《Project Frost : Gate of All》12 - Adventure in the Starris Mines (IIII)


It was a jackpot.

He hardly know what the hell just happened but he could not care about it when he was seeing something like this laid out in front of his eyes.

Confused at first but this,

This is…

“MAGIC STONE!!!” Eden screamed excitedly. For some reason, he was teleported somewhere that’s surely still inside the Starris Mine. It happened without a warning and the moment he wanted to turn and join both Aediva and Arthur by the tool pile, he found himself there. It was at the blink of an eye.

A cavern with an underground river. Patches of colourful magic stones shimmering about everywhere he sets his eyes to. That place looks like a small starry sphere and now he could just--

“Ah, dammit. If only I have a pickaxe” Eden said upon the sudden realization that he was without anything to mine the stone with. He feels for his wand in his pocket, looking at the standard-issue student wand. A black wand with a stubby end that’s fitted with a red magic stone. A mundane-looking wand.

Eden eyed the magic stone around him.

“Ah, what could go wrong ammiright?” he said to himself as he pointed his wand at the crystal clear stone in front of him.

“Let’s destroy you and bring you back to that damn headmaster!” he said, firing concentrated balls of compressed air towards the large stone.

It was then he found out what an utterly idiotic thing to do. Instead of destroying the large magic stone, his own magic attack was deflected back at him as the stone glowed. Eden screamed, falling onto the ground as he rubbed his sore head that was grazed by his own magic.

“... Agh… Damn. What the heck?” he murmured, dazed. He shook his head, snapping out of his stupor.


“What the hell? Damn, how did people mined these things? Ah, maybe they use pickaxe” Eden said with a frown.

“But I don’t have a pickaxe” he said again, flinching when he heard something dropping to the ground. He looked to where the direction of the sound was and to his surprise, it was a pickaxe. He stood up, going near the tool albeit his lingering confusion which he dismissed almost too quickly.

“Hey~ Lucky~ Found a pickaxe!” Eden laughed happily.

“I have a bad feeling about this” Arthur said, hardly able to keep his nervousness anymore after quite some time walking down the dark tunnel. They would’ve been completely in the dark if not for the light coming from his wand. He noticed that Aediva had been quiet. Too quiet in fact, it was starting to bother him a bit.

“Are you alright? I mean…” Arthur asked only to have the female shushing at him. She turned around with her finger on her lips.

“We’re not alone in this mine. I’ve been hearing a strange noise that’s neither a human nor one of those bed sheet ghosts. As you know, I have no knack for magic or at least that’s what I’ve been told. I can’t understand a lot of things right now so try not to make too much noise” Aediva said, seriously. Arthur looked at the young female who looked like she’s around his age.

“You lost your memories but you don't seem fazed by anything aren’t you?” Arthur said. Aediva sighed.

“Well, I just don’t have that initial feeling of wanting to give a shit about it anyway” she said. Arthur looked at the girl, amused.

“That’s some mental fortitude… But, back to our current situation. I don’t feel that good either. I remembered something that the seniors were talking about regarding a certain monster in the school area…” he said, now turning serious. His emerald orbs looked straight ahead.


“... They said it’s a lair of a dangerous monster. Since the academy is relatively huge, I thought there was other mines around…” Arthur hung his words, noticing that Aediva stopped in her tracks. He imitates her act and to add to their troubles, there was a huge chasm right in front of them. Winds billows from the abyss, their hair and clothing fluttering with the force of the wind.

“... And it’s a wind-element monster…” Arthur said. Aediva looked down the pitch-black chasm.

“Don’t tell me it lives in caves as well?” she guessed idly. Arthur gulped.

“It does…” her companion answered.

“It’s called an ‘Orthrus’…” Arthur said as they both peered into the abyss. Waiting if anything gazes back at them.

Meanwhile for a certain bipedal creature, he only finds himself confused and disorientated. He was just about to drift off to sleep on Aediva’s shoulder when he found himself flung around like a string-less kite. The moment he realized what had transpired, he was back in the forest!

“Nyaa!!! Why am back in this forest?!” Cath shouted, confused. He looked around, ears flat on his head.

“Aediva!!! Where are you???” he shouted, teary-eyed.

“D-don’t leave me out here! What if there's a ghost!!!” he hollered. His tail flopped to the ground as his shoulders dropped.

“Oi!!! Arthur! Eden!!!” trudging the path alone, he shouted for the other three. Unaware of the watching gazes in between the leaves.

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