《Project Frost : Gate of All》10 - Adventure in the Starris Mines (II)


How on earth did she come up with that statement? Someone was in front of them? But he saw nothing but a dense shrubbery right ahead of them. Looking at Aediva’s serious look, she must not be kidding. So they walked closer towards the bushes and to their surprise (minus Aediva), there was actually someone there. And by the looks of it, the mysterious figure was an unknown boy who seems to be practicing with a sword?

Their stealth would’ve worked if not for Cath falling from Aediva’s head to the bushes right in front of them - effectively blowing their cover as it alerted the male with an actual sword.

“Hm? Who’s there?!” the young man shouted, pointing his sword at Cath who immediately raised his paws where the stranger can see them, in a fit of fear. Upon realization, the young man with slightly messy honey blond hair lowers his sword and he blinks his beautiful green eyes that looks like shimmering emerald gems.

“Oh. It’s that little monster that set fire during the ceremony. Why are you out here alone?” the young swordsman asked. Cath blinks.

“I assume you’re not here alone? But why are you here?” he asked again when noticing a movement from the bushes and he almost jumped when seeing a certain black-haired boy running out of the bushes with a terrified scream with something coiling around his neck which he was trying to get off himself.

“Uwaaa!!! What the hell is this!? Help me!” Eden screamed. The blond male turned equally panicked, raised his sword and at that moment, Eden screamed in horror - continued to run off as the swordsman chased after him with a worried expression.

“Wait! Stop moving! I can’t help you otherwise!” the blond said.

“LIKE HELL I’M STAYING PUT! YOU’RE GONNA CUT ME WITH THAT DAMN SWORD!” Eden retorted, thoroughly scared. The blond swordsman gasped as if offended.

“I’m not going to cut you! Don’t make this any harder for me!” he said.


“THAT VERY WORDS IS NOT MAKING IT ANY BETTER!” Eden screamed. Aediva who had long stood up from the bushes only looked with a disbelieved look on her face at the two old and new monkeys running in circles. Cath blinked, still pretty much frozen in place until Aediva grabbed him and walked out towards the rowdy boys and she merely waited at the side when Eden passed him. With a bored face, she nabbed the Efren Dorm student’s back collar and he froze as she lifted him with ease facing the blond stranger.


“You diiot-----”

The sword slashed the coiling white vein around Eden’s neck and Aediva kicked the blond away before he stabbed her with the sword that later flew from his grip. The blond male flew off quite far from Aediva nonchalant kick and Eden flopped to the ground - face completely pale.

“I think we’re not getting anywhere with the rate of how we’re doing things…” Aediva sighed.

“I… apologized. I truly do. I was not exactly thinking when he suddenly came out of the bushes with something that looked like a snake around his neck” said the young swordsman. Eden let out an exasperated sigh, glaring at Aediva who looked away from his general direction.

“Yeah yeah whatever. Huh… At this point, forget finding the stone. We wasted time trying to find this ‘Starris Mine’. I feel like we’ve been walking around the same place since earlier” Eden complained, already quite prepared to give up and let himself be expelled.

“Starris Mine? Ah… That abandoned mine? I can show you the way there” the blond said. Both Eden and Cath perked up - leaving Aediva who still looked impassive if not bored at that point.

“Really?! Then show us that mine right now!” Cath said. Eden glanced at the monster, crossing his arms.

“Wait, why are you the one who’s excited? It’s not you who have to find that stone. I mean, you’re not the one getting expelled…” Eden said, quickly mumbling under his breath at the last sentence. Cath grinned.


“Well, if there’s a lot of magic stones. I can sell it and buy off more canned fish!” the monster hummed. Aediva shook her head.

“I have the feeling that I’ll be saying this a lot from now on. Cath, our debt will take 1400 years to pay off even with our full yearly wage. Do you think you have the expenses to buy something like canned fish?” Aediva said with a low voice. Cath flinched, jumping off Aediva’s shoulder and hiding behind the blond’s legs.

“I-It’s you who took on that brat’s debt! I bet he can pay it himself and you just had to run that mouth of yours!” Cath said, bravely. Cold bead of sweat ran down the blond male’s cheek.

“Could you say that without hiding behind my legs?” he murmured. His emerald green eyes looked at Eden and Aediva, curiosity gnawing at him.

“And you’re searching for a magic stone? I believe the mine has depleted long ago. And what’s this about a debt? Ah, of course. You don’t have to tell me if it doesn’t concern me” he asked. Eden raised his eyebrow.

“... You… Man, you’re really speaking formally. Feels kinda weird. It’s like speaking to a damn royalty or something” Eden said.

“Well, it’s probably fair we share a bit about it. It’s probably not a secret anymore by tomorrow” Aediva said, explaining the whole situation right after. While listening, the blond nodded and he couldn’t hide the look of pure bewilderment at the story.

“I… see… Destroying the cafeteria, huh? That’s quite… something, I guess” unsure of what to say and how to react, the blond mumbled.

“Well, honestly I just don’t want this kid to be stuck in the mine if it collapses or something. I really don’t care if he gets that stone or not” Aediva said, pointing at Eden who looked at her shocked.

“Who the hell are you calling ‘kid’? You hardly look any longer than us, ya know!” Eden exclaimed. Aediva blinked.

“Well… Am I? Well, I lost my memories so I don’t exactly know my actual age…” Aediva said, slightly embarrassed. Cath cackled.

“You’re probably an old woman stuck in a youthful girl’s body. Heh” Cath said, smug. A smile tugged at Aediva’s lips.

“Ho? You wanna try saying that again? Without hiding behind that young man?” Aediva asked. Cath shrieked silently.

“That said, who are you anyway?” Eden asked.

“... Oh” the blond looked surprised.

“I thought you would know me since we’re in the same class” he said, unknowingly jabbing a figurative spear at the young raven who immediately looked troubled. The handsome young man with blond hair and emerald green eyes chuckled.

“Allow me to introduce myself then. I’m Arthur. Arthur Briville. A first year student from Efren Dorm. An honor to make your acquaintance” finally he introduced himself with a bow to the baffled Eden and Aediva.

“Whoa. That’s…”

“Way too formal” Eden and Aediva commented.

“Eh?!” Arthur gasped, shocked.

“Since you already know this guy. I guess I’m gonna introduce myself and that thing over there” Aediva said, pointing at Cath.

“You can call me Aediva. And that’s Cath. And we’re leaving. Can you show us the direction of the mine?” Aediva said flatly. Arthur blinked at the silver-eyed maiden.

“Uh… Wait” he said, snapping himself out of his stupor.

“Actually, I wish to venture into the mine with you” he said. Aediva and Eden looked at Arthur with wide eyes.


Arthur smiled and almost everything seemed a little too blinding. Eden and Aediva squint their eyes.

“I will accompany you” he said firmly.

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