《The apocalypse happened and it was named- The system’s advent》Chapter 3- Final boss and sending a lesson
By now even his own voice sounded weird in his ears. He had been in this dungeon for about a year and three quarters now, so he decided to take a few days to recuperate. The last boss was the head necromancer of the dungeon and all the mobs he summoned were worth far more experience than those on the lower floors and he intended to grind them for as long as possible. He set up camp then started the propane burner and cooked himself a massive dinner with mashed potatoes and several steaks with green beans and squash. He slept until he woke up then packed everything again and set off for the door that set behind the farthest coffin.
It was set into the wall as an enormous archway filled with black smoke so it simply screamed of creepiness and dread. Now on a full tank he strode through like it was a sunny meadow until the light at the end was all that could be seen. Similar to the first boss this was situated in a colosseum but it was about twice the size of the other one. Along the far half of the arena was coffins side by side and a throne directly across from him with an arch lich sitting on it looking at him. Final bosses almost all had at least a basic level of consciousness so it was a bad idea to underestimate them. While they couldn’t be considered smart they were by no means stupid either and understood human speech.
He cast mana shield with all his MP and it was filled again in seconds, the thralls started to pour out just as he cast rainstorm. He started sweeping the overcharged Frigid beam and cut cut them down quickly, as soon as they appeared they were shattered into snow and ice shards. This pattern continued for hours but since the liches mana was nearly endless in the dungeon and he was undead he could theoretically sustain this for years, and until he was damaged or targeted he couldn’t get off the throne. For what seemed like days they continued like this until finally he could feel the creeping edge of exhaustion so he switched targets and targeted the lich.
With a screech he started throwing debuff spells at him and buffing him minions. Due to his shield the spells had no effect so he switched to attack spells but since his beams were constantly slowing him further and further in was only a matter of time until his movement ground to a halt. Not missing a chance he launched an ice pillar and nailed his head to his throne. The critical hit took what was left of his HP and the minions crumbled to dust an instant after. As his body crumbled two skill books a chest armor, a cloak and a staff rolled down the stairs.
With a tired sigh he trudged over and picked them up.
*Robes of misery- Long ago a foolish king let his ego run wild and decided to claim the fairest maidens in the kingdom as his personal harem. The problem with this was that one of those maidens was the wife of a powerful dark mage. After returning from abroad and learning what happened the turned the entire kingdom into undead and tortured the damned kings soul until it dispersed, never to be reborn. For this terrible act, no matter how deserved it was the mage was turned into a lich and ruled as the new king in the kingdom turned dungeon. WIS +500 INT+500 Misery conversion- All the lingering regrets and pain from the dying and dead are absorbed and stored in the passive absorption type spell ‘Bone armament of the sorcerer’ and is used to supplement the mana absorption required by the spell.
*King of Bones- A paired Item that boosts the effect and eliminates the cost of ‘Bone armament of the sorcerer’ as long as Robes of misery are equipped. WIS +1,000 INT +1,000
*Cloak of shadows- This cloak boosts the wearers ability to hide in shadows and provides a 50% increase to sneak effectiveness while in shadows or dark places. AGI +500
*Ice Mine- Create an explosive glyph that shoots shards of ice like shrapnel, the damage and area of effect are decided by the amount of mana spent in its cast time.
*Summon Ice Golem- Summon a golem made entirely of ice. Size ,durability, and Temperature are decided by the amount of mana that is injected during its 60 second cast time.
Once again he immediately learned the two skills and put on equipment besides the cloak of shadows. As soon as he picked them up he heard a ding and the expected and long awaited message popped up.
*You completely defeated the [Tomb of forgotten kings] and will be transported to the entrance in eight hours. Bonus chests will disappear in 1 hour.
In a bright flash of light five chests appeared at the foot of the throne. The bonus chests were kind of like the lottery. Depending on your luck and clear time of the dungeon then you could potentially get amazing items, there are five chests because the “optimal” party size was for five players and since he fully cleared it alone his rewards shouldn’t be anything to scoff at but the boss drops were already beyond anything had ever heard of so he didn’t hold out much hope.
