《Wandering Soul》Chapter - 5 - Hospitality



We arrived at Albert’s house more or less 30 minutes ago and are now chatting friendly. It’s a one storey house that while being of medium dimension and crudely made, normal for a small village, it emanate a warm feeling of welcome. I was speaking with Albert in the living room while Eleanor was making lunch and Elaine was pestering me of questions about my origins with sparkling eyes… why me?…

Fortunately Eleanor decided to save me.

“Elaine, stop annoying sir Caligo. It’s ready, come.”(Eleanor)

“Sir Caligo I hope you’ll like the soup”(Albert)

“Of course mister Albert, and please call me just Caligo”(me)

“Same with me, just Albert”(Albert)

I sat dawn on the table and after everyone was here we started to eat. Then a realization struck me…

How am I supposed to eat? It’s not like my stomach is working. The food would just gather to my feet like this.

I quickly found an idea and opened a small gate for my pocket dimension in my throat. Will I not be able to taste anything until the end of the time? As if! I’ll find a way… sooner or later…

“Is it good sir Caligo?”(Elaine)

“Very good. You are really a good cook miss Eleanor”(me)

“You flatter me sir Caligo”(Eleanor)

During the lunch I started to gather information about my position. There one single great continent divided in 6 major region. The village of Gleaming wood is situated close to the capital of the Kingdom of Dilmor one of the three Human Kingdom with, at the north-east the big Ismeanor Empire and at North West the small Holy State of Gallen where are situated the headquarters of the church. At north of the Ismeanor Empire there is the country of the Elves confining with the Beastmen Kingdom, together they form the Demi-human alliance. At the est there is the Demon country, constantly in war with the others. And lastly at the south there are the Wastelands where the Elder Dragons together with their lesser descendant live and slumber.


The currency works like these:

the smallest are the copper coins;

100 copper coins are worth 1 silver coin;

100 silver coins are worth 1 gold coin;

100 gold coins are worth 1 mithril that are used only by rich nobles;

and lastly 100 mithril coins are worth 1 adamantium coin which are usually owned by royals.

After we finished the lunch I excused myself saying that I wanted to explore the forest for a bit.

“Are you leaving sir Caligo”(Elaine)

Elaine was a little down, hoping to spend more time with me.

“Rest easy. I will be away only until the evening”(me)

She smiled a little and nodded.

When I was enough distant from the village I stopped and returned invisible. I tried to gather some mana from my surroundings within me and I discovered that it will be released if I don’t hold it with a thin force field. I made some experiments and tried storing some mana into my pocket dimension which resulted in a success. Next thing, I tried subtracting the mana from living beings, starting from a tree. I quickly emptied the tree which resulted in it wither. I tried with another tree but this time only a little. The tree started to absorb mana from the surroundings and slowly converted it in his own.

I decided to search for an animal to experiment on so I leapt in the air and started searching for my target.

“Found it!”(me)

The same bear that attacked the village was eating on the carcass of a strange deer with 3 horns.

I descended unnoticed close to him and scanned its mana. It had a mana more thick than the tree and is seemed to accumulate more in a place close to the heart. The bear reached for the heart of the deer and ate something similar to a small stone that was made of mana.


After that it slightly changed gaining two small horns and augmenting his mana.

I observed the bear for some minutes and I deemed him as a danger to the village, so I emptied him of all its mana and stored his body in my pocket dimension.

It was almost evening so I started to go toward the village to be greeted by the happy Elaine.

We ate dinner shortly after and went to sleep… sleep… sleep… Of course I can’t sleep because I am dead so I became again invisible and entered in Elaine’s room…

It isn’t what you think! I slowly approached her while hearing her small breathing. I scanned her mana and discovered that it was different than the bear. It didn’t have a core defined like the other beasts.

I continued to observe her and sometimes she muttered in the sleep.

“… calig… sir… sir… Caligo”(Elaine)

She started to smile while asleep and being bored I continued to watch her until dawn.

Wait… no… NO...I’M NOT A LOLICON!!!

Sorry for the wait but i hate Geography and it was a little difficult for me. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

P.S. Starting from 2 days I should have more time to write so i think i will be able to post more for at least 4 days.

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