《Project Frost : Gate of All》11 - Adventure in the Starris Mines (III)


“In the end, we’re dragging one more guy into our little group…” Cath said, hanging from Aediva’s arms that’s wrapping around his small body. Despite Eden’s protest, Arthur’s insistence was almost futile to put down. That sunny little princely student has a knack for persuasion or was it just some simple persistence? Considering their time is burning so quickly, it would explain why they in the end relent.

“Why did you even bother coming along anyway?” Eden grumbled. Arthur shrugged his shoulders, his sword strapped at his waist - something that is eyed by the other Efren Dorm resident.

“And what’s with that sword? You’re in a magic school, not a military school” Eden asked.

“Military school? Is it not the same as magic school?” Aediva asked. Arthur laughed awkwardly.

“No, military school and magic school is not the same. Our syllabus is entirely different. But to answer your question, I was merely practicing. It’ll not be good if my sword skills turned rusty just because I rely on magic. Merl-- My tutor would be angry if he finds out” Arthur explained. Aediva hummed.

“I see. But strange, why are you practicing in the middle of the forest then?” she asked, curious.

“Why do you care anyway? You just said you don’t mind me and that brat become bear’s food!” Cath said, shrieking when feeling Aediva tightened her hug around him.

“You said something, Cath?” she asked.

“Agh!!! Lemme go you cruel girl!” the monster shouted, wriggling out of Aediva’s death hug and opted to walk himself.

“Hm… What a strange creature. I’ve never seen anything like it before. Ah, we’re here.”

As Arthur pointed that they had arrived at their destination, they stopped. Facing them was definitely an entrance mine. The old entrance at the side of the hill, overgrown to the point it was blocking their way in.


“This place was abandoned alright” Aediva commented.

“Agh… Will we even find a damn magic stone here?” Eden wondered.

“Since we’re here, I’m gonna make sure you find it. In case we don’t, how about you tell me where you live? No worries, let’s just say it’s an insurance” Aediva chirped cheerfully. Eden looked at her, wide eyes.

“The hell would you want my address for?!” he asked, freaked out.

“In case I have to drag your bod-- Well, I think your parents might wanna help out with the debt of course” Aediva answered. Cath and Eden screeched, shocked.


“I definitely have not said anything like that. Although your life insurance might also help a bit” Aediva said, mumbling under her breath right after with a smile that sends all the wrong messages to the poor student.

“Yeah, as if that’s gonna happen! You better be a help, you hear me?! If not for your pet here--”

“How many times do I have to say?! I’m not her pet!!!” Cath interjected Eden.

Arthur who was only observing in silence let out a sigh. What a rowdy bunch indeed.

“Are we really going to be alright in this mine…?” for just a moment, Arthur questioned his decision. He looked away.

“Oi, Art--- Artie or whatever your name is! Don’t you back away now!” Eden and Cath shouted when seeing Arthur scooting away. Arthur flinched, a bead of sweat slid off his cheek as the two other male in the group looked at him with suspicious glare.

“H-huh? I-it’s Arthur! And of course… I totally wasn’t trying to leave or anything…” Arthur said, eyes looking everywhere but the three figures in front of him as he gives his princely smile. Aediva smirked, giving a side glance at the young blond.


“He was definitely trying to leave” she giggled knowingly.

Somehow they had Arthur roped into their little search-the-magic-stone mission and he surely was not thrilled at all as they walked deeper into the mine. The sound of water dropping, stone subtly cracking and pebbles being kicked around. Anyone would be scared if they had to go there alone. Eden and Arthur looked around diligently and alerted. Cath clinging to Aediva who was with a poker face as she looked around.

After quite some time walking, they were met with tunnels branching away from where they are.

“Huh… This mine is really dried up…” Cath complained tiredly despite not even walking on his two hind legs. Aediva crossed her arms, looking around to find abandoned pickaxes and even ropes. She took hold of a pickaxe and grabbed a coil of rope.

“Oh? What are you doing, Aediva?” Eden asked.

“Isn’t this what we need to mine something? I had the instinct that we might need this” Aediva said idly as she inspected the old rope. Eden scratched the back of his head. Arthur looked around and ended up going to the pickaxe pile where Aediva is as well to inspect the tools.

“These pickaxes and ropes have been left here for a long time. That said, we are already half an hour inside the mine without any proper safety equipment at all. Isn’t it a little too late for a little equipment hunting?” Arthur said.

“Better have something than nothing at all” Aediva said, looking at her back and finding that one of their group members is nowhere within her vicinity. She straightened up and looked around with a panicked expression on her face - an act that was soon understood by Arthur who also noticed that Eden had gone missing.

“Oi, Cath. Did you see where--- Cath?” Aediva quickly asked the monster but she then found out that the monster had gone missing too.

“...?! You’re joking” Aediva gasped. Arthur looked at the sole female left with him, worried.

“Did they just walked around on their own?!” Arthur asked. Aediva clicked her tongue.

“And I’m not hearing any noises from them either” the silver-eyed girl said.

“Dammit. If anything happens to that kid, I’d be in even more trouble. He hasn't told me his address!” Aediva said, panicked. Arthur looked at the young female with a bewildered look.

“Excuse me?”

“C’mon Arthur! We have to search for Eden. No need to split up. Unless you tell me your address right now then I might consider letting you go alone” Aediva said.

“Huh?! Wait, why would you need my addre--- No wait, What about Cath? Eh? What? Don’t pull me!” Arthur exclaimed as Aediva pulled his arm and dragged him with such ease that it baffled the confused student more. This female is a lot weirder than he thought she is!

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