One after another he opened the chests and was not disappointed. In all he got 200,580,000 gold and a tier five sword. For a mid tier dungeon it was fairly average loot for a party of five. With a giggle and thinking of how many of the armor pieces he would be able to get from it he turned and headed into the safe room that appeared right next to the entrance. For about seven hours he slept then woke up to his alarm from his phone he set so he wouldn’t wake up as he dropped on the concrete outside the dungeon.
He made a last check on his items and stood up right as the timer hit zero. The outside looked very different from what he remembered. If he had to describe it in a few words it would be that an adventurers guild had been installed in the main hall of the millenium park. He had enough time to take note of that before before a wave of pure pleasure filled him. It lasted about ten seconds and he felt like a god during it but a single thought of those walking disasters called world bosses knocked him back to ground zero.
*Congratulations on reaching the level 1,000 cap. To level further and get stronger you will need to undergo rebirth, please find a safe place and initiate it. All excess experience has been stored and will be used when rebirth is complete. Please note that this will reset your level to 1 but all stat and skill points will be retained with an increased experience needed for each level.
It had been a long time since he had last saw this message. It was theorized that the world bosses were normal monsters that had went through at least ten rebirths and gained intelligence that dwarfed humans along with a body that other monsters could only envy. First he had to distribute his stat points though. “Status.”
[Name: Jacob Dawn
Level: 1,000 Deaths: 0
EXP: 0%
Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record)
Hp: 352,500/352,500 MP: 452,700/452,700
Strength: 3,115 Agility: 3,220 Vitality: 3,525
Willpower: 4,550 Intelligence: 4,527
Stat points: 10,000
Fatigue: 14%
Class: Mage
Profession: None
Spells: Neutral- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation, Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Bone Armament of the Sorcerer )
Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem]
Without a thought he immediately dumped all 10,000 into intelligence and confirmed the choice. Pain shot threw his head like the world's worst migraine but after about ten seconds it was gone as quick as it came, the only difference was that it seemed like he would notice a lot more. Everything from smells to sounds seemed to tell him so much he couldn’t focus on it for more than a few seconds. Everything was beyond overwhelming so he shoved it to the back of his head as he slowly got used to it. Small wonder all the high class mages in his previous life all acted like space cadets on shore leave.
He quickly pulled up his stats and confirmed everything.
[Name: Jacob Dawn
Level: 1,000 Deaths: 0
EXP: 0%
Titles: First among Immortals (0.00000001 sec.) (Highest on record)
Hp: 352,500/352,500 MP: 1,452,700/1,452,700
Strength: 3,115 Agility: 3,220 Vitality: 3,525
Willpower: 4,550 Intelligence: 14,527
Stat points: 0
Fatigue: 64%
Class: Mage
Profession: None
Spells: Neutral/Passive- (Overcharge, Multicast, Transcendental meditation, Ultimate mana fortress, Mana Projection, Bone Armament of the Sorcerer )
Water/ice magic- Frigid Beam, Greater water regeneration, Icy lance, frozen shackles, rainstorm, Ice Imbuement, Ice Mine, Summon Ice Golem]
For a first transformation mage he was far ahead of the curve. The only problem was that now he would be getting only average experience for this dungeon after he transformed. The trade off though was more than worth it. He walked over to a man that wore the guard captain uniform and tapped his shoulder. He jumped like a cat that had its tale stepped on as he spun reaching for his weapon. “Relax captain I’m the young master you should have been told about.”
There was a flash of recognition in his eyes as he saluted “Sir the family head requested that he be informed the instant you left the dungeon.” “Very well, what is the situation of the world since i’ve been back?” While the captain read him a prepared report with everything he would want to be kept up to date on he called his father. “This Is Robert Dawn speaking who is calling?” “Hey Dad I’m out of the dungeon.” There was a crash that sounded suspiciously like a desk being flipped from standing up to fast. “Jake! What is the name of the knife you swore on that day when you warned us about the end?” There was what sounded like desperation in his voice. “Shikar of course. Dad why do you sound so panicked? What happened?”
