《Ars Alogia》Entry 31 - Well Wishes


14th Light beneath the eleventh Moon

3761 Cycles beyond the Dark

722 Years after the Repentance

Entry: 1/031

Dear self,

It took a while to analyse the silver leaves I picked from the tree by the rift. They appear to have simply absorbed a degree of displacement Aspect from proximity to the rift. The silver effect is a visual effect of the displacement Aspect reflecting light.

I showed the leaves to Mum. The commission she is working on is a hat enchanted to hold hair in a way that made it somehow more convenient for long haired people. I had thought that since it was supposed to use a variation of displacement magic to hold volumes of hair conveniently that she might have a use for the leaves, but she gave one glance at the things and decided I needed practice making wondrous items by using the leaves in a displacement item.

I feel like she was just judging me for how I worked on the Teetotum for the Whirlstorm kids. Just to prove a point she showed me how she could already put the hat on and I couldn’t see any of her hair sticking out at all, and she had put the thing on with her hair let down all the way. She needed to work more on the hat in order to make it more aesthetic, not to improve the spacial workings. It’s only flaw is that it made you look bald.

Wondrous items only differ from standard enchanted items in that they are seeded with a subtle body to help them hold more enchantments with greater complexity as well as allowing more room for natural mutation and growth. They are a lot closer to a living magical item in a way.

The Teetotum I had worked on, for example, worked perfectly fine without being made wondrous, but the amount of enchantments I packed into it left too little room for error and made it vulnerable to external influences. It was like a bubble stretched to breaking. The Whirlstorms do not have a lot of magical things in their household, so in this individual case there is not all that much risk. I specifically made sure that the enchantment would collapse inward on itself if it was disrupted to avoid any violent reactions.


I met with the innkeeper, Nyri Quietwish, and we talked a bit more about my Daylight potions. She had figured out how how to make a mixed drink by adding it to some of her mead. The result excited her, and I suspect the potion had a special synergy with honey in some way. Honey is a very bright and golden liquid after all, perfect symbolism for summer.

We hashed out a bargain between us to trade the potions I made for a supply of Absinthe, and we would pay the other the difference in value. It would take me a while to make more of the potion, and my material supply is limited with Noonsheen only ever being gathered during summer. Nyri wanted to call the enchanted drink Sunbeam Aurora, which is as good a name as any.

We had a farewell party for Anora in town. She had stayed a little longer than usual and she hadn’t been visiting as often while Mother was out of Realm. Erhin and Jeriel had personally hunted a few giant jackalope to bring to the feast, and Nyri decided to provide small samples of her new beverage between the normal mead. I couldn’t drink of course, with the Incuria still threatening to go wild, and Anora was still too young to drink despite being the guest of honour. Mum got a little carried away by letting a couple of people challenge her to a show of friendly combat, but she mostly cheated by surgically paralysing everyone’s muscles. Jeriel took her down before things went too far and she took Tori to bed with a little too much sugar between his teeth. I did Lalen a favour by stopping him with a little stumble before he overused his grounding charm bragging about his toy laser. The horse-eyed little kobold wasn’t entirely mature enough for the enchantment he got out of me but he had it nonetheless.


Hope we fare well.




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