude. Frankly even for a wizard who dumped all ins points in INT from the start his pool was still beyond massive and with his meditation His regeneration was even more ridiculous. Essentially his massive pool allowed his insta cast spells to be on a completely ridiculous scale while his monstrous regeneration allowed his higher tier spells that had a cast time to be nothing short of cataclysmic in addition to practically never running out of mana.
And now that he went through rebirth his meditation had leveled up as well, so now instead of a 9 times multiplier he had an 18 times multiplier. Frankly, if it wasn’t for his Bone Armament of the sorcerer absorbing all his excess mana regeneration he might not even dare to use meditation for more than a few seconds at a time because he was afraid he might explode from mana overload. But since his armor took care of it he probably wouldn’t lose to a tank decked out in full tier 5 plate armor.
They were now at the shed so he quickly got enough supplies for a party of five for six weeks. While they were getting it together another three maids showed up. They all had hard eyes and toned bodies that spoke of a life on the battlefield. They were warriors in their own right. At one look he could tell that they only respected strength and since he was entirely hiding his aura he looked like a simple, scrawny, and entitled young master. Their dismissive look and sickly sweet attitude rubbed the wrong way but he would simply show them when they left civilised company.
He got the supplies and left with them trailing without a sound. He got the car and when they were all in he said “In the store we are about to enter be on your best behavior. If they take offense I might not be able to save you in time. Oh and change into your battle kit, those dresses wont last the trip to the dungeon.” He could practically feel their eyes digging into his back as they answered with a generic “Yes master.” When he parked the car in front of the store the silence was practically freezing.
It was as they walked into the store that he used his aura to protect the other four or else they might have fainted outright. The multiple auras passively being released were all far stronger than his but his was much more compressed to protect the maids they still felt them to a certain extent but it wasn’t nearly as bad. They could also feel a bit of his but he still had it mostly hidden. He waved at the receptionist who returned it and licked her lips. He suppressed an instinctive shiver that rolled up his spine and brought up the list but was shocked so bad he nearly lost control of his aura.
The list he had always seen only had three categories which were *Skills**Spells**Items* but now there was a fourth category *Restricted Magic*. He remembered one of the Dark elf nobles he was with for a while telling him a legend about Sentient magic that evolved on its own and chose its wielder. All the wielders of this magic were at the ascension level at least and were known as one of the few that go head to head with world bosses one on one and use them to evolve their magic. How exactly they did that was a secret worth committing genocide over.
He new exactly how powerful world bosses were and frankly had resolved to just avoid them until he reached the threshold for ascension then take one of them on. But with this the game radically changed. With a gulp he clicked on the restricted magic and was blinded by a wave of light as the screen disappeared. When his eyes cleared a glowing neon white book appeared and just hovered in mid air.
*Congratulations you have been found worthy by the higher magic Cosmic magic, also known as Celestial magic. This magic wishes to bond with your soul and will grow as you do, It has deemed you a worthy partner. Note- by accepting this offer you will gain knowledge of a higher tier than what is allowed in the current phase of your world, If you attempt to leak this information then your soul will be immediately dispersed. Preparations can be made based on this information but no one else can be informed of it who is not already aware. Do you accept these terms? Y/N
Without even a second guess he selected yes. It almost seemed as if the magic hummed in approval. As it started to drift closer to his chest, a quick glance around showed that they world looked like a freeze frame. Everything was washed out in shades of gray with absolutely no movement. Then the book reached his chest and it was like the rebirth all over again. The only difference was that he didn’t black out and the white hot agony wouldn’t even let him scream. But it was gone as fast as it came then the information montage started.
He found himself in a vast starscape with planets all around. Suddenly screens started showing up out of nowhere and one of the planets exploded. Two figures seemed to be fighting but their speed was to fast for him to even catch their after images. They fought with the power of gods on their fingertips and the screens let out the approving roar of the crowds. This entire galaxy was little more than an arena for these two combatants. More and more planets exploded until it was nothing but asteroids left.
Tears ran down his face as he saw this wanton destruction with no purpose but entertainment. The view suddenly changed and he looked at a sprawling metropolis like something out of a sci fi film. People flew around at speeds that left sonic booms and no one cared. Enormous portals opened and closed at set intervals as spaceships bigger than the entire continent of south america just mozied on by without a single glance from those below. Different races of all shapes and sizes walked past with what looked like collars around their necks, slave collars. “This is a phase five world. What you consider gods are nothing more than battle foder in the wars they participate in.”
He spun as a woman with four pairs of the wings of an angel on her back stood floating in mid air a few feet from him. “This is an example of a fallen world that no longer seeks to advance. The world will has been corrupted. The system values effort and strength but it is also far from perfect. Some worlds decide to break away from the system when they enter the fifth tier and wage eternal wars for profit and sport. Very few of the original race even remain now because for most it is easier to get a pleasure slave to carry on their genes then to court another of their own species.”