There was what sounded like a massive sigh before he launched into what had happened. People were beginning to get desperate and some of the competition had kidnapped his sister Karly trying to force her to spill information but she wouldn’t have so they had sent videos of them beating and torturing her saying they wanted information on the so called players. They hadn’t been able to find the people yet and it had been two weeks. By the end he was hysterical and Jake was PISSED.
“I’ll be at the house shortly so have the video ready.” “Alright, just hurry.” Those were the last words before the phone crumpled in his hand. The air around him was twisting and warping as his mana went out of control from his anger. Taking a deep breath he forced down his anger and thought calmly. He handed the phone back to the guard and asked “Was that your personal phone?” The man was white as a sheet and had a bloody nose from being too close when he lost control. “N-n-no sir, I-It’s the s-s-standard issue for security detail.” He nodded “See to it that your issued a new one, and if they give you issues tell them it's an order from master Jake. Now where’s my car? Ah you know what never mind, I’ll run. It will be faster that way.”
As soon as he stepped outside he popped his neck and bounced few times to loosen up then took of like a bullet. He didn’t know it but most of the guards had turned to look and see who it was right as he took off. He went so fast that even traffic cam’s would only catch a blur but due to his reflexes which were just as good he was as intangible as a gust of wind. Within ten minutes he was striding into the mansions front gates. He dad was Pacing with a laptop in hand, and looked up right as he opened the gates. In an instant he was beside him taking the laptop. He opened it and focused his newly advanced brain entirely on the video. It was only ten minutes but showcased some very stomach churning things.
When it was done he watched it twice more, with his brain examining every last detail he found where they were, and who they were. He stood and said “Dad, get ready to receive a guest from Mr, Aizawa. By tonight his business will be destroyed and we can change what's left into cash and use it.” With an ashen face yelled out “It was that bastard. God’s he came here two or three months ago for a business proposal and we turned him down.” “Dad it doesn’t matter. He stepped on a dragons tail this time. I’m going to make him into an example for the world to see, just be prepared to have the media spin it it a favorable light.
Do you get it?” He stared at his dad intently until he gravely nodded yes and took out his phone. “I’ll be hitting the safehouse with sis first, you can just follow the path of Ice.” When he walked away he consciously changed his mana into ice then left a trail on footprint shaped ice. It was in the industrial district and he spotted over thirty guards that came out of the woodwork when he stopped in front.
They were dressed up as simple street thugs but he could practically feel the training radiating off of them. He still had his bone armor up so he wasn’t worried about any kind of bullet short of tank piercing rounds. He locked eyes with the one in charge and said “Let my sister go and I’ll spare your lives.” He unleashed his mana to pressure them as he spoke and as expected they turned sheet white and suddenly had a bloody nose but he didn’t expect them to instantly attack. He simply pointed and an ice lance nailed three of them together. The first threw the chest, the second threw the shoulder, and the last was also threw the shoulder.
The leader looked in shock as three of his guys were killed in a second. “If your afraid of Aizawa then I can promise I’m far more terrifying and his company won’t exist by tomorrow while he will personally be without a head to regret his choice.” They looked at eachother once before they held up their hands. “Sigh, some idiots simply don’t learn.” He raised his head and shot an Ice lance threw the snipers head that was aiming at his from a nearby building.
Next one knocked the door off its hinges to a barrage of gunfire. He just sighed as they ricocheted off his armor. He walked inside and grew a facemask so the bullets didn’t annoy him too much. There were screams and cries for mercy but they were all forfeit for kidnapping his sister. The ones outside had probably never been inside before and were out of loop on what was really going on so they could be forgiven but these assholes were different. The blood ran like a river but within seconds it froze because of the temperature of his ice spikes.
He purposely went overkill since it would be a message rather than business only. Some he nailed to the wall and some he just nailed together but all thirty three of them died nonetheless. His sister was still in the torture room hanging from the ceiling with chains. He quickly broke them then lightly slapper her cheeks and woke her up. Luckily it was his older sister and she had one of the strongest hearts he new so he had hope that she would be alright.
As her eyes fluttered open he saw the anger and spite that was frozen over with cold cunning. He smiled because he knew she would be ok. “Heya sis, ya know your not supposed to follow strangers into abandoned warehouses no matter how much you may like his whip.” She simply sniffed and said “Goes to show you don’t know how to value a good play of S&M. Don’t worry theres hope for you yet.” He was speechless, as usual. He picked her up princess style and cast greater regeneration on her. She gasped and squirmed as the water flowed over her and closed her wounds like they were never there within seconds.
“So that’s what a spell looks like.” She whispered. “Yes, but i’m quite strong you know so in someone else's hands the effect would still be less powerful.” For some reason she blushed and hid her head which made her realize that he seemed to be wearing silk. But looking around she clearly saw guns and spent casing laying everywhere along with the bodies. She especially looked at the ones nailed to the wall with fascination.
Soon he heard the reporter outside and let Karly walk on her own. She was fully healed so it wasn’t a problem but as soon as she heard the reporter she looked at him and grinned evilly before jumping into his arms again. He simply sighed and kept walking. The reporter was interviewing the three men who had surrendered and were coincidentally the last survivors. When they saw them walking out they immediately rushed over so he let his helmet retract. The four of them went over to the new truck and sat down while he explained the situation and delivered the warning.
Essentially it said that any other organization that aimed at his family would suffer the same as mr. Aizawa. By tonight he will be dead in a very public manner. As expected they were speechless especially since they were on the air. “By the time you have finished airing the state of things inside there will be several places belonging to Mr. Aizawa’s underground dealings and Aizawa industries will be in the process of paying for damages to my family. I am Jacob Dawn and the time of the players has come.”
To there perception he simply vanished as he said those words. Their senses just couldn’t follow him. The rest of the day was spent just like that until he arrived at the skyscraper where Mr. Aizawa was staying. As expected it was packed to the brim with guards and guns but they were just as worthless as before. Within ten minutes he was knocking down the penthouse door.
- In Serial73 Chapters
Planetary Cultivation
An alien cultivator comes to Earth to claim the Heavens, only to find a world bereft of cultivators or a Heavenly Realm to claim. So Lei Zhaohui will force the planet's cultivation until a Heavenly Realm is formed. Should none defend the new realm, Lei Zhaohui will take it for his own. Nicole Firen is a young woman who would just like her world to start making sense, but finds herself thrust into a position of importance as the world begins to change. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 79 - In Serial26 Chapters
Totally Normal VRMMO w/ Absolutely ZERO Exploits
Chan Si is your average gamer with a four digit IQ and the ability to seperate her brain into six parts. Guild Tree Online is a run-of-the-mill VRMMO made by a world conquering AI (accidentally invented by Chan Si). In other words, an ordinary adventure awaits.