Her tone conveyed her bottomless sadness as she spoke. “It is planets like these that have stagnated that pose a threat to all others. To them it is only themselves and soon to be slaves that exist. When my gaze landed on you by chance when the system first initialized and almost instantly you dove through the portal I knew that you were most likely a returnee. Someone who opted to restart from level one but by chance you were sucked into the time slip and spat back out to when the system first touched your world.
I don’t know how far your vision has reached but since you are the one chosen in your race I have decided to ask for your help. Worlds like these that have their world consciousness enslaved or destroyed must be either liberated or destroyed. I’m using this chance to beg for your-” “I’ll help. You don’t even need to ask. They are a danger to my family and myself in several ways and following their pattern the will attempt to enslave my world for one reason or another. So let’s raise the quality of our fighter’s if we can’t win on the quantity, starting with me.”
With her smile the world went back to normal. The receptionist yelled in surprise as everyone was blinded by the flash of light. Several of the maids and butlers were holding weapons until he raised his arms and “It’s fine, no one is hurt and nothing stolen. I was simply chosen by a restricted magic, that’s all.” Now everyone except his maids were staring at him in open shock. They simply couldn’t believe it, after all they had just witnessed a legend come true in the flesh. Finally a clapping sounded as the manager came down the stairs with her assistant. “Alright everyone get back to work. Mr. Jacob would you step into my office please. Your friends can come too.”
And once more she led the way to her office and shut the door behind them. With a chuckle she sat on the left hand couch and said “Well I can see you didn’t exaggerate when you said to discard common sense where your concerned.” He could only laugh awkwardly because it fit but even he couldn’t have begun to guess about something like this. “So what magic chose you? I gotta say I’m dying to know and your aura isn’t something someone at only the first tier should have, at least the second tier or even some of the really weak third tiers.”
He opened his status as he talked. “Well It's called Celestial magic but I’ve only got one spell that is of no use in combat but will definitely put me far stronger than anyone else by several times over.” The spell was called Cosmic Rebirth and was essentially another rebirth every tier but also allowed me to gain skill points all the way through to the threshold of the tier as well. Instead of only getting skill points the first time you reach that level I gain it all the way through. At level ten thousand when most people are ready to ascend they will have gained 400 skill points. But he will gain 4,400, but of course he wasn’t stupid enough to tell this to anyone, and it also came with its own downsides.
Instead of a slight increase in the amount of experience required it doubled it and it also had a six day cooldown time. But the best part by far was that it could be cast on someone else. This would essentially allow him to give the same benefit to his family as well. There were a lot of classes out there that gave additional attribute points or skill points but he had never heard of anything to this degree. Regardless he showed them his new class with a grin, “Status”.
[Name: Jacob Dawn
Tier: 1 Level: 892 Deaths: 0
EXP: 40%
Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record)
Hp: 352,500/352,500 MP: 2,344,700/2,344,700
Strength: 3,115 Agility: 3,220 Vitality: 3,525
Willpower: 4,550 Intelligence: 23,447
Stat points: 0
Skill points: 35
Fatigue: 1%
Class: Celestial Mage
Profession: None
Spells: Neutral/Passive- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation (2), Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Bone Armament of the Sorcerer )
Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem]
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Until You Do It Right
The world ended on December thirty-first of the year two thousand and twenty, precisely at the stroke of midnight. The human race began to be systematically exterminated by the spawn of the System. We were given a chance to defeat them, to take back our place at the top of the food chain. We failed. The first to perish were those who bravely rebelled. The soldiers. The defenders. One by one, they fell. In their final moments, they begged for aid. Nobody replied. The next to succumb were those who feebly cowered. The deniers. The leeches. Together, they fell. In their final moments, they cried out into the darkness. Countless voices replied in kind. The last to decline were those who shamelessly ran. The deserters. The cowardly. Alone, they fell. In their final moments, they whimpered quietly. There was nobody left to answer. The final human to die was a survivor. A runner. As he died, he begged for salvation. His prayers were answered. He was offered a chance to save himself, along with all of humanity, and he took it. This is his story. “I sat in the dark and thought: There’s no big apocalypse. Just an endless procession of little ones.”― Neil Gaiman, Signal to Noise. I am absolutely new to writing and will take any and all constructive criticism. Please give feedback, it is greatly appreciated. I will update the tags as they change, and I hope that you enjoy this little story I'm writing! Quick warning: Seamus is intentionally a flawed character, and this story is going to explore those flaws and perhaps even change a few of them. I do not agree with all of his actions, but it is what it is.