8 623 - In Serial45 Chapters
From the System with Love: A Quick Transmigration Story
User: What's a "transmigration"?System: I believe it's another term for "world hopping".User: Oh.... but I'm not world hopping, I'm fixing timelines?System: The author thought this sounded better.User: Eh well, they're the author so...wait, who do you love?System: ???User: The title says, "With Love", so who do you love?System: Ha. Ha. Ha. The author thinks they are witty.User: So you don't love anyone?System: This system is programmed to work.User: That's not answering my question.System: ...User, about the next mission...-------- Felicia died and somehow got selected for a job fixing dimensional errors. Helping her complete her tasks is a strange machine-like being called DARS. Follow her as she makes her way through 10 different dimensions and slowly discovers the real reason behind her "selection". -------- Author's Note: This is my spoof/homage to the Quick Transmigration genre. There is an overarching story (with the main tags being: romance, slice-of-life, fantasy, and comedy) and then "level" specific stories with their own genres and tags. To get an idea of what you're in for, please read the level below. Levels will (and have!) been changed to fit my mood, but their titles/themes generally remain the same. NO UPDATE SCHEDULE (sorry). A story I write when I need a break from other works. -------- Level 1 (Completed): How to Raise a Cold CEO - Siblings, Child-to-Adult, Slice-of-Life, DramaLevel 2 (Current): The Sins of the Mother - Fictional Medieval Era, Parenthood, Tsundere, Forever AloneLevel 3: The Henchman Demands a Raise - Childhood Friends, Genius, High-school, Rags-to-Riches, SuperpowersLevel 4: Demon Lord, Repent and be Saved! - Magic, Demons, Romance, Overbearing Love InterestLevel 5: Who Needs the Female Lead? - Romance, Modern, Slice-of-Life, Doting Love Interest, TragedyLevel 6: Matchmaker, Matchmaker, What Big Teeth You Have! - Dragons, Princess, Travel, Clingy Love Interest, Time-Loop, MagicLevel 7: Evil Step-Mom Retires to Eat Melon Seeds - Doting Parent, Fictional Ancient China, Absent Father Figure, Court DramaLevel 8: Join Demon Sect Today: High Pay, Fast Promotion, Best Benefits! - Cultivation, Asian Theme, Boss, Minions, Monsters, Comedy, Black-bellied Love InterestLevel 9: Trending: #hivemindwantsyourautograph - Sci-fi, Aliens, Invasion, Misunderstandings, Ambiguous LoveLevel 10: Dogs are More than Man’s Best Friend - Magic, Slavery, Beastmen, Nobility, Riches-to-Rags, Slow Romance
8 104 - In Serial19 Chapters
In a lab that grows replacement organs, a decades-long failing project finally succeeds. Follow the experiences of Mark, the lab's newest security guard, as he attempts to discover the secrets behind the mysterious behavior of the night crew, and the strange occurrences that have everyone in the lab on edge. ------------------------- This is an Interactive Discovery Writing (IDW) work of fiction. That means that audience input helps drive the direction of the story. For this work, new chapters are usually posted on Mondays and audience polls posted on Tuesdays. Thanks for your input and interest!
8 196 - In Serial27 Chapters
The Demon Lord who wished to be a Hero
This is the story of a person who in his life born and raised to be scary and dangerous. Being born from a Yakuza/Mafia family, his face and physique showed signs that you would expect from someone in that line of work. The funny part is, he doesn't like his family line of work and is actually a nice person, yet everyone is afraid of him except a few. However their was a strange occurrence of a "Game Pod" being sent out for game newly released for random people. The only thing people know is that is a post to be an VR RPGMMO. Which our Main character gets as well as his "Friends". He plans to become a Hero in the game however, he becomes the Opposite of what he wishes to be, and the game isnt actually a game (Hello! This is my first story Ive ever written and will post on Royalroad! I hope you will enjoy it and I really appreciate constructive criticism! I will probably edit the synopsis In a later date and if you have any ideas for it I would really appreciate it. And on one more note sorry for my spelling and grammar, sorry if you see any mistakes and point them out for me, please *Bows* Oh! I keep forgetting things! XD This story will have elements of other stories I have read, an example is RE:Monster and its ability to allow monsters to evolve at a certain threshold of levels. [ 15+ (Maybe even higher...) Strong Language, Blood/Gore, Sexual innuendos or content] ) [Found the Pic on Google images, not owned by me]
8 154 - In Serial42 Chapters
Debut or Die
DescriptionA 4th year student who was preparing for the Civil Service examination, suddenly he found himself in an unfamiliar body 3 years ago.As well as a status window displaying a threat in front of his eyes!(PS: I do not own this work, I just translated this on papago. Credits to the author)
8 228