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That one time i was killed then i was Transported to an alternative world where i had to fight in a dungeon to survive
man gets killed then he is enslaved then he has to escape but he is a hero that the world has a story about him saying he will come and he will help humans and monster co-exist
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Silverestia, a once amazing kingdom is under threat by the evil kingdom of Sheedhied. James Noah Smith decides to take matters into his own hands and stop evil and injustice once and for all. But James Noah Smith is not everything he makes himself up to be, and the path to victory is filled with wild twists and unimaginable horrors. He may have to learn a thing or two or even three if he truly wants to save his kingdom and be able to tell his tale back in his village. This is his diary. Hear what he has witnessed and experienced first-hand. Or maybe not.
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The Nerd who cried Bad Boy
"While I was gone; you've been telling everyone that we're boyfriend and girlfriend?" Marcus asked, who looked extremely smug.I groaned and my eyes finally met his. "Manifestly, since I lied telling everybody that we're dating, my high school life has been awesome. No one bullies me anymore, everyone wants to be my friend and I finally can hang out with friends on weekends. Marcus, please just help me with this. It's my last year and I would like to have at least a nice memory of high school."Marcus quirked his eyebrow.I sighed knowing what he meant," And in return, I'll help you with your school work."Marcus grinned and before I could ask why, he leaned in and placed his lips on mine. I froze, startled. His lips felt warm and soft against mine. I was still frozen but then Marcus held my waist snapping me back to reality. I finally responded to the kiss by tugging him closer and wrapping my arms around his neck.I heard gasps and whispers from students around us and capturing of pictures.What have I gotten myself into?___Alyssa Heart, a seventeen year nerd who is brutally bullied by everyone in Lockwood High.Marcus Sawyer, is the hot eighteen year old bad boy, former gangleader who is very popular in Lockwood High and around. He has been arrested a few times and dated almost every girl he laid eyes on.Bullied all her life, Alyssa decides to put a stop to it by lying and saying that she and the bad boy, Marcus, are dating. When Marcus finds out, they make a deal and both decide to stick to the lie, which benefits them both.Getting popular by the minute, Alyssa's highschool life is what she had always wanted. Popular and wanted.But Alyssa learns that dating a protective, attractive, former gangleader comes trouble.And she must face the consequences.___HR: #11 in Teen Fiction #5 in Humor #6 in Badboy #24 in Sad__© geekisntweak_
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The Encrypted Data of Kaiden Cypher [A Cyberpunk Dystopian Thriller]
Book 1: Artificial Death Kaiden Cypher, a recently retired Mercenary finally gains a job as an EXiCON within BLED (Bridge City Law Enforcement Department). Cypher begrudgingly accepts a case despite it not being under his purview as an EXiCON (External Investigative Constable). However, as trouble brews within Industrial District, it forces the Commissioner to enact Protocol B5-10. A protocol that forces all active EXiCONs to take on special duties as the main police force deals with threats within the city. The real challenge comes, when the case cypher accepts turns into a double murder, something he knows the Commissioner would like the keep a lid on before the city erupts with the news of a serial killer. Death usually comes in two, and so does cloning. Book 2: Translucent Requisition After being fired as an EXiCON, Cypher never thought he'd have to return to the life of a mercenary. To ensure his wife and daughter wouldn't want or need anything. He takes on a Body Guard detail for one of Bridge City's Elite, The Romacellin Family. The detail was simple, ensure the Romacellin Family's safety during an Auction. Trouble brews as one of the guests from the auction disappear, forcing Kaiden into action. As Kaiden tries to retrieve the guest he quickly finds out that these kidnappers mean business, and spilling blood is nothing but an afterthought. Sometimes, requisition is the only answer. Book 3: Indignated Efflux Cypher returns from the Waste, battered, bruised and elated as the debt he'd accrued from Mr Black is about to be paid. Cypher checks in with his wife and daughter, only to see his biggest fear become a reality. Akatani has found them, but luckily for Cypher, Akatani needs him to retrieve an item for him. As Akatani uses Cypher's family as leverage, Cypher must first discover who found out about his family and fed their locale to Akatani before he can make a move against him...or be forced to watch them die in front of him. Unresolved conflicts usually end through Indignated Efflux. Updates: Every Monday to Friday!The word count for each split chapter will range between 1400 - 2500 words! Also: Please note, that I'm from Barbados and we use United Kingdom English.They will be more 'S' than they are 'Z' for certain words and vice versa. If you like Ghost in the Shell, Metal Gear Solid and Westworld, this is the series for you!
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I'm Gonna Be a Wizard When I Grow up Again!
A man on his death bed regrets only one thing in his life: not being able to become a wizard. Fortunately he is reincarnated into a world where magic does exist. Will he be able to accomplish his dream? Or maybe fate (the author) has other plans for him…